Ground covers & vines
Celastrus scandens
American Bittersweet 30' tall, can be very vigorous -Moderate growth rate -Twining vine (wraps itself around trees) -Does flower -Leaves are ovate -Alternate leaf pattern -Leaves have a toothed margin; can be up to 4" long -Grows in shade & part-shade -Fruit is a capsule w/3 chambers -Fruit is orange, seed is red -Hardy to zone 3 (Cold-tolerant)
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Boston Ivy 60' tall & 30' spread -Climbing vine -Attaches by using "sticky pads" -Slow growth rate until established -Leaves have 3 lobes; palmately compound -Leaf veins are NOT white** -Deciduous vine (Green leaves in summer, red/orange in fall, then fall off) -Form a grape-like berry in fall -Hardy to zone 5 -Tolerant of most soils -Will grow in sun or shade -Will tolerate open exposure -Can be difficult to establish, but accent large buildings well
Clematis species
Clematis -Climbing vine or variably height & spread -Needs support for climbing -Vine will twine itself -Leaves can be simple or compound -Leaf margins can be toothed, lobed, or entire -Flowers can be various colors (white, pink, magenta & purple are the most common); very striking -Flower can occur in clusters or singles -Flower center develops into the fruit -Flower from spring to fall; in 3 week increments -Fruit develops in fall -Roots like to be shaded; top likes to be in full sun -Hardy to zone 4 (most of them, be sure to check)
Hydrangea anomala petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea 50' tall & 30' spread -Climbing vine -Moderate growth rate -Sends out rootlets -Considered best vine; most well-behaved -Has a yellow fall color -Buds are brown & elongated when mature; ovate when young -Leaves are heart-shaped; up to 4" -Leaves are typically glossy -Leaves have a serrated margin -Flower is an elongated cluster w/a single flower at the tip -Flowers in July -Bark has a reddish tinge; exfoliates -Has both fertile & sterile flowers -Low maintenance level -Will grow in sun or shade -Slow to establish
Hedera helix
English Ivy 5-6" tall / can climb up to 40' tall -Moderate growth rate -Juvenile leaves have 3-5 lobes; triangular in shape -Leaf veins are white -Can be very invasive in brick mortar along houses -Mature leaf is heart shaped w/no lobes -Will develop a black berry in fall -Adaptable to most soils, but does better w/winter protection
Vinca minor
Periwinkle 6" tall & 2' spread -Forms a short ground cover -Moderate growth rate -Develops little periwinkle flowers -Flower are typically purple or blue -Leaves are oval in shape; up to 2" long -Opposite leaf pattern -Flower in May; last a few weeks then die -Hardy to zone 4 -Tolerant to most soils -Thrives in deep shade -Keep contained; invasive forest species -Low maintenance level
Campsis radicans
Trumpet Vine 30' tall & 30' spread -Rapid growth rate -Leaf is pinnately compound -Leaflets are serrated almost to the point of having lobes -Leaves can be up to 8-10" long -Flowers are trumpet-shaped -Flowers are usually orange; yellow cultivar -Flower July-August -Forms a thick, woody vine -Hardy to zone 4