Group 1 - Chapter 20: Section 20.1-20.3 - Antimicrobial Drugs HW by Michaela Morales

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B ) broad spectrum

A chemical that kills gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria would best be described as __________. A ) narrow spectrum B ) broad spectrum C ) specific D ) selectively toxic

B ) superinfection

A disadvantage of using broad-spectrum antibiotics for treating bacterial infections is the potential for __________. A ) diseases B ) superinfection C ) synergism D ) infections

A ) eukaryotic plasma membranes

A drug that binds with sterols would injure __________. A ) eukaryotic plasma membranes B ) DNA C ) fungal cell walls D ) bacterial cell walls

D ) antibacterial

A drug that inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis is __________. A ) antifungal B ) antiprotozoan C ) antiviral D ) antibacterial

B ) gram-positive bacteria

An antimicrobial drug that inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis is most likely to be effective against __________. A ) protozoan parasites B ) gram-positive bacteria C ) viruses D ) gram-negative bacteria E ) fungi

A ) Bacteria are prokaryotic.

Bacterial infections are easier to treat using chemotherapy than are other types of infections caused by other types of microorganisms. Why? A ) Bacteria are prokaryotic. B ) Bacteria are more sensitive to chemicals. C ) Bacteria are smaller than the other types of pathogens. D ) Bacteria grow more slowly.

D ) Mefloquine

Chloroquine-resistant malaria may be treated with __________. A ) Tinidazole B ) Metronidazole C ) Quanicrine D ) Mefloquine

B ) translation in prokaryotes

Clindamycin binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit to inhibit translocation. This antibiotic stops __________. A ) transcription in eukaryotes B ) translation in prokaryotes C ) DNA synthesis in eukaryotes D ) transcription in prokaryotes

C ) Isoniazid

Which antimicrobial works by inhibiting the synthesis of mycolic acid? A ) Penicillin B ) Methicillin C ) Isoniazid D ) Chloramphenicol E ) Vancomycin

D ) Streptomycin

Which of the following antibiotics inhibits protein synthesis? A ) Isoniazid B ) Rifampin C ) Cephalosporin D ) Streptomycin E ) Vancomycin

D ) Sulfa drugs cause production of antimetabolites.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the selective toxicity of sulfa drugs? A ) Sulfa drugs inhibit a bacterial enzyme. B ) Bacteria must synthesize folic acid. C ) Humans get folic acid from their diet; they do not synthesize it. D ) Sulfa drugs cause production of antimetabolites.

B ) Ivermectin

Which of the following is an antihelminthic drug that causes paralysis of the worm? A ) Niclosamide B ) Ivermectin C ) Mebendazole D ) Praziquantel

B ) Inhibit ergosterol synthesis

Which of the following mechanisms is antifungal? A ) Inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis B ) Inhibit ergosterol synthesis C ) Cause muscle spasms D ) Interfere with anaerobic metabolism E ) Inhibit 70S ribosomes

A ) Most of our antibiotics are produced by Streptomyces, a genus of filamentous soil bacteria.

Which of the following statements about antibiotics is true? A ) Most of our antibiotics are produced by Streptomyces, a genus of filamentous soil bacteria. B ) Antibiotics are not typically produced by microorganisms growing in their natural environments. C ) The finding of antibiotic-producing microorganisms is a rare event. D ) Penicillin was first discovered by two researchers named Florey and Chain.

A ) They may be caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Which of the following statements is true about superinfections? A ) They may be caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. B ) They occur only in people who have immunodeficiencies. C ) They inhibit protein synthesis. D ) They are caused by endospore-forming bacteria.

B ) The correct answer cannot be determined from the information provided.

You are reviewing the following results of a disk- diffusion antibiotic susceptibility test on an isolate of Staphylococcus aureus: Antibiotic A: ZI (zone of inhibition) = 0 millimeters Antibiotic B: ZI = 23 millimeters > Antibiotic C: ZI = 16 millimeters Antibiotic D: ZI = 19 millimeters Which antibiotic is bactericidal? A ) Antibiotic C B ) The correct answer cannot be determined from the information provided. C ) Antibiotic D D ) Antibiotic A E ) Antibiotic B

C ) Alexander Fleming

__________ discovered penicillin and the first clinical trials in 1940 demonstrated its effectiveness as a chemotherapeutic agent. A ) Robert Koch B ) Louis Pasteur C ) Alexander Fleming

A ) Antibiotics

__________are substances that inhibit other microorganisms and are produced by bacteria and fungi. A ) Antibiotics B ) polyenes C ) sulfa drugs D ) protease inhibitors

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