GSCI-037-S003: Eighth-Grade Science, Part 2 (Online) Review Quiz 1 and Review Quiz 2

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What is the primary composition of continental crust?


Over millions of years, a small stream can form a canyon. What is this process called?

gully erosion

Continental crusts have which three basic parts?

shields, stable platforms, and folded mountain belts

Which type of fault is caused by compression forces?


Which type of fault usually occurs along transform fault plate boundaries?


If the rock layers have not been overturned, which principle can we use to relatively determine the age of the rocks?


Which process best describes the formation of new species?

Within one species, the two distinct kinds within it stop breeding together and breed only with their own kind.

What word means the change of state from a gas to a liquid?


When you see clouds forming in the sky, the water above you is forming droplets in what stage of the water cycle?


Which of the following events occurs when the sun is directly above Earth's equator?


Generally speaking, the rock layers of folded mountain belts are made of severely deformed rocks. Why?

Extreme pressure reshaped the rocks that were originally horizontal.

Carbon can only have two half-lives before all the carbon has decayed.


Fossils in a rock layer are used to determine relative age in which principle of relative dating?

Faunal Succession

Which of the following is a characteristic of a stratovolcano?

alternating violent and non-violent explosions

Which of the following planets is closest to Earth?


What is formed when magma squeezes into a horizontal crack and hardens?

A Sill

What is likely happening when cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds are forming and thunderstorms are beginning?

A cold front

What word means the change of state from liquid to a gas?


Sedimentary rocks are able to change into metamorphic and igneous rock through the rock cycle.


Two minerals can have the same composition but different arrangements.


You buy a necklace from a jewelry store and want to know if the diamond is real. You scrape the stone with a piece of glass and a scratch appears on it. Using what you know from the Mohs Hardness Scale, what conclusion could you draw from this test?

A diamond could not be scratched by glass; the diamond is a fake.

If a volcano is found in the middle of a plate, what is it formed by?

A hot spot

What is the name of the mound of material deposited in front of a glacier?

A moraine

Yosemite National Park is on a large rock body formed when magma cooled below the crust. What is the rock body called?


Southern California has been the site of many earthquakes. If you consulted a tectonic map (one showing plate boundaries), what would you expect to find?

California is the site of two plates sliding past one another.

Some plant roots produce an acid that can erode rocks. What type of weathering is this?


A volcano that spews ash and lava for miles would occur at which type of boundary?


How does crop rotation help to slow soil depletion?

Different crops use and add different nutrients to be used in the soil.

Which of the following factors is responsible for the strength of gravitational attraction between a planet and the sun?

Distance between the planet and the sun

At what type of boundary would a nonexplosive volcano be most likely to occur?


Why would summer days in North America likely be hotter than winter days?

Earth's northern axis is tilted towards the sun in the summer

Why is coal not considered a mineral?

Good answer: It is formed from the remains of plants, so it is organic. BYU Answer: It is made of dead plant material.

Ice has formed in the cracks in the sidewalk in front of your house. As spring approaches, the freezing and thawing of the water makes these cracks larger. What is this process called?

Ice wedging

What forms when magma cools in the crust before reaching the surface?

Intrusive rock bodies

This layer, based on physical properties, is broken into several large fragments and is about 100 km thick.


Which of the following is a compositional layer that is 82 percent of Earth's volume?


Which of the following planets is NOT a Jovian planet?


Which type of weathering do rocks undergo when they are broken into sand in a river?


What is the correct order of the planets in our solar system, from closest to the sun to farthest from the sun?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Mount Everest and neighboring mountains have been growing about two inches per year. If you consulted a tectonic map (one showing plate boundaries), what would you expect to find?

Mount Everest is the site of convergent continental plates.

Which of the following does not support the idea of continental drift?

Mountain ranges on many continents

What is Earth's core made of?

Nickel and iron

On a hike, your guide tells you that the V-shaped valley was made by glaciers. Is your guide right?

No. Rivers form the V-shape as they run down.

Ethan lives in Carson City, Nevada; its elevation is 4,802 feet above sea level. Olivia lives in Savannah, Georgia; its elevation is 49 feet above sea level. Ethan thinks there is more atmospheric pressure where he lives than where Olivia lives. Is he right?

No. There is more atmospheric pressure at lower elevations.

What factor determines the length of an Earth day?

One earth rotation

Which sequence correctly lists the relative sizes in astronomy from smallest to largest?

Our solar system, milky way galaxy, universe

In the stratosphere there is a layer that filters ultraviolet (UV) rays. What is that layer called?


Which type of wave travels the fastest?

P waves

Which direction do particles move in a secondary wave?

Perpendicular to the direction the wave travels

What is the name of the process of minerals moving down through the horizons?


In the history of Earth, which time frame includes today?


Which of the following would you expect to find in the thermosphere?

Satellites and meteor trails

Loose materials can be compacted and "glued" together to form this kind of rock.


What is the source of energy for all parts of the water cycle?

The Sun

What energy source provides plate tectonics with the energy to move?

The center of the Earth

Which of the following is a characteristic that identifies an index fossil?

The fossils are common, lived for many years during a specific time period, and are well preserved.

How does X-ray diffraction help mineralogists identify a mineral?

The light splits and the scattered light particles help identify it.

Which statement explains the law of superposition?

The oldest rocks in the sedimentary sequence will be on the bottom.

What causes the angle of the sun's rays to change on Earth during the year?

The tilt of earth's axis

Compared to the terrestrial planets, what is true of the Jovian planets?

They are larger and have lower densities

Why do S waves stop when they reach Earth's liquid outer core?

They cannot travel through liquid.

When two continental plates with the same density collide at a convergent plate boundary, what happens?

They push into each other and form mountains.

The Martins want to buy a house in an area that has experienced many little tremors over the past few years. They are worried that the tremors are signs of a major earthquake in the future. Do the tremors increase or decrease the chances of an earthquake in the future?

They would increase it, because the tremors indicate that the rocks are under stress and will soon release it.

While walking, you accidentally step into wet cement. Your shoe print is now pressed into the sidewalk. Which type of fossil is formed in a similar way?

Trace fossils

Earthquakes are attributed to what?

Transform fault boundaries

In which layer of the atmosphere are 75 percent of all gases collected?


How are subduction zones often formed?

Two ocean plates collide, forcing one plate into the mantle.

Which term names the continuous movement of water through Earth's environment?

Water cycle

Warm air is rising rapidly and winds from a thunderstorm are beginning to *blow violently from different directions.* What is likely happening?

a tornado

What is oceanic crust made of?


When a leaf is buried under other leaves and is under pressure and heat, which type of fossil will it form?

carbonaceous film

Which type of cloud would you expect to see high in the sky on a sunny day?


Absolute dating uses the relationship of one rock layer to another to determine the exact age of the formation.


Earthquakes only happen along plate boundaries.


When an item is petrified, the original object is preserved inside a mineralized exterior.


Wind does not cause much erosion because sediment and rocks are too heavy to be moved by it.


Where do P and S waves originate


When shale is under extreme pressure, the minerals flatten to form slate. What type of rock is slate?


If a species has two distinct kinds within it, eventually those two distinct kinds stop breeding with one another and breed only with themselves. What is the effect of this process?

formation of a new species

What is the name of the technique that is used to separate minerals by using chemical solvents?


Fossils provide a record of what?


Large craters found on Earth support which hypothesis?

mass extinctions of life-forms and global climate changes

What is the innermost part of the mantle called?


What principle explains the survival of a moth that is more like the color of a tree than another moth?

nAtUrAl sElEcTiOn

Which type of fault usually occurs at a divergent plate boundary?


The majority of Earth's crust is what type of crust?


Compared to oceanic crust, what is the age of continental crust?

older than oceanic crust

Chalk is an example of which type of rock?


What is the name of the idea that rivers could erode land thousands of years ago *as well as they can today?*


Which of the following is an opening in a volcano where lava comes out?


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