Guided Reading Questions: The Stranger

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Describe Meursault's dream-like experience. What is happening?

The dream seems to be about someone dying.

What opportunity does Meursault's boss offer?

A job at the office in Paris, Meursault was indifferent to it; he didn't want to change he has no goals or ambition

What's the BIG question the magistrate finally asks Meursault?

Does he believe in God?

What prompts Raymond to beat his girlfriend "till she bled"?

He believes that she cheated on him.

Meursault reveals the key to his character/personality. What is this?

He didn't feel remorse for what he had done.

What happens to Salamano's dog?

He disappeared. He may have escaped from his collar.

What has happened to Meursault?

He is arrested.

What is your opinion on Meursault's compulsion to wash his hands?

He likes to dry his hands on the clean clothes.

When Celeste, the fourth witness, is called to testify, how does he show support for Meursault?

He states that it was bad luck, but argues that Meurasult is a good friend.

After Meursault arranges for his mother to live in a nursing home, why does he visit her so infrequently?

He thought it was a waste of time and his Sunday (his day of relaxation) and she would always cry. He also felt that is was a waste of money to get a long bus ride ticket.

Does Meursault feel like he has anything to say to defend himself?

He wants to say stuff, bu the lawyer told him not to and he didn't really know what to say.

How do you know if Meursault is upset or calm about what happens?

He was calm, not reacting; he ate all of the food

What is Thomas Perez's relationship with Maman?

He was considered her fiancé.

What does Meursault do for Raymond to have Ray say, "Now you're a pal, Meursault"?

He writes the letter to Raymond's woman.

Meursault says, "I thought about it for a minute and said that more than sorry I felt kind of annoyed". Does Meursault have a conscience? Why or why not?

I think he does, but he fails to bring out his true feelings every time he wants to say something. He just pauses as if he thought about something and then decided to not go with it.

What is Meursault's pessimistic view on life and living?

Life isn't worth living. We're all going to die so when and how doesn't matter.

Does Meursault have faith that his attorney will convince the jury of his innocence?

No, lawyer seemed defeated and ridiculous to him

What happens to Raymond?

Raymond's arm was cut open and his mouth was slashed.

Who is Masson? How often is he here?

Raymond's friend; spends weekends and holidays there

What is symbolic about Meursault's statement, "The blazing sand looked red to me now"?

Red = Death (foreshadowing)

During a brief discussion between Salamano and Meursault, what new information does Salamano convey about Meursault's Maman?

Salmon said Maman was fond of the dog and people thought of Meursault badly for sending his mom to the home.

What ethnicity is Marie?

She's french, like Meursault.

What is meant by "it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness"? Explain briefly.

Shooting four more times was unecessary. If you have already knocked them out, then you're just causing more trouble.

Later, Meursault returns to the beach by himself. Camus uses symbolism when he states, " There was the same dazzling red glare," and "With every blade of light...". In your opinion, what is being inferred?

Someone is about to die.

Why don't the Arabs react to this discussion unfolding directly in front of them?

They don't react because they slowly want to escape.

When leaving for the beach, whom do Ray, Meursault, and Marie see across the street?

a group of Arabs

Who is Salamano? Explain his relationship with his pet. Do you think Salamano cares about its health care?

his neighbor; he has a love-hate relationship with the dog; yes because he rubs cream on the dog and takes the dog on walks

Who is Raymond Sintes? What is "the word around the neighborhood" regarding Raymond?

his neighbor; he lives off of omen

How do they reach in the church? How long does it take? How is the casket transported?

They walked to the church for about forty-five minutes. The casket was transported by the undertakers.

What occurs to "shatter the harmony" of Meursault's day?

When Meursault shoots the Arab

What is "the trouble with the guillotine"?

You have no chance of surviving.

Does Meursault give an explanation for wanting/not wanting to see the open casket? Why would someone respond in this way? In your opinion, is this normal behavior? Explain.

He didn't want to see the casket because he felt like there was no reason for him to see his mother. No, this is not normal behavior because he wasn't given a last and final chance to say goodbye. An open casket funeral is a Christian funeral and Meursault did not consider his mother to be religious.

Why does Meursault wish hat a large crowd of spectators greet him with cries of hate at his execution?

He doesn't want to die alone.

How does Salamano react?

He was sad. He was worried and he cried. He is lonely without the dog.

Explain what Meursault means when he says, "it was back to my cell... sleep of the innocent".

He went back to his cell like it was normal.

How does the prosecutor attempt to prove that Meursault has no conscience?

He went with Marie to see a comedy the day after the funeral.

What question does attorney feel compelled to ask?

His feelings concerning his mother's death

What does the priest mean when he says, "your heart is blind"?

His heart cannot see or feel the love from others and he cannot love feelings free to live.

What can't Meursault return Marie's smile in the courtroom?

His heart felt nothing.

What does Meursault mean when he says, "It occurred to me... really, nothing had changed"?

His life went on as usual. The narrator has been through what should seem to be a life-changing experience. However, he notches the same city dong the same things and he has fallen back into his same routine.

Is Meursault a religious person? How do you know?

No, he refuses to see the Chaplain.

In your opinion, is Meursault's behavior normal regarding his job and his girlfriend? Why/why not?

No, most people would react more instead of being indifferent.

In your opinion, does Meursault feel complimented when referred to as Monsier Antichrist?

Not so much complimented but welcomed

Why is it odd that Madam Meursault desired a religious burial?

She wasn't a religious person.

On the second trip to the beach, where do the three men find the two Arabs?

Behind a rock, near a spring

Why does Meursault feel threatened and consequently pull out a gun?

The Arab drew his knife towards Meursault.

What two places does Salamano check for his missing dog?

The Pound and the Police Station

The magistrate becomes frustrated with Meursault. What does he retrieve from his filing cabinet?

a silver crucifix

Meursault shows no respect for religion or the priest. Give one example of this.

"I insulted him" (120) or "I grabbed him by the collar of his cassock"

Briefly describe Meursault's prison cell. Is this what he had expected?

First: biggish room with others Later: bed hanging from wall; latrine bucket; tinbasin; window

What is ironic about this when compared to how Meursault originally got into his predicament?

He doesn't want to die, but he kept saying we all die sooner or later.

In your opinion, offer an explanation for why Meursault takes a "flying leap" onto a truck with Emmanuel.

He doesn't want to think and just wants to avoid confrontation.

Where/who does Ray invite to spend Sunday together?

He invites Meursault and Marie to his friends Masson's house.

What explanation can you offer as to why Meursault follows the woman from Celeste's?

He is curious. He is wondering what the purpose is of what she's doing.

What is Meursault's first impression of the jury?

He is sitting across rom them on a streetcar and the anonymous passengers were looking over the new arrival.

What is Meursault's sentence? In your opinion, is his reaction normal?

He is to be decapitated. He was very calm, which was unusual.

How has Salamano's loss brought out his humanitarianism? Give one example.

He knows how loss feels. He understands why Meursault sent Maman to the home.

What does Meursault choose to do on Sunday? What does this demonstrate about his character/personality?

He stays in bed until noon. Then, he spend his afternoon in the balcony. He smokes, eats, and watches cars and people pass by on the street. He buys food, then cooks dinner and thinks about another Sunday passing. Sundays are a day of relaxing and a day for family, but Meursault hates Sundays because he has no family or emotions to enjoy the day.

What explanation does Meursault give regarding his "nature"?

His physical needs often got in the way of his feelings

When Meursault encounters the lone Arab, he is once again overcome by the sun's heat. What event does the heat force him to recall?

Maman's funeral

Who is Meursault's first visitor?


Who does Meursault meet the day after his mother is buried?

Marie Cardona

What offer does Marie propose?

Marie asks Meursault if he would marry her.

In your opinion, does Meursault believe that his crime was premeditated?

No he blames the murder on the sun

Is he taking his circumstances seriously? Give an example.

No, he even adits to not taking it seriously and he didn't hire a lawyer.

Do the Arabs seem frightened by the approach? Why/why not?

No, they thought that they had defeated them

According to Meursault, why is witnessing an execution so important?

One would know what to expect and possibly find a way to get out of it

Where is the caretaker from? His age?

The caretaker is from Paris and he is sixty-four years old.

When Meursault's situation finally "sinks in", what are the two things he always thinks about?

The dawn and his appeal

Who are the eight witnesses that will testify at Meursault's trial?

The director and caretaker of the home, Thomas Perez, Raymond, Masson, Salamano, Marie, and Celeste

What are three of Meursault's last thoughts of the burial?

The earth pattern on Maman's coffin, the villagers and the church and the old boy's face

What hint is the reader given as to where Meursault lives?

The hint is that he lives in a warm place, by the coast. Maybe he lives in the city.

What prompts Raymond's fight with "the man"?

The man called him yellow.

What is the purpose of holding a vigil? How long does it last?

The purpose of a vigil is fro people to pay respects to the deceased. The vigil lasts for one day and one night. A vigil is the inability to sleep. It lasts all night before a religious feast, or to pray.

What does the reference to "a soldier" tell you about the time period of the story?

There were many wars going on during the time period.

What clues is the reader given to show that the Algerian court system is different than the US judicial system?

They have three judges with different colored robes.

What do Meursault and Marie hear coming from Raymond's room? What is happening?

They heard the woman's shrill voice and thenRaymond accusing her of using him. Then, they heard some thuds. Raymond was beating her.

A previoys incident occurred between the caretaker and Meursault, which is briefly discussed during the trial. This leads to Camus' title of the novel. What is the incident?

They smoke and drink coffee. He was a stranger to society.

Meursault states that having "a memory" is "an advantage". Briefly explain.

Thinking through memories passes the time.

Who do the three men see on the beach?

Two Arabs

In the last few paragraphs, how does Meursault finally relate to Maman?

feeling free to live

How many times did Meursault fire his revolver?

five times

What penalty does the prosecutor ask of the jury?

for him to die (decapitation)

When they first arrive at their destination, what do Marie, Meursault, and Masson embark upon?

going to the beach to swim

Describe Marie's mood during the visit.


What does Raymond consider doing to the Arabs?

shooting them

Camus compares Meursault's mother's funeral to nights in prison. Is there a connection between the two?

sleeping/trapped/waiting for it to be over; Both cases leave him alone in the end

In a sense, what item was more difficult for Meursault to lose than his freedom?

smoking and women; doing what he wanted, when he wanted to do it

What is the prosecutor implying when he questions Raymond (refers to "chance" numerous times)?

that is wasn't chance and that is was premeditated

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