(H) English III Semester 1 Final

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T/F the earliest Greek performances probably consisted of a singer in a goat skin chanting a poem


T/F the realm of forms is the only source of true knowledge for Plato


T/F women did not perform in Greek classical theater


t/F plato wrote dialogues


The above passage refers to an offence against a divine power. What crime has been committed against the palladium

Ulysses had touched the statue with blood on his hands when he stole it from the sanctuary

In Sinon's story told to the Trojans, who brings about the death of Palamedes through false accusations?



favorable; fortunate, conductive to success

T/F The academy that Plato founded was the first European university


T/F The socratic problem arises from the fact that Socrates wrote nothing


T/F Under Queen Elizabeth I, England defeated the Spanish navy


T/F Usually, once the chorus entered the performance, it did not exit until the end of the play


T/F at the time of his assasination, Caesar had been made a dictator for life


T/F before becoming King of England, James I was the King of Scotland


T/F the Republic records Socrates quest to define justice




first person

"I" and "Me" standpoint. Personal perspective.

Which of the following lines contains a pun?

"Truly ,sir, all that I live by is with awl"

Which two words does Antony keep repeating in his oration?

"ambitious" and "honorable"


(adj.) inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good and proper


(adj.) showing no feeling or emotion; inanimate; motionless

static character

A character that does not change from the beginning of the story to the end

round character

A character who demonstrates some complexity and who develops or changes in the course of a work, fully developed

flat character

A character who embodies a single quality and who does not develop in the course of a story

dynamic character

A character who grows, learns, or changes as a result of the story's action


A comparison using "like" or "as"


A comparison without using like or as


A face or facial expression

verbal irony

A figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant, sarcasm


A figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love.


A form of understatement that involves making an affirmative point by denying its opposite


A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds


A method of narration in which present action is temporarily interrupted so that the reader can witness past events


A narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances.

epic simile

A simile developed over several lines of verse, esp. one used in an epic poem.


A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.


A writer's or speaker's choice of words

In the trojan war, which of the following fights on the side of the Greeks?


Virgil's major themes in the Aeneid include all of the following except

Aeneas' unwillingness to follow the directions of the gods

situational irony

An outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears./ I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him./ The evil that men do lives after them,/ the good is oft interred with their bones./ So let it be with Caesar."


"He shall not live. Look, with a spot I damn him./ But, Lepidus, go you to Caesar's house./ Fetch the will hither, and we shall determine/ How to cut off some charge in legacies


"This was the noblest Roman of them all./ All conspirators, save only he,/ Did that they envy of great Caesar./ He only, in a general honest thought/ And common good to all, made one of them."


Which of the following is not considered one of the Greatest Greek tragic playwrights?


When we first see Brutus, he appears to be

At war with himself

Based on this same passage, which god or goddess was supposed to have been appeased by the offering that is made?


The goddess of wisdom and war; she was also the patroness of Athens to whom the temple at the top of the acropolis was dedicated


Eventually taking power after the assassination of Julius Caesar, this man became the first emperor of Rome


In order to make the trojans believe that the Greeks had returned home, they had to hide their ships from view but keep them close enough for a quick return. Where did the Greek fleet hide?

Behind the island of Tenedos

"....Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more"


"Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers"


"No, not an oath...If these be motives weak, break off betimes,/And every man hence to his idle bed."


What is the most significant difference between the two funeral orations?

Brutus is rational; Antony is fiery and emotional

Brutus reasons that Antony should be allowed to speak at Caesar's funeral because

Brutus will speak first to give the reasons for casesar's death, the people will view the conspirators as noble by allowing Caesar's friend to speak, antony will be instructed to say nothing bad about the conspirators

"Cowards die many times before their deaths,/ The valiant never taste of death but once."


"I must prevent thee, Cimber./ These couchings and these lowly courtesies/ Might fire the blood of ordinary men/And turn preordinance and first decree/ into the law of children..."


"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look"


That Caesar falls in death at the base of Pompey's statue is ironic because...

Caesar had to come to power by defeating Pompey

Cassius says of Caesar "And when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake.'Tis true, this god did shake" Cassius' purpose here is to explain why:

Caesar should not be king

Sinon's trickery goes on to include the seer Calchas. What role does Calchas play?

Calchas names Sinon as the one to be sacrificed for a safe return of the Greek fleet

With the words "Speak hands for me!", this person is the first to stab Caesar


"And since you know you cannot see yourself/so well as by reflection, I your glass/ Will modestly discover to yourself/ That of yourself which you yet know not of"


Brutus disagrees with Cassius on some of the details about the conspiracy. All of the following are disagreements between the two except which point?

Cassius wants to kill Caesar at 1 o clock and Brutus does not


Central idea of a work of literature

When Caesar decides to stay home rather than to go to the Senate on the ides of March, who convinces Caesar to change his mind?


Caesar decides definitely to go to the Capitol when...

Decius tells him that the senate will offer him a crown

The theater at the base of the Acropolis was dedicated to


Which of the following plays DOES NOT belong to the group of three Theban tragedies written by Sophocles?



End of the story where loose ends are tied up

T/ FJames I belonged to the Tudor family of Kings in England


T/F At the beginning of Antigone, Creon returns from Antigone's tomb while carrying the body of his wife Eurydice


T/F At the beginning of scene 3 (the scene in which Haimon speaks to his father), Haimon immediately challenges his father's authority and judgement


T/F Elizabeth I decreed that England would use the Gregorian calendar with the rest of Europe


T/F From the very beginning of the play, Ismene dutifully helps her sister bury their brother


T/F Henry VIII was responsible for the first English translation of the bible


T/F In the theater of Dionysus in Athens, plays were typically performed at night


T/F Plato believed that democracy was the best form of government


T/F Plato died in the seventh century BC


T/F Socrates was the student of Aristotle


T/F The actors normally performed on the skene, an exact equivalent to the stage of the modern theatre


T/F The plebians were Roman aristocrats


T/F a greek tragic hero must always die at the end of the play


T/F the chorus usually composed of 10 men


T/F the first play performed in the Globe theater was probably Romeo and Juliet


T/F the gunpowder plot attempted to kill Elizabeth I


T/F the school of athens was painted by Jacques-Louis David


The first word of the Latin text of the Aeneid is "Arma", a subtle reference to the Odyssey



General ideas about something, beginnings

This sculptor is known for a depiction of Aeneas carrying his father out of Troy as it burns. The work expresses both the sensation of movement and instability

Gian Lorenzo Bermini

Why does Creon have Antigone sealed in a vault of stone rather than directly executed by stoning

He wants to escape personal punishment that may arise from the fact that Antigone is a member of his family

Paris' prize for choosing aphrodite as the most beautiful woman is

Helen of Sparta

Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of

Henry VIII

The founder of the Church of England during the 16th century was

Henry VIII

The turning point of a Shakespearean play most often occurs in which act?


This epic by Homer recounts the story of the Trojan war, featuring a dispute between Agamemnon and Achilles


dramatic irony

Irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play.

The name of Shakespeare's acting company was changed from the Chamberlain's Men to the King's men under which of the following?

James I

This British monarch was the subject of an assasination attempt that included a plan to blow up the House of Lords during its opening session

James I

The biological father of Oedipus is


This priest of Neptune tries to warn the Trojans not to bring the horse into the city


As punishment for her crime, this queen of thebes was turned into a weeping pillar of stone


Before shakespeare arrived in London in 1592, what had he been doing since 1585

No one knows for sure; these are the "Lost years"

Shakespeare used which of the following as his main historical source in Julius Caesar?


Shakespeare's main historical source for the Tragedy of Julius Caesar was


At the beginning of Antigone, Creon gives an order that one of Oedipus' sons is not to be buried. This man, regarded as an enemy to Thebes is


What contributes to the rising suspense at the end of Act II?

Portia's growing anxiety, reappearence of the soothsayer, Artemidorus' note that he attends to give to Caesar

The chorus in a Greek Tragedy performs which of the following functions?

Provides a link between audience and actors, interprets events in a light of universal mythology, and it serves as a character withing the play (all of the above)


Sentence structure

T/F Besides the chorus, only 3 people were allowed to play characters in the Greek tragedies of the 5th century BC


T/F In Antigone, Creon accuses Teireisas of making prophecies based on bribes


T/F Jacques Louis david was a neo-classical painter who depicted the death of Socrates is one of his paintings


T/F Priam is the king of Troy


T/F Reacting against the theoretical speculation of the Pre-Socratic philosophers, the sophists became relativists and skeptics


T/F The "Allegory of the Cave" shows how false perceptions lead to false opinion


T/F The "Allegory of the Cave" shows that truth is not obvious


Under Queen Elizabeth I, Shakespeare's acting company was named

The Lord Chamberlain's Men

Which of the following statements about the setting and the duration of the play is correct?

The entire play takes place in front of Creon's palace in one day

limited third person

The narrator is outside the story, but tells the story from the vantage point of only ONE character; the narrator can enter the mind of this chosen character but cannot tell what any other characters are thinking except by observation

This conflict resulted in Rome's defeat of Hannibal, and it marked the beginning of the Roman conquest of Greece

The second punic war


The time and place of a story


a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)


a ghostly apparition

The original conflict behind the Trojan War began when the goddess of discord threw_________ into the banquet hall

a golden apple

"So call the field to rest, and let's away, to part the glories of this happy day" These final words of Octavius are best described as

a heroic couplet


a jumbled mess of items


a person with extraordinary talents, especially a highly gifted child; an act or thing that causes amazement; a marvel


a person's face or facial expression/to tolerate

in media res

a piece of writing that begins in the middle of the action

Caesar is presented with a warning of upcoming tragedy by all of the following except

a poet named Cinna


a point on a surface wave where the displacement of the medium is at maximum


a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

Within his funeral oration, Antony makes use of all of the following except:

a verse from Cinna's poetry


after one's death

The mask in classical Greek theater served which of the following purposes

allowed for one actor to play multiple roles, made the facial expression on the mask more clearly visible to the audience, gave the drama a ritualistic feel


an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.

Brutus' allowing Antony to give a second funeral oration was which of the following?

an error of judgement


an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.

The mob attack on Cinna the poet may be considered

an indication of the mob's unthinking nature, the result of Antony's speech, comic relief

Brutus justifies his decision to go to the battle at Phillipi because the conspirators

are now at their strongest and readiest

William Shakespeare was born

at the end of the Renaissance

As a grammar school student in Stratfod-on-Avon, William would have studied all of the following except


the main consequence of hubris is found in


which of the following is a key image that shakespeare uses throughout Act III?



bold and without shame; having a lot of nerve but without shame

In which of the following modes is the hero inferior to both others and nature


During the Roman Republic, this government official had the right to veto any measure proposed by his counterpart


This was the highest elected office during the Roman Republic, having veto power over its fellow office holder


The play cannot be understood fully if we forget that its subject (in real sense) is the ruling house of Thebes and the

curse upon it, with sin begetting further sins

Which of the following adjectives would best describe a Stoic?


Socratic method is rooted in the use of

dialogue, questions, and irony


difficult and much debated; problematic; annoyed, frustrated, or worried

As Socrates drinks the poison, Plato describes him saying these Words"....." Socrates words best exemplify


Plato believed that reality was divided into 2 basic components, the physical and the spiritual. Such a belief is known as


Sinon's speech in Book II of the Aeneid seeks to persuade the Trojans to bring the horse into their city by most powerfully appealing to their


In the Aeneid, Aeneas' name most often appears with the adjective "Pious". Such a characterizing word or phrase with a person's name is known as an


the final stanza of an ode during which the chorus would have stood still


the appearance of Caesar's ghost is an example of



full of meaning, morally superior

A type of poem meant to give instructions on farming and the title of one of Virgil's works


In his soliloquy of Act II, Brutus reveals that

he has no personal hatred against Caesar

Though a foreigner to Thebes, Oedipus is initially made king because

he solves the riddles of the Sphinx

Rome welcomed aspects of Greek culture, making them part of Roman life. Such appreciation or love for Greek culture is called


The conspirators are anxious to have Brutus as their leader because

his reputation will bring respect to their cause


hot and humid; passionate


humble submission and respect

According to Plato, truth is universal and unchanging. The physical world is but a reflection of this unchanging truth that is represented by the world of Forms. Such a belief is known as



initiating or encourages someone else's actions usually bad

Cassius says to brutus: Men at some times are masters of their fates. The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars But in ourselves, that we are underlings By this statement he means that

it is their own fault if they are subordinate to Caesar

When Casca tells Cassius that the senate intends to make Caesar king, Cassius responds: I know where I will wear this dagger then. Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius With these lines, Cassius is saying that he will

kill himself


knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding

During his funeral oration, Antony's insistence that he is not a good speaker is an example of:


John Shakespeare, William's father had been which of the following?

local government official

Types of conflict

man vs. man; man vs. self; man vs. nature; man vs. society

Socrates is put to death as a result of what crimes

neglecting the gods and corrupting the youth

Which of the following statements accurately describes plays performed in the Globe Theater?

no artificial lighting was used

The Chorus' first Ode ("Ode to Man") claims that the glories of humanity can only be maintained by

obedience to the law


person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority


persuaded into an action that is foolish

When he stops by Brutus' house in Act II. Caius Ligarius is

physically sick and wearing a kerchief

Shakespeare's wealth came from his work as

playwright, actor, and shareholder in an actor company

During the Roman Republic, a judge or judicial magistrate was called a


Casca's account of Caesar's refusal of a crown suggests clearly that Caesar

really desires to be king

Casca's account of Caesar's refusal of a crown suggests clearly that Caesar

really does desire to be king


remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree, unnatural or abnormal

The opening scene with tribunes Flavius and Marullus is intended mainly to

reveal the attitudes of various groups toward Caesar

When Cassius uses the pun mettle in his soliloquoy, he is comparing his manipulation of Brutus to

reverse alchemy


rudeness, disrespect

Virgil mocks Sinon by exposing his rhetorical practices that trick people into believing as true what is in fact untrue. Such a literary form of mockery is best classified as


In the "Allegory of the Cave", Plato shows that most people mistake opinion for knowledge. What in the allegory symbolically represents opinion?


Roman history is divided into 3 main time periods: the monarchy, the republic, and

the Empire

During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, England made use of

the Julian Calendar

Shakespeare was born during which period of history?

the Renaissance

Plato's Allegory of the Cave is found in his most famous dialogue entitled

the Republic


the action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation


the art of using language effectively and persuasively

The first months of the joint reign of Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius are marked by:

the bloody murders of notable romans

When brutus tells Cassius that he has "a piece of work that will make sick men whole", what does he mean?

the conspiracy will free the enslaved citizens of Rome

Which of the following statements is not true about the genre of the epic?

the epic has a simple style and describes ordinary people in their everyday lives

Cassius uses all of the following reasons to convince Brutus to join the conspiracy except

the favorable omen of the stars


the feeling that a person or a thing is below consideration

What is the offering that is indicated by "this figure"?

the large wooden figure of a horse


the original from which all other models are made


the turning point of the story


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.


thin, supple, and graceful


things that foreshadow a coming event : omens, or signs


to get attention through flattery

As a way of getting closer to Caesar when the Senate meets, the conspirators have Metellus Cimber with a request. Metellus as Caesar:

to reconsider Metellus' brother's punishment


to rise above or beyond, exceed


to satisfy fully


to set right, remedy; relief from wrong or injury


to strike with force, to struggle

Flavius and Marullus held this office that was supposed to represent the plebians


Troy is located in modern day


the use of verse, soliloquy, and aside can be regarded as

types of conventions


use of two words connected by a conjunction, instead of subordinating one to the other, to express a single complex idea.

In rhetoric, persuasion is based upon an appeal to the audience's

values,emotions,and reasons

Caesar responds to Metellus' request by saying,"But I am as constant as the northern star,/ Of whose true-fixed and resting quality/There is no fellow in the firmament." These words indicate that Caesar:

will not change his mind, is arrogant, is unique

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