Hardware and Software

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Computers are digital services that

-Accepts input -Processes data into information -Stores data -Provides output

Different Processor Manufacturers

-Intel Corporation - founded in 1968,Intel is the world's largest manufacturer of processors. -AMD - founded in 1969, AMD's technology is featured inside every major next generation gaming console and home entertainment system. -Nvidia—founded in 1993 and, according to NVIDIA, NVIDIA"TEGRA K1 is the universe's most advanced mobile processor that has arrived


A connector is the specialized end of a cable or device that plugs into a port. Universal serial bus (USB) A is one of the most popular connectors for computer peripherals. USB C is rapidly becoming more standard because of its speed and symmetry

Single Core Processor

A core on a CPU refers to the components on the chip that are needed for processing. A single core processor has only one core. Usually this means one arithmetic logic unit and one control unit.

Traditional Hard Drive

A hard drive is a computer's primary storage device. Usually a laptop or desktop computer's primary storage device. Uses fixed disk platters to store data and information. • hard drive = hard disk

Software Liscenses

A software license is a legal document that governs the use or redistribution of software. In the United States under copyright law, all registered software is copyright protected, in both source code and object code forms (except open-source public domain software). Typical software licenses grant the licensee (or end-user) the right to use one or more copies of software. Software License types: • End-User License Agreement (EULA) • Single-User License-restricts the use of the software to one user at at time • Network License-allows anyone on a network the right to use software • Site License-Similar to network but the software is installed on the device of qualified users in an organization

Native Resolution

Actual number of pixels of thedisplay.High definition (HD) = 1,920(horizontal pixels) x 1,080(vertical pixels) = 1,080p =2,073,600 total pixels.Pixel perfect = pixels fromincoming signal matchesnative resolution of display.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (pronounced AS-key) is a common encoding standard. ASCII code is capable of representing 26 uppercase and lowercase letters used in the English language, numbers, and many different symbols. Limited to 256 characters.

Storage Capacity

Bits and bytes are also used to represent the quantity of data the computer processes. Common quantities of information include: • Kilobyte (KB) = about 1 thousand bytes • Megabyte (MB) = about 1 million bytes • Gigabyte (GB) = about 1 billion bytes • Terabyte (TB) = about 1 trillion bytes • Petabyte (PB) = about 1,000terabytes • Exabyte (EB) = about 1 million terabytes

Memory vs. Disk Cache

Cache refers to two types of memory, memory cache and disk cache. Memory cache: • high-speed memory used by the central processing unit (CPU) to store frequently accessed data and instructions • Referred to by levels (L1—smaller and integrated into the CPU• L3—larger and next to the CPU) Disk cache: • high-speed memory used by the hard drive to store frequently accessed data


Computer system in a network that is shared by multiple users. Three common types of servers: • Network server controls access tore sources such as printers and applications on a network • Web server controls access tore sources on the web • File server is used for data storage


Computers communicate usingtheir own language.• this language is called binaryBinary language consists of twodigits - 0 and 1.Each 0 or 1 is called a bit.Bits are the smallest unit of dataa computer can process

The Boot Process

Consists of 4 steps: device is turned on—BIOS runs, Power-On Self-Test is executed, OS is loaded into RAM, OS checks the registry and loads saved configuration settings

Lightening Connectors

Designed by Apple for iPods, iPads, iPhones, and Apple Watch docks. High-speed data and power transferconnection.8-pin adapter. With adapter, can be connected to universal serial bus (USB), high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI),or video graphics array (VGA)connector or port. Symmetrical—can plug in either direction

Bus Width

Determines the number of bits that the computer can transmit at one time Bus width is the amount of data that can be transmitted at a given time. The wider the bus, the more information that can travel along the bus, which creates faster transmission speeds. Bus width is measured in bits.

How is the screen size of a laptop computer measured?

Diagonally from left corner to right corner

Storage Device

Digital devices need to store information temporarily and indefinitely. Storage devices allow for the storage of data and information that can be retrieved for future use. Data remains intact when the computer is turned off


Eight bits grouped togetherare called a byte.Each number, specialcharacter, and letter of thealphabet is represented by aunique combination of bits.For example, an ampersand(&) is represented as00100110

Computer Platform

Every computer must have operating system (OS)software, commonly referred to as the platform. -The OS controls the functions of a computer, and determines which applications can be used on a device. Windows, iOS, Android, and Linux are all OSs. Common functions of the OS • provide the interface between the user and hardware through Graphical User Interface (GUI) • configure and manage internal and peripheral devices • monitor system performance through Task Manager and other tools

Graphics Output

Graphics are the depiction ofimage data on a display oroutput device.Graphics are usually createdby a separate processor withinthe computer known as thegraphics processing unit(GPU).

Hard Drive Capacity

Hard drive capacity is the amount of storage you have available to save data and information. Capacity is usually measured in gigabytes (billions of bytes) and terabytes (trillions of bytes). Computer applications such as Microsoft Office and multimedia files need a lot of storage capacity


High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is a standard interface for audio-video connectivity. HDMI allows for the transmission of high-definition audio and video signals. HDMI cable is the standard interface for high-definition video


Infrared Data Association (IrDA):• often used with a wireless mouse,keyboard, remote control, etc.• a wireless connection usingInfrared (relatively long) radiowaves• longer wavelength waves do noteasily pass through walls orfurniture

Internal vs. External Storage

Internal storage: • integral to the computer • known as the computer's hard drive External storage: • resides outside the computer • external hard drives • USB drives (flash or thumb drives) • Optical drives (digital video disc (DVD drives) for laptops and microSD cards for phones are usually considered external storage

Used by Apple for iPods, iPads, iPhones, and Apple Watch docks.

Lightning Connectors and Ports


Mainframe computers: • more powerful than servers and are used by organizations to process large amounts of data. • commonly used by large banks or retailers

Megahertz and Gigahertz

Megahertz is abbreviated MHz and is equal to one million cycles(or instructions) per second. • MHz is one million instructions per second Gigahertz is abbreviated GHz and is equal to one billion cycles (or instructions) per second. • 3.8 GHz is 3.8 billion instructions per second.

Computer System Unit

Parts of the computer that houses the motherboard. • motherboard—circuit board that holds the computer's central processing unit(CPU) • Central processing unit (CPU) is the computer's main microprocessor


Physical elements including the computer's processor, memory, storage, ports, and peripheral devices

Which type of touchscreen uses a single metallic-coated panel and uses electricity to calculate touch points?

Projected Capacity


RAM (random access memory)—main form of computer memory. Comprises solid-state electronics (fast, no moving parts).Found microchips located on the motherboard. Refers to a variety of memory types. Does not store data when computer is shutdown (volatile)


Short-distance wirelesstransmission technology.Uses short-wavelength radiowaves that pass easily throughwalls, furniture, etc.Signal is usually strong toabout 35 feet, then the signalweakens.

Spreadsheet Programs

Spreadsheet programs are used to format spreadsheets and display numbers and text in cells. Widely used by organizations, they perform calculations and structure data. Spreadsheet terms include: • Worksheet—single page in a workbook • Workbook—collection of related worksheet • Cell reference—identifies the location (column and row) of a cell in a worksheet • Formula—mathematical operation used to perform calculations in a spreadsheet • Function—built-in formulas included in a spreadsheet program


Storage for data and instructions installed by a manufacturer. Not generally rewritable (cannot be altered or removed). Common information stored in ROM includes the device's boot (starting) instructions


Supercomputers: • the most powerful type of computer. Supercomputers can evaluate complex data very quickly • many of the supercomputers in the United States are owned by the government or large research universities

Linux Operating System

The Linux operating system (OS) is open-source software that anyone can use and modify. Strengths: • free to download and use • less susceptible to viruses • modifiable by users Weaknesses: • steep learning curve • compatibility issues with some programs

The Snipping Tool

The Snipping Tool can be used to capture a screen shot, or snip, or any object on your screen. To access the Snipping Tool in Windows 10: 1. Click the Cortana or Search button 2. Type Snipping Tool 3. Select the Snipping Tool Desktop app 4. Click New to start capture of an image


The number of horizontal andvertical pixels on a displayscreen.• clarity of an image• measured in lines of pixels• more pixels = higherresolution• color depth = amount of data(number of transistors)supporting each individualpixel

Boot Process

The process for loading the operating system (OS) into random access memory (RAM) when the computer is turned on. The boot process consists of 4 steps: 1. The device is powered on and the CPU activates BIOS 2. The Power-On Self-Test is executed 3. The OS is loaded into RAM 4. The OS checks the registry settings and loads saved configuration settings


The visual image output created by the computer

Since they are low-priced and reliable, ________ storage devices are extremely popular.

Thumb Drives (USB or flash drives)

Today, many computers use ________, a coding scheme that uses at least 16 bits to represent a character



Virtual elements including the operating system(OS) and a variety of software applications


When adding new hardware, such as a printer, to a computer you often have to add associated software that allows the printer to work with your computer's operating system.

Wireless Ports

Wireless ports allow for thetransmission of data betweenfixed and mobile devices usingshort-range radio waves or lightwaves.Bluetooth signal is limited toapproximately 35 feet.Infrared requires line-of-sighttransmission and is often usedwith TVs


a set of rules forcommunication between devicesthat determines how data istransmitted and received.There are many protocols thatare used to help streamline thecommunication of all digitaldevices.Wi-Fi uses the 802.11 protocol.This protocol ensures thatdevices enabled with Wi-Fi canconnect to any Wi-Fi network


a wireless local areanetwork.The word Wi-Fi is a play on theold audio term High-Fi.A Wi-Fi transmission site is calleda Hotspot.Most computers, tablets,smartphones, and gamingplatforms are Wi-Fi capable.Wi-Fi uses the 802.11 protocol -2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz radiowaves

Computer Bus

is the primary communication channel on a computer system. Communication between the CPU, memory, and input/output devices such as keyboard, mouse, display, etc., occur via the bus. Electronic pathway connecting computer parts. Data and information travel over buses. Most important bus = bus connecting central processing unit (CPU) to random access memory (RAM), sometimes called the system bus or the front-side bus (FSB).

Which OS for a College Student

macOS—a good idea if you go into: • graphic design • photo or video production • publishing Windows OS—a good idea if you go into: • business • science or engineering • education or government work Linux OS—a good idea if you go into: • computer science • software design

Database Programs

A database is an organized collection of data. Database management software combines structuring data with tools to manage the data. Databases are one of the most significant structural elements of the world Wide Web today. Microsoft and Oracle make some of the most used database programs. Database terms: • Table-a section of a relational database • Record-a row in a table which contains information about an individual, transaction, or account • Field-a column in a table, such as last name, address • Primary Key-uniquely identifies each record in a database • Query-a set of criteria used to extract data • Report-data that is ready to print• Form-tools that allow users to enter information

How Much RAM

Amounts of random access memory (RAM):• the amount of RAM directly impacts processing speed • most phones—at least 2 GB of RAM • most laptops—approximately 8-16 GB of RAM (minimum of 4 GB)

A computer platform is commonly referred to as

An operating system or OS

Computer Application (App)

App is short for computer application. Apps are basically the same thing as a computer program. Apps run on phones, computers, or on the Internet. It is reported that 57% of Americans spend more than half of their digital media consumption on mobile apps. The most downloaded and used mobile apps of 2019 include WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Uber.

The macOS

Apple and Macintosh operating systems (OS) are designed and distributed by Apple Inc. and have a reputation of being very easy to use. Strengths: • relatively few viruses • outstanding graphics capabilities Weaknesses: • not as widely used as PCs • generally costs more than PCs • only use proprietary licensed software macOS Mojave is the most current release from Apple History: In 2001, Apple released the first version of its Mac operating system(OS) known as OS X "Cheetah." This was based on UNIX architecture. Until 2012, each of the OS was named after a fast and agile cat. In 2013, Apple released OS X 10.9 "Mavericks." Mavericks is a well-known surfing spot in Northern California. macOS is the second major series of Macintosh operating systems


Apple's iPhone operating system (OS), the iOS is a hugely popular OS for smartphones in the United States. • used on iPhones and iPads. • includes Apple apps including FaceTime, Safari, and Siri. • third-party apps must go through approval process.


Applets (little applications)—Small application programs that are often utility programs performing less-complex operational functions. Applets support a larger application program and are commonly used to execute tasks in the Control Panel of Microsoft Windows.

Productivity Systems

Applications that allow users to work more efficiently. Traditional productivity apps include Microsoft Office and other business apps. Two major categories: • apps designed for use by individuals (MS Office, Google Docs, iWork, Quicken) • apps designed for businesses(QuickBooks, Sage HRMS, InsideSalesBox)


Hertz is used to measure frequency, or how often something occurs. Hertz is abbreviated Hz. The speed of most modern processors is measured in Gigahertz, or billions of computer operations each second. It is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first person to provide proof of electromagnetic waves


High-speed storage area usually located directly on the central processing unit (CPU).Smaller but faster than random access memory (RAM).Used to quickly access repeated instructions.

Computer Layout

In blue are the computer's twoprocessors, the centralprocessing unit, known as theCPU or the processor; and thegraphics processing unit, knownas the GPU.Memory is depicted in light green.The system cache providesmemory for data that the CPU isusing repeatedly RAM holds data for the CPU'suse.Note that the GPU has its ownmemory.Storage is shown in darkgreen.This is the computer's harddrive that keeps data even afterthe computer is powered down


Input and output devices plug into the ports located on your digital device.• A point designed to accept a specific connector. • A connector plugs into a port. • Common ports include universal serial bus (USB), Thunderbolt, and high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI). For example, a thumb-drive connector plugs into a USB port.

Installing Software

Installing involves preparing a digital device for user. -Installing is loading software. -Includes adding hardware and associated drivers. -Installing software and hardware allows you to maximize your computer's productivity. You may need to install a variety of software on a new device to maximize its use.

Microsoft Paint 3D

Microsoft Paint 3D allows you to create shapes, lines, and variety of tools to edit images and create artwork. Steps to open Microsoft Paint 3D once it is downloaded: 1. Click the Cortana button or Search box button 2. Type Paint 3D in search box 3. Double-click the Paint 3D Desktop app 4. Create or edit an image 5. Click the File button and Save As


Most commonly used port for a wired network connection. Used for local area networks or for connecting modems and routers to the Internet. Ethernet cable comes in categories: • CAT5—up to 100 Mb/sec. • CAT5e—up to 1 Gb/sec. • CAT6—up to 10 Gb/sec. Serious gamers usually prefer to use ethernet cable over a Wi-Fi connection

Popular Platforms

Most widely used computer platforms are: -Windows operating system (OS)—Most common for personal computers-69.81% -Mac OS—Used on Apple computers-19.95% -Android OS—Most common smartphone OS worldwide. -iOS—OS used on iPhones. Most common smartphone OS in the United States-6.58%


Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) allows for the interface and connectivity of digital musical devices to computers. MIDI is capable of carrying digital music signals and are common in today's music scene. If you have plugged a keyboard or guitar into a synthesizer, you are probably familiar with the MIDI port.

The information in the memory (the RAM, the caches, the registers) is ________ when a computer is shut down

Not saved

Clock Speed

Number of instructions a computer can process in a second. Measured in Hertz (Hz). Modern processors—billions of instructions each second (gigahertz or GHz) -Overclocking refers to running the processor faster than recommended by the manufacturer. Changing processor setting so that computer runs faster than recommended by the manufacturer. Can overheat the computer

Presentation Programs

Presentation programs help in creating visual aids that can be projected on a screen or displayed on a digital display. When crafting a presentation, it is important to keep the presentation simple. Your presentation should avoid the use of full sentences. Each slide should provide a summary of your main points. Presentation Program Terms: Slide-single page in a presentation program Slide Master: • stores information about presentation theme and slide layout • includes background, color, fonts, effects, placeholder size and positioning Slide Show-collection of page/slides arranged in a sequence Speaker Notes-can be added to a slide shot to assist with what the presenter will say

3.5 mm Audio Connectors and Uses

Small analog audio connector with2-5 contacts. Used with: • transistor radios in the 1950s • Sony Walkman cassette players in the 1980s • most cell phones except for iPhones and Google Pixels

System Software

System software provides the structure and control necessary to run the computer and its peripheral devices. There are two major components of system software • Operating Systems: The most important software on your computer (provides the interface) Examples: Windows OS, Android OS, Linux OS, iOS • Utility Software: Provides maintenance support for a digital device (enables users to analyze and optimize devices) Examples: Anti-virus software


The Android operating system (OS) is a Google product based on the Linux OS. Strengths: • integrated with Gmail and other google products • phone aps easily obtained and often free Weaknesses: • considered less user-friendly than Mac iPhone OS • "Free" apps include frequent advertising History: -2003 - Android Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California -2005 - Android Inc. was purchased by Google -2007 - Google released the public beta version of Android 1.0 -2008 - The first Android smartphone was released

Processor Speed

The speed, or frequency, (in MHz) at which the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer operates. The speed of a digital device's processor is determined by a number of factors. • Clock speed • Bus width • Word size


Unlike traditional hard drives, SSD has no moving parts, which makes it fast, efficient, and durable. SSDs tend to be more expensive than a traditional hard drive.

Windows Operating Systems

Windows operating systems (OS) are used in a variety of Microsoft digital devices. Strengths: • most popular OS worldwide • used by businesses and govt • highest selection of apps • many manufacturers=more competition-less expensive Weaknesses : • often considered not as intuitive as Apple products • possibly more prone to viruses • constantly revised and updated History: Microsoft chose the name "Windows" due to the computing boxes, or "windows" that represented one of the main elements of the OS.1985-Microsoft Windows 1.0; allowed users to point and click2001-Windows XP; first Microsoft OS that focused on mobile compatibility; was one of the best selling products2012-Windows 8; developed to create an interface that was compatible with touchscreens

Word Processing Programs

Word processing programs are used to create an assortment of documents. Word processing programs can also be used for desktop publishing and creating basic web pages. Common word processing programs are Microsoft Word, Pages for Mac, and Google Docs.

Word Size

Word size refers to the amount of data a processor can hold and process at one time. Today's processors generally have word sizes of 32 or 64bits.A 64-bit processor can process information faster than a 32-bit processor.

Different Types of Computers

• Laptops • Desktops • All-in-Ones • Tablets • Smartphones • Mainframes • Servers • Gaming consoles • Embedded devices

Uninstalling Software

Uninstalling means removing software from a computer. Manufacturers often install a significant amount of software on computers. You may want to uninstall some of this software if you do not need it. -Removing unwanted software frees up hard drive space.


Universal serial bus (USB): • Specialized connector allowing data and power transfer. USB drives are: • Relatively inexpensive, durable, solid-state electronic storage devices. USB drive = thumb drive =flash drive = jump drive

Utility Programs

Utility programs perform a specific maintenance-type task on a computer and are included with both Windows and macOS. Utility programs perform maintenance-type tasks that include: • disk cleanup • file search • system backup and restore

VGA Connectors and Uses

Video graphics array (VGA) connectors: • analog connector used for monitors and televisions during the 1990s • largely replaced by high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) connectors • since most liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors and TVs now accept digital signals, VGA connectors are becoming rare

Multicore Processor

A multicore processor has two or more cores that are responsible for processing. Hyperthreading is when a multicore processor has the ability to execute two or more sets of instructions at the same time. • affords faster processing by allowing a new set of instructions to start before the prior set of instructions has finished being processed


A pixel is the smallest elementin an electronic image.Usually composed of a red +blue + green dot.The more pixels in an image,the better the image quality.

Digital Device Processor

A processor or central processing unit (CPU) is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place. • is the most important component of a digital device • located on the main circuit board(mother board) Two main components: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)—performs mathematical tasks. Control unit—locates, analyzes, and executes instructions. • the control unit locates, analyzes and executes each program instruction residing in memory • it tells the computer's memory, arithmetic logic unit, and input and output devices how to respond to a program's instructions


A slot or hole that matches the cord or expansion card being connected to the port

One ________ represents a letter, symbol, or number (one character) of information.


Machine Cycle

How a computer processes instructions. • Fetch-the processor fetches the instruction or data from random access memory (RAM). • Decode-The processor decodes the instruction or data into are ad able form the computer can understand. • Execute-the processor executes the instruction • Store-The results of the processing are stored in RAM; the cycle repeats

Video Card

A video card is sometimesreferred to as a graphicscard or graphics adapter.The graphics adapterperforms graphicsprocessing and createsvideo output.A graphics card allows youto see video on a displaydevice

A bus is a channel over which information flows. A bus has two parts: the ________ and the ________?

Address Bus; Data Bus


Carry a relatively large footprint and separate system unit

Who are the three biggest computer processor manufacturers?

Intel, AMD, Nvidia


Most common computer code. Unicode uses at least16 bits (2 bytes) per character. Virtually limitless characters—allows for foreign languages, etc.

Four Basic Computing Function

Referred to as the information processing (IPO(S)) cycle. • Input—Computers accept data from many sources including keyboards, cameras, microphones, even other computers • Process—Computers compile and transform data into useful information • Output—Computers display information in many forms: images, video, audio • Store—Computers have the ability to store data for future use

Computer Hardware

Refers to the physical parts of a computer system. Examples: • system unit (called the tower or the chassis) • printer • monitor • keyboard • mouse• router

SSD Capacity

SSD capacity is the amount of storage you have available to save data and information. Capacity is usually measured in gigabytes (billions of bytes).The more SSD capacity you need, the more money it will cost. SSD capacity is one of the most determinant factors of price when buying a tablet or smartphone

Screen Size

Screen size is the actualviewable area of a displaydevice.Screen size is measureddiagonally from one corner ofthe screen's viewable area tothe other.Screen size can be a majordeterminant of which digitaldevice to buy.

The Control Panel and Systems Preferences

The Control Panel is the system management tool in the Window soperating system (OS). System Preferences is the system management tool in the Macintosh OS. The Control Panel and System Preferences tools allow you to: • change computer settings • manage tasks • install and uninstall programs • change Security settings

Networking Operating Systems

The Linux operating system (OS) is open-source software that anyone can use and modify. Strengths: • enables resource sharing • makes networks run smoothly Weaknesses: • expensive to run and maintain • requires expertise to administer


The adding software or hardware components to a digital device

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