HB265 Exam2 56789.12.14

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Hot survey(NRA)

#1. Locally sourced meat and seafood.#2 Locally grown produce.

Refrigerated storage

* designed to hold TCS food at 41F * slows the growth of microorganisms *some units have a readout panel outside to check the temperature without opening the door *monitor food temperature regularly . randomly sampling temperature with a calibrated thermometer. DO NOT: * overload a refrigerator *Line shelving with foil or paper *open refrigerator doors too frequently

Measuring Accuracy(FDA code)

1. Food temperature: to be accreted to +/- 2F 2. Air temp/ food storage: to be accreted to +/- 3F

Date marking

1. Refrigeration slows the growth of most bacteria. 2. Listerial monocytogenes, grow well at refrigerator temperatures. 3. ready-to-eat TCS food should include date marking if it will be held for longer than 24 hours.

USDA grading stamps for meat, poultry and eggs

1. USDA A grade for poultry 2. USDA prime for meat 3. USDA A grade for effs

eggs cooked for immediate service

145 fifteen seconds

gound meats and seafood mechanically tenderized 加工制嫩肉 or injected meats

155F fifteen seconds.

Chapter 12

Cleaning : process of removing food and other types of soil or dirt from a surface Sanitizing: process of reducing the number of microorganisms on a clean surface to safe levels 3steps: cleaned and rinsed sanitized

USDA(u.s dept of agriculture)

quality grading of meat, poultry, dairy, eggs

Check temperatures of stored food and storage areas

* temperatures should be checked at the beginning of the shift. *several times daily *many establishments use a pre-shifts checklist to guide employees through this process

Frozen Storage

* used to hold frozen food at 0F or lower *do not store warm food inside *do not overload units *place frozen food deliveries in the freezer as soon as they are inspected * Defrost freezer除霜 units on a regular basis * slows the growth of microorganisms substantially * Freezing does not kill all microorganisms.

storing shell eggs

1. 45F, do not wash shell eggs 2. keep eggs in refrigerated storage until used:use eggs within 4-5 weeks of packing date

Choosing Suppliers

1. Assure they obtain products form approved sources. Those that are inspected检查 and in compliance服从 with applicable local, state, and federal laws. 2. Are reputable声誉好的 3. Have clean, well-run warehouses. 4. Have a HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points) program in place 5. Train their employees in food safety 6. Use delivery trucks in good condition 7. Deliver consistent product quality when your staff has time to receive them properly

Time-temperature indicators(TTIs)

1. Attached to附属 packaging by the supplier 2. A color change appears in the TTI window if the food have been time-temperature abused during shipment or storage 3. This color change is not reversible可逆的, so you know if the item has been abused 4. TTI allos producers, retailers, and consumers to check at a glance whether perishable易腐坏的 products have been correctly transported and stored

Common types of thermometers

1. Bimetallic stemmed 双金属 2. thermocouple 热电偶,探针 3. infrared(laser) thermometer 红外线的

Meaning of Inspected

1. Both product and processing plant have met defined standards 2. Carcasses尸体 and packages of meat have been inspected by the USDA or a state department of agriculture 3. it does not mean the product is free of microorganisms that can cause food borne illness.

Boiling-Point Method

1. Bring clean tap water to a boil in a deep pan 2. Submerge sensing area of stem or wait 30 Seconds (or indicators stop moving) 3. Hold calibration nut with a wrench and rotate thermometer head until it reads 212F (100C) ()On some thermocouples探针电热偶, it may be possible t oppress a reset bottom to adjust the readout

Thermometer Guidelines

1. Clean and sanitize thermometers between uses. Keep thermometers and their storage cases clean 2. Calibrate before each shift or before each day's deliveries. recalibrate if they are dropped, or after they have experienced a severe temperature change 3. Never using glass thermometers(Unless enclosed in a shatterproof casing) to monitor the temperature of food; potentially causing physical contamination. 4. Insert the thermometer stem or probe in to thickest part of the product to check the temperature of food.

Receiving temperature requirements for various types of food:

1. Cold TCS food: 41F or lower, unless otherwise specified 2. Hot TCS food: 135F or higher. 3. Frozen food: should be frozen solid 4: Live shellfish: Air temperature of 45F. internal temperature no greater than 50F, once received, cool it to an internal temperature of 41F or lower for 4 hours. 5. Shucked shellfish: 45F or lower. Must be cooled to 41F or lower in 4hours 6. Milk : 45F or lower. Must be cooled to 41F or lower in 4 hours. 7. Shell eggs: Air temperature of 45F or lower.

Strict rule: labeling that is packaged on-site for retail sale

1. Common name of the food or a statement clearly identifying it 2. quantity of the food 3. List of ingredients配料表 4. list of artificial colors and flavors in the food-chemical preservation must also be listed 5. name and place of business of the manufacturer. 6. source of each major food allergen.

Ice-Point Method

1. Fill container with crushed ice and water 2. Submerge浸入 sensing area of stem or wait 30 seconds (Do not let the stem or probe touch the container's bottom or sides) 3. Hold calibration nut and rotate旋转 thermometer head until it read 32F(0C)

Seafood purchasing/ receiving

1. Frozen seafood should always be received FROZEN. if there is any indication it has been allowed to thaw 溶解, do not accept it. 2. Fish and shellfish are very sensitive to time-temperature abuse: deterioration恶化 rate is vary fast 3. For fish: 41F or lower 4. Fish that will be eaten raw or partially cooked must be received with the correct documentation 5. indicating the fish was correctly frozen before you received it.

4 acceptable methods for thawing融化 food

1. In a refrigerator at 41F or lower 2. submerged under running water, at a temperature of 70F or lower 3. in a microwave oven, if the food will be cooked immediately after thawing 4. as part of the cooking process (siacking )

Seafood Purchasing/ receiving

1. Live shellfish: receive on ice or at an air temperature of 45F or lower/ once received, the shellfish must be cooled to 41F or lower in 4 hours 2. required document for live shell fish: Shell stock identification Tags

Thermocouples探针 and thermistors 热敏电阻

1. Measure temperature through a metal probe 金属探针pr sensing area( sensing area is on the tip of their probe, no need to insert them into the food): Good for thick and think food. 2. Display results on a digital readout (come with interchangeable probes) 3. Immersion probe水浸探头 Surface probe, penetration probe贯穿探头 4. Immersion probe for liquids; surface probe for flat cooking equipment; penetration prove for internal temperature of food

Documents and Stamps

1. Meat and poultry must be purchased from plants inspected by the USDA or state department of agriculture. 2. Liquid, frozen, and dehydrated eggs must have a USDA inspection检查 mark. These types of eggs are required by law to be pasteurized.

Checking temp. of food items

1. Meat, poultry, and fish: insert the thermometer stem or probe into the thickest part of the feed. 2. other packaged food: Open the package and insert the thermometer stem or probe into the food until the sensing area is immersed.浸入的 3. Shell eggs: Check the air temperature of the delivery truck

inspecting reduced oxygen packaged(ROP)foods

1. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP): air is removed from a food package and replaced with gases that help extend the product's shelf life 2. Vacuum packed food: processed by removing the air around a product sealed in a package 3. Sous vide food: vacuum packed in individual pouches, partially or fully cooked, and heated for services

Prevent time-temperature abuse:

1. Monitoring: which food items should be checked, how often, and by whom. 2. Tools: check correct kinds of thermometers温度计. Use calibrated 标刻度的thermometers. 3. Recording: have food handlers record temperatures regularly 4. Time and temperature control: limit the time food spends in the TDZ:41-135F(5-57C) a. discard food that spends longer than 4 hours in the TDZ. b. Pathogens especially grow fast between 70F-125F. 5. Corrective actions: Make sure food handlers know what to do when time and temperature standards are not met.

Keep TCS food out of the TDZ (41F-135F)

1. Store deliveries as soon as they have been inspected 2. put prepared food away 3. make sure storage units have at least one air-temprature measuring device. 4. Must be accurate to +/-3F Must be located in the warmest part of refrigerated unites or coldest part of hot holding unit

Temperature-Measuring Devices

1. The common causes of spoilage of chilled food and beverages are too high temperature during storage and transport 2. Emerging intelligent packaging technology can help distributors and retailers easily recognize potentially spoiled products before these products ever hit store shelves.

How to calibrate 校正Thermometers

1. Thermometers can lose their accuracy when they are bumped, dropped, or experience severe temperature change 2. Calibration ensures that a thermometer gives an accurate reading by adjusting it to a known standard. 3. Two acceptable methods of calibration: the Ice-point Method(the most often used) and the boiling-point method

Dry storage

1. Used to hold dry and canned food 2. should be kept between 50F and 70F and at a relative humidity of 50-60% 3. Dry food must be stored: a. at least 6 inches off the floor b. away from walls c. out o direct sunlight d. in a clean area( cool,dry and well ventilated)通风的 4. Moisture and heat are the biggest dangers to dry and canned food.

Infrared (laser) Thermometers

1. Used to measure surface temperature of food/equipment: not designed to measure air temperature or the internal temperature of food 2. quick/ easy to use: less chance for cross-cintamination because they do not require contact with food 3. Distance: Must be held as close to product as possible 4. Barriers: Remove anything between thermometer and the food, food package, or equipment.

FDA(food and drug administration )

1. inspects all food except meat, poultry and eggs; regulates food transported across state line 2. issues the FDA food code: 3. regulates foodservice for a. restaurants and retail food stores. b. vending operations; c. schools and day care centers. d hospitals and nursing homes.


1. only use meat and poultry that was sagely handled prior to use 2. refrigerate ingredients until ready for use leftover meat and porltry shoud be discarded after 7 days at 41F 3. chill utensils餐具prior to using them. 4. prepare the salads in small batches小批量

Reduce oxgen packaged food

1. packaging: intact and in good condition, valid code dates. reject if torn扯裂 or leaking packages 2. product: acceptable color. reject product if unacceptable color; slime, bubbles, or excessive liquid 3.Checking ROP food's temperature: insert the thermometer stem or probe between 2 packages without puncturing them.

2009FDA food code:

1. serving hamburgers and other ground meats in an undercooked from upon a consumer;s request is no longer an option for items offered on a Children's mens. 2. Operations that mainly serve a High- risk -population, can not serve raw or under cooked eggs,eat or seafood

Shellfish: shellstock ID tags

1. shellfish must be bought only from approved suppliers. 2. The FDA requires that live, molluscan shellfish carry shell stock identification tags 3. These tags must remain attached to their delivery container until all of the shellfish have been used. 4. Tags that document when and where the shellfish were harvested 5. They must be kept on file for 90 days from the date the last shellfish was used from its delivery container.

Storing Meat,Poultry and fish

1. store them immediately after delivery and inspection in coldest part of the refrigerator 2. frozen meat,poultry and fish should be stored at temperature that will keep it frozen 0F or lower 3. if removed from its original packaging, wrap them in airtight, moisture-proof material or store it in clean and sanitized containers. 4. fresh, whole fish can be packed in crushed ice, and ice beds must be self-draining. 5. ice-packed poultry can be stored in a refrigerator as is, in self-drading containers 6. change the ice and sanitize the container often.

Chapter 6: Purchasing Purchasing goal

1. the right quality and right quantity at the right price from the right supplier 2. Minimize investment in inventory 3. Maintain quality and value 4.Profitability 5. Safety standards 6. receiving: you have the right to refuse any delivery that does not meet you standard . you cannot make unsafe food safe

Bimetallic stemmed thermometer

1.Checks temperatures form 0-220F(-18-104C) 2. Useful for checking the temperature of large or thick food (Not practical for thin food) such as hamburger patties小馅饼. 3. Useful for measuring the temperatures from incoming shipment(receiving) to the internal temperature of food in hot or cold holding units.

Cool TCS food form

135F to 75F with 2h 70F to 41F additional 4h

roasts烧烤 pork, beef,veal and lamb

145 4minutes


145F 15 seconds.

eggs hot-held for later service

155F fifteen seconds.

dishes that include previously cooked,TCS food ore reheating food

165 F at least 15 sec within 2hours

poultry/ stuffing made with TCS ingredients 材料/ stuffed meat, fish, poultry, and pasta

165F fifteen seconds poultry has more types and higher counts of microorganisms that other meat stuffing can be a hazard because it acts as insulation preventing heat from reaching the center of the product

Reheating TCS food itms

165F for 15sec within 2 hours

Receiving factors for meat:

ACCEPT 1. temperature: 41F or lower 2: Color: beef: bright cherry red, lamb: light red; Pork: light pink meat, firm white fat 3.Texture: firm and springs back when touched 4: Odor: no odor 5, Packaging: intact完整的 and clean REJECT: 1. temperature>41F 2.Color: beef: brown or green;lamb: brown, whitish surface covering the lean meat;pork: excessively dark color, soft or rancid fat 3.Texture: slimy, sticky,or dry 4.Odor: sour odor 5.Packaging: broken cartons. dirty wrappers, torn packaging , vacuum packaging with broken seals.

Receiving factors for poultry

ACCEPT: 1,temperature: 41F 2,Color: no discoloration 3, texture: firm and springs back when touched 4,odor: no 5, packaging: product should be surrounded by crushed self draining ice REJECT 1. temp >41

Receiving factors for shellfish

ACCEPT: 1. Temperature: Live: receive on ice or at an air temperature of 45F (7C) or lower Shucked (removed from shells): receive at an internal temperature of 45F (7C) or lower 2. Odor: mild ocean or seaweed small 3. Shells: closed and unbroken 4. Condition: if fresh that are received alive REJECT: 1. Temp Live: air temperature >45 F (7C) Shucked: internal temperature >45F (7C) 2.Texture: slimy, sticky or dry 3. Odor: strong fishy smell 4. Shells: broken shells; open shells that do not close when tapped 5. Condition: dead on arrival

Receiving Factors for fish

ACCEPT: 1.Temperature: 41F(5C) or lower 2.Color: Bright red gills; bringt shiny skin 3. Texture: firm flesh that springs back when touched 4. Odor: mild ocean or seaweed smell 5. Eyes: bright, clean and full 6. Packaging: product should be surrounded by crushed, shelf draining ice REJECT: 1. Temperature: >41F (5C) 2. Color: dull gray gills; dull dry skin 3.Texture: soft flesh that leaves an imprint when touched 4. Odor: strong fishy or ammonia smell 5.Eyes: cloudy, red-rimmed, sunken.

Discard food that has passed its manufacturer's expiration date

All ready to eat TCS food that was prepared in house 1. can be stored for a maximum of 7 days at 41F or lower. 2. Must be discarded after 7 days.


Can be transferred from food or unwashed hands to prep tables, equipment, utensils(餐具),cutting boards,dish towels, sponges,etc.

Store food only in designated 指定的storage areas

Do not store food 1. near chemicals or cleaning supplies 2. In restrooms 3. in locker rooms 4. in furnace炉子间 rooms 5. in janitor closets 看守 6. under stairways or pipes.

Rotate旋转 products so the oldest inventory us used first :FIFO

Ensure the refrigerated, frozen, and dry products are properly rotated during storage. store products with the earliest use-by or expiration dates in front of products with later dates. those stored in front are then used first.

Receiving criterial for dry food

Holes, tears or punctures; dampness or water stains on outer cases an inner packaging Dry food often attracts pests害虫: Check products for signs of infestation


Is the major hazard in the flow of food. It can occur at almost any point within the flow of food.

Chapter 7 Storage General storage Guidelines

Label all TCS, ready-to-eat food(Name of food) prepared on-site, with either: the date is was prepared; the date is should be sold, consumed or discarded. Labeling food for use on-site: any item not stored in its original container must be labeled

chapter5: The flow of food

Many things can happen to food as it moves from purchasing and receiving through storing, prepping, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving

Receiving for canned food

Never taste canned food you are insured of , may be associated with botulism . A

Michigan modified food code

Oct 2o12: Critical violation 3 risk designations:-priority ,priority foundation, core item

refrigerated storage: preventing cross-contamination store raw meat, poultry and fish

Separately from cooked and ready-to-eat food Below cooked ore ready to eat food. Exhibit 7-5 (recommended top-to-bottom order; this order is based on the minimum internal cooking temperature of each food)


The transfer of microorganisms from one food or surface to another

UHT超高温处理 and aseptically 无菌的packaged food

UHT pasteurization 加热杀菌法: ultra-high-temperature pasteurization 1. aseptically packaged: packing is free of microorganisms a. sealed 封闭under sterile无菌的 conditions to keep it from being contaminated. b. some puddings, juices, creamers and milk products. 2. food that has been pasteurized at UHT and aseptically packaged can be stored at room temperature 3. once opened, store UHT, aseptically packaged food in the refrigerator at 41F 4. UHT products NOT aseptically packaged must be stored at an internal temperature of 41F

Different sanitizeers chlorine氯

adv: most commonly used sanitizer, kills a wide range of microorganisms Disadv: corrosive 腐蚀物 to some metals, when used improperly can be irritation to skin does not remain active after it has dried干


adv: remain active for a short period of time after it has dried not as quickly inactivated by soil as chlorine non irritating to skin disadv: less effective in redusing microorganisms than chlorine somewhat corrosive to surface Most expensave

Food-contact surfaces must be washed rinsed and sanitized

after each used anytime you before working with another type of food after a task has been interrupted after 4 h intervals in items are in constant use detergent 清洁剂used for warewashing machines can caused severe burns to the skin if used for manual warewashing

CDC(centers for disease control and prevention)

assist the FDA USDA : investigate outbreaks of food borne illness study the causes and control of disease provide educational services the field of sanitation Publish statistical data and case

preparing specific food

batters and breading batters prepared with eggs or milk should be handled with care: risk of time temperature abuse and cross-contamination Throw out: unused batter or breading after a set amount of time

TCS food cooked in microwave ovens

eggs, poultry, fish, meat 165F

level of control food in U.S

federal, state, local

fruit and vegetables. REF food

hot-held for service 135F cooked vegetables must never be held at room temperature

Transfer food between containers properly(product placement)

if you take food out of its original package: put it in a clean, sanitized container. cover it. label with product name and original use-by or expiration date. Never use empty food containers to store chemicals or Never put food in empty chemical containers


never use ice as an ingredient if it was used to keep food cold

quaternary ammonium compounds

not as quickly inactivated remains active non-corrosive to surfaces non-irritating to skin

storing cooked food

once food has cooled to 10F, store it : 1. placing it in shallow stainless steel pans 2. placing pans on the top shelves in refrigeration units 3. positioning pans so air circulates around them 4. monitoring it to ensure cooling ti 41 F in 4 hours

minimum temp for foods:

poultury( whole and ground duck, chicken or turkey) stuffing and stuffed meat, fish, poultry and pasta TCS cooked in a microwave ground meet injected meat mechanically tenderized meat pork beef veal lamb seafood shell eggs for immediate service commercially processed, ready to eat food.

Methods for cooling food

refrigerators should not be used to cool hot food. 1. reducing the quantity or size of the food 2. using ice water baths 3.using a blast chiller 4.stirring 搅拌the food with a ice paddle

Prevention预防 of cross-contamination

starts with creating barriers between food products. 1. Using separate equipment. 1). Assigning specific equipment to each type of food. 2)Color-coding can tell employees which equipment to use with what products 2. Cleaning and sanitizing 1)wash-rinse-sanitize 3. Prepping food at different times 1)preparing raw and ready to eat food at different times when using the same prep table 4. Buying prepared food 1) For establishment serving high-risk population 2)Purchasing ingredients(材料) that require minimal preparation

when storing fresh produce

storage temperature will vary by product. should not be washed

routine程序 inspection

take place twice per year They will contain propriety , propriety foundation, and core items use a risk based approach to inspection frequency

Food not COOLED by an approved method

temperature is reduced from 140F to 70F for less within 2 hours and from 70F to 41F or less within 4 additional hours.

Food delivery truck

temperatures are a big problem. Once the trucks reach their destination, it becomes the restaurant's job to test that the food is within a sage temperature range

Food Fraud

the practice of selling alternate substances of degraded quality with labels that pose them as an expensive delicacy 5-7% of U.S. food fraud 1. Balsamic vinegar香醋 2.Scallop 3. Fish 4. Honey 5####Olive Oil

Reject for shrimp

the shrimp contain large ice crystals indicating they have thawed and been refrozen

priority& priority fundation

violations must be corrected immediately at 10 days. core violations must be corrected with 90 days each inspection is a snapshot in time

lecture 8: Cooking food

when cooking potentially hazardous food or TCS food, the internal portion must\ 1. reach the required minimum internal temperature. 2. maintain temperature for a specific amount of time

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