HDFS 3710 study guide final

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Changes over time in people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they cope with the physical changes involved in aging fall into which domain of the biopsychosocial perspective toward aging?

obstruction of airways (smoking)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is almost always caused by ______________?


Classifying groups of people studied in developmental research based on when they were born involves distinctions based on which type of categorization?

Negative problem solving skills (relationship eventually ends)

Couples in long-term relationships characterized by emergent distress show which pattern of conflict over time?


Destruction of the _______________ is a consequence of emphysema.


During working memory tasks, older adults have difficulty ____________ the brain's default network, meaning that they are less able to focus on incoming information.

extremely sad mood

Dysphoria, a symptom of major depressive disorder, is characterized by _____________?

animal and heights

Of all forms of specific phobia, which are most prevalent in the adult population?


Of the following areas of aging, which would be considered a "biological" component of the biopsychosocial model? A. Changes in muscle mass. B. Loss of a spouse. C. Retirement from a job. D. Gains in vocabulary skills.


Older adults who eat a diet that includes food rich in ____________ are likely to experience some cognitive benefits.


People who use problem-focused coping are most likely to try to change ____________ when faced with a stressor.

less able to care for themselves

The "predicament" in the Communication Predicament Model of aging and language refers to the fact that older people, because they appear to be in need of care, are talked to by others in ways that cause them to become _______________________?

most efficient design

The _____________ refers to the approach that combines the three sequential designs.


The ________________ principle of adult development and aging proposes that changes build on themselves over life in a cumulative fashion. (changes are continuous over life span)


The ______________approach to marital satisfaction predicts greater happiness when couples engage in positive behaviors such as expressing affection.

executive functioning

The abilities to plan, use working memory, allocate mental resources to incoming tasks, and inhibit information are included in the cognitive skill known in psychology as __________?


The effects of aging on working memory may be due to changes in which structure of the brain?

social clock (life course perspective)

The idea of being "on-time" or "off-time" in achieving major life goals is considered an important element of adjustment in the __________ model.

intermediate care

The least amount of nursing services is provided in what type of in-patient facility for older adults?

Infection control

The number one deficiency in U.S. nursing homes in 2014, involving 43% of all institutions, was ________?


The phenomenon known as doing _________ occurs after the transition to parenthood, when men and women adopt more stereotyped roles in the household.

Lower levels of psychological well being, substance abuse, and depression; all members involved including children and extended family

The psychological consequences of divorce tend to cause ____________________ and can be felt by ____________________?

tertiary aging

The rapid loss of functioning that individuals may experience at the very end of their lives is known as _________ aging:

mental health (overall well being)

The role of grand-parenting to aging individuals is shown by researchers to increase _________?

are the only remaining members of their original family and have known each other longer than anyone else

The sibling relationship in later adulthood is unique because siblings typically ________________________?


The two most important factors in aging skin are genetics and exposure to _________?

life span

The view that development is best viewed as continuous throughout life is referred to as the __________ perspective.

default network

While you are at rest, the brain's ____________ is at work, processing information that you generate internally.


Within the Competence-press Model of adaptation to the institutional environment, which dimension captures the extent to which the environment places demands on the individual resident?

thickening and hardening of arteries

You're the health care professional treating a 72-year-old woman who you determine suffers from arteriosclerosis. In explaining this condition to her, you inform her that this condition specifically is defined as involving ____________?


Your friend's great aunt shares with you the fact that she seems to be less able to lift weight than she could when in her 40s. She is experiencing which normal age-related change?

hair loss

A 55-year-old man has a common age-related condition known as androgenic alopecia. This means that he is experiencing ____________________?


A large meta-analysis of research on six major personality traits showed the largest and steadiest increase on which trait?

immature defense mechanism

Beth is a middle-aged woman is quite annoyed with her boss, who is constantly asking that she complete time-consuming tasks right before the end of the day. Without realizing it, Beth finds herself completing the tasks, but doing so with occasional mistakes that her boss doesn't even notice. According to Vaillant, Beth is using what type of defense mechanism?

executive functioning

Bilingual adults benefit because the task-switching required by monitoring two languages strengthens their __________?

leave one career for another Often with less demand

Bridge Employment refers to what?

focusing on psyhocoaial issues of procreation,productivity, and creativity

In Erikson's theory, which of the following behaviors would be considered specific to a person high in generativity?

they sample from a pop of interest before they develop a particular type of illness or experience a particular type of life event

In a prospective study of development, researchers use which type of approach?


In the Bronfenbrenner ecological model of development, which type of system has the most direct impact on the individual?

cardiovascular disease

In the Type A behavior pattern, high scores on hostility seem strongly related to which health outcome?

free radicals

In the body, which high energy molecules can ricochet wildly and also damage cells?

overactive bladder

In the condition known as ______________, the individual has difficulty controlling urination and feels the need to urinate more frequently than normal.

aerobic capacity (BP)

Normal changes in the cardiovascular system with age in adulthood are reflected in a lowering of which measure?


The Five Factor model of personality fits into which overall category of psychological theories?

declines in nervous system

The General Slowing Hypothesis proposes that older adults become slower primarily because of _________?

complete physical, mental, and social well-being

The World Health Organization defines health as having which qualities?


The ___________ effect refers to the fact that widows are more likely to die after losing their spouse.


The majority of employees of nursing homes fall into which category?

selective attrition

When the unhealthy members of a sample die out, the scores of the survivors seem to "rise" even though they may not change in reality. This research problem in studies on aging is referred to as:


A 72-year-old woman has been told by her physician that, because she is obese, she is putting increased weight on her joints, thus increasing her risk of developing the musculoskeletal disease known as _____________?


A BMI in the range of 25-29.9 places the individual in the category of ______________?


A British documentary film maker followed a group of children every 7 years starting when they were 7 years old and continuing to track them down through age 56. This film comes closest to which type of developmental research design?

skilled nursing facility

A hospital social worker decides that one of her patients, an 82-year-old man who is recovering from a stroke, needs to be in a facility that provides him with rehab, round-the-clock nursing care, and help with planning his return to his own home. These kind of services are likely to be found in which type of long-term care facility?

happiness ratings

A psychologist is conducting a study on the effect of intergenerational contact on happiness ratings, focusing on how such contact can be beneficial to older adults. . In one condition, she pairs an older adult with a young child and in the other she pairs two older adults with each other. Both sets of pairs meet for 30 minutes at a time. In this study, the dependent variable is the:


A scuba instructor greatly enjoys his work, especially the fact that he can spend much of his day underwater exploring the reefs. He also likes the activity of teaching especially when he can introduce someone new to the pleasures of the sport. He is high on which type of work factor motivation?

the way society/culture interprets the end of life process

A sociocultural perspective of death derives its meaning ________________.

ego integrity

According to _____________ dying individuals attempt to achieve peaceful resolution with past mistakes and events that can no longer be changed

flashbulb memory

According to research on _____________ memory, older adults are able to remember distinctive historical events as well as do younger adults.

Practical and emotional

According to the Dual-Process Model of Coping with Bereavement what two types of adaptations are important for adjustment?


According to the ________________ view of bereavement, the bereaved can continue to benefit from maintaining emotional bonds to the deceased individual.

terror management

According to the perspective known as ________________ Theory, activating a person's thoughts about death may trigger a set of positive changes, including closer relationships, greater creativity, and more connection to others.

prescription drugs

Adults 65 and over are most likely to abuse what type of illicit substance?

feels like home

An advantage of the Green House Model of institutional care for older adults is that it __________________?

quiet ego

As people get older they should, according to Bauer, care less about themselves and more about others, an increase in what he calls _____________?


Based on prevalence data, older adults with bipolar disorder were most likely to have developed it by the time they reached the age of about ___________?


Because the _____________ are the individuals we study in later life, researchers caution that the findings may not be true for everyone born in a given period of time.

good death

Being able to die in a way that protects the individual's sense of autonomy and control over end-of-life decisions is consistent with the idea of ______________________?


By using ___________ to guide them, older adults can compensate for age-related changes in memory and speed when comprehending language.


Normal age-related changes in the lens of the eye results in which condition that afflicts all older adults?

specific and personal

Problems in everyday life that are the easiest to solve for older adults are those that ___________?


Researchers believe, according to the ____________ theory that aging occurs due to the loss of valuable genetic material on the ends of chromosomes.

video game training

Researchers studying the effects of videogame training on the cognitive abilities of older adults expose separate groups of male and female participants to a training condition and two other groups to a no-training condition in performance on a cognitive test. They then conduct a similar comparison involving male and female younger adults. In this study, the only true independent variable is:

antioxidants and resveratol

Some research evidence suggests that drinking red wine can slow the aging because it contains __________?

socioemotional selectivity theory

Supporting the theory known as ____________, as people age they begin to become more focused on the emotional functions of relationships and less interested in the information function of relationships.

giving death dignity (The fact that she failed to make the critical point that to reach acceptance of a fatal illness, the dying person must be allowed to talk openly about their illness )

Those who study death and dying believe that the main outcome of the work of Kübler-Ross was her emphasis on _______________.

semantic memory

Vocabulary, factual information, and historical knowledge fall into the category of ____________ memory, a process not affected by aging.

Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized and incoherent speech, very abnormal motor behavior, and "negative" symptoms of apathy, withdrawal, and lack of emotional expression

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?


What neurodegenerative disease is caused by a loss of brain cells that produce dopamine and may results in symptoms including: tremors, slowness, and impaired balance?


Which Cardiovascular Disease can be described as having high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure due to narrowing of arteries that require blood to be pushed through with increased force?

social anxiety

Which anxiety disorder is characterized by extreme anxiety about being watched by others and the fear of public embarrassment?


Which form of retirement is defined as multiple exits and re-entrances into the labor force?


Which is an example of extrinsic vocational satisfaction?

work-family conflict model

Which model of work-family balance is characterized as people having a limited amount of time and energy that they can invest in each role and when demands of one role exceed time/energy the stress this causes will spillover into the other role?


Which of the following would be considered a "social" age-related factor in the biopsychosocial perspective? A. Improving in wisdom. B. Losing muscle strength. C. Becoming a grandparent.

bipolar 2

Which psychological disorder includes the experience of hypomanic episodes?

life course perspective

Which theory of adult development proposes that retirees are best able to adapt to their new status when they view it as a normative event?

role theory

Which theory of retirement suggests that the transition to retirement may be difficult if a retiree feels a sense of loss of identity?

home health services

Which type of care for older adults provides such services as Meals on Wheels, friendly visiting, assistance with household tasks, and rehabilitation, outside of an institutional setting?


While checking in on an older adult patient a nurse's aide says to the elderly man, "Now honey, you know you need to finish your whole meal like I've told you before" What is the aide's language referred to in the psychology of aging?

Crystallized intelligence rises throughout adulthood into the 70s

While playing "Words with Friends" with her 72-year-old grandmother, Frieda Lay is shocked to find that she is losing badly because her grandmother just seems to know so many more words. Frieda's grandmother is illustrating the fact that __________________________________?

biopsychosocial approach

Your good friend's grandmother finds it difficult to get around because she suffers from considerable pain while walking. As a result, she has become somewhat socially isolated and is quite unhappy with her situation. What concept best captures the grandmother's current situation?

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