HE452: CH7: Cannabis

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how much THC from marijuana gets to the body through water pipe?

because the water pipe traps the smoke until it is inhaled, the only THC lost is what the smoker exhales so the transfer is larger than 40 to 50%

of the 400 chemicals Plus contained in the cannabis plant, what is the most psychoactive? where is it found?

delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) it's found in the plant's resin and is most concentrated in its flowers

what are the dangerous combinations of marijuana with other drugs?

interactions with heart or blood pressure medications or drugs that suppress the functioning of the immune system marijuana with cocaine can lead to dangerous effects of the heart combining marijuana with alcohol or other sedative drugs can affect mental functioning such as concentration and information processing

what do some human studies show about the prolonged marijuana use?

it can have long-lasting effects even after people quit using the drug, and subtle brain changes May underlie these effects

what law effectively stopped all legal medical marijuana use?

the 1937 marijuana Tax Act

what was the attitude of alcohol beginning in the late 1960s?

the acceleration in marijuana use began in the late 1960s as a symbol of youthful rejection of the establishment

the relationship between early marijuana use and later psychotic symptoms depends on what factors?

the amount of marijuana used, the age at which the use is initiated, and the person's genetic vulnerability such as people who have abnormal expression of a gene that gives her eyes to the brain enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase. (COMT)

why do the peak levels of THC last longer when marijuana is eaten?

the body absorbs THC more slowly when marijuana is eaten

where are the two places that THC receptors are located?

the brain and certain immune system cells

how much THC from marijuana gets to the body through a cigarette?

10 to 20%

what percentage of ingested THC May remain in the body of all week after smoking and may continue to affect mental and physical function subtly?

30% and remnants of a single large dose may be detectable up to 3 weeks later

how much THC for marijuana gets to the body through a pipe?

40 to 50%

why has high grade marijuana been called Hospital pot?

An unsuspected smoker, expecting the usual gentle high of medium grade marijuana, gets frightened by the sudden powerful High sinsemilla

what are the two compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors found naturally in the brain?

Anandamine, and 2-AG- decreases the ability of the hippocampus to carry out some of its memory related functions

which species of cannabis are used to make hemp and under natural conditions grow as high as 15 to 20 ft and still grows wild as a weed across the Southern United states?

Cannabis sativa

what are the two most prevalent species of cannabis?

Cannabis sativa and cannabis indica

what effects does THC have on immune cells?

THC can reduce immunity to infection, but the doses used in studies are far greater than any human user a study in the 1980s observed no alteration to the immune function of people who were given THC a recent study of medical marijuana users should several indicators of suppressed immune function and identified several specific pathways through which the effect is likely to occur overall we understand there are effects, but we don't understand their implications for human health and disease

how do studies show that THC are quite different in adolescents compared to adults in respect to learning and memory?

THC disrupts the learning ability and Adolescent animals far more potently than it does in adult animals do to THC producing more potent effects on the memory related actions of the hippocampus in the Adolescent brain compared to the adult brain. THC produces fewer unpleasant side effects like anxiety and aversionist and Adolescence than an adults. so if the negative effects of THC are felt less by adolescence, it may increase adolescent risk for more frequent use and negative consequences that can follow

what was the individual treatment investigational new drug application?

a way to give a special permission for patients to use marijuana as a medical use

what were the findings of the study looking at cognitive function of two distinct groups of users that were both smoking at least four joints per day but one group was in their mid-40s the other group had an average of 28 years old and they were compared to the control group of those who were not marijuana users?

after many years of heavy marijuana use, there are some cognitive deficits that appeared to be permanent. but the people who had been smoking heavily for 8 years showed no deficits. the user group also differed in that the older group started when they were 12 and the younger group started when they were about 20 so starting age may have something to do with the deficits they had experienced as adults

how does marijuana affect the gastrointestinal system?

cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome (CHS): recurrent episodes of nausea and vomiting, the resulting in balances in electrolytes and dehydration can be quite dangerous and lead to kidney failure. the only long-term treatment is to stop using cannabis products a study that identified patients 18 to 49 who reported using marijuana on 24 more days per month, found that 1/3 had symptoms of CHS ​

why may it be virtually impossible to take a fatal overdose of marijuana?

cannabinoid receptors are not found in the brain stem, which is critical for breathing

what species of cannabis has been cultivated throughout the world mostly for a psychoactive properties of its resins and they generally grow no more than 2 feet in develop a thicker, bush your appearance?

cannabis indica

how can Marijuana help splasticity, a disabling movement disorder associated with multiple sclerosis and other conditions?

clinicians in Spain in the United Kingdom began using a cannabinoid drug called Sativex as an add-on medication an adult patients for whom the usual treatment are inadequate. early reports indicate that it has long-term clinical benefits for that group of patients without any serious side effects. certain cannabis products with the right THC / CBD balance, are generally safe in people with splasticity and might be of moderate use for them

what are the consequences of illegality of marijuana?

criminal distribution Networks continue to thrive to meet the demand considerable time and money is spent each year to apprehend, prosecute, and imprison people on marijuana charges people feel they had been lied to by the government agencies responsible for educating and interpreting science to the public

what are the three principal factors that change attitudes about laws of drugs?

culture, time, and money the 27 states that have provision for legality of cannabis or beginning to quantify the revenues and job creation associated with it and are beginning to assess questions whether legalization increases cannabis use, traffic crashes, addiction to Other Drugs, but the answers will take time to emerge

how are marijuana and tobacco smoked and very different ways, contributing to whether or not it could cause lung cancer?

few marijuana smokers inhale a significant fraction of the amount of smoke a typical cigarette smoker does in a given day the amount of marijuana inhaled per Puff is 2/3 larger than a typical puff of cigarette smoke and is inhaled more deeply and held four times longer in the lungs. so, the toxins and marijuana smoke get greater access to lungs a marker for carbon monoxide in the blood measured five times higher after smoking in marijuana cigarette then it did after smoking a tobacco cigarette and the amount of tar inhaled from marijuana cigarettes was three times higher and of that amount, 1/3 was retained in the respiratory system of subjects who smoke marijuana then those who smoke tobacco

describe marijuana tolerance?

frequent smokers report less of a feeling of being high then infrequent users after stopping a marijuana cigarette or taking oral THC tolerance to the subjective effects of marijuana does develop and there is a significant learning effect associated with chronic marijuana use frequent smokers could associate the feeling of being high with various environmental stimuli surrounding smoking so that smoking a joint, even an inactive one, and expecting to get high leads them to feel high despite the lack of drug

what conditions influence the potency of the final product of THC products?

genetic makeup of the plant, the growing conditions, timing of harvest, drying environment, and storage environment

how much THC is still in the blood hours after smoking?

half of the THC once the blood carrying THC passes through the liver, it is converted into other compounds that may remain there for several days. although the initial High may disappear within an hour or two, effects of marijuana on mental and physical functions may last for days because some of these THC converted compounds have psychoactive effects as well

what is the most potent of the preparations made from the cannabis plant?

hash oil after the plan is boiled and alcohol, the solids are filtered out, and when the water evaporates, what's left is hash oil. it's THC content ranges from 20 to 70% and it can be scraped into the inner rim of a pipe bowl for smoking or used to lay tobacco or marijuana cigarettes

describe dependence on marijuana?

heavy marijuana users do not become dependent in all of the ways that users of some other drugs do Way to measure: 1. determine if the individual craves the drug that it comes to control much of their behavior- there does not appear to be a significant degree of craving associated with marijuana, but some report experience psychological dependence

describe cannabis's versatile plant use first as hemp and then as dried leaves?

hemp, a strong fiber in the stem, has been used to make rope, cloth, and paper dried leaves and flowers are used as marijuana for their psychoactive and medicinal effects and the roots of the plant have been used to make medicines and the ancient Chinese use the seeds as food. cannabis seeds are still used for oil and animal feed

What is sinsemilla?

high grade marijuana made from flowering tops of female plants raised in isolation from male plants that are mature without fertilization

describe the potential benefit of seizure disorders and cannabis?

high profile cases of children with intractable seizures such as Charlotte Figi, show that both THC and CBD have anticonvulsant properties and they control seizures through different mechanisms.

what campaign and when did it begin to try and have marijuana moved to schedule to so that it can be legally prescribed?

in 1972 the National Organization for the reform of marijuana laws began this campaign

how do vaporizers allow a very efficient transfer of thc?

in addition to taking advantage of the rich blood supply in the lungs, vaporize pot does not create smoke that can be irritating to the lungs and cause a person to limit his inhalation or to cough out a hit that is too big.

when did the European culture fully acquainted self with hashish?

in the early 19th century when Napoleon ventured into Egypt

how does smoking marijuana affect the heart?

increases the heart rate laboratory studies show that this increase in heart rate in general ranges of 20 to 30 beats per minute studies show marijuana increase heart rate and lower the hearts pumping efficiency during exercise, increasing the workload of the heart - impose risk for individuals with heart disease or high blood pressure, or those who take medications that alter heart rhythms

what did the marijuana tax law of 1937 do?

it created a tax structure around the cultivation, distribution, sale, and purchase of cannabis products, which made it impossible to have anything to do with the drug without breaking some part of the tax law

what did one study find when they used realistic concentrations of THC on RADS to see if it would decrease the chances of young hippocampal cells from surviving in culture?

it did appear to decrease the chances of those brain cells surviving another study showed that THC like drugs decrease the ability of cultured hippocampus cells to make connections with other cells in that culture

describe the general Buzz of marijuana?

it first relaxes a person and elevates his or her mood and the effects are felt within a few minutes followed by a half hour later by drowsiness and sedation. users may experience stimulation followed by a relaxed feeling of tranquility, users shift between hilarity and contemplative silence, but these swings reflect the user's situation

how does cannabis affect the hippocampus?

it has a high concentration of cannabinoid receptors and the inhibition of memory formation by marijuana is most well established as a negative effect on mental function. rats to show deficits and memory formation- making new memories. animal studies make a compelling case that the memory deficits associated with acute marijuana use are due to the THC suppressing the activity of hippocampal cells and hindering the acquisition of new memory. animals treated with THC performs a memory task as poorly as an animal with a damaged hippocampus

describe the history of marijuana with Egyptians approximately 950 bce?

it has been identified in the internal organs of the Egyptian mummy

what are the bad effects of smoking marijuana?

it impairs judgment and the kinds of complex coordination, such as that to drive a car. those with heart disease or high blood pressure maybe at risk because of the increase in heart rate and greater workload on the heart there have been reports of small children eating large amounts and going into a coma repeated use of marijuana during adolescence may result in long-term effects on some brain systems such as those controlling aspects of vision. adolescence are at greater risk for THC induced impairment of learning and memory and that prolonged use may increase the risk of psychological difficulties there is a troubling association between the incidents of schizophrenia and early onset cannabinoid use.

what are the effects on Motor Performance and driving when smoking marijuana?

it impairs the ability to drive, the decrease in attention and concentration that marijuana produces makes operating any kind of heavy machinery dangerous. - impairs the ability to concentrate and to make Corrections

what is high grade marijuana?

it is made from the flowering tops of female plants raised in isolation from male plants. without fertilization the plants continually secrete resin to coat the delicate flowers and small leaves surrounding them and the flowers grow and thick clusters heavy with resin. on average they contain between 12 to 16% and some of them as high as 24% THC concentrations

why do teach scene its metabolites stay in the body longer compared to the blood?

it is very lipid soluble so they easily get absorbed into and stored in the fat. THC is released from these tissues slowly over a longer period of time before finally being eliminated.

in an unfertilized cannabis plant, what is thc's role?

it provides a sticky coating that protects the flowers from excessive heat from the Sun and enhances contact by grains of pollen

is the claim true that marijuana in the United States has been touted as being ten times more potent than it was in the 1960s and '70s?

it's not exactly true because estimates of THC content in the 1970s probably underestimated the average THC content of the marijuana smoked during that period.

what are the differences and how THC remains in the body when it is eaten instead of smoked or vaped?

last THC gets to the brain and it takes a lot longer for it to get there.

what are some of the hypothesized important functions of cannabinoid receptors?

learning, control of anxiety, and responsiveness to other drugs like alcohol. regulating how neurons communicate with one another in brain circuits acting as Moment by moment feedback systems between communicating neurons that shift the intensity of the signals traveling between the cells- a kind of self-regulation of the communication between cells ​

what can you make of the animal research on rats in their hippocampus that is exposed to prolonged marijuana use?

less severe effects could occur with more moderate use. the user might risk subtly damaging the hippocampal circuits without causing obvious memory defects. brain circuits might be less sharp than they otherwise had been but we don't know

how does marijuana affect the reproductive system?

long-term use of marijuana has some effects on reproductive functioning. marijuana suppresses the production of hormones that help to regulate the reproductive system and in men this translates to decreased sperm counts and erectile dysfunction from high doses over a long period of time, and for a woman she experiences a regular menstrual cycles that could decrease the probability of conception in men marijuana's ability to increase secretion of the hormone prolactin causes development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)

what do you smokers sometimes call headache pot because smoking it can produce more of a headache than a high?

low grade marijuana made from all the leaves of both sexes of the plant that contain very little THC compared to the pistolate flowers of the female plant or to the smaller leaves adjacent to them in which the THC content may only be 1% or lower

describe the residual and chronic effects of marijuana?

marijuana appears to have residual effects on cognitive functions for up to 48 hours. so a person who smokes marijuana everyday is probably never free from its effects on thinking and problem solving, living consistently in somewhat compromised cognitive States in a study to analysize heavy users and light users, the heavy users tended to come from more affluent families with higher incomes. there were no differences between heavy and light users and psychiatric history but when they're present emotional state was assessed, the heavier users were happier: 2 findings: 1. the heavy users showed much less mental flexibility and problem solving and they often made the same mistake over again, indicating that they tended to become locked into a particular problem solving strategy and had a hard time generating new ones even when the current one no longer worked 2. heavy user showed impaired memory function. but they were as good as light users at remembering a short story that was read to them. have you mail users did not perform as well as light users at her calling figures that they were shown and then asked to draw from memory. the heavy users also had significantly more trouble learning lists of words over time

what is the schedule that marijuana is under? and how did it get there?

marijuana is categorized in schedule 1 under the Controlled Substances act, passed in 1970. the schedule lists drugs that have a high potential for abuse, lack and accepted medical use, and are unsafe use even under medical supervision

how does marijuana help glaucoma patients?

marijuana reduces the high-end potentially damaging pressure of the fluid within the eye in glaucoma patients. however, one of the problems is that a single dose only lowers the pressure in the eye for a few hours and glaucoma needs to be treated all the time. additionally, cannabinoids affect blood pressure in ways that might make glaucoma worse.

generally what types of disorders have been reported to respond positively to marijuana?

multiple sclerosis and other disorders that produce plasticity with impaired muscle control because marijuana works as a muscle relaxant. other conditions include seizures, chronic pain, and migraine headaches

what is synthetic marijuana?

nearly 200 chemical mixtures that are not marijuana from a chemical standpoint and have many effects that marijuana does not have. they contain any number of different psychoactive compounds including cannabinoids, though they do not contain marijuana per se. the problem is it is impossible to know what is in the mixture, and the specific chemicals in their amounts of very in each batch, so the actual makeup is always a moving target. they're active ingredients are synthetic compounds and the cannabinoids these drug mixtures contain generally bind with the brain's natural cannabinoid receptors either more powerfully or in a different way than THC or other cannabinoids and can lead to far powerful effects. experiences include relaxation and change in perception, effects of paranoia, hallucinations, extreme anxiety, agitation, suicidal thoughts, confusion, vomiting, rapid heart rate, increase blood pressure, and decreased blood supply to the heart.

how has the legislative actions for medical and recreational use changed in the recent years?

nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized both medical and recreational cannabis and 19 states have legalized medical cannabis. in 2017, the Justice Department made moves to reverse the position in which Obama asked the department to refrain from enforcing marijuana laws in certain circumstances for states that permit its position.

does chronic marijuana smoking promote lung cancer?

no definitive evidence links marijuana smoking with lung cancer a study that measures the thought to be precursor to the development of cancer, DNA damage, found a trend towards DNA damage in the cells from marijuana smoke regardless of whether they also smoke tobacco and this would suggest that marijuana smoking alone might predispose a person to developing lung cancer. another study with over 5,000 subjects found no association between marijuana smoking and lung cancer risk, even among long-term smokers. the consensus indicates no increased lung cancer risk for marijuana smokers unless they have also smoked tobacco.

what did experiments that used rhesus monkeys to assess the effects of daily exposure to a reasonable amount of marijuana for one year find?

no evidence of permanent gross changes in neurons or of neuronal death.

does marijuana promote aggression?

no. Laboratory studies show marijuana decreases aggressive behavior in people when they are provoked

why have many studies restricted their attention to thc, allowing us to evaluate some of the effects of cannabinoids on the brain and behavior?

of the hundreds of chemical compounds in addition to THC that enter the body from burning marijuana, we don't know what effects most of them have on various organs and systems in the body either acutely or prolonged

what was the propositions related to the medical marijuana use in the compassionate use Act of 1996? how did Arizona's version of this act differ?

patience were defined caregivers who possess or grow marijuana for medical treatment as recommended by a physician were exempt from laws that otherwise prohibit The Possession or cultivation of marijuana. it stated that Physicians who recommend the use of marijuana should not be punished. persons using marijuana for medical purposes could still be held liable if they engage in conduct that endanger others or if they diverted marijuana for non-medical purposes. in Arizona the drug medicalization, prevention, and Control Act of 1996 offered a similar bottom line as california, but it enabled Physicians to recommend other drugs grouped with marijuana on your schedule 1 including lsd, heroin, and Other Drugs of abuse.

what is hashish?

produced when the resin of the Cannabis is separated from the plant material. in India it is called Charas. most hashish is not pure resin though and contains various amounts of plant material. it is a dark colored gummy ball that is hard, and is around 8% and can vary to 20% thc. it is smoked in a pipe or rolled in a cigarette along with tobacco or low grade marijuana.

what is the drug class of marijuana?

schedule one narcotic at the federal level and state laws vary

how can vaporizers efficient transfer of THC VA problem when a smoker first switches to a vapor system?

smokers are used to the feeling of smoke in their lungs and often use that feeling to gauge by which they estimate their intake. The Vapor does not irritate the lungs nearly as much as smoke, so that gauge is missing and some new vapor users taken far more THC than they intend until they figure out a new way to estimate their intake another consideration is that e-liquids vary in their THC concentration so it is important to know the potency before using it

what did the study of visual function of marijuana users suggest?

smoking marijuana at an early age may change the way the visual system develops. regular smokers and non-smokers were asked to perform a task that forced them to visually scan what they were shown and identify features of what was presented. this type of visual scanning ability develops rapidly between the ages 12 and 15. it was found the visual scanning performance was impaired in some of the smokers, and the factor that predicted deficit was the age at which the person started smoking in which deficits started at the initiation before 16 and those who started after 16 showed no deficits. Those Who start smoking marijuana in their early teens may be a greater risk for long-term impairment than those who start after

describe what researchers have found in terms of effects of marijuana memory and other mental functions and acute effects?

studies on the memory effects of acute marijuana intoxication shows that wild people are high, they are significantly less able to store information. the single most common and reproducible cognitive effect of marijuana is this interference with memory processing of A reduced ability to form new memories

does marijuana kill brain cells?

studies suggest no, studies on Rats show that some damage can occur but the way the experiments were done raises questions about the relevance of the results. - hippocampus cells and rods are exposed to high concentration of THC nearly every day for several months, a substantial percentage of the lifespan, and these doses are higher than any human user would take at any given time. when researchers gave lower doses, the facts were less severe, even when the drug was given far more than twice as long, and we're administered much more frequently than any regular cannabis user

besides the hippocampus, what are the two other areas of the brain that are rich in cannabinoid receptors?

the cerebellum and the basal ganglia - they help to coordinate and fine tune our movement

what are endocannabinoids?

the chemicals that are brain make to interact with our natural cannabinoid receptors

what is the immune system?

the complex of structures, cells, and chemicals that fight infection and disease

what has been described as the difference between being high and being stoned?

the difference between the feelings associated with Peak versus late harvested marijuana

what does the translation problem in trying to assess the accuracy of reports of enhanced perception, cognition, or emotional insight mean?

the difference could relate to the effects of THC on memory and the perception of time - research reports on pot-time: the stretching of a brief event may be due to wondering concentration or disjointed memory perhaps because THC makes it harder to remember ideas and feelings, only the most Salient or important parts stick in the memory, changing the users interpretation of the experience -can be argued good or bad

what is medium grade marijuana made from?

the dried flowering tops of female cannabis plants raised with and fertilized by male plants. fertilization limits the psychoactive potency because the female flowers secrete THC containing resin only until fertilization

extent to which CBD is converted to THC largely determines what?

the drug quality of the individual plant. when the plant matures into the late floral and senescent stages, THC is converted to cannabinol (CBN). a plant that is harvested at the Peak floral stage has a high ratio of THC to CBD and cbn, and the psychoactive effects is described as a clear or clean high, with relatively little sedative effects. some cultivators allow the plant to mature past this peak to produce marijuana with a heavier, sedative effect.

when did marijuana begin to impact the United States Society directly?

the early 20th century

describe the withdrawal of marijuana?

the effects associated with marijuana withdrawal are mild: subjects most frequently show irritability and restlessness and less prominent symptoms were insomnia comma sweating, and mild nausea, decreased appetite

what kinds of responses are produced by eating hashish or high grade marijuana?

the effects take longer to be felt and may produce a hallucinogenic type response.

what was the attitude about marijuana around the mid 1920s?

the fear surrounding the association between marijuana and crime, but now we know there is no such relationship

why is it difficult to assess the accuracy of reports of enhanced perception, cognition, or emotional insight?

the high does not generally translate well into straight language, people who tried writing down settled tees find that the words don't convey the experience, meaning there's a translation problem

in recent years the tone of the debate of the question of legalization of marijuana has shifted away from emotional and moralistic arguments and more toward a discussion that looks closely at what?

the issues from a broad perspective, which include pharmacological, social, and economic viewpoints. the legal status of a drug depends on the culture and which that drug is evaluated and the prevailing social conventions related to it.

what were the general views of many who supported decriminalization of the possession of small amounts of marijuana in the 1970s?

the laws against marijuana were more harmful than the drug themselves

what two things are the general effects of marijuana when it is taken into the stomach and the blood that absorbs it goes to the liver before flowing to the rest of the body?

the liver breaks down some of the THC before it has the chance to affect the brain the remaining THC reaches the brain more slowly because of its indirect route through the bloodstream.

why can I have a person's cognitive functions be affected for a day or more after a single dose?

the mental functions including learning and memory that which marijuana affects are impacted for more than a day sometimes because it takes long for the body to eliminate THC and it's byproducts

what is one area of the brain that is involved in rewarding effects of some drugs?

the nucleus accumbens, which contains cells that use the neurotransmitter dopamine

describe the written accounts of cannabis cultivations that appear in Chinese records as far back as 28 bce?

the plant was grown for fiber and they recognize it's intoxicating and medicinal properties

what are the two chief concerns about smoking marijuana as a medical treatment?

the risk to lung function and the presence of carcinogens. there is also the concern of medical cannabis use related to possible toxic effects to the immune system of those already compromised

does THC have effects on dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens?

there are some studies and animals that indicate it can increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. but just because someone concludes that marijuana stimulates the reward circuit, it does not then infer that this drug is the pharmacological equivalent of other drugs like cocaine or heroin

if research on endocannabinoids is correct in assuming that it serves as a function of self-regulation of communication between cells, what happens when additional exogenous cannabinoids are added to the mix by a person using cannabis products?

those delicate concentrations can get ramped up, disrupting the normal process of communication between neurons and causing a high. it then compromises the function of neural circuits and ways that disrupt learning and memory as well as other aspects of information processing

what are some more traditional means of smoking hashish?

to ignite a small piece and let it burn under a glass or cup in the user tilts back the glass and inhales the smoke from underneath

what makes marijuana as a medicine not ideal?

to relieve pain suffers have to use enough to become stoned, affecting their ability to go to work or school. children and adolescents or likely at greater risk than adults were negative long-term effects of repeated cannabinoid use

how is marijuana smoke in tobacco smoke rather similar?

toxic chemicals such as tar, carbon monoxide, and cyanide are found incomparable levels in both. the carcinogen benzopyrene is found in both but occurs in Greater concentration in marijuana smoke

what are the range of subjective internal experienced effects of marijuana?

until recently, people didn't get high the first few times they use marijuana and this may be due to the need to learn the techniques of smoking, such as inhaling the proper amount and holding the smoke in the lungs. the user has to learn to appreciate or perceive the high that the drug provides in this is in contrast to Other Drugs whose effects lose power with repeated use, tolerance. but, High concentration preparations May simply override this initial resistance to THC effects people report the high is intellectually interesting and Improvement in sense perception and that people report hearing settledees and speech or music, or visual images may seem more intense or meaningful) and or emotionally pleasing.

describe what the recreational use of cannabis products was used for among the artists and intellectuals of France in 1840s?

use the drug in their search for new ways to enhance creativity and to view the world

what did the study that followed 2000 twins in England ages 5 to 18 find?

when looking at a pair of twins with different cannabis use histories, they found that the twins who had used cannabis more frequently did worse than the twins with a lower use history, suggesting that regular cannabis use during adolescence can degrade this aspect of executive function regardless of a person's genetic predisposition to do well or poorly on a task

is there evidence that teens may be more vulnerable to adults to experiencing long-term decline in cognitive function after history of heavy marijuana use?


can marijuana be effective in preventing acute nausea?

yes, in fact THC has available since 1985 in capsule form for use by cancer patients under the brand name Marinol, categorized under schedule 2

are teens perceptions of the harmlessness of marijuana use been declining?

yes, there is an increase in the percentage of 12th graders who believe that marijuana is not harmful at all, about 21%.

does chronic marijuana smoking impair the functioning of the lungs?

yes. heavy marijuana smokers show that their lungs do not produce as much air flow as the lungs of non-smokers smokers who smoke three to four joints per day suffer from chronic bronchitis as often as cigarette smokers who smoke a packer more per day an abnormal clinical appearance and an abnormal organization of cells in the Airways of heavy smokers relative to non-smokers and to those who smoke tobacco alone were found

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