Head and Neck Anatomy Chapter 2

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What could cause large adenoids (in children), neoplasms, a deviated nasal septum, or foreign bodies?

A nasal obstruction

What collects in loose connective tissue such as the scalp and can spread easily?

Blood or an infection

What region of the heads composed of the soft tissue of the cheek?

Buccal region

Commonly variation noted on the surface of the labial mucosa and buccal mucosa is a variation of _________ _______.

Fordyce spots (or granules)

The prominence of the forehead is the...

Frontal eminence

A discussion of vertical dimension allows a comparison of the three parts of the face for functional and esthetic purposed using the __________ _________, a set of guidelines.

Golden Proportions

What drainage is to both the submittal and submandibular lymph noes and can often be bilateral? Also present are numerous labial minor salivary glands, each with a small duct penetrating the mucosal membrane.

Lymphatic drainage

This can occur either acutely or be longer in duration, which is considered chronic in nature in the nose

Nasal obstruction

What commonly occurs following an injury to the scalp?

Orbital hematomas (bruises)

The study of the structural relationships of the external features of the body to the internal organs and parts

Surface anatomy

What forms the side of the face and is the broad area between the nose, mouth, and ear?

The cheek

What muscle is felt when a patient clenches the teeth?

The masseter muscle

What is the groove running upward between each labial commissure and each ala of the nose called?

The nasolabial sulcus

What region of the head has many structures within it such as the lips, oral cavity, palate, tongue, floor of the mouth, and parts of the throat or pharynx?

The oral region

A similar feature on the mandible just posterior to the most distal mandible molar is a dense pad of tissue called...

The retromolar pad

What is located between the eyes?

The root of the nose

What is formed from various skull bones and extends from just inferior to the lateral margin of the eye toward the middle part of the ear?

The zygomatic arch

In the buccal region, the sharp bent of the lower jaw inferior to the ear's lobule is the...

angle of the mandible

The sharp bent of the lower jaw inferior to the ear's lobule is the...

angle of the mandible

What is an inflammatory lesion at the labial commissure, or corner of the mouth, and ofter occurs bilaterally?

angular cheilitis (also called cheilosis)

The other flap of tissue opposite the tragus is the...


The point of the nose and at the end of the bridge is the...

apex of the nose or tip

The external ear is composed of an ___________ or oval flap of the ear and the centrally located _________ ___________ ___________.

auricle, external acoustic meatus (EAM)



What also serves the purpose of helping to remove irritants which have landed in the eye?


When an eye becomes "dry" ______________, closing the eyelid and opening it again rapidly, can help spread moisture across the surface of the eye and ease the discomfort.


Inferior to the nation is the bony structure that forms the...

bridge of the nose

The masseter muscle can become enlarged with constant use such as with grinding or ________ and clenching.


Facial structures closest to the inner cheek


The labial mucosa is continuous with the equally pink and thick ________ mucosa that lines the inner cheek.


What is a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope?


What is the delicate and thin membrane lining the inside the eyelids and the front of the eyeball?


What is the inflammation of the conjunctiva and is most commonly caused by an allergic reaction or an infection, usually bacterial or viral?

conjunctivitis or pink eye (bloodshot eyes)

The jaws, the maxilla and mandible, are _______ to the lips and within the _______ cavity.

deep, oral

After palpating the temporomandibular joint during various movements, feel the lower jaw moving at the temporomandibular joint on a patient by gently placing a finger into the outer part of the ear of the _________ __________ _________.

external acoustic meatus

The auricular region of each side of the head has the ____________ ______ as a prominent feature.

external ear (or outer ear)

What cover and protect each eyeball?


What has a reflex to close the eyes when a threat comes to near?



face-upward position of the body; lying on the back

Structures closest to the facial surface


The infraorbital, zygomatic, and buccal regions of each side of the head are all located on the _________ aspect.


Blood supply to the lip is from the superior and inferior labial arteries that branch from the _________ _________, which run along the margin of mucocutaneous junction deep to the vermilion of the lip.

facial arteries

What is loss of height in the lower third, which contains the teeth and jaws, can occur in certain circumstance such as with the loss of bony jaw support from aging and severe chronic periodontal disease?

facial vertical dimension loss

Anterior (ventral)

front of the body

During an extraoral examination, visually inspect the forehead of the _________ region and bilaterally palpate.


The forehead and the area superior to the eyes and is defined by the deeper skull bone is the...

frontal region

What are the regions of the head?

frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, auricular, orbital, nasal, infraorbital, zygomatic, buccal, oral, and mental regions (how to remember: Tonight I Am Out Of Black Penguins From Nigeria. Zebras On Monday.)

The smooth elevated area between the eyebrows is the...


Fordyce spots are deeper deposits of sebum from trapped or misplaced sebaceous gland tissue, usually associated with ________ ___________.

hair follicles

The superior and posterior free margin of the auricle is the...


What region of the head is located inferior to the orbital region and lateral to the nasal region.

infraorbital region

The ____________ nerves extend to the upper lip, and the _______ nerve provides sensation to the lower lip.

infraorbital, mental

During an extra orbital examination, visually inspect and palpate bilaterally the __________, ___________, and ________ regions, as well as specifically the temporomandibular joint.

infraorbital, zygomatic and buccal regions

Between the tragus and antitragus is a deep notch, the...

intertragic notch

Eyelids close ____________ to protect the eye from contact with the threat. Eyelids are often strong enough to overcome and voluntary resistance.


The central area of the eyeball with coloration is the circular...


The ________ are within the oral cavity and deep in the lips.


The temporomandibular joint is where the upper skull forms a _______ with the lower jaw.


Facial structures that are also closer to the lips


The inner parts of the lips are lined by a pink and thick ________ mucosa.


The upper and lower lips meet at each corner of the mouth called the...

labial commissure

A fold(s) of tissue located at the midline between the labial mucosa and the alveolar mucosa for both the maxilla and mandible

labial frenum or frenulum

The lower lip extends horizontally located __________ _________, which separates the lower lip from the chin in the mental region.

labiomental groove

Behind each upper eyelid and deep within the orbit are the lacrimal glands, which produce __________ _______ from the glands ducts.

lacrimal fluid or tears

What is the outer corners where the upper and lower eyelids meet?

lateral canthus or outer canthus

What in the eye by changing shape, functions to change the focal distance of the eye as that it can focus on objects at various distances?


What is the transparent , biconvex structure in the eye that, along with the cornea, helps to refract light to be focused on the retina?


A cataract varies in degree from slight to complete the opacity and obstructing the passage of...


A white ridge of raised callused tissue that extends horizontally at the level where the maxillary teeth come together and occlude on the buccal mucosa

linea alba

Structures closest to the tongue are


Beneath the _______ skin is a subcutaneous tissue with many muscles (such as the orbiculares ores), nerves, and blood vessels.


What is the gateway of the oral region?


During intraoral examination, examining the ______ and _______, bidigitally palpate the lips and visually inspect them in a systematic manner from one labial commissure to the other and then completing the lower lip in the same manner.

lips and face

What is the fleshly protuberance of the earlobe?



lying face down

The bone underlying the lower lip is the bony lower jaw or __________.


Underlying the upper lip is the bony upper jaw or _________.


A tissue-covered elevation on the maxilla just posterior to the most distal maxillary molar is the...

maxillary tuberosity

What are the inner angles of the eye called?

medial canthus or inner canthus

Many of the local anesthesia injections for patient pain control and hemostasis are administered at the height or depth of the ___________ fold


The lips are outlined from the surrounding skin by the transition of the ____________ _________ at the ____________ ___________.

mucocutaneous junction, vermilion border

Fordyce spots are visible as small yellowish elevations on the _________.


During an extraoral examination, when examining the ______ region, visually inspect the external nose and palpate it by starting at the root of the nose and preceding to its apex.


The main feature of the _________ ___________ of the head is the external nose.

nasal region

The nares are separated by the midline ________ ________, which is formed by various skull bones and the adjoining _________ ____________ ____________.

nasal septum, nasal septum cartilage

Inferior to the labella is a midpoint landmark of the nasal region that corresponds with the junction between the underlying bones is the...


One each side of each nasolabial sulcus are folds of skin, the ____________ __________. With aging these folds become accentuated.

nasolabial folds

Inferior to the apex on each side of the nose is a...

nostril or naris

What is the inside of the mouth considered?

oral cavity

Disruption at the vermilion border caused by a traumatic incident is important to note given the the rest of the _______ _______ may be affect.

oral cavity (disruption of mucocutaneous border)

The oral cavity is lined by a mucous membrane or ______ _________.

oral mucosa

In the orbital region of each side of the head, the eyeball and all its supporting structures are contained in the bony socket or...


During an extraoral examination, examining the ________ region, visually inspect the eyes and their movements and responses to light and action.


Lingual structures closest to the palate are


During an extraoral examination, examining the ________ and _________ regions, visually inspect the entire scalp by moving the head, especially around the hairline, starting from one ear and proceeding to the other ear.

parietal, occipital

The __________ region and the ___________ region of the head are both covered by the _________ and defined by the related deeper skull bones.

parietal, occipital, scalp

On the inner part of the buccal mucosa, just opposite the maxillary second molar, the _________ ________ is a small elevation of tissue the protects the duct opening from the parotid salivary gland.

parotid papilla

What is superior to the midline of the upper lip, extending inferiorly from the nasal septum, the the vertical groove on the skin?


The opening in the center of the iris is the ___________, which appears black.


Any changes noted in surface features of a patient must be...

recorded by the dental professional in the patient record

The white area of the eyeball is the...


With a nasal obstruction what are some things a patient may complain about?

snoring, abnormal speech, or breathing difficulties when eating

With the scalp, infection is prevented from passing into the neck or ___________ regions because of the attachments of the epicranial aponeurosis. However, fluid can descend into orbits because ______________ _______ muscle attaches to skin in this region.

subtemporal, orbicularis oculi

Directly inferior to each eyebrow is the...

supraorbital ridge or superciliary ridge

The movements of the ______________ _________ can be felt when opening and closing the mouth or moving the lower jaw to the right or left.

temperomandibular joint

Inferior to the zygomatic arch, and just anterior to the ear, is...

temperormandibular joint (TMJ)

Within the temporal region if the ___________, the superficial side of the head posterior to each eye which is defined by the deeper skull bone.


During an extraoral examination examining the ___________ and __________ regions, visually inspect and manually palpate the external ear, as well as the scalp and face around each ear.

temporal, auricular

The nares are bordered laterally on each side by a winglike cartilaginous structure(s) which is...

the ala of the nose

the buccal mucosa covers a dense pad of the inner tissue called...

the buccal fat pad

Posterior (dorsal)

toward the back


toward the head

The smaller flap of tissue of the auricle anterior to the external acoustic meatus is the...


Sensory supply to the lip is covered by branches of the fifth cranial or ____________ nerve.


Inferior to the philtrum, the midline of the upper lip terminates in a thicker area called the...

tubercle of the upper lip

With certain histories, there can be a disruption at the _________ _________ of the lips such as with solar damage.

vermilion border

Each lips _________ _____ has a darker appearance than the surrounding skin.

vermilion zone

The face can be divided into thirds and this perspective is the...

vertical dimension of the face

Deep within each vestibular is the ___________ fornix, where the pink and thick labial or buccal mucosa meets the redder and thinner __________ mucosa at the mucobuccal fold.

vestibular, alveolar

The upper and lower horseshoe-shaped spaces in the oral cavity between the lips and cheeks anteriorly and laterally and the teeth and their soft tissue medially and posteriorly are considered the maxillary and mandibular ___________.


The examination of accessible surface anatomy features by ___________ and ____________ can give vital information about the health of deeper tissue.

visualization, palpation

Farther laterally from the infraorbital region is the ______________ region, which overlies the cheekbone, the ___________ _____.

zygomatic, zygomatic arch

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