Health Assessment Chapter 24 Male Genitourinary System

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A male patient presents with soft, nontender swelling around the testis. What condition does the nurse check for in the patient? 1 Orchitis 2 Hydrocele 3 Scrotal hernia 4 Scrotal edema


A middle-aged patient reports painful bending of his penis during erection. Upon palpation, the nurse finds nontender and subcutaneous plaques on the dorsal surface of the penis. What condition will the nurse infer from the findings? 1 Priapism 2 Paraphimosis 3 Peyronie disease 4 Syphilitic chancre


A patient approaches the nurse saying, "I involuntarily pass a small amount of urine and my underwear is always wet." What does the nurse infer from the patient report? 1 The patient may have polyuria. 2 The patient may have oliguria. 3 The patient may have urinary incontinence. 4 The patient may have a urinary tract infection.


A patient complains of difficulty voiding. On assessment, the nurse finds that the patient's prostate is enlarged and smooth. Which condition does the nurse suspect? 1 Prostatitis 2 Papillomavirus 3 Prostate carcinoma 4 Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)


A patient presents with clusters of painful vesicles and eruptions on the glans and foreskin of the penis. Which drug could be prescribed to treat this condition? 1 HPV4 (Gardasil) 2 Penicillin G (Pfizerpen) 3 Oral acyclovir (Zovirax) 4 Lidocaine-prilocaine cream (EMLS)


A patient reports an enlarged scrotum with acute testicular pain. The nurse is not able to distinguish the epididymis from the testis during palpation. What condition should the nurse infer from the findings? 1 Orchitis 2 Varicocele 3 Spermatocele 4 Diffuse testicular tumor


A patient reports an involuntary, sustained, painful erection that is not associated with sexual arousal. Which condition does the patient have? 1 Priapism 2 Phimosis 3 Epispadias 4 Paraphimosis


A patient reports having a painless, swollen, hard nodule in the left scrotum. On palpation, the nurse finds that the patient has testicular swelling and a hard, solitary nodule. What does the nurse infer from these findings? 1 The patient may have varicocele. 2 The patient may have spermatocele. 3 The patient may have testicular torsion. 4 The patient may have early testicular tumor.


A patient tells the nurse, "I feel the need to urinate about 10 to 12 times a day, but I have trouble starting my urine stream. And sometimes I have a bit of leakage." On reviewing the laboratory reports, the nurse finds that the patient has increased prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. What does the nurse infer from these findings? 1 The patient has urethritis. 2 The patient has varicocele. 3 The patient has prostatitis. 4 The patient has prostate cancer.


A 20-year-old white male has a history of undescended testes. Which condition is this patient at high risk of developing? 1 Varicocele 2 Prostate cancer 3 Testicular cancer 4 Sexually transmitted infections


A male patient expresses discomfort with a female nurse performing a genitalia examination. What action should the nurse take? 1 Continue with the assessment and engage in friendly talk. 2 Arrange to have a male nurse perform the physical assessment. 3 Defer the physical assessment and record that the patient has refused it. 4 Tell the patient that it is a professional matter and she has no personal interest in him.


Before assessment, the health care provider instructs the nurse to perform a careful examination of the inguinal area of a 6-month-old child. What is the most likely reason for this instruction? 1 It is a potential site for a tumor. 2 It is a potential site for a hernia. 3 It is a potential site for a chancre. 4 It is a potential site for an infection.


How would the nurse describe the inguinal lymph nodes? 1 "The nodes receive drainage from the testes." 2 "The nodes lie horizontally along the inguinal ligament." 3 "The nodes receive drainage from the superficial regions of the leg and foot." 4 "The nodes lie vertically below the junction of the saphenous and femoral veins."

1, 2

On reviewing the laboratory reports of a patient, the nurse sees that the blood urea nitrogen level is 40 mg/dL. Which conditions does the nurse expect to find in the patient? Select all that apply. 1 Decrease in fluid volume 2 Increase in protein intake 3 Red blood cells in the urine 4 Increase in the glucose level 5 Fever and burning urination


The nurse finds an ulcer with watery discharge on the penis. The patient denies pain. Which condition does the nurse suspect? 1 Dermatitis 2 Carcinoma 3 Cryptorchidism 4 Syphilitic chancre

1, 3, 4

The nurse in a pediatric clinic finds that a 1-year-old child has indirect inguinal hernia. Which findings are consistent with this condition? Select all that apply. 1 The child stops crying after being laid down. 2 The child has nausea, vomiting, and tenderness. 3 The child whines due to pain while expelling stools. 4 The child has a swelling that increases with intra-abdominal pressure. 5 The child has swelling close to the pubis in the area of the internal inguinal ring.


The nurse is performing a physical examination of a male patient's genitourinary system. Which position would be best to assess the presence of hernia? 1 Prone position 2 Sitting position 3 Supine position 4 Standing position


The nurse is preparing a questionnaire to assess stress incontinence in a patient. Which is the most important question that should be asked by the nurse? 1 "Are you urinating more often than usual?" 2 "Do you have any difficulty controlling your urine?" 3 "Do you have any trouble starting the urine stream?" 4 "Do you accidentally urinate when you sneeze, laugh, cough, or bear down?"


The nurse is reviewing a patient's laboratory results and finds that the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels are elevated. What should the nurse ask the patient in order to confirm the accuracy of the test results? 1 "Did you ejaculate in the last two days?" 2 "Do you take the drug finasteride?" 3 "Do you currently have a urinary tract infection?" 4 "Does anyone in your family have prostate cancer?"


The nurse teaches a patient about testicular self-examination. Which statement would be appropriate for the nurse to include? 1 "Testicular cancer usually affects men after 50 years of age." 2 "Avoid self-examination because lesions are difficult to detect." 3 "The cure rate of testicular cancer is almost 100% when detected early." 4 "There is no need to worry if any hard lumps on the testicles are painless."


The nurse teaches a student about the functions of the male genital structures. Which statement, if made by the student, indicates a need for further instruction? 1 "The testis produces sperm." 2 "The epididymis stores the sperm." 3 "The prostate produces ejaculatory fluid." 4 "The seminal vesicles form the spermatic cord."


The nurse teaches a student about the functions of the male genital structures. Which statement, if made by the student, indicates a need for further instruction? 1 "The testis produces sperm." 2 "The epididymis stores the sperm." 3 "The prostate produces ejaculatory fluid." 4 "The seminal vesicles form the spermatic cord."

1, 4, 5

What are the objective assessment findings recorded by the nurse after examining a male patient's genitourinary system? Select all that apply. 1 Asymmetrical testis 2 Pain while passing urine 3 Voiding of urine 5 times/day 4 Inflammation of the glans penis 5 Presence of white discharge from the penis


What condition does the nurse suspect in the patient whose creatinine level is 3.0 mg/dL? 1 Urinary tract infection 2 Renal calculi formation 3 Decreased kidney function 4 Hyperglycemia associated with diabetes mellitus


What is a characteristic of a direct inguinal hernia? 1 It is acquired by loss of muscle substance. 2 It is more common in infants younger than 1 year of age. 3 It is a congenital weakness exacerbated by coughing or obesity. 4 It is a painful swelling over the internal inguinal ring during straining.


What is an abnormal assessment finding in a male patient? 1 The patient's scrotal contents do not transilluminate. 2 The right side of a patient's scrotum is lower than the left side. 3 The patient's testes feel smooth, movable, and slightly sensitive to compression. 4 The skin of the penis is thin, hairless, and darker than skin on other areas of the patient's body.


What is hypospadias? 1 A foreskin that cannot be retracted 2 A painful penile bending during erection 3 A urethral meatus on the dorsal side of the penis 4 A urethral meatus at a proximal, ventral site on the penis

3, 4, 5

What medical benefits does a female receive when her male sexual partner undergoes circumcision? Select all that apply. 1 Reduced risk of genital warts 2 Reduced risk of genital herpes 3 Reduced risk of trichomoniasis 4 Reduced risk of bacterial vaginosis 5 Reduced risk of human papilloma virus infections


What would transillumination of a normal adult scrotal sac reveal? 1 The presence of hydrocele 2 The presence of a faint pink glow 3 The presence of blood in the scrotum 4 Scrotal contents as dark masses with regular borders


When do the testes enlarge and pubic hair appears in males? 1 Between 7 and 8 years of age 2 Between 8 and 9 years of age 3 Between 12 and 16 years of age 4 Between 18 and 20 years of age


When does sperm production start decreasing in an adult? 1 Around 30 years of age 2 Around 60 years of age 3 Around 40 years of age 4 Around 80 years of age


When should the nurse obtain a patient's sexual history? 1 Before a genital examination 2 During a genital examination 3 After a genital examination 4 Per the patient's inclination


Where is the erectile tissue located in males? 1 Epididymis 2 Scrotum 3 Corpora cavernosa 4 Cremaster muscle


Which assessment technique reveals the presence of a nontender nodule during the physical assessment of a patient with a syphilitic chancre? 1 Palpation 2 Inspection 3 Percussion 4 Auscultation

4, 5

Which complications should the nurse watch for in an infant who has undergone circumcision? Select all that apply. 1 Penile cancer 2 Paraphimosis 3 Genital herpes 4 Wound infection 5 Urinary retention


Which condition is caused by hyperactivity of the detrusor muscle? 1 Nocturia 2 Urinary retention 3 Urge incontinence 4 Stress incontinence

1, 2, 5

Which conditions are examples of scrotal abnormalities? Select all that apply. 1 Varicocele 2 Epididymitis 3 Hypospadias 4 Paraphimosis 5 Spermatocele

1, 2, 3

Which developmental changes would the nurse be able to observe in a male adolescent during physical examination? Select all that apply. 1 Enlargement of the testis 2 Increase in the penis size 3 Appearance of pubic hair 4 Pendulous appearance of the scrotum 5 Descent of the testis along the inguinal canal

1, 3

Which findings obtained during the genital examination indicate that the patient has genital warts? Select all that apply. 1 Soft pointed painless papules around the anus 2 Red-colored painless ulcers with watery discharge 3 Multiple moist and fleshy papules behind the corona 4 A small, solitary, silvery papule with serous discharge 5 Erythematous, painful, and superficial ulcers on glans


Which infection can be prevented by administering the HPV4 vaccine to a patient? 1 Tinea cruris 2 Genital warts 3 Genital herpes 4 Syphilitic chancre

1, 2, 3

Which interventions should the nurse perform to prevent eliciting the cremasteric reflex in an infant during the palpation of the inguinal region? Select all that apply. 1 Palpate down from the external inguinal ring. 2 Block the inguinal canals with the thumb and forefinger. 3 Warm the hands before starting the palpation technique. 4 Compress the glans anteroposteriorly between the thumb and forefinger. 5 Palpate the shaft of the penis between the thumb and the first two fingers.


Which laboratory parameter indicates decreased kidney function? 1 Increased serum creatinine 2 Increased blood urea nitrogen 3 Increased glucose levels in the urine 4 Increased red blood cell count in urine


Which structure is the storage site of sperm? 1 Testis 2 Epididymis 3 Vas deferens 4 Ejaculatory duct


While caring for a patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the nurse finds that the patient is unable to urinate and has abdominal pain. Which condition does the nurse suspect in the patient? 1 Oliguria 2 Urethritis 3 Urethral stricture 4 Acute urinary retention


While examining a patient's penis, the nurse finds that the patient has a narrow, red, and edematous urethral meatus with purulent discharge. What does the nurse infer from these findings? 1 The patient has urethritis. 2 The patient has phimosis. 3 The patient has hydrocele. 4 The patient has cryptorchidism.


While performing a genital examination of a male infant, the nurse sees that the infant's urethral meatus is located ventrally. Which condition does the infant have? 1 Phimosis 2 Epispadias 3 Hypospadias 4 Paraphimosis


While reviewing the assessment reports of a patient, the nurse finds that the patient has lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and a sudden onset of unilateral pain in the testicles. Upon performing palpation, the nurse finds that the spermatic cord is thick, swollen, and tender. Which condition does the nurse expect to find in the patient? 1 Varicocele 2 Epididymitis 3 Testicular torsion 4 Early testicular tumor

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