health behavior theory quizzes to study

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which of the following describe a model

-can serve as a visual aid -are technically differentiated from theories, in that, a theoretical model often incorporates constructs from more than one theory -models may or may not explain the phenomenan being modeled -can define the relationship between constructs/variables

for our purposes, "smoking" would be 'best' classified as?

a health risk behavior

which of the following would be an ex of how the construct "somatic (physiological) and emotional (affective) states "might influence self-efficacy to perform a given behavior?

an individual feels overwhelming anxiety prior to standing up to give their presentation in a college class.

this construct represents almost anything, which could prompt an individual to take some health related action?

cues to action

which option below provides the best example of a specific health behavior?

eating 5 servings of fruit a day.

according to the principles of self efficacy theory, an individual should have the same degree of self efficacy to eat a low saturated fat meal no matter if they are at home or at mcdonalds


albert bandura was a professor of psychology at the prestigous harvard university


cognition related factors (e.g. attitudes and beliefs) are typically the most distal determinants of behavior.


the HBM is a theory/model that focuses on "interpersonal factors" that lead to a behavior?


the bobo doll experiments famously illustrated the self-efficacy construct of "social persuasion."


thinking about a causal chain, factors existing toward the end of the chain, any considered distal or upstream factors.


why are we so interested in human behavior?

human behavior is a modifiable factor for disease and disability.

according to the self-efficacy theory logic, which of the following scenarios should exert the greatest influence on self-efficacy to perform the respective behavior?

last week amanda successfully (i.e. no falls) rode her bicylce on the mountain bike trails for the first time and had a great time.

which of the following is not a construct of self-efficacy theory

motivation experience

the monetary cost associated with a vaccine would associate with which of the following theory constructs?

perceived barriers

which constructs combine to produce the construct of perceived threat?

perceived seriousness

an osteoporosis program shows that participants pictures of women who experienced "severe hunching" as a result of osteoporosis. This tactic/strategy addressed which HBM construct?

perceived seriousness (Severity)

breaking down behaviors into small steps, using demonstration from models, using social persuasion and reassurance, and working to reduce stress and anxiety sounds like methods to increase this HBM construct?


a program planner develops a powerpoint to increase awareness regarding who is at risk for breast cancer. this intervention is aimed at changing the HBM construct "perceived susceptibility"?


based on the principles of self-efficacy theory, previous babysitting experience would likely be an experience that should influence an indivual's self efficacy in their ability to care for their own child.


health behaviors can be categorized into two broad categories, those that are protective behaviors and those that are risk behaviors.


in relation to any specific behavior, we would typically view socioeconomic status as being an upstream factor in relation to the behaving individual's attitude toward the behavior.


the effect of verbal persuasion on individual self-efficacy is altered based on who the individual providing the persuasion is.


theory principles describe how theory constructs relate to one another.


there is a reciprocal relationship between self-efficacy and behavior


the development of the health belief model is associated with what health issue?


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