Health Exam 3 Violence

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A bias-motivated crime is A) a hate crime or ethnoviolence. B) intimate partner abuse. C) a crime committed by a stranger. D) a crime that was not reported to the police.


A woman often remains a victim of domestic violence because A) she fears retaliation against herself or her children. B) she is financially independent. C) she believes the situation will never change. D) her cultural or religious beliefs allow divorce.


Child abusers are most likely to be a A) biological parent. B) close relative. C) sexual predator. D) step-parent.


Which of the following is true about primary aggression? A) It will not result in the bodily harm of others. B) It is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature. C) It results from frustration with minor, daily life experiences. D) Aggressive behavior does not necessarily result in violent interactions.


A course of conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear, such as repeated following, written or verbal contact, or implied or explicit threats is A) sexual harassment. B) stalking. C) sexual assault. D) surveillance.


A man who believes that when a woman says "no" to sex, she really means "yes" is an example of A) male socialization. B) male misperceptions. C) trivialization. D) societal pressure to be macho.


Any form of unwelcome sexual attention related to any condition of employment, education, or performance evaluation is A) sexual assault. B) sexual coercion. C) sexual harassment. D) rape.


Injury done to another person with the intent to harm is A) a premeditated homicide. B) a premeditated assault. C) intentional injury. D) unintentional injury


Death that results from the deliberate intent to injure or kill is a(n) A) hate crime. B) death-penalty crime. C) incident of manslaughter. D) homicide.


Injury done to another person by accident or without premeditation is A) a noncriminal act. B) a forgivable offense. C) intentional injury. D) unintentional injury


International terrorism occurs when A) workers in a particular occupation lobby for unionization. B) hostile actions are directed toward a citizen's or group's own government. C) students picket on university campuses to protest global warming. D) terrorist activities transcend national boundaries.


Political differences have historically A) empowered men to be tough and aggressive. B) justified violence against others. C) created an environment of hopelessness. D) been triggers for violent acts.


Which serious crime is the least reported to police? A) Aggravated assault B) Hate crime C) Stalking D) Rape


Gang violence occurs A) only in high-population urban areas. B) in urban areas and suburban communities. C) in urban, suburban, and rural areas. D) mainly in rural areas where police rarely patrol.


In the event of a rape, the victim should first call 911 and then immediately A) bathe or shower and clean anything the attacker touched. B) wash the clothing worn and save for evidence. C) go to a clinic or hospital for examination and treatment. D) call a friend or family member for support.


Jason comes from a family that rarely expresses emotion. His parents also sometimes fail to discipline appropriately and ignore situations until they become chaotic. These characteristics of Jason's home life may indicate an increased risk for A) sexual abuse. B) depression. C) problems with anger management. D) problems with substance abuse.


Sally brought her boyfriend Paul home to visit over the holiday break. Sally's mother noticed that Paul repeatedly criticized and attacked Sally's actions, decisions, and opinions. Paul may be A) looking out for Sally's best interest. B) trying to impress the family. C) a psychological abuser. D) trying to prove that he is smarter than Sally.


The use of force or the threat of force to control and maintain power over another person in the home environment is A) ethnoviolence. B) intimate partner violence. C) domestic violence. D) domestic terrorism.


Which of the following are common characteristics of a child abuser? A) Holding extreme beliefs about religion or race B) Being raised in an isolated rural area C) Low income with poor self-image D) Highly educated but with little patience


Based on statistics about campus violence, female students who are victims of rape A) usually know the perpetrator. B) usually are off campus when the rape occurred. C) usually report it. D) usually are seniors or graduate students.


Cultural beliefs that can be considered societal causes of violence include A) objectifying women. B) promoting open communication between men and women. C) empowering women. D) encouraging men to be respectful of women.


Deliberate acts that cause harm to a child is A) child abuse. B) child neglect. C) child maltreatment. D) predatory behavior.


Jill's husband slapped her hard in the face because his laundry was not folded and put away when he got home. Jill feels guilty for not finishing the laundry earlier in the day. Which phase in the cycle of violence are they in when Jill vows to make sure she doesn't make this mistake again? A) Tension building B) Acute battering C) Remorse/reconciliation D) Honeymoon period


The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are examples of which type of violence? A) Collective violence B) Domestic violence C) Interpersonal violence D) Religious violence


Violence inflicted against one individual by another, or by a small group is A) interpersonal violence. B) ethnoviolence. C) a hate crime. D) terrorism.


Which of the following is true about reactive aggression? A) It is most often an emotional reaction to frustrating life experiences. B) It is a goal-directed, hostile form of self-assertion. C) It is occasional or rare behavior that occurs because of hormonal imbalances. D) It is often related to substance abuse.


Which of the following statements about marital rape is true? A) The legal definition varies within the United States. B) It has been illegal in all 50 States for more than 45 years. C) Women over the age of 25 are at a higher risk of marital rape. D) Alcoholism and substance abuse do not generally play a role in marital rape.


Which statement is true about reactive aggression? A) It is often part of an emotional reaction caused by frustrating life experiences. B) It is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature. C) It likely to flare up during times of conflict with authority figures. D) It is a rare and unusual occurrence in people who are normally calm and self-controlled.


A situation that would be a predictor of domestic violence is A) financial stability. B) marital dissatisfaction. C) tobacco use. D) moving to an unfamiliar area.


A tendency toward anger may be A) simply a mood that will pass. B) both physiological and related to family background. C) a learned response that increases with age. D) a trait of emotionally mature people.


Aggravated rape involves A) consensual penetration in the presence of a weapon. B) one or multiple attackers, strangers, weapons, or physical beating. C) rape by a spouse or family member. D) rape by someone the victim knows or has a relationship with.


Aggressive behaviors that result in injuries or death are collectively known as A) gang violence. B) violence. C) overt hostility. D) crimes.


Assaults on the personality, character, competence, or dignity of a child are considered A) neglect. B) psychological abuse. C) strict discipline. D) physical abuse.


Cindy was raped in a campus dorm. Which legislation gives her the right to call off-campus authorities to investigate the crime? A) Violent Crime Act B) Ramstad Act C) Harrison Act D) Victim of Crime Act


Homicide is the second leading cause of death for persons age A) 12 to 29. B) 15 to 24. C) 22 to 34. D) 35 to 49.


If a friend confided that she was forced to have sex and did not consent, this is an example of A) abuse. B) sexual assault. C) intimate partner violence. D) neglect.


In one third of homicides in the United States, A) the perpetrator and victim are acquainted or are friends. B) the perpetrator and the victim are part of the same family. C) the perpetrator and the victim are strangers. D) the perpetrator chooses the victim randomly.


Lately, Tricia has been screaming at her boyfriend and throwing things at him when he comes home after a night out with his buddies. The last time this happened, she smashed a lamp against the wall, barely missing Greg's head. Which phase of the cycle of violence does this behavior represent? A) Tension building B) Acute battering C) Remorse/reconciliation D) Honeymoon period


Many of the elderly who are abused fail to report abuse, neglect or exploitation because they A) are happy to have someone to take care of them. B) fear retribution or removal from their home. C) readily accept the loss of control. D) have dementia and can't remember details of the abuse.


Sexual penetration without the victim's consent is A) sexual intimacy. B) rape. C) physical abuse. D) sexual assault.


The increasing amount of violence being viewed by children and young people on television, online, and via other media has been shown to A) increase the rate of violent crime among teens age 13 to 17. B) have no measurable impact on crime rates. C) support a positive association between media violence and criminal aggression. D) lower their reading and math scores on standardized tests.


The intentional use of physical force or the threat of force to inflict physical or psychological harm is the World Health Organization's definition of A) a hate crime. B) violence. C) aggravated assault. D) a criminal act.


The typical age range for gang members is between A) 12 and 18 years. B) 12 and 22 years. C) 14 and 24 years. D) 16 and 22 years.


Violence based on prejudice and discrimination that is directed toward members of a particular racial or ethnic group is A) interpersonal violence. B) ethnoviolence. C) a hate crime. D) terrorism.


Which form of violence has the ability to affect the U.S. economy, travel, security measures, and military operations? A) Gang violence B) Terrorism C) Interpersonal violence D) Ethnoviolence


Which of the following behaviors is considered neglecting a child? A) Physical harm B) Failure to provide meals on a regular basis C) Living in a small, cramped apartment D) Sexual abuse


Campus law enforcement officers now have A) increased authority to carry weapons. B) more training on campus safety. C) more staff and increased authority to prosecute offenders. D) the ability to enforce laws in classrooms but not in student living quarters.


Children who have experienced sexual abuse are at increased risk for A) irrational fears. B) academic problems and learning disabilities. C) anxiety disorders, depression, and suicide. D) committing minor crimes such as shoplifting.


Which of the following is an example of the remorse/reconciliation phase of the cycle of violence? A) Sharon can no longer predict her husband's violent acts, so she spends as much time at her sister's house as possible. B) John threatens to teach Sharon a lesson if she doesn't do what he wants. C) Sharon tries harder to please John to avoid being beaten. D) They day after John hit Sharon so hard her lip was split open, he brought her flowers and said he was sorry.


Which one of the following is an example of primary aggression? A) Calling someone a name in response to teasing B) Getting upset when you lose while playing a video game C) Frustration in trying to solve a calculus problem D) Bullying another student in the cafeteria


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