Health Informatics exam 1

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what is speech recognition in HIT

it allows for the doctors to describe their patients with words

describe how the adoption of health information technology is likely to impact upon the population at large (consumers)

- It will allow of the consumer to have easier access to we portals, personal health records and social networking.

What are the 3 components of Meaningful Use?

- Use of certified EHR in a meaningful manner -Use of certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of health care -Use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality measures (CQM) and other such measures selected by the secretary

What is CPOE and E-Rx (E-prescribing)? Define both and show how they improve healthcare quality

- computerized Physcian Order entry(CPOE)- an EHR feature that processes orders for medications, lab tests, imaging, and other diagnostic tests - E-Perscribing: an electronic system to support a prescriber's ability to electronically send an accurate, error-free and understandable prescription directly to a pharmacy from the point-of-care

what are the challenges to data analytics in health care?

- data provenance - data availability - data standard - data ownership

benefits of CPGs

- establishing transparency - management of conflict of interest - guideline development group compensation -

Benefits of EBM

- it's the best way to have consistancy and have standards because it's the most objective

How does CPOE contribute to reducing medication errors?

- outcomes the issues of illegibility - fewer errors with ordering drugs with similar names or trailing zeros - reduce under and over prescribing - Make prescriptions to reach the pharmacy quicker - Identify the prescribing physicians

what are the benefits of of using speech recognition?

- reduced transcription expense - dramatically increased physician productivity - improved patient care via more detailed documentation and faster results delivery

How does the government initiatives and offices contribute to HIT

- the ONC is going to promote and create a universal interoperable electronic health record by the year 2013 -ehealth iniative

what is interoperability and why is it important in HIT?

- the ability to transfer data cross multitude of health information systems without the need for elaborate, mapping translations to new format and additional efforts on the part of the consumer

macro level CDSS

- the clinical process for multiple encounters with a patient who has a chronic illness and getting treatment over time -

micro level CDSS

- the decision process that a physician encounters directly with the patient who presents with a system

How does CDW differ from EHRs or other HIT systems

-CDWs focus on data from multiple sources and focuses on clinical trials and research - EHRs is data from a single source and focus on patient care

how would you explain ICD-10 code and CPT Codes to someone not in the medical field?

-ICD-10 is a bunch of codes to explain death on a death certificate -CPT codes are numbers assigned to every task and service and medical practitonar may assign to a patient

knowledge and wisdom

-Knowledge: information that is justifiable to be true -Wisdom: The critical use of knowledge to make intelligent decisions

health care providers ( clinicians)

-Online searches with pub med, search engines, medical databases, resources and digital libraries - EHR - makes everything more accessible - electronic perscribing

What is the ultimate goal of the program?

-Patient-centered -Evidence-based -Prevention-oriented -Efficient -Equitable

What is Meaningful Use?

-The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs provide financial incentives for the meaningful use of certified EHR technology to improve patient care.

what kinds of software

-Uptodate, emedicine, dynamed

what is a point of care tool

-a synthesized resource that can easily provide evidence based questions during a patient visit -

What are the selection criteria of a PHR?

-content -ownership and use - access and security - Portability -cost

What are the benefits and issues associated with EHR use in healthcare?

-cost: reduces costs through decreased paperwork, improved safety, reduced duplication of testing, and improved health -access: enable quick access to patient records for more coordinated, efficient care -Quality: Provide accurate up-to-date and complete information about patients at the point of care -Safety: securely shar electronic information with patients and other clinicians

what is the difference between data and information

-data: symbols and observations reflecting differences in the world. There is no meaning associated with data -information: meaningful data or facts from which conclusions can be drawn from humans or computers

what is EBM

-evidence based medicine: using clinical research to properly diagnose patients

information and knowledge

-information: meaningful data or facts from which conclusions can be drawn from humans or computers -Knowledge: information that is justifiable to be true

what are the challenges of e-perscribing?

-legible prescriptions that help eliminate handwriting issues - the wait to pick up prescription is potentially reduced - potential to reduce workload with pharmacists - Timely notification of drug alerts and updates - better use of generic or preferred drugs -

types of clinical question

-therapy -diagnosis -prognosis -harm

challenges of EBM

-translating the results into everyday practice is a challenge -clinical practice is more complex than trials

what is a CPG (clinical practice guidelines)

-very best evidence based and used to rest certain conditions or diseases

what is the purpose of CDWs

A shared database that collects, integrates, and stores clinical data from a variety of sources including electronic health records, radiology, and other information systems

what are the roles of governments to improve healthcare, and how are their roles related to HIT?

Allocate and distribute resources across different entities. • Identify target populations for specific health programs and policies. • Manage health service organizations, structure, and e-health infrastructure. • Develop national reporting requirements, information, and knowledge management infrastructure. • Control regulations and policies for health care sectors. • Promote standards of health service delivery • Fund health-related research. • Provide educational opportunities for the health workforce and at what cost to individuals


An electronic application used by patients to maintain and manage their health info. in a private, secure and confidential environment


An electronic record of health-related information on an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff within one healthcare organization -An electronic version of the traditional record used by healthcare providers

Explain in your own words what Health informatics is and why health informatics is not just "computer applications in hospitals"

Applies to all fields of medicine not just (research, care, education, etc) not just hospitals. Also deal with resources, devices and methods for optimizing storage, retrieval, and management of health related information for problem solving and communication

Which are the advantages of the Electronic Health Records over the traditional handwritten records?

Benefits: cost, access, quality, safety, efficiency


EHRs, e-prescribing systems, computerized physician order entry, and medication reconciliation systems all are strengthened by some form of clinical decision support. • CDSS can help physician reach proper diagnoses, ask the right questions, and perform appropriate tests on the front end of the decision-making process--preventing errors of omission--as well as stop errors of commission on the back end, during treatment and procedures.

We learned about the Google Health failure in class. What would be the future PHRs, in order not to repeat the same failure in the market?

Google lacked communication and convenience features that patients look for when dealing with their health information electronically. Did didn't properly address consumer privacy concerns, and a lack of provider relationships killed google. Fix these steps and you're on the right track to a PHR system.

challenges of CPGs

Practice setting, contrary opinions, Sparse data, can be too long, Impractical or confusing, No uniform level of evidence rating system,Too many CPG's, Excessive influence by drug companies, Quality, and no patient input.

challenges with e-perscribing

alerts, i general are viewed as nuisances by physicians, unless they are very specific, highly important and are educational - some pharmacies don't accept e-perscriptions - physicians often receive duplicate requests from pharmacies


an electronic record of health-related information on an individual that conforms to nationally recognized interoperability standards and that can be drawn from multiple sources while being managed, shared, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff across more than one healthcare organization

public informatics

areas of public health including surveillance, reporting, and health problems

clinical informatics

clinical decision support to clinical documentation to provider order entry system, and from system design to provider order entry system

medical informatics

deals with diagnosis and management, with an emphasis on physicians

health informatics

deals with the collection, storage, retrieval, communication, and optimal use of health related data, information, and knowledge


studies and pursues the effective uses of biomedical information and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving and decision making motivated by efforts to improve human health

what is the difference between a code system and terminology?

terminology: the medical terms and concepts used to describe, classify and code the data elements and data expression elements and data expression elements and data expression languages and syntax that describe the relationships among the terms/cocnepts

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