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A. Prosocial behavior is any action that helps others and is usually motivated by altruism. Showing empathy for other people is one of the first prosocial behaviors a child is able to demonstrate.

2. The growth of prosocial behavior toward peers in young children (ages 5-8) tends to be most closely linked to the development of which of the following abilities? A. having empathy for other people B. using nonverbal forms of communication effectively C. classifying other people into meaningful categories D. evaluating the long-term benefits and costs of interpersonal relationships

46. A family of five has a tradition of meeting weekly at a specific time and place. During these meetings, each family member is encouraged to discuss anything that is bothering him or her and is supported when expressing feelings and opinions. This practice is most likely to influence each family member's ability to: A. maintain flexible patterns of behavior. B. develop effective problem-solving skills. C. create an individual sense of fulfillment. D. protect against the development of negative behaviors.

B. According to parenting experts, participating in family meetings helps develop effective problem-solving skills. All participants learn to practice compromise, propose solutions to problems, and work with others. Through structured discussions each week, parents have repeated opportunities to reinforce the family's values, making the development of flexible patterns of behavior

53. Which of the following best describes three common warning signs of cancer? A. weakness and fatigue, weight loss, and inflammation of the joints B. sores that do not heal, unusual bleeding, and the appearance or thickening of a lump on the body C. severe headaches, sensitivity to light, and cataract formation D. painful muscle spasms, persistent periods of nausea and vomiting, and feeling of pressure in the chest

B. There are several general warning signs of cancer. These include sores that do not heal, unusual bleeding, and the appearance or thickening of a lump on the body. Although weakness, fatigue, and weight loss

83. A young adult has made an appointment for a regular medical check-up at a new community health-care center. Which of the following strategies is likely to be most useful in facilitating effective communication with health-care providers at the center? A. becoming familiar with recent trends in alternative or complementary medicine B. bringing a friend or relative along to help interpret or review information provided C. being prepared to discuss any concerns and personal and family medical history D. researching the educational levels and work experiences of health-care center staff

C. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), successful medical care relies on open communication by the patient. Open, honest discussion of medical concerns and the availability of personal and family medical history are the first two items identified on the AMA's list of patient responsibilities. Community health-care centers are highly unlikely to employ alternative or complementary medicine

22. During exercise, muscular contractions make cells more permeable, thus allowing glucose to be more easily transported from blood plasma into muscle cells. This is an important reason why exercise is especially beneficial to people with: A. hemophilia. B. iron-deficiency anemia. C. type 2 diabetes. D. liver disease.

C. In type 2 diabetes, cells become resistant to insulin, a hormone that helps cells absorb glucose from the blood. People with type 2 diabetes tend to have excess blood glucose as a result. Uptake of glucose by muscle cells during exercise is insulin-independent, making exercise an effective method of reducing blood glucose levels without the need of insulin. Hemophilia

23. Which of the following typically exerts the greatest influence on the development of gender roles? A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs B. body image C. the socialization process D. sexual maturation

C. The socialization process that influences the development of gender roles, also known as "gender socialization," is the process of learning the social expectations and attitudes associated with one's gender. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

71. A shock victim should be placed in which of the following positions? A. on his or her side in the recovery position B. on his or her back with the head elevated C. in a semi-sitting position D. on his or her back with the legs elevated

D. Unless other injuries prevent it, the standard first-aid procedure for when a person goes into shock is to lay the person on his or her back and to elevate the legs slightly. Blood flow tends to be impaired when a person goes into shock, and this position encourages blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain and other organs.

55. Which of the following best describes a common characteristic of chicken pox, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, and polio? A. They are all caused by bacterial organisms. B. They all do major damage to the immune system. C. They are all diseases of the circulatory system. D. They can all be prevented with vaccines.

D. Vaccines have been developed against chicken pox, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, and polio. Each of these vaccines is on the list of recommended childhood vaccinations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of these illnesses, only tetanus and diphtheria are caused by bacteria

4. The cells of the immune system that provide protection from disease move about the body in the: A. neurotransmitters of the nervous system. B. hormones of the reproductive and endocrine systems. C. nutrients of the digestive system. D. fluids of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

D. White blood cells are the cells of the immune system whose primary responsibility is to protect the body from disease. They move through the body in the vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Neurotransmitters

Infectious diseases

Diseases that are caused by infecting organisms; they can be passed from person to person.

Lifestyle diseases

Diseases that are made likely by neglect of the body. They cannot be passed from person to person. Examples are heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

parts of wellness

Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual health, social, motivation.

4 types of sugars

Glucose (the bodies fuel) Fructose (The sweet sugar of fruits and honey) Sucrose (table sugar) Lactose (milk sugar)


Made of amino acids and serve as the building material for many body structures. The essential amino acid must be obtained from food each day. The consequence of protein deficiency are severe, but most people consume enough protein.

Awareness to action

People who change their behaviors go from awareness to action. Setbacks are normal and expected.


Send out hunger signals when blood glucose levels get too low. Liver and muscle cells store extra glucose as glycogen, if even more glucose is available the liver changes it and extra protein as fat!

fatty acids

Simple forms of fat that supply energy fuel for most of the body cells.

amino acids

Simple forms of protein normally used to build tissue or, under some conditions, burned for energy.

3 carbohydrates

Starch, fiber, sugars.


The form in which the liver and muscle store glucose


A carbohydrate. Main source of energy for the world people. Provide the body with glucose and many other nutrients.


A class of nutrients that builds body tissue and supplies energy. Protein is made of amino acids.


A class of nutrients that does not mix with water. Fat is made mostly of fatty acids, which provide energy to the body. Technically referred to as lipids.


A persons belief in his or her ability to succeed at the task at hand.


A type of fat made by the body from saturated fat; a minor part of fat in foods.

Polyunsaturated fats

A type of unsaturated fat especially useful as replacement for saturated fat in a heart healthy diet.

16. Which of the following is the most comprehensive and effective method of determining personal fitness levels and health risks? A. completing a lifestyle assessment inventory B. calculating one's body mass index C. analyzing the U.S. Healthy People goals D. filling out a medical history survey

A. A lifestyle assessment inventory is generally a survey that evaluates different aspects of lifestyle and behavior. Although inventories can vary widely, those that include questions about diet and exercise habits, support systems, and self-care strategies can provide insight on a broad scope of factors that influence personal fitness levels and health risks. Body mass index

17. Which of the following dietary patterns is most suited to the energy needs and healthy growth and development of children? A. consuming small meals and snacks made up of various carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water throughout the day B. eating a large, well-balanced meal in the morning and in the evening to fuel the day's activities and promote sound sleep C. obtaining the majority of calories from foods high in complex carbohydrates to keep up with fluctuations in blood sugar levels D. avoiding almost all foods with fats to prevent difficulties with the absorption of vitamins and minerals

A. A variety of resources on diet and nutrition can be found at and These resources recommend that children consume a variety of foods from all food groups that will provide the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals a child needs to grow and develop. In addition, studies suggest that eating smaller, more frequent meals helps supply a steady source of energy that may help stave off hunger and overeating. Although well-balanced meals help provide the variety of nutrients needed for growth and development

63. A primary purpose of the organization called Alateen is to: A. provide social support and coping strategies to teenagers affected by alcoholism in their families. B. secure funding for and present alcohol prevention programs in public high schools. C. develop alcohol recovery programs based on the developmental characteristics of teenagers. D. establish partnerships with public agencies in communities with high rates of alcoholism.

A. Alateen is a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups. Their focus is to bring together teenagers who have been affected by alcoholism in their families so that they can share their experiences and learn effective ways to cope with problems. As a support group for teenagers who are affected by someone else's drinking problem, Alateen does not present alcohol prevention programs in high schools

35. The mother of an adolescent girl is concerned about her daughter's mental health. Lately, her daughter has been exhibiting signs of depression and withdrawal. The mother makes an appointment for her daughter with a doctor. Which of the following additional actions is most important for the mother to take in this situation? A. Be supportive and keep communicating with her daughter, and monitor the type and frequency of the behavior that is worrisome. B. Arrange to take a trip over a long weekend to provide the girl with a change of scenery and a change of pace. C. Attempt to engage her daughter in talking therapy in which the mother assumes the role of a mental health counselor. D. Research treatment options related to teenage depression on the Internet in order to prepare for a variety of diagnoses.

A. Because withdrawal from family and friends is one sign of teen depression, maintaining communication with the daughter is vital. One way the mother can encourage communication is by adopting a non-judgmental stance toward information her daughter shares. Documenting the frequency of worrisome behaviors will also provide important information that the doctor can use in providing a diagnosis. Although the mother should be willing to listen to her daughter's thoughts, any form of cognitive therapy should be left for a trained mental health counselor (C). In addition, although providing a distraction through a fun activity, such as a trip

77. Which of the following approaches is likely to be most practical and effective for promoting students' ability to protect themselves against sexual assault? A. fostering students' knowledge of principles and techniques for recognizing risky and dangerous situations B. developing and implementing separate lessons for boys and girls based on statistical data related to sexual assaults by gender C. arranging for students to learn self-defense techniques and martial arts skills through physical education or community programs D. familiarizing students with research gathered by law enforcement agencies on the tactics of sexual predators

A. Being able to recognize risky and dangerous situations is a practical and effective method of protecting oneself against sexual assault. With younger children, education in this area may include teaching them to distinguish between potentially dangerous adults and those who are most likely trustworthy. With adolescents and college students, sexual abuse prevention education might include warnings about the misuse of social media and staying safe at parties. Lessons based on statistical data about sexual assault

39. Positive peer pressure resulting from membership in a clique is most likely to have which of the following effects on an adolescent's social development? A. promoting feelings of competency B. encouraging healthy goal setting C. increasing communication skills D. influencing spiritual beliefs

A. Belonging to a clique allows teenagers to form close relationships with a small group of peers. Members of student cliques often discuss social activities, school, peers and their behaviors, fashion, pop culture, and other topics. By serving as a support group, almost all cliques help promote feelings of competency among their members. Some cliques may also encourage healthy goal setting

96. A young couple agree that they would like to have a child soon, but they would also like to pursue advanced educational degrees in their respective fields. The partners agree that while they have the same goals, they can't decide how to implement them. Which of the following steps would be most helpful for the couple to take next in this decision-making process? A. Brainstorm multiple options and time frames for achieving and managing the goals and review and discuss all ideas generated. B. Establish a time frame in which to achieve the goals but avoid discussing logistics until they can consult with a third party. C. Compare and contrast how having a child versus having advanced degrees will affect their relationship and lifestyle. D. Decide together whether having a child or pursuing advanced degrees is more important, then devote efforts to the choice.

A. Brainstorming multiple options and time frames allows the greatest flexibility in the decision-making process. Merely setting a time frame to decide and then consulting a third party

49. Which of the following skills most effectively supports a young couple's ability to make appropriate parenting decisions? A. communication B. career C. management D. social

A. Communication is the key to success for young parents; it helps build a solid foundation of parenting skills. Developing good communication skills will help young parents not only make appropriate decisions but will also create a healthy environment for the family. While having effective career

32. Several siblings are experiencing stress due to the impending divorce of their parents. While the family structure is undergoing changes, which of the following strategies would be the most effective to help the children cope with this stressor? A. maintaining a consistent daily routine at home and in school B. moving to a new community to get a fresh start C. reading books about the diversity of family life D. scheduling more time with friends and extended family

A. Divorce disrupts the family dynamic and introduces stress caused in part by the unknown. Maintaining a daily routine at home and in school provides the children with predictability and consistency. Moving to a new community

5. Hemophilia and sickle-cell disease can be used to illustrate the relationship between: A. genetic factors and the development of disease. B. aging and the development of chronic diseases. C. lifestyle behaviors and the development of disease. D. environmental factors and the development of chronic disease.

A. Hemophilia and sickle-cell disease are both inherited blood disorders caused by gene mutations. Therefore, these two diseases would best illustrate the relationship between genetic factors and the development of disease. Although aging

28. Which of the following diseases, thought to be one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in the United States, is especially dangerous because it often presents no symptoms until secondary damage occurs? A. chlamydia B. syphilis C. gonorrhea D. herpes simplex

A. Of the three sexually transmitted diseases reported to the Center for Disease Control in 2014, chlamydia was by far the most common. It can be dangerous because the initial infection goes undetected in most of the women and about half of the men who contract the disease. If untreated, chlamydia can cause complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women and infections of the urethra and epididymis in men. Although untreated syphilis

2. The growth of prosocial behavior toward peers in young children (ages 5-8) tends to be most closely linked to the development of which of the following abilities?

A. Prosocial behavior is any action that helps others and is usually motivated by altruism. Showing empathy for other people is one of the first prosocial behaviors a child is able to demonstrate. Nonverbal forms of communication

94. Many agree that using electronic media for communication and entertainment has increased sedentary lifestyles and lowered levels of physical fitness among children and adolescents. This trend exemplifies which of the following types of influences? A. the impact of modern technology on personal, family, and community health B. the effect of the mass media and advertising on consumer spending habits C. the universal need to achieve self-actualization and security by working and playing with others D. the combined power of peer pressure and youth-oriented media messages in fostering conformity

A. Research shows that modern technology and electronic media seem to be contributing to increasingly sedentary lifestyles and lower physical fitness among children and adolescents, resulting in negative impacts on personal, family, and community health. While mass media and advertising have affected consumer spending habits

88. An individual is seeking information on the advantages and disadvantages of major health plans, prescription plans, and prevention and wellness programs. This individual would most likely benefit from consulting the web site of which of the following organizations? A. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) C. World Health Organization (WHO) D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

A. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Among other things, this agency provides information about different health care plans and prevention and wellness programs. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

6. Which of the following factors is likely to have the greatest positive influence on an individual's development of lifelong healthy physical and nutritional habits? A. growing up in a household in which healthy habits were valued practices B. reading magazine articles about the benefits of exercise C. watching television programs about food preparation D. participating in extracurricular activities after school

A. The National Institutes of Health states that behaviors learned as a child strongly influence adult behavior. Therefore, children who grow up in a household in which healthy habits are practiced have an extended opportunity to learn positive behaviors that they will be more likely to practice as adults. Although schools can be a strong force in influencing behavior, participating in extracurricular activities

52. Which of the following best describes the most effective way to prevent fungal diseases? A. keeping clothes dry and maintaining good personal hygiene B. thoroughly cooking animal food products and avoiding infected water C. exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet D. washing hands regularly and avoiding contact with infected persons

A. The majority of fungal diseases in humans are skin infections that spread through direct contact. Because fungi grow especially well in damp areas, important steps in preventing fungal infections include wearing clean, dry clothing and keeping areas of the body that are prone to infection clean and dry as well. Most fungal infections are spread by skin contact, so thoroughly cooking animal food products and avoiding infected water

29. In health education practice, which of the following approaches best demonstrates sensitivity and equity to students in relation to sexual orientation? A. using gender-neutral terminology such as "partner" instead of "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" when discussing romantic relationships B. planning for discussions of issues such as gender roles and stereotypes by researching the latest theories on the Internet C. expressing disapproval of serious romantic relationships at the high school level, regardless of sexual orientation D. including explanations of patriarchal and matriarchal forms of social organization in sexual education courses

A. Using gender-neutral terminology when discussing romantic relationships removes references that could be interpreted as having a heterosexist bias. Conducting Internet research about gender roles and stereotypes

15. An accurate comparison between the total amount of calories in typical servings of each cereal is difficult to make because: A. the serving sizes of the cereals are different. B. only one cereal shows amounts of vitamins and minerals. C. neither cereal label presents the serving size in grams. D. both cereals have the same amount of calories from sugar.

A. With many foods, such as cereal, a "typical" serving rarely aligns to the serving size listed on the nutrition label because few people take the time to measure the amount of food they plan to consume. This can make it difficult to accurately compare the total amount of calories in the two cereals, especially since the calorie count for each cereal is based on a different volume of cereal. Information regarding the amount of vitamins and minerals

Essential amino acids

Amino acids that are needed, but cannot be made by the body; it must be eaten in foods

74. The most effective way for a college freshman to avoid conflict when faced with having to live with a roommate for the first time is to initially: A. post a list of clear rules for the room. B. communicate openly to share interests, lifestyle, and expectations. C. observe for several weeks to assess the situation. D. share classes, meals, and extracurricular activities together

B. A college freshman who wishes to avoid conflict with a roommate should seek open communication with the other person. Discussing expectations offers both roommates the opportunity to compromise on areas of potential conflict (such as bathroom schedules, room design, cleaning responsibilities, etc.), and sharing details about interests and lifestyle offers an opportunity to bond. Posting a list of rules

10. When assembling ingredients for baking, which of the following recipe modifications would be most effective for reducing the cholesterol content of baked desserts? A. substituting raw sugar for refined sugar B. substituting egg whites for whole eggs C. substituting all-purpose flour for whole wheat flour D. substituting shortening for cooking oil

B. Although whole eggs contain significant amounts of cholesterol, the cholesterol is found in the yolks, not the egg whites, so this substitution would reduce the amount of cholesterol in baked desserts. Cholesterol is produced by animals, but plants produce little to no cholesterol. Therefore, substituting raw sugar for refined sugar

14. Based on the information presented, which of the following statements is the best evaluation of the nutritional value of the two products? A. Both products are equally unhealthful because of their fat content. B. Product B is a better source of fiber and Vitamin C. C. Both products are equally healthful because they contain no cholesterol. D. Product A has fewer carbohydrates and therefore is more healthful.

B. Analysis of the two labels shows that Product B provides 5g of fiber and 25% of the recommended amount of vitamin C per serving, whereas Product A provides only 2g of fiber and 10% of the recommended amount of vitamin C per serving. This indicates that Product B is a better source of these two nutrients. Both products have a reasonably low amount of fat per serving

56. An individual has contracted a bacterial illness characterized by chest pain, chronic cough, chills, fluid accumulation, and high fever. In its early stages, this illness would likely be most responsive to which of the following types of treatment? A. cortisone injections B. antibiotics C. vitamin supplements D. biologic therapy

B. Antibiotics are a class of drugs that specifically kill bacteria. Because the individual's illness is caused by bacteria growing and multiplying in his body, taking antibiotics is likely to be an effective treatment. Cortisone injections

89. The American Red Cross can best be described as: A. a nonprofit health foundation dedicated to the enhancement of health through research. B. a humanitarian organization whose main mission is to provide emergency assistance and disaster relief. C. an advocacy group committed to the protection of consumers in the health-care marketplace. D. a voluntary health association whose main mission is to strengthen national health information services.

B. As a humanitarian organization, the American Red Cross relies on volunteers and donations to provide assistance during emergencies and disasters. This organization helps provide food, shelter, clothing, water, and other supplies following disasters and helps maintain a supply of blood to be used in medical emergencies. The Red Cross focuses on meeting people's basic needs during disasters rather than focusing on specific health-related issues. Therefore, enhancing health through research

48. A family made up of two parents and three children ranging in ages from 12 to 18 experiences the loss of the family home in a fire. Which of the following strategies would effectively help this family cope with the changes brought about by this crisis? A. determining the exact cause of the disaster B. collaborating on dealing with the immediate situation C. relying on community resources for support D. designating one member to be the decision maker

B. Bringing the family together to address their immediate needs is the most effective way to initially deal with the loss of a home. This collaboration would focus the entire family on the most important aspects of moving forward and coping with the changes the fire has brought, thereby allowing the family to re-establish a sense of security and control. While determining the exact cause of the disaster

43. Parents have just dropped off their eldest child at college for freshman year. Before leaving, both the parents and the new college student agree to communicate electronically with each other several times a week. Which of the following best illustrates the benefit and value of this mediated communication? A. helping the growth of a social network B. maintaining an existing relationship during a transition period C. supporting the financial independence of young people D. maintaining a list of daily activities in each other's absence

B. By agreeing to a frequency and means of communication, both parties are ensuring a continued relationship while the child adjusts to college. The agreement is made mutually and establishes expectations that might otherwise be ignored by the child in the midst of experiencing many college "firsts." Neither party is experiencing a growth in a social network as part of this mediated communication

68. Which of the following is the most effective way to ensure that an accident victim receives a rapid medical response in an emergency? A. Contact the office of the victim's primary care physician. B. Dial 911 on a phone. C. Contact a medical specialist with appropriate treatment skills. D. Call the nearest hospital.

B. Dialing 911 connects the caller to an emergency dispatch center so that the appropriate emergency services (ambulance, police, etc.) can be immediately sent to the scene of the accident. In many cases, the dispatch center is automatically able to detect the location from which the call was placed, facilitating the dispatcher's ability to quickly send an ambulance or other emergency services. Contacting the victim's primary care physician

13. Which of the following is likely to be most effective in encouraging children to integrate healthy eating patterns into their daily lives? A. avoiding the inclusion of any refined or processed foods in children's snacks and meals B. including a variety of nutritious foods and items from all major food groups in meals C. providing children with fruit beverages rather than raw or cooked vegetables and fruits D. offering small sweets or desserts as rewards when nutritionally balanced meals are completely finished

B. Experts on healthy eating recommend that meals include a variety of nutritious foods and items from all major food groups. Head Start notes that children may have to try a food on multiple occasions before enjoying it, so having a variety of nutritious choices provides options for children who may not like one item. Head Start also suggests that snacks such as sweets and chips be offered occasionally, rather than entirely excluding them from children's diets

45. A young couple is expecting the birth of a child in several months. Because the wife's mother is widowed and lives alone, the couple asks her to live with them and she accepts. Which of the following types of diverse family structures is about to be created? A. nuclear B. extended C. blended D. nontraditional

B. Extended families include parents, children, and relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. A nuclear family

58. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires U.S. food manufacturers to include additives in certain food products, such as folate in grain products and iodine in salt. A primary purpose of these types of policies is to: A. ensure that Americans receive the recommended daily allowance of all essential micronutrients. B. decrease health risks related to nutrient deficiencies such as cardiovascular and thyroid problems and birth defects. C. reduce the necessity of adding chemicals to food to preserve the foods and prevent spoilage. D. neutralize the proteins in foods that cause some individuals to experience allergic reactions and produce antibodies.

B. Folate and iodine are micronutrients, which are substances that are required for normal health and development but are needed in only small amounts by the body. Folate deficiencies increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and neural-tube birth defects. Lack of iodine in the diet can lead to thyroid complications. The FDA requires folate and iodine be added to certain food products to help ensure that people have enough of these nutrients in their diets. Iron and vitamin A are also essential micronutrients

27. Among sexually active people, which of the following is a significant risk factor for contracting HIV? A. having a preexisting or underlying genetic blood disorder B. being sexually involved with an individual who has had multiple partners C. receiving a blood transfusion or organ transplant D. being repeatedly exposed through kissing to the saliva of different people

B. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. It can be transmitted only through certain body fluids, such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Being sexually involved with an individual who has multiple partners is a risk factor for contracting HIV because the likelihood of coming into contact with the HIV virus increases as the number of sexual partners increases. Having a preexisting or underlying genetic blood disorder

26. In which of the following ways can a health education program best contribute to preventing dating violence among students? A. having students study data to determine the extent of dating violence, where it usually exists, and whom it typically affects B. helping students, families, and school staff recognize and address behaviors and social and cultural influences that foster violence C. creating comprehensive school policies that address threats, unwanted physical contact, and sexual intimidation and harassment D. developing media messages for local radio, television, and newspapers that promote appropriate attitudes about relationships

B. Helping students, families, and school staff recognize and address factors that foster violence is the most effective way to prevent dating violence. This approach provides a comprehensive strategy that raises awareness among the entire school community, thereby increasing the likelihood of intervention against dating violence. While studying data about dating violence

86. Which of the following best describes the primary aim of the three Rs of the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, and recycle? A. to integrate the spillover costs of a given product into the market price of that product B. to obtain maximum practical benefit from products while generating the minimum amount of waste C. to ensure that waste generators pay an equitable share of the costs of waste disposal D. to provide incentives for the proper disposal of nonhazardous commercial and industrial waste

B. In waste management, "reduce" refers to the practice of using less of a particular resource, "reuse" refers to the practice of using a product multiple times and/or for multiple purposes, and "recycle" refers to breaking down the original product and turning its components into a new product. The aim of each of these practices is maximizing the benefit of a particular product or resource while minimizing the amount of waste generated. Spillover costs of a given product

97. A middle school student who wants to improve his study habits and productivity writes a few short-term personal goals he would like to accomplish by the end of the semester. Which of the following steps should the student take next to help ensure success in achieving the goals? A. extrapolating a long-term goal from each short-term goal B. listing the goals in order by priority and deciding on realistic strategies for implementing the high-priority goals C. using a calendar to assign a due date to each goal D. reviewing the goals and determining whether any involve tasks that could be shared or accomplished simultaneously

B. Listing goals by priority and then deciding on realistic implementation strategies are actions that reflect elements of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic/results-focused, and time-bound) goal setting. In this case, the student has already identified specific goals. Prioritizing these goals will help the student determine which ones are the most important. Deciding on strategies for implementing these high-priority goals shows that the student is results-focused. Extrapolating a long-term goal from each short-term goal

25. Which of the following is an important responsibility of both people who are in a dating relationship? A. discussing the ways in which each partner could support the long-term life plans of the other partner B. maintaining open lines of communication about issues and concerns related to the relationship C. regularly weighing the advantages and disadvantages of remaining in a committed relationship D. evaluating one's dating partner in terms of how he or she is perceived by friends and acquaintances

B. One purpose of dating is socialization. In a dating relationship, the development of social skills depends on open lines of communication. Expecting support for long-term life plans

44. Although family structure has become increasingly diverse in terms of the individuals and relationships that form the family system, within the context of society this system has an underlying purpose to: A. provide identical developmental experiences for all members. B. meet physical and emotional needs. C. create an unchanging physical environment for all members. D. satisfy educational and social needs.

B. Physical and emotional needs are initially met within a family structure, both nuclear and extended. Providing identical developmental experiences for all family members

79. A middle school student receives anonymous, lewd messages on a public social network web site. This form of mediated communication is a sign of: A. teasing. B. harassment. C. defamation. D. abuse.

B. Posting lewd, offensive, or sexually explicit messages about another person online constitutes a form of sexual harassment. In this scenario, the student is being cyberbullied and should immediately report the messages to his or her parent/guardian or a trusted adult. In contrast with teasing

11. Which of the following food preparation and storage practices is most essential for preventing food contamination? A. placing eggs, milk, and cheese in the coldest parts of the refrigerator B. isolating raw meat and seafood from other foods during preparation C. never eating leftovers that have been refrigerated for more than two days D. using a porous wood cutting board when preparing foods at home

B. Raw meats and seafood can be significant sources of bacteria that cause food contamination. The risk of contaminating other food products can be greatly reduced by employing practices that isolate raw meat and seafood, such as using separate cutting boards and utensils during food preparation. Although storing eggs, milk, and cheese at appropriate temperatures can slow bacterial growth, these foods don't necessarily need to be stored in the coldest parts of the refrigerator in order to reach a safe temperature

24. In a high school health class, students practice goal-setting, decision-making, and interpersonal communication skills while discussing sexual activity and its consequences. The primary aim of this approach is most likely to encourage students to: A. prepare for the responsibilities of marriage, parenting, and family life. B. avoid risk-taking behaviors that could result in a sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy. C. reevaluate cultural values and beliefs about sexuality. D. adopt popular and accepting attitudes about issues related to sexuality and family planning.

B. Research indicates that effective comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programs include presenting students with scientifically and medically accurate information and assisting young people in setting goals, making informed decisions, and communicating openly. This approach has proved to have a positive effect in reducing at-risk behaviors that could result in a sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy. Although goal-setting, decision-making, and interpersonal communication skills are important for success in marriage, parenting, and family life

8. Which of the following nutritional tools is likely to be most useful in enhancing students' understanding of the interrelationships of diet, physical fitness, and individual health? A. nutrition fact sheets, such as those developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, for each major food group B. software programs that analyze food intake and activity levels based on personal profiles C. appendixes and tables that list the nutritive value of selected foods and calories expended by various types of physical activities D. medical journal articles that discuss the relationship between nutrition and disease risk factors

B. Software programs that analyze food intake and activity levels based on personal profiles are individualized and therefore can help students make the connection between food, physical fitness, and personal health. Nutrition fact sheets

59. Television shows and movies that portray casual use of alcohol and drugs by teenagers create a negative health influence primarily by: A. increasing viewers' familiarity with such images gradually until a tolerance or saturation point is reached. B. popularizing the idea that adolescent substance abuse is socially acceptable and free of consequences. C. suggesting that in real life, peer pressure can result in positive outcomes in addition to negative ones. D. equating youthful drinking and drug use with future success, energy, and excitement in adult life.

B. Television shows and movies that portray the casual adolescent use of alcohol and drugs popularize the idea that this type of behavior is socially acceptable and free of consequences. Studies have shown a correlation between such media portrayal and negative health outcomes for teenagers. There is no correlation noted between the portrayal of the casual use of drugs and alcohol and a tolerance or saturation point

99. A family and consumer sciences teacher hears a small group of students making homophobic comments and jokes in class. In this situation, the teacher has an immediate ethical responsibility to: A. report the names of the students who made the comments and jokes to the principal. B. actively respond to these instances of discrimination as they occur. C. examine his or her own teaching style and instructional approach for any evidence of bias. D. plan activities in which students analyze how sexual orientation is represented in the media.

B. The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) identifies embracing diversity as a core value. By actively responding to incidents of discrimination as soon as they occur, the teacher honors the AAFCS commitment to value all people. Because any incident of misbehavior is best dealt with as soon as it occurs, reporting the students to the principal

80. Which of the following would be the most appropriate reason for consulting the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) Consumer Drug Information online database? A. to locate lists of drugs approved and covered by specific health insurance plans B. to obtain information on proper dosages, side effects, and possible interactions of particular drugs C. to examine marketing techniques and research studies used to promote newly patented drugs D. to assess the reasonability of prices charged by local retailers for particular drugs

B. The Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) Consumer Drug Information website includes information on nearly all prescription drugs, and its huge database is searchable by drug, health condition, and disease. An A-Z guide includes substantial information on each drug, including its purpose, benefits, usual dosages, side effects, who should or should not take it, what to avoid while taking it, and food and drug interactions. Although the PDR publishes articles, health news, and consumer tips, it does not provide lists of drugs approved and covered by specific health insurance plans

65. After the teacher and students review and discuss the list of excuses, the teacher tells students that pressure to do something is often easier to cope with if you anticipate in advance what you will or will not do in response to pressure. The teacher asks students to think about a time when making up their mind in advance helped them, or would have helped them, deal with a tough situation. This teaching approach is likely to be most effective in promoting students': A. ability to recognize appropriate and inappropriate responses to intolerant attitudes. B. use of decision-making and goal-setting skills to reduce potential health risks. C. ability to differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic influences on health behaviors. D. use of negotiation and collaboration skills to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

B. This activity fosters students' use of decision-making and goal-setting skills to enhance health, which supports two of the National Health Education Standards for K-12 students. In this activity, students are encouraged to reflect on a time in which they used advanced planning strategies to anticipate a risk situation, predict potential outcomes, decide on an appropriate response, and set a goal for taking action to reduce risks. Such activities help students' ability to apply decision- making and goal-setting skills when confronted with an offer of alcohol or other drugs. While other activities may teach tolerance

95. Individuals who are exposed to persistent peer and media pressures to engage in unhealthy behaviors would benefit most from: A. expanding their circle of friends. B. understanding and practicing resistance skills. C. becoming vocal advocates of wellness. D. setting short- and long-term health goals.

B. Understanding and practicing resistance skills equips young people to say "no" when experiencing negative peer pressure. Having pre-planned responses or strategies bolsters the likelihood of successfully resisting pressure without escalation into conflict. Expanding one's circle of friends

62. Which of the following types of activities is likely to be most effective for promoting middle school students' understanding and application of substance abuse prevention strategies? A. having students view materials or videos that depict the legal consequences of underage drinking and use of illicit drugs B. having students practice assertive refusal skills in role plays in which they are pressured by peers to try alcohol or drugs C. asking students to conduct research and write about the effects of alcohol, tobacco, or a particular class of drugs D. asking students to look through magazines for tobacco and alcohol advertisements and analyze persuasive messages in the ads

B. Using interactive teaching methods, such as role-plays or scripted group activities, in which students practice assertive communication skills for resisting and refusing alcohol and drugs, helps build student confidence and prepares students for using the skills in real-life situations. Informing students about the legal consequences of underage drinking and the use of illicit drugs

18. A woman who has been running three miles several times a week for eight weeks finds that the muscular endurance of her legs has increased noticeably but that there has been little change in their strength. This runner's experience can best be used to illustrate which of the following principles of exercise training? A. the principle of reversibility B. the principle of specificity C. the principle of recuperation D. the principle of progression

B. When an athlete trains, the results of the training are specific to the type of training the athlete performs (the principle of specificity). In this case, the woman has been consistently exercising in a way that would tend to increase her endurance rather than her muscle strength. If she had wanted to increase muscle strength, weight training would have been a more targeted exercise. In athletics, the principle of reversibility


Binds with cholesterol and carries it out in stool = reduces diseases. Helps balance blood glucose Helps to control diabetes Reduces risk of cancer Prevents accumulation of body fat

78. A high school student is asked repeatedly by a peer to eat lunch together, to hang out after school, and to go out on dates. The student that is being approached has ignored the requests and now tries to avoid the student altogether. Which of the following strategies would have been more effective for the student to use initially in response to these unwanted overtures? A. responding with nonverbal communication B. accepting an offer and then not showing up C. using an "I" message to directly explain feelings D. reporting the behavior to the school principal

C. A direct response is the most effective way to initially decline unwanted overtures. By using "I" messages, the student is being polite but firm in explaining the reason he or she is not interested. Nonverbal communication

50. Which of the following behavior management practices would be most appropriate for a parent to use upon learning that his or her ten-year-old child has stolen an item from the grocery store? A. making the child write about why stealing is wrong B. taking favored activities away from the child for an indefinite period C. teaching the child that stealing is wrong by returning to the store to pay for the item D. withholding allowance from the child as reimbursement for the stolen item

C. A ten-year-old child is considered to be in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development. By having the child return to the store and pay for the shoplifted item, a parent reinforces the idea of ownership and corrects the behavior by having the child make restitution. This is a concrete way of demonstrating that the act of stealing from a store is taking an item that belongs to someone else and must be returned or purchased. While making the child write about why stealing is wrong

72. Noise pollution is most likely to cause which of the following health problems? A. dizziness and visual disorders B. obsessive compulsive disorders C. stress-related illnesses D. chemical hypersensitivities

C. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), health problems that result from excessive environmental noise include, in addition to hearing loss: stress-related illnesses, high blood pressure, sleep disruption, and reduced productivity. As a biological stressor, noise can influence multiple aspects of the body's physiological system. Physiological effects include elevated levels of serum cholesterol and glucose, digestive disorders, and tachycardia. Studies have demonstrated that high noise levels in occupational settings have adverse cardiovascular effects on workers, including coronary heart disease. Noise pollution is not considered a significant cause of dizziness and visual disorders

61. Which of the following is considered a primary contributing factor in a young person's propensity to misuse alcohol or drugs? A. living in an urban area B. being an only child C. being the child of a substance abuser D. having a chronic illness

C. According to the National Institutes of Health, among the risk factors for substance abuse is living with parents/guardians who abuse a substance and create an unstable home environment. This can challenge a child's social and psychological development, increasing the child's risk for substance abuse and other negative health behaviors. Living in an urban environment

67. Which of the following best describes why alcohol use increases the likelihood of injury for people engaged in recreational activities? A. Alcoholic beverages contain a psychoactive drug called ethanol. B. Alcohol use enhances sensory perception and causes exaggerated tactile sensations. C. Alcohol use impairs motor reflexes and slows reaction time. D. Alcoholic beverages contain ingredients that speed up metabolism

C. Alcohol use impacts regions of the brain involved in motor function. This can impair motor reflexes and reaction time, resulting in poor coordination and an increased risk of injury. The ethanol in alcoholic beverages is a psychoactive drug

36. Some health professionals believe that when a person has little opportunity to act in a self- directed way, the person may develop a deeply felt need for control. When this need is met through excessive control over one's body, it becomes a coping behavior that is significant in the development of: A. bipolar or manic-depressive disorder. B. schizophrenia. C. anorexia or bulimia nervosa. D. Asperger's syndrome.

C. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are mental health disorders in which individuals tend to develop and follow ritualistic behaviors in order to control body weight. These eating disorders may be characterized by distorted body image; preoccupation with weight, food, and calories; adherence to strictly controlled dietary and exercise regimens; and binge eating and purging. Some professionals believe that a perceived lack of control in other aspects of life may contribute to the need to exert control over something, such as eating, exercise, and weight control. Bipolar (manic depressive) disorder

69. Before performing an automated external defibrillation on a heart attack victim, it is most important to ensure that: A. the victim's arms have been secured. B. there is an ambulance on the way. C. no one is in physical contact with the victim. D. there is an adequate tilt to the victim's head.

C. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are portable devices that can be used when a person has a heart attack. The AED checks the victim's heart rhythm and can deliver an electric shock to restart the heart if needed. To prevent others from being shocked, it is important that no one else is in contact with the victim when the AED is in use. Securing a person's arms

87. Which of the following is a key responsibility of local departments of public health? A. taking actions to ban health-related products sold by local businesses that are found to be unsafe B. conducting annual physical fitness assessments of public school students C. coordinating information about outbreaks of infectious diseases within communities D. training interested community members in emergency first aid and life-saving techniques

C. Departments of public health have a general mission of organizing community efforts aimed at health promotion and disease prevention. Traditionally, this has included coordinating information about outbreaks of infectious diseases. Although health-related products must meet federal Food and Drug Administration standards before they can be sold

37. Two individuals who have been friends for several years have recently become estranged due to the behavior of one friend toward the other. The friend whose behavior caused this rift feels badly. Which of the following communication methods would be most effective for this friend to use to begin to heal the relationship? A. minimizing the event B. providing an excuse C. accepting responsibility D. ignoring the event

C. Guidelines for good communication require that responsibility be accepted in this situation, thereby validating the other person's feelings. Minimizing the event

91. Which of the following is a common public health strategy used by the U.S. government to monitor occupational risks to workers? A. conducting hazardous substances training programs such as asbestos-worker training and certification programs B. regularly testing indoor and outdoor air quality and drinking water supplies in major urban areas of the United States C. requiring health facilities and labs to report occupational lung diseases, pesticide and metal poisonings, and radiation illness D. collecting and analyzing anecdotal information and case studies reported by individual workers to public health departments

C. In Massachusetts, the Health and Human Services' Department of Public Health relies on the Occupational Health Surveillance Program (OHSP) to promote public health and safety by collecting information about work-related injuries, illnesses, and hazards in the state. At the federal level, occupational risks to workers generally fall under the jurisdiction of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Corporations, businesses, and organizations must maintain and provide access to medical records in accordance with OSHA and state regulations, and record and report occupational injuries and illnesses to the appropriate governmental public health agencies. This information is used to raise public awareness of workplace risks, target intervention activities, and guide the development of prevention programs. Although OSHA, the EPA, and state departments of public health may oversee or approve hazardous substances training programs such as asbestos-worker training

51. Which of the following best describes why adolescents should take active steps to prevent cardiovascular disease? A. Compared with other age groups, the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are particularly prevalent among adolescents. B. Cardiovascular disease is especially difficult to manage, control, and treat in adolescents and young adults. C. Unhealthy behaviors established during adolescence strongly influence the risk of developing cardiovascular disease later in life. D. Most of the diagnostic tools employed to detect cardiovascular disease are ineffective when used on adolescents.

C. Many behaviors, such as consuming a calorie-rich, nutrient-poor diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle, are factors in developing cardiovascular disease. These unhealthy habits can be difficult to break and have lasting effects that build over time. Therefore, it is important to avoid establishing these behaviors at a young age. Most risk factors for cardiovascular disease

90. Which of the following is the main purpose of public policies that require manufacturers to add vitamins and minerals to cereal and milk sold in the United States? A. extending the shelf life of food products B. protecting the public from food-borne illnesses C. increasing the nutrient value of food products D. minimizing the development of food intolerance conditions

C. Milk and cereal in the United States are fortified by adding vitamins and minerals to increase the nutrient value of these food products. For example, studies suggest that Americans consume limited amounts of vitamin D-rich foods. By adopting policies that require manufacturers to add vitamin D to milk and cereal, the likelihood that people will consume at least the minimum required amount of vitamin D increases. Adding vitamins and minerals to food products does not generally extend their shelf life

41. Li Ann returns from a doctor's appointment with news that her blood test indicates a high cholesterol level. The doctor has given Li Ann instructions on how to lower her cholesterol and has asked her to return in three months to be rechecked. The most effective way for Li Ann's partner to influence a positive health choice is to: A. make sure that Li Ann fasts before the next test for more accurate results. B. purchase a gym membership so that Li Ann can begin working out on a daily basis. C. support Li Ann's efforts by sharing low-fat, high-fiber meals each day. D. offer to borrow self-help nutritional books from the library for Li Ann to read.

C. One way to reduce cholesterol levels is to reduce dietary intake of trans fats and to increase dietary intake of fiber. If Li Ann's partner also chooses to follow the low-fat, high-fiber diet, it will likely make it easier for Li Ann to stick to the diet herself. Although fasting is required to obtain accurate lipid profile measurements

82. A 16-year-old student is thinking about making major changes to his diet as part of an effort to lose weight. Which of the following is the most authoritative source of information on the types of changes he should consider? A. friends who have lost weight B. articles on dieting in fitness magazines C. a physician or dietician D. personal trainer or fitness instructor

C. Physicians and dietitians have received special training on the types of diets that will be effective for weight loss without causing other medical issues and would best be able to help the student determine an appropriate diet plan. Friends who have lost weight

73. At a park, two teenagers sitting on a bench begin to ridicule two middle school students who are talking nearby. The teenagers remain seated but their taunts grow louder as they try to get a reaction from the middle school students. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the middle school students to take in this situation? A. Stay put and ignore the teenagers, but be prepared to run if the teenagers leave the bench. B. Walk a short distance away and loudly warn the teenagers to stop or they will get help. C. Avoid eye contact and verbal engagement with the teenagers and walk away. D. Stare at the teenagers and walk slowly by them to demonstrate that they are not intimidated.

C. Some researchers agree that avoiding eye contact and engagement while removing oneself from the situation is the best way to answer a verbal attack by a bully or set of bullies. Researchers agree that running from bullies

100. A teacher who suspects that a student may be physically abused at home feels uncomfortable following mandated reporting procedures. A colleague reminds the teacher that in order for the student and the family to receive supportive services, the teacher has an obligation to file a report with which of the following Massachusetts agencies? A. Child Guidance Clinic B. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education C. Department of Children and Families D. Department of Mental Health

C. Teachers are mandated to report suspected incidents of abuse against children. These reports are investigated by the Department of Children and Families, which is charged with protecting children from neglect and abuse. The Child Guidance Clinic

21. Which of the following best describes a likely health benefit of regularly performing core flexibility and strength-training exercises? A. reduced risk of glandular disorders B. improved circulatory functioning C. reduced risk of lower back problems D. improved respiratory functioning

C. The body's core consists of several muscles that surround the lower spine and pelvis and includes the abdominal muscles. Strength and flexibility in these muscles help provide stability and maintain alignment throughout the body. One benefit of performing core flexibility and strength-training exercises is a reduced risk of lower back problems. These exercises are not directly tied to a reduced risk of glandular disorders

92. Health-care practitioners in a community are treating a growing number of patients who exhibit flu symptoms but do not respond to any standard medications. These practitioners would be best advised to contact which of the following agencies for assistance? A. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research B. American Medical Association C. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention D. American Pharmacists Association

C. The mission statement for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the CDC "serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and health education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States." Part of this role includes controlling the introduction and spread of infectious diseases. This puts the CDC in the position of being able to help identify the cause of and treatment for the flu-like symptoms in this community. The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

Which line on the chart below best matches a type of disease with two examples of the disease? Line Type of Disease Examples 1. fungal....malaria and dysentery 2. protozoan...ringworm and rickets 3. viral...influenza and hepatitis 4. bacterial...mumps and measles A. Line 1 B. Line 2 C. Line 3 D. Line 4

C. There are three main forms of influenza, each caused by one of three main types of influenza viruses. Similarly, there are five types of hepatitis, each caused by one of five different types of hepatitis viruses. Malaria is a blood-borne illness caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are protozoans, not fungi. Dysentery refers to certain inflammations of the intestines and can be caused by a variety of organisms, including bacteria, protozoans, viruses, and worms, but not by fungi

70. Which of the following methods should one generally use first when trying to control bleeding from a wound? A. applying pressure indirectly to the wound by placing the thumb or finger on a pressure point B. using an air splint to create a pressure bandage C. applying direct pressure to the wound and elevating the bleeding part D. making a tourniquet and applying it to the wound

C. To control bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound. If possible, avoid direct contact with the blood by using gloves and/or by placing a clean cloth over the wound before applying pressure. Elevating the wound also helps by decreasing blood flow to the injured area. Applying indirect pressure at a pressure point

Unsaturated fats

Concerning fats and health, fats less associated with heart and artery disease, mainly fats from plant sources.

saturated fats

Concerning fats and health, those fat associated strongly with heart and artery disease; mainly fats from animal sources.

60. In families, an addiction of one family member to drugs, alcohol, or gambling may cause other family members to experience fear, anger, and hardship. Which of the following strategies is likely to be most effective for dealing with a family member's addiction and improving family wellness? A. encouraging family members to develop "survival" behaviors that help them ignore or suppress problems caused by the addiction B. attempting to detach from the addicted family member to avoid experiencing difficult and conflicting emotions C. acknowledging that the problem exists, confronting the addicted family member, and seeking professional help for him or her D. focusing attention and energy on the family member who is addicted and prioritizing his or her needs over family needs temporarily

Correct Response: C. According to the National Institutes of Health, the family can play a critical role in helping the addict admit a problem exists and in helping the addict seek professional recovery. The family's support can be effective in strengthening and extending the benefits of a treatment program. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration indicates that having a supportive social network of family is part of a successful recovery. Ignoring or suppressing the addiction issues

3. The ability of an infant to form healthy, secure attachments to caregivers has the most direct influence on the later development of: A. motivation. B. language acquisition. C. cognition. D. social skills.

D. A healthy, secure attachment to a caregiver helps calm and comfort an infant. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the resulting sense of security teaches infants that people care for them and encourages development of social skills that lead to close relationships. Forming a healthy, secure attachment can occur in the absence of activities such as reading books or listening to music, which can stimulate language acquisition

31. According to research into human development, which of the following factors typically exerts the strongest positive influence on the emotional health and wellness of older adults? A. continuing to work full time until well past the traditional retirement age range B. becoming a primary caregiver to grandchildren or other young family members C. exploring a variety of alternative lifestyles and self-improvement programs D. sustaining close relationships with friends, siblings, and extended family members

D. According to the American Society on Aging, positive social relationships have an important impact on physical and emotional health. Research across different demographic spectra indicates that people with strong relationships have a significantly higher survival rate than those without such relationships. While physical and mental benefits have been shown for people who elect to work part-time during retirement, full-time work well past the traditional retirement age

85. Which of the following human actions is the main source of acid rain? A. using woodstoves to heat homes B. employing radiation-emitting substances in manufacturing C. incinerating solid waste D. burning fossil fuels in power plants, smelters, and mills

D. Acid rain is caused by sulfur dioxide and/or nitrogen oxides reacting in the atmosphere to produce acidic compounds. The major source of the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides is the burning of fossil fuels by power plants and manufacturing industries. Although woodstoves

19. Cardiorespiratory fitness can best be defined as the ability to: A. execute high-intensity muscle contractions over and over again. B. generate force repeatedly without experiencing fatigue. C. engage in strenuous physical activity without experiencing pain or stiffness. D. perform aerobic activity for sustained periods of time.

D. Another term for cardiorespiratory fitness is aerobic fitness. It refers to the ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to work together to efficiently deliver oxygen throughout the body during aerobic activity. The ability to repeatedly execute high-intensity muscle contractions

7. People who think that they are susceptible to a lifestyle-related health problem tend to take preventive actions. Others feel that they are immune to lifestyle-related health problems or that the pleasure derived from unhealthy behaviors outweighs long-term consequences. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated by these examples? A. the role of significant others in supporting healthy behaviors B. the choice of a behavioral change technique compatible with personal values C. the way in which external factors affect an individual's readiness to change D. the influence of personal beliefs and attitudes on health practices

D. Behavioral change is largely dependent on the motivation to change, as illustrated by the examples. People who believe that they are susceptible to a lifestyle-related health problem will be motivated to take preventive action. This concept is central to the health belief model. In contrast, people who believe that they are immune to lifestyle-related health problems or who enjoy unhealthy behavior will not be motivated to adopt new habits. These examples illustrate several ways that personal beliefs and attitudes can influence health practices. The role of significant others (A), choosing a behavioral-change technique that aligns with one's values

12. In addition to sugar, the phosphorous added to soda can be detrimental to the health of children because phosphorous: A. interferes with the ability of water-soluble vitamins to help form new cells. B. remains in children's immature kidneys much longer than in adult kidneys. C. prevents fat-soluble vitamins from being metabolized. D. binds with calcium, causing it to be drawn out of still-developing bones.

D. Calcium and phosphorus are both needed for healthy bones. However, when there is more phosphorus than calcium in the body, calcium tends to be drawn out of bones to balance out the excess phosphorus. This can be detrimental because it makes bones weaker. Phosphorus actually helps the body use certain water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin B

30. A young child is attempting to build a tower out of blocks. After several towers fall over, the child moves along to play in a sandbox. This behavior reflects an internal ability to: A. work with a variety of materials. B. identify learning strengths. C. persist with a task under pressure. D. regulate emotional responses.

D. Children who regulate emotional responses to frustration and are able to refocus on another activity demonstrate an internal ability to self-regulate, which is a cornerstone of early childhood development. Although working with a variety of materials

9. Complex carbohydrates are considered an excellent nutrient source of fuel for endurance athletes because they: A. can be converted by the liver into triglycerides, which are then stored throughout the body. B. are slow to metabolize and hence will never be depleted from muscles due to intense exercise. C. create a feeling of fullness without adding extra calories, allowing athletes to stave off hunger. D. are digested easily and provide both an immediate and a timed-release energy source.

D. Complex carbohydrates are readily absorbed and processed by the digestive system. Therefore, the energy released from complex carbohydrates is available to the athlete relatively soon after consumption. In addition, because complex carbohydrates are made of long chains of simple sugars, it takes the digestive system a while to process the entire molecule. This results in a more steady release of energy over a longer period of time. Both of these factors make complex carbohydrates a good source of energy for endurance athletes. Although the liver can convert excess carbohydrates into triglycerides that are then stored in fat cells

81. A family wants to begin exercising together to improve health-related fitness. Family members will collectively choose a few different fitness activities that they can all do and enjoy together. Which of the following additional steps would be most important in ensuring the success of this family fitness plan? A. Discuss and agree on an "opt-out" policy that outlines appropriate reasons for dropping out of the family fitness plan. B. Narrow activity choices to those that can be done both indoors and outdoors so that they provide year-round opportunities for participation. C. Make sure that each chosen activity addresses a different component of health-related fitness. D. Determine whether chosen activities can be accomplished in light of family resources such as time, money, and transportation.

D. Determining whether the chosen activities can be accomplished in light of family resources, such as time, money, and transportation, would create an environment that is more favorable to accomplishing the family's goals. While discussing and agreeing on an "opt-out" policy that outlines appropriate reasons for dropping out of the family fitness plan

57. • transportation of pathogens across borders • population movement • technological changes related to the mass production of food • resistance of pathogens to antibiotics Information presented above best describes factors influencing the: A. transmission of degenerative diseases. B. detection and management of chronic diseases. C. treatment of communicable diseases. D. incidence and prevalence of emerging diseases.

D. Each of the listed factors helps determine when, where, and how communicable diseases may spread and the frequency at which these diseases may occur. In other words, they h

42. In a hallway at a middle school, several students use stereotypical verbal comments to taunt and tease a classmate. A few students witness the bullying. Which of the following types of responses is most appropriate for a student bystander or witness to use in this situation? A. confronting the bully and demanding that he or she apologize to the student being targeted B. rallying support for the student being targeted by asking nearby peers to surround the bully and taunt him or her C. observing the incident and later writing down the details of the bullying and providing the student who was targeted with the notes D. helping the student being targeted walk away from the situation and offering to go with him or her to report the incident

D. If a bystander or witness feels safe, he or she should directly intervene in a bullying situation. Assisting the student in extricating him or herself from the situation is a proactive way to help stop the aggressive and hurtful behavior. A student being targeted by a bully may be too afraid to leave the situation on his or her own, but will do so with the help of a friend or classmate. Encouraging the student to talk to a trusted adult and report the incident, and offering to go with him or her supports both the student and the premise that bullying is unacceptable. Confronting the bully and demanding that he or she apologize to the student being targeted

93. Which of the following would likely be the most effective way for a health educator to influence students to take an active part in protecting the ecological health of their communities? A. requiring students to read an article about an environmental organization's effort to eliminate a major health risk B. assigning an essay on Rachel Carson or another person who made a major contribution to the nation's environmental health C. arranging for a tour of a local or regional recycling plant where waste materials are reprocessed D. having students work with a local group whose efforts focus on preventing and minimizing environmentally harmful behaviors

D. In general, gaining first-hand experience is a stronger motivator than second- hand experience. Therefore, having students work with a local group that tries to prevent and minimize environmentally harmful behaviors would be the most effective option for influencing students' actions in protecting the ecological health of their communities.

66. Two children crossing a street in a crosswalk are still in the middle of the street when the "Don't Walk" signal flashes. In this situation, the children would be best advised to: A. begin running and try to reach the other side of the street as quickly as they can. B. stand still in the crosswalk and wait to see if incoming cars stop and permit them to cross. C. turn around and return quickly to the side of the street from which they started. D. continue walking to the other side of the street at their maximum comfortable pace.

D. Making sure that the children are safe in this scenario is paramount. Advising them to continue walking quickly yet comfortably reduces the chances of them being injured by running to the other side.

38. Which of the following best describes the role of nonverbal communication? A. decreasing the risk of confrontation B. negating cultural biases C. alleviating the need for verbal communication D. reinforcing verbal communication

D. Nonverbal communication is commonly used to reinforce verbal communication. People use facial expressions, posture, gestures, and tone of voice to supplement their spoken message. Although circumstances may sometimes require that nonverbal communication be used in place of verbal communication, it is not considered a preferred substitute for speaking

75. Which of the following skills are students most likely to learn first to manage their anger in a conflict resolution or peer mediation program? A. brainstorming creative solutions B. saying "No" and meaning it C. expressing effective "I" statements D. listening carefully and respectfully

D. One of the first activities in programs for conflict resolution or peer mediation is to have both sides tell their version of events. Each side is expected to listen carefully and respectfully during this stage. Brainstorming solutions

84. Which of the following individual practices would be most effective for supporting the local environment and economy? A. buying generic products rather than brand-name products at local retail businesses B. donating household items and clothing to local charitable organizations C. composting household food wastes D. purchasing locally grown food and locally produced household items whenever possible

D. Purchasing locally grown food and locally produced household items benefits the local economy by supporting small businesses, which then reinvest their profits in the region. Advocates of these purchasing decisions also note that "buying local" benefits the environment by preserving green space in the community. Shopping at a local retail business has the potential to help a small business grow economically, but substituting generic for brand-name products

76. Which of the following school practices is likely to most effectively minimize the incidence of bullying behavior among students? A. developing a strict code of conduct as part of the handbook B. conducting behavioral screenings annually C. creating standardized incident report forms D. incorporating social and emotional learning into the curriculum

D. Recent educational research has shown that social and emotional learning (SEL) programs result in reduced bullying and greater well-being among students because such programs help create educational and social conditions and environments characterized by SEL principles and activities: supportive school relationships; use of open communication and self- management skills to resolve problems and conflicts; and instruction on managing emotions, establishing positive relationships, demonstrating care and concern, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging social situations constructively. According to the "Guidelines on Implementing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curricula," developed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as part of an anti-bullying initiative, the goals of SEL are promoting students' self-awareness skills, self-management skills, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Although school policies aimed at preventing bullying are essential for reducing the incidence of this behavior, having a strict code of conduct

During a lesson on prevention skills for avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use, a health teacher presents upper elementary students with the following list. "I can control myself, so this once won't matter." "Just one (or, a little) won't hurt." "Everybody's doing it." "I feel stressed. This will help me relax." "I don't want to be left out." "If I don't try it, they won't like me." "If I don't do this, they'll think I'm...." The health teacher notes that the list presents common excuses that young people use for trying tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs. Which of the following additional points is most important for the teacher to make in the context of this list? A. "At times, it's difficult to know whether it's okay to go along with the crowd." B. "Sometimes adults use these very same excuses." C. "Some excuses have to do with external factors and some have to do with internal ones." D. "Excuses are thing

D. Students need support in order to understand that "no" is the best response when faced with the decision to try tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs. At some point, students may find themselves saying or thinking something similar to one of the statements in the list and, having been exposed to such a list, may be able to realize that they are actually making excuses to justify a bad decision. This may help the students say "no" in the future when pressured to take tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs. While students may think it's acceptable to go "along with the crowd"

98. At a high school, a group of students is known for engaging in high-risk behaviors. Which of the following is likely to be the best strategy for encouraging these students to use risk prevention and reduction practices? A. encouraging the students to describe or write about how they feel when they engage in risky activities B. instructing the students in basic first aid and lifesaving techniques and emphasizing how easy it is to become injured C. scaring the students by presenting statistics and photographs of accidental injuries and fatalities involving teenagers D. providing the students with instruction on how to anticipate the consequences of and evaluate the effects of personal risk taking

D. Studies have shown that having a structured support system reduces involvement in high-risk behavior. One example of this type of support would be to teach students to anticipate and evaluate the consequences of their behavior. Studies have also shown that personalizing the possible outcomes of risky behavior increases the likelihood that the behavior will change. Furthermore, because some teens may not see a particular behavior as risky, having them consider the possible consequences of the behavior may cause them to re-evaluate their participation. Since some students engage in risky behaviors for the "high" they experience, having them describe or write about how they feel when they engage in risky activities

47. Which of the following parenting strategies would be an effective first step in helping children cope in the event that a parent becomes seriously ill? A. engaging in weekly psychotherapy to manage behavioral changes B. spending more time with extended family to alleviate stress C. reading books to understand medical treatments D. providing opportunities to express feelings unconditionally

D. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests that children of a seriously ill parent should receive affirmation for their feelings. Activities such as role playing and art can help children express their fears and can provide caregivers an opportunity to help children cope. How the parents and close caregivers respond to the children has a significantly greater impact than weekly psychotherapy

33. Which of the following personal strategies is likely to be most effective for alleviating feelings of generalized anxiety and stress? A. ignoring bothersome things in one's life in hope that they dissipate B. frequently expressing thoughts in a stream-of-consciousness manner to someone (e.g., friend, family member) C. challenging oneself to tackle a lengthy difficult task that one has been procrastinating about or avoiding D. redirecting one's attention and energy to a pleasant activity (e.g., contacting a friend, taking a walk, playing a game)

D. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America recommends several strategies for reducing feelings of generalized anxiety and stress. These include exercise and interacting with others. Learning to deal with anxiety and worry is preferred over ignoring areas of concern

40. Which of the following accurately describes an important principle of intercultural communication? A. Demonstrations of courtesy and graciousness are often the same across different cultures. B. The desire to communicate is usually sufficient to overcome language barriers in cross- cultural communication. C. Cultural groups who live in close proximity to each other have the fewest communication problems. D. Nonverbal expressions and behaviors may be interpreted in various ways by people of different cultures.

D. The meaning of common nonverbal communication practices can vary across cultures. For example, avoiding eye contact has a negative meaning in most Western cultures but is considered a sign of respect in some Asian cultures. Another example is that various cultures may assign different meanings to the same hand gesture. Just as nonverbal communication can be interpreted differently, demonstrations of courtesy and graciousness differ across cultures

1. Which of the following best describes a shared function of the nervous system and the endocrine system? A. regulating growth and development B. controlling blood pressure and water balance in the body C. activating the reproductive glands D. providing means of communication within the body

D. The nervous and endocrine systems each provide a means of communication within the body. The nervous system employs the brain, spinal cord, and neurons to send and receive messages in order to process stimuli and provide appropriate voluntary and involuntary responses. The endocrine system uses hormones produced in various cells and glands to send chemical messages that help regulate body functions such as growth and metabolism. Regulation of growth and development

Under deficiencies

Too little of one or more nutrients in the diet; a form of malnutrition.

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