Health Policy Exam 1

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Checks & balances:

Each branch is restrained by the other two in several ways. -president veto a law passed by Congress -Congress can override that veto with a vote of two-thirds of both houses. -Supreme Court may check Congress by declaring a law unconstitutional (appointed by the president). Those appointments have to be approved by Congress

Define: Quality of Care (in US)

US spends more per person on health care but often ranks poorly on preventive and primary care health care measures (spend 2.5 more than OECD average) 6 areas to improve: -safety -efficacy -patient-centered -timeliness -efficiency -equity

Describe the complex reasons that health care is so expensive in the US.

We have access to a lot of good care (specialized professionals) and there's a lot of chronic preventable diseases.


created by executive branch administrative agencies to implement statutes & clarify ambiguities (play a particular role in health policy/law)

Describe the components of governmental separation of powers doctrine.

doctrine that supports the arrangement of shared governance among multiple branches. This is to guard against a concentration of a political power: -Checks & Balances

Discuss key policy issues that divide political parties

-firearms: Rep: individual has right to defend themselves, Dem: more regulations -immigration: Rep: no amnesty for foreigners who break the law, only legal workers. Dem: let those who want to become citizens to serve. -education: Rep: abstinence ed, dem: sex ed. -Abortion: Rep:oppose using gov funds to support, while democratic think its an individual right to choose -environment: Rep: it's getting better cooperation w/ landowners etc. Dem: keep some land sacred, but enviro. is bad, climate change prevalent.

Insurance: equitable________________of a loss, from one entity to another in exchange for payment. It is a form of risk management primarily used to_____________ , uncertain loss

- transfer of the risk -hedge against the risk of a contingent


->65 -kidney failure/ disease -currently disabled/cannot work

Compare and contrast types of health insurance design, and discuss how each relates to key issues for patients

-Affordability -Differences in access by income level -Waiting lists/wait times -Choice -Complexity of interacting with insurance system/paperwork -Patient satisfaction


-Low income -pregnant women -children <19 -people who are >65, blind, disabled, or need nursing homes

Define: Comparative Health Systems (in US)

-Publically financed, privately delivered national health care system (Canada) -Publically financed and delivered national health systems (Britain) -Socialized insurance system with mandatory contributions and private delivery (Germany)

. Describe and apply the Universal Intellectual Standards to health issue debate.

1. Clarity: gateway standards 2. Accuracy: is it really true? 3. Precision: details? specific? 4. Relevance: Is it relevant? 5. Depth: address complexities? 6. Breadth: consider all POV's? 7. Logic: Make sense? 8. Fairness: bias? Acronym: Cute apples picked ripely don't believe lies factually.

Discuss the purpose of health policy and law

1. Cover and finance healthcare 2. Eliminate health disparities 3. Reduce threats to population health

Describe the need for health care reform prior to the ACA, and discuss concerns regarding the need for it now.

1. Too many pple lack health coverage 2. U.S healthcare spending is unsustainable 3. despite spending our HC outcomes are poor 4. Treatment instead of prevention 5. Disparities exist among numerous populations

Define: Access to health care services (in US)

Access refers to ability to obtain needed services -Barriers: lack of hc insurance, inadequate insurance, coverage limitations, workforce issues

Review candidate stances on key political issues related to health

American's pay more for health care than any other developed country, but receive the worst health outcomes. Democrats (clinton & Sanders) want to bolster Obamacare & universal healthcare while Trump wants to deport illegal immigrants to lower costs.

Basic function, structure, and powers of executive branches

Carries out the Laws: -White House (Pres & Vice Pres.):president carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. Powers include directing government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and --------vetoing laws. - Sets the agenda - Budget proposals - Persuasion -Sign/veto bills - Executive Orders -Administrative Agencies (Cabinet): nominated by pres. approved by senate (51 votes): Interpret and implement laws passed by Congress

Describe how Christianity "fits" with political ideology

Christianity fits into political ideology on both sides. Ultimately I believe that most People agree on desired outcomes, just disagree on policy to get there. For republicans who tend to be more conservative, judeo-christian values are prominent, while democrats lean more toward individual rights and the separation of church and state issues. I believe that Christianity best fits within the bounds of a conservative republican because they base a lot of values off of Biblical expectations and religious tradition.

Common law

Court opinions to interpret/ apply laws to specific cases. based off of society and "stare decisis (legal principles that prior case law decides should be accorded great deference & not frequently overturned)

Apply differing political ideological perspectives to current event

Democratic/Liberal: "promote the general welfare" of all citizens. Tend to be in favor of same-sex marriage, voting rights for all adult citizens, civil rights, environmental justice, and government protection of freedom from want, equal Republican/Conservative:threatened by secularism; they tend to support school prayer, the teaching of intelligent design or creationism, and the Second Amendment rights of private citizens to own firearms and to oppose abortion and oppose same-sex marriage.

Articulate general policy "stances" of the major political parties regarding issues pertaining to health.

Democratic: universal healthcare for all in favor of expanding medicare. Health care is a right Rep: health care is a privilege. more competition.

Discuss controversies surrounding "entitlements" in the US *******

Entitlements is a legal obligation on a gov. to make payments to a person, business, or unit of gov. that meets criteria set in law (social security) (more of a republican approach). This apposes equality and universal health care and supports a more competitive basis for thriving.

Define: Healthcare finance (in US)

Federal, state, and local governments fund programs that directly provide care to individuals. Hospital care is the most expensive.

Explain the role of federal and state governments in the policy making process

Federal: blanket law State: implement that law

Define Federalism and give examples of its practice as it relates to health. *****

Federalism: distribution of power in an organization btw central authority & constituents. ACA creates more dependence on federal funds for the states so federalists think that medicare is bad bc states should be able to implement health care programs/meet needs of citizens & care for the needy

Summarize the HHS spending priorities. Provide spending justifications. *****

Health & Human Services spends $$ on: -Administration for Children and Families -Administration on Aging -Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality -Agency for Toxic Substances and -- Disease Registry -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Discuss the relationship between consumers, health care providers, and insurance companies as it relates to health care cost.

Health insurance acts as an intermediary between patients and providers

Articulate your own political ideology.

I am left libertarian (or so says an online for individualism and social equality. I support the Affordable Care Act because I want all people to have access to health care, even if they can't afford it. I would like more individuality within states to cater to the needs of the people there, rather than a blanket statement of health. This is why I support America's Health Insurance Plans because it allows a foundation of equality within quality of health care, but also gives states some leeway to individualize health policy. I am in favor of individual rights, however I oppose abortion and am on the border with same-sex marriage.

Articulate the role that you feel the government should play regarding the health of its people.

I think it is important for the government to ensure access to healthcare (more of a slight liberal view). I do believe that federal insurance companies should have mandates to keep the costs lower, but I can also see an advantage with having federal funds divided among the states.

Give an overview of the framework of the ACA.

Insurance Reform: more covered, benefits/protections, lower costs (for consumer & government) -medicaid expansion -no lifetime/annual limits -premium rate review Health System Reform: improve quality/efficiency, stronger infrastructure, greater focus on public healthcare prevention. -incentive payments -medicare provider payments -public education campaigns.

Describe the major differences between the predominant political ideologies

Liberals: liberals push for social, political, and economic equality, as well as expansive civil liberties. Conservatives: government's main job is to protect freedom and provide security. Beyond that, the government should stay out of people's lives and should allow people to do, act, and behave as they see fit. According to conservatives, freedom trumps equality

Basic Function, structure, and powers of legislative branch

Makes the laws (workhouse oc congress): Under the CONGRESS (no cap): -House: 435 based on pop. -Senate (6yr cap): 100 elected (2 per state) Powers: levy taxes, collect revenue, and pay debts, provide general welfare, establish courts, declare war.

Discuss workforce issues associated with health care access.

More health professionals bc more patients with medicaid: extra stress more paperwork/ limit time with patients insert gov. into patient-provider relationship.

Describe factors contributing to rates of the uninsured and underinsured, and describe the impact.

Poor, low education, non-native, racial/ethnic minority, location, age. Thus: Less access to care, less timely care, less likely to follow treatment recommendations due to cost. -underinsured don't have enough $$ to pay for the gap their insurance doesn't cover


Prospectivity & generality: laws written by legislative bodies at all levels of government (federal, state, country, city) that command or prohibit something. states can interpret these laws, but federal statutes have the last word.

Describe the role of congress and its leadership structure

Role: Make the laws: -Senate majority leader: directs senate for the majority -house majority leader: directs party strategy -House & Senate minority leaders: speak on behalf of minority (no legislative power) -Whips: track voters/parties

Describe the role of law and define.

To serve as the tool w/ which we govern our relationships, government, and society at large. It provides a measure of control.

Describe the function of the Department of HHS

U.S. government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves


establish governments & delineate fundamental rights & obligations of gov. & individuals. -determines how other laws are made/implemented. Supreme court has last say: federal constitution restrains gov., Bill of Rights guarantees several important individual rights

Discuss the role of federal courts as it relates to health policy issues. ******

hear cases involving the constitutionality of a law, cases involving the laws and treaties of the U.S. ambassadors and public ministers, disputes between two or more states, admiralty law, also known as maritime law, and bankruptcy cases. ACA was a federal court policy.

Basic Function, structure, and powers of judicial branch

to interpret the Constitution and limit the powers of the other branches of government. The Supreme Court's power to do this is its power of judicial review, where it determines which laws and policies are constitutional, or allowable, and which are not. -Supreme Court (9 nominated by pres, approved by senate) -Other Federal Courts

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