Health Science : Death and Dying

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"No, not me" Occurs when a person is first told of terminal illness A person cannot accept the reality of death of when the person feels loved ones cannot accept the truth "The Doctor does not know what he is talking about " or " The test have to be wrong" may seek second medical opinion May refuse to discuss situations and avoid references to their illness

right to die

Because health care professionals are ethically concerned with promoting life, allowing patients to die can cause conflict Most states have laws that allow adults who have a terminal illness to instruct their doctors in writing to withhold life prolonging treatments Most laws involve and living will -specific actions to end life can't be take (euthanasia) however the use of respirators, pacemakers, and other medical devices can be withheld


Can play an important role in meeting the needs of dying patients Offered in hospitals, medical centers, and soecial facilities, almost frequently in patients homes

The 5 stages include

Denial, Anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

fear and anxiety

Fear of pain, abandonment, and loneliness Fear of the unknown Anxious about loved ones and work or dreams not accomplished


Final stage Patients understand and accept the fact they are going to die May complete unfinished business and try to help those around them deal with oncoming death Gradually separate themselves from the world and other people in

Ways a patient with a terminal disease may act?

Many different reactions (fear/ anxiety)


Occurs when patient accept death but want more time to live Frequently turn to religion and spiritual beliefs The will to live is strong and patients fight hard to achieve goals Make promises to god to obtain more time "Let me live long enough to see my grandchild graduate "


Occurs when patients realize that death will come soon and they will not longer be with their families Express regrets Withdraw and become quiet Experience great sadness and overwhelming dispair


Occurs when the patient is no longer able to deny death "Why me?" "It's all your fault " Hostile and bitter Blame themselves or loved ones Health care workers must understand this is not a personal attack

A terminal illness will bring and end to their loneliness and _______?



Referred to as the final stage of growth Experienced by everyone Cannot he avoided Young tend to ignore its existence Usually elderly, having lost spouses and friends who begin to think about death

5 stages of grief

Stages may not occur in order and they may overlap or be repeated several times Some patients may not progress through all of the stages before death occurs Other patients may be in several stages at the same time

Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is best known for:

The Stages of Death and Dying ( leading expert on death and dying because of her research medical personnel now feel patients should be told if their approaching deaths so that patients are left with some hope and the knowledge that they will not be left alone )

Philosophy of hospice

To allow the patient to die with dignity and comfort - pain is controlled some patient can remain active for as long as possible Psychological, spiritual, social and financial counseling are provided for Vogue patient and family Patients are cared for in the home by home health aides and other health care professionals Specially trained volunteers very important part -make regular visits to patient and family

Anxiety diminishes when the patient feels they have lived a full life and have strong religious beliefs if life after death / some view death as a final peace


terminal illness

a disease that cannot be cured and will result in death

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