Health Study Guide

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One of Elena's relatives has just passed away. Which response shows empathy for Elena?

"It really hurts to lose a loved one."

Jules has significant pain and bleeding when he brushes his teeth. What should he tell his dentist at his upcoming appointment?

"When I brush, I feel pain and my gums bleed."

Which is the best place to start a search for a physician?

a county health department

Parker witnessed domestic abuse for much of his childhood. As a result, he struggles with severe depression and anxiety. Which effect of domestic violence is Parker experiencing?


Which of these is the health of the mind?

mental health

Which is a contraceptive method that is classified as hormonal birth control?


Which behavior is an economic cost of stress?

missing days of work

The average teen gets two to three hours less sleep each night than the recommended amount. Which is a possible outcome from this sleep shortage?

more car accidents

Which is a social benefit of waiting to become a parent?

more likely to have a social life that includes other parents

What does a website ending with .org most likely indicate?

nonprofit organization

Which set of symptoms describes the short-term effects of amphetamines?

fast heart rate with extreme alertness and high energy

Which of these nutrients helps the body absorb vitamins and sustain the immune system?


People's perceptions of sex are influenced by internal and external factors. Which example is an internal factor?

fear of contracting an STI or STD

Which is a barrier to leading a substance-free lifestyle?

fear of judgment

Which is a possible emotional consequence of engaging in sexual activity?

feeling bad about oneself

Which action is a sign of unhealthy personal boundaries?

feeling bad when you say no

Which factor is most likely to prevent someone from maintaining a healthy weight?

feeling intimidated by size and cost of the gym

Which is a personal risk factor for wanting to join a gang?

feeling isolated from the popular in-crowd

A doctor diagnoses a patient with depression. Which symptom most likely helped the doctor confirm this diagnosis?

feeling overwhelmed with intense guilt and anger

Examine the diagram of a reproductive process. Which process is demonstrated in the diagram?


Which is a source of land pollution?

fertilizer running off from a large agricultural farm

Which effect of reduced stress is a social benefit?

fewer angry outbursts

Which improvement is most likely to occur if a school implements a health program?

fewer days missed due to illness

Which is a benefit of leading a substance-free lifestyle?

fewer legal problems

Which characteristic is typical of eustress?

focuses energy

Which is a benefit of practicing abstinence?

freedom to pursue career goals

Which is a symptom that is common in people with sickle cell disease?

frequent infections

The graph shows criminal activity committed by gang members in a community. Which criminal activity is reported the most?

gang signs sprayed on buildings

Which term refers to defined expectations of men or women in a culture?

gender roles

Which pregnancy complication cannot be treated with regular prenatal care?

genetic abnormalities

Which strategy helps a person stop smoking?

getting medicine

Pierre is having trouble getting to sleep at night. Which practice is a way to improve his problem?

getting out in the sunshine each morning

Which shows the correct pathway of hormones within the body?

glands, bloodstream, target cells

Claire is going to an eye exam. Which condition will she most likely be tested for as part of a routine exam?


Which behavior is an example of a parent being a positive role model?

going back to school to get an advanced degree

Which is a healthy way to treat depression?

going to support groups

Gavin wants to learn about gonorrhea. Which source will provide the most reliable information?

government internet website

The graph shows the effects of gang violence on small and large communities. According to the graph, which gang-related activity occurs the most in a large community?


Who may take parenting responsibilities if biological parents cannot provide care?


Which is an emotional consequence of engaging in sexual activity as a teen?

greater risk of suicide

This graph shows the different gang-related activities reported in small and large communities. According to the graph, which gang-related activity is leastreported in a large community?


Which challenges do countries face in limiting the spread of communicable diseases?

increase of worldwide travel

Which is a social advantage of remaining abstinent?

increased chance of an emotional relationship

Which is a possible consequence of becoming sexually active?

increased risk of acquiring HIV

Which is a possible consequence of poor decision-making associated with drug abuse?

increased risk of an unplanned pregnancy

Adam joins the cross-country team and starts to run several miles every day. Which change would best fit his nutritional needs?

increasing calories and water

Henrique would like to learn more about the influence of genetics on his body composition. Which factor would Henrique most likely discover is influenced by genetics?

individual body type

Which health risk may result from tattoos?


Which factor is most likely to contribute to tobacco use?

influence of media on human thinking

Which step can a person take to reduce the risks of tattoos and body piercings?

insist the tattoo artist use clean instruments

Which is a factor that influences the onset of type 2 diabetes?

insulin resistance

Which is a symptom that is common in people with Huntington's disease?

involuntary movement

Mina positions her hands correctly to do the Heimlich maneuver. Next she pulls her hands inward then downward. How should she do the maneuver?

inward then upward

Which of these is a nutrient that is best derived through diet?


Which risk is common with both tanning and tattoos?


The graph illustrates the top five activities in Physical Education at schools. Ryan's school would like to boost physical activity among students. Based on the information in the graph, what activity will most likely be recommended to students?


Which skill is part of healthy communication?

listening actively

Which benefit results from being in a healthy romantic relationship?

longer life

Which of these scenarios is an example of social pressure that influences behavior?

looking at photos or reading about celebrities

Rachel is feeling ill. Which symptom indicates that Rachel's illness is related to her ear and that she should consult a doctor?

loss of balance

Which is a legal consequence associated with drug abuse?

loss of driver's license

What does antiretroviral therapy (ART) do?

lowers the risk of transmitting HIV

Which organ forms in the third trimester?


Trinity is concerned about setting healthy personal boundaries with her peers. What should she do?

maintain her own personal values regardless of what her friends are doing

Which method can help a person cope with grief on his or her own?

maintaining a daily routine

What goal can a mental health professional help a patient reach?

managing drug or alcohol abuse

Which of these sources provides reliable information on nutrition?

medical associations

Polina has been experiencing ear drainage for several days and is having hearing problems but does not have any pain. She is scheduled to see her doctor later today. What will her doctor most likely determine is the cause of her symptoms?

ruptured eardrum

Which is a common area of conflict for families?

saving money

Which school professional is most likely to provide mental health services?

school psychologist

Which types of organizations provide community health programs? Select three options.

schools religious groups employers

Raj has been having an intense and troubling emotional response to stress. He has tried to deal with these feelings on his own but has been unsuccessful, and his social life is suffering greatly. What is the best step for him to take?

seek help from a trained professional

What is one thing a person should do to stay safe when exercising?

seek out assistance when needed

Which is a characteristic of a gang?

seeks control of a defined territory

Which characteristic best describes someone who has positive self-esteem?

seeks mentors in tough times

Which set of symptoms best describes the long-term effects of methamphetamines?

severe dental problems, anxiety, confusion, and sleep disorders

Which action is considered nonconsensual?

sex with an incapacitated person

Which aspects of human health does the endocrine system help regulate? Select four options.

sexual development growth metabolism tissue function

Mika and Olivia, both adults, have been exchanging smiles and texts. At first Olivia enjoyed it, but now Mika is sending descriptions of what he would like to do to her body. She has asked him to stop texting her, but he keeps sending the same types of texts. Which behavior does the end of this scenario describe?

sexual harassment

Seniors Trinity and Jordan tease each other and send each other funny text messages. Jordon tells Trinity she is beautiful and asks her to meet him after school. Trinity is surprised when Jordan immediately pushes her up against a wall, touches her body, and does not stop when she tells him to. Which behavior is included in this scenario?

sexual violence

Which characteristic indicates a healthy relationship?

shared values

Which action best demonstrates openness?

sharing an important experience in one's life

Extended exposure to certain sounds can be harmful. Which sound may damage hearing?

shotgun firing (145 decibels)

Which is a strength-training activity?


Which part of the immune system is a physical barrier?


What sleep disorder requires a medical specialist?

sleep apnea

Which is a symptom of depression?

sleep disturbance

Akram is under much stress at home because his parents are getting a divorce. He has become short-tempered and often lashes out at his friends. What type of stress cost is Akram experiencing?


Which of these is best defined as the ability to establish meaningful relationships with others?

social health

The medical facility where Jen receives treatment was hacked. Which personal information in her medical records could result in identity theft?

social security number

Noah decides to eat low-fat foods and begins reading nutrition labels before buying food. What ingredient in low-fat foods might make them unhealthy?


Which is a symptom that is typical in people who have cancer?

sores that do not heal

Which action would best help students ask a teacher for an assignment extension?

speaking in a calm and organized manner

Which type of contraception is a barrier method of birth control?


Federal guidelines recommend that children perform a vigorous workout at least three days a week. Which activity would meet this goal?

sprinting fast around the school track

Chase has had difficulty sleeping recently and gets frequent sinus headaches. He discovered that he is squinting more when he reads. His grades at school have also been dropping. Which symptom might warrant a trip to an eye specialist?

squinting more while reading

To prepare for his quiz on CPR, Woo Jin listed the steps he learned in his online health class. 1. Check for consciousness. 2. Check for a pulse. 3. Call 911. 4. Perform 100-120 chest compressions per minute. 5. Push hard and fast during compressions. 6. Perform CPR until the person starts breathing or help comes. Woo Jin got 5 out of 6 on his quiz. Which step did Woo Jin get wrong and why?

step 2, because you do not check for a pulse if you are not trained

Which are classified as performance-enhancing drugs? Select three options.

steroid precursors anabolic steroids human growth hormone

Which is a short-term effect of nicotine and tobacco use?

stimulation of the brain's reward center

Which disease can be treated with an antibiotic?

strep throat

Which advantage do parents who wait to have children enjoy?

stronger marriages

Which effect is often experienced by individuals who have been sexually assaulted?

suffering from PTSD

Which characteristic describes one way a gang is identified?

symbols that group members use to identify who they are

Which action is a healthy way to express anger?

writing a letter

Which action is an example of someone taking action to accept personal responsibility for eating right?

writing down foods consumed at each meal in a day

Which behavior describes a quality of effective team parenting?

working through issues

Ron and Abdul disagree about whose turn it is to drive. Which statement could Ron make to best take ownership of his feelings?

"I would like to have a turn driving."

Which statement describes a social risk factor for depression?

Fabian feels excluded from a group of coworkers.

How much alcohol is a person under the age of 21 allowed to consume?

0.0 oz

What is the first step of the decision-making process?

Identify the decision to be made.

The average adult needs about 8 hours of sleep each night. When should teens go to bed relative to adults if they wake up at the same time?

1 to 2 hours earlier

According to the graph, what is the approximate percentage of high school students who had ever tried e-cigarettes, in 2012?


The graph shows the percentage of calories that children and adolescents get from fast food. Approximately what percentage of calories do obese adolescents obtain from fast food?


The image shows the relationship between bike helmet use and bicycle deaths. According to the graph, during which year did people practice the riskiest behavior in terms of helmet use?


The chart shows the number of hours full-time college students spend participating in various activities during an average weekday. According to the graph, approximately how many hours do college students have available every weekday to devote to fitness?

3 to 6 hours

Which are consequences of smoking while pregnant? Select three options.

SIDS stillbirth birth defects

The following graph shows the results of a study evaluating the number of schools teaching different sex-education topics. In 2006, approximately what percentage of schools taught students how to use a condom?

40 percent

The bar chart identifies the percentage of adults who are familiar with a range of eating disorders. What percentage of adults are familiar with all three eating disorders?

43 percent

For men, which number and frequency of drinks defines binge drinking?

5 or more drinks at one time

What percentage of someone's genetic background may contribute to alcohol dependency?


The graph shows the number of people at various stages of engagement in HIV care. How many people were linked to HIV care?


Approximately what percentage of people would be willing to use a wearable device to help manage their health?

79 percent

What could happen to a person's body as a result of unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle?

A buildup of cholesterol plaque would begin in the bloodstream.

Which statement best describes a result of positive parenting choices?

A child with an enforced bedtime is ready to learn in school.

Which scenario is an example of external pressure to use drugs?

A friend invites a teen to a party where there are drugs.

Which statement best describes a person who is following through on a previously made decision?

A man declines sex with his partner after being tempted many times.

Which statement describes an example of responsible parenting?

A parent hugs his child before bedtime.

Which statement describes an example of irresponsible parenting?

A parent leaves his young child home alone while he runs errands.

Which statement accurately describes legal aspects of sexual behavior regarding teens and young people?

A person convicted of statutory rape must register as a sex offender.

Which is an example of a barrier to exercise?

A person has an injury and cannot work out.

Which statement describes peer pressure?

A teen lets her friends give her used makeup even though she is worried about passing germs.

Everett's friends want him to use a permanent dye to color his hair. How can Everett use negotiation to counteract the peer pressure?

Suggest that he use a temporary hair dye to color his hair instead.

How do the roles of caregivers compare to those of parents?

Caregivers are part of a child's support structure, but not all caregivers are parents.

Why are condoms a better option than birth control pills for protecting reproductive health?

Condoms help prevent STDs.

Which strategy can a state health department initiate to improve health?

Inspect and license health facilities that provide services to people.

A worker mixed chemicals that caused a release of toxic gas. In the past, other workers made the same mistake. Which step should the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) take in response?

Inspect the workplace to assess how this happened.

What is one way to create healthy communication in a marriage?

Admit wrongdoing.

Which statement best explains how chronic diseases are linked to poor eating choices?

Adolescent children adopt unhealthy eating practices and a sedentary lifestyle.

Which statement describes grief affecting mental health?

Alina is inconsolable after learning about her father's death.

Although Laney exercises several times a week, she spends several hours sleeping in the middle of the day. She has also been avoiding her friends' phone calls. Her best friend is becoming increasingly worried. Which is an indication that Laney is in an abusive relationship?

Laney sleeps several hours during the day.

Yasmin creates a brochure about sun safety. What information should she include in it?

Always use a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher.

A study examined the relationship between the criminal offenses and the number of years in a gang. How does this graph explain the risk associated with gang involvement?

The longer someone is in a gang the more crimes committed.

Which factors indicate that a gang is present in a community? Select three options.

An organized group commits criminal activity. A group of people wears the same-colored clothing. Groups with unique names rule different regions of the community.

The map shows the prevalence of food insecurity in the United States. According to the map, which states have an above-average prevalence of food insecurity?

Arkansas (AR), Maine (ME), Kentucky (KY)

Which is a best practice for a healthy pregnancy?

Attend regular prenatal checkups.

How should someone best use volunteer time to encourage exercise in the community?

Work to create a jogging trail at a local park.

Alonso's friends want him to drop out of school and go to Mexico. Which scenario is an example of using mediation to counteract peer pressure?

Ask an older sibling to step in and help weigh the pros and cons.

What is the first step toward getting treatment for alcohol addiction?

Ask for help.

The Saanvi family wants to move to a new town. How can they best determine whether a certain part of the town has gangs?

Assess current criminal reports in the area.

Tamir starts earning better grades in school than his sister. Which conflict will this most likely create?

The siblings will begin to compete against each other.

New York created bicycle lanes to promote safety. What was the result of this new legislation?

Bicycle riding in the city doubled.

The graph shows the diabetes and obesity trends in the United States. Which statement best describes the diabetes and obesity trends in the United States?

Both are increasing.

Kris's boyfriend regularly pressures her to have sex. She wants to remain abstinent. Which is the best way for Kris to address this issue?

Break up with her boyfriend.

When escaping domestic violence, which steps are part of the decision-making process? Select three options.

Call a support line. Review the decision and its consequences. Consider the pros and cons of leaving the situation.

Which program should a person research to find information on how to become physically fit?

Let's Move!

Which situation requires immediate assistance from a trusted adult?

Cho has threatened to beat up Pat if he does not share his homework.

Which change could people make to their diet to reduce adverse health effects?

Choose an all-natural sugar for cooking.

According to this diagram, which statement best describes cliques?

Cliques are part of a larger social network.

What strategies can a person practice to prevent the use of harmful substances?

Confide in a proven trusted adult.

Which scenario best demonstrates empathy?

Connor's friends listen and say they understand as he explains that his parents are separating.

If a person has hives, swelling, and is having difficulty breathing due to a swollen throat, what is the most appropriatequestion to ask?

Do you have an epinephrine pen?

How does domestic violence affect the community?

Domestic violence creates a substantial impact on the economy annually.

Which action can individuals take to impact their community in the area of nutrition?

Donate healthy food to a food bank.

What is the primary difference between electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs)?

EMRs are used within a practice, but EHRs can be shared among medical practices.

These graphs show the likelihood of high school graduation for teenage girls in Oklahoma who become mothers and those who do not. Based on this study of high school graduation rates for teen mothers in Oklahoma, what is the relationship between early parenthood and education?

Early parenthood makes it more difficult to succeed academically.

Which strategy can help people remain abstinent?

End a relationship when it involves pressure to have sex.

How do nutritional needs change from young adulthood through old age?

Fewer calories are needed.

Which of these is a designer drug?


The results of a study on technology and health are shown in the chart. Which conclusion can be drawn from the study?

General health apps are used more often than medical apps.

Giovanna's teachers have noticed a change in her behavior lately. Which behavior is a sign that Giovanna may need mental health treatment?

Giovanna has been anxious for no reason.

Greg was playing tennis with his friend Tony. Tony suddenly clutched his chest and fell to the ground. Tony was shallowly breathing. After calling 911, Greg performed chest compressions on Tony and waited for the paramedics to arrive. The paramedics were surprised to see Greg performing chest compressions on his friend. Why were the paramedics most likely surprised?

Greg's friend was breathing and did not need chest compressions.

Hafsah is feeling upset lately. Which question should Hafsah ask herself to determine whether she needs to seek professional mental health services?

Has someone shown concern for my eating habits?

Which situation describes a negative effect of social networking?

Hayden uses social media to convince a peer to drop out of a competition.

Anthony is going to his doctor to discuss a specific concern. While speaking with his doctor, what should he make sure to do?

He should remember that what he shares with his doctor is private.

Paul and Emilka have a child together. If Paul decides to leave Emilka and the baby, how will his legal obligations change?

He will need to provide child support.

Which statement identifies a potential effect of accessing an unreliable mental health resource?

Health insurance might be fraudulently billed.

The graph indicates the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents in the United States from 2009 to 2010. Which inference can be made about this data?

Healthy eating habits should be encouraged and implemented early in life.

Ratosha is thinking about getting a flu shot. Which statement describes a positive influence on her decision-making process?

Her school nurse recommends the flu shot.

How are stress and physical health related?

High stress levels can damage the body's well-being.

Jerrod is concerned that he may have cancer, so he is planning to see a doctor. Which quality should Jerrod's doctor have?

His doctor should have been practicing medicine for at least six years.

Which question would a friend most likely ask to determine whether someone needs help dealing with distress?

How long did the feelings last?

Paula is watching a doctor on a morning talk show who is speaking about a blood condition. Paula has the same blood condition, and this doctor's advice differs from her specialist's advice. Which question can she ask herself to best evaluate the TV doctor's advice?

Is the doctor an expert on the topic?

How can an individual's social environment affect health and well-being?

It can directly and indirectly influence lifestyle.

What is an advantage of using a hormonal implant?

It can prevent pregnancy for as long as four years.

Which statement describes a benefit of using a personal food log?

It creates a personal inventory of current eating habits.

How does identifying areas of need affect community health?

It focuses policy changes.

How does honest communication improve relationships?

It helps people trust one another.

How does responsible parenting affect a child's physical health?

It helps the child avoid risky behaviors.

How does adding an adult mediator improve a tense situation?

It improves the odds of a peaceful resolution.

Which statement describes a nutritionally balanced diet?

It includes enough, and not too much, of all essential nutrients.

What characteristic should a person look for when purchasing a health product or service?

It is of superior quality.

What happens if an egg is not fertilized after being released from the ovary?

It is shed from the uterus during menstruation.

Which statements explain the importance of implementing a plan when modifying lifestyle behaviors? Select three options

It provides strategies that address a problem. It requires a person to identify personal barriers. It influences the advocacy of change among people.

Jen is reviewing information about a new treatment for arthritis pain that she saw on an informational website. Most of the information is testimonials from satisfied users. Which best indicates that this information is unreliable?

Its claims are based mostly on anecdotal evidence.

Jacque felt an unusual lump in his testicle. Which statement describes the most effective way for Jacque to talk to his parents?

Jacque should be direct and explain what he is concerned about using "I" messages.

Manuel and a colleague are working on a project together. Manuel wants to do the project one way and the colleague wants to do it another. Being the lead on the project, how can Manuel best respond assertively?

Manuel says he will take the suggestions under consideration.

Marly and Stef are sixteen-year-old high school students. Marly is upset with Stef because Stef is talking about going to a party where alcohol will be served. Which action best shows that Marly has a healthy peer relationship with Stef?

Marly talks to Stef about her concerns regarding the dangers of alcohol.

Nicholas's parents have not visited a physician for a few years. Which statement accurately explains why his parents should get a medical exam?

Medical exams can help people live longer lives.

Which statement describes a healthy communication practice in a family?

Members are focused when talking to one another.

Which situation describes negative peer pressure?

Mia's best friend offers her a cigarette.

Tessa's friend Milo offers her a ride home. Tessa does not like riding with Milo. He insists that everyone wear a seat belt, and he listens to classical music. He drives a small car, and usually texts while driving. Why should Tessa refuse Milo's offer?

Milo texts while driving.

A survey was conducted to evaluate how grief affects different factors in people's lives. The graph shows the survey results. What factor did grief affect the most?


Which action best describes reciprocity between peers?

Nate forgives his friend for snapping at him.

Jessica is helping a friend dislodge a piece of meat from her throat. She delivers five blows on her friend's back with her fist and then gives him five abdominal thrusts. Is Jessica doing the procedure correctly?

No, she should use the heel of her hand for the blows.

What is the most important goal in a situation of domestic violence?

Obtain help for the victim.

Some friends want to help a teen who is dealing with distress. What should they do to provide support?

Offer the teen a new perspective.

How can someone distinguish between positive and negative stressors in his or her life?

Only negative stressors create strong and prolonged anxiety.

Look at the table of nutrients and calories in different foods. What conclusion can be drawn from this table?

People can critique the quality of nutrients they consume in a diet.

Which statement describes the relationship among physical, mental, emotional, and social health?

Physical, mental, emotional, and social health are interrelated with one another.

Raymond made a list of the steps to take when using an AED on adults. 1. Dry the person. 2. Remove any excessive hair. 3. Place pads on the person as shown on the AED. 4. Push the "shock" button when necessary. 5. Press the "analyze" button. 6. Stay clear of the person when the AED says "clear." What does Raymond need to change to correct his list?

Press "analyze" first, and then "shock" when necessary.

Which step would a state health department most likely take to reduce lead exposure?

Promote health-planning operations to limit lead exposure at home.

Which strategies best help to remove barriers to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight? Select three options.

Read contents in a food product. Collect recipes to cook at home. Create a food journal that tracks food consumption.

What strategy is being used when a person makes the conscious decision not to drink?

Refusal Strategy

Which best describes abstinence?

Refusal to have sexual intercourse or engage in other sexual activity.

While at a convention, Stanley's colleague had a heart attack. The colleague fell abruptly to the ground and stopped breathing. Stanley tore off the man's shirt and saw that the man has a lot of body hair. What should Stanley do when using an AED?

Remove the hair where the pads will be placed.

Jason's friend Lola has a problem. What action should Jason take to let Lola know that he is there for her?

Repeat the important ideas he hears Lola saying.

Which step of the decision-making process comes last when selecting healthcare products?

Review the decision about the healthcare product.

Calla sees her 10 year old sister choking. She does the five-and-five approach. What did Calla do?

She did five blows on the back and then five abdominal thrusts.

Andrea's boss has been sexually harassing her at work. Which effect is most likely happening?

She is looking for a different job.

Madison is thinking about having sex with her boyfriend. She has identified that a decision should be made about which birth control method to use. What should be the next step in her decision-making process?

She needs to gather information about different types of birth control methods.

A group of mothers and their babies were having a playdate at the park when a baby stopped breathing. One of the mothers performed CPR on the baby. Which action did the mother perform on the baby?

She used her cheeks to deliver gentle breaths.

Which is a potential effect of domestic violence on a family?

Some abusers prevent victims from seeing their families in an effort to isolate them.

When deciding whether to leave a domestic violence situation, which decision-making steps should be followed? Select three options.

Take action. Weigh the evidence. Identify the warning signs of domestic violence.

Jason pressures Emmanuel to be a gang member. Which choice is the best way Emmanuel can respond?

Tell Jason he is not interested in joining.

Frankie is having difficulty developing a friendship with his teammate Curtis. Whenever Frankie invites Curtis to hang out with him at the park, Curtis always says that he's busy. What is most likely preventing a healthy relationship from forming?

The boys are not being generous with their time and effort.

Isabella's current cardiologist is moving to a different state, so Isabella found a new cardiologist. Which is an indicator that the new cardiologist is a poor choice?

The cardiologist is not recommended by her current cardiologist.

Sarah's doctor recommends that she get an MRI to help diagnose the cause of her headaches. The doctor provides a list of MRI facilities. Which is an indicator that a facility is a poor choice for Sarah?

The facility accepts most health insurance policies but not Sarah's.

The image shows friends at the gym Which statement about their workout is correct?

The individual is using his friend for help.

The graph shows the relationship between obesity rates and median income in certain states. Which statement best describes what happens to the obesity rate as median income increases?

The obesity rate decreases.

Why would a website for a for-profit organization most likely be an unreliable source for healthcare product information?

The organization is trying to sell the product

Which sign suggests that a teen has a healthy relationship with her parents?

The parents accept that the teen has different ideas.

How do children benefit from a healthy family relationship?

Their overall mental health increases.

Which is a long-term benefit of healthy eating?

There is a decreased chance of developing osteoporosis.

What is a negative aspect of cliques?

They are exclusive.

Why are over-the-counter drugs often abused?

They are legal and easy to access.

What is one way that many older people are better equipped to be parents?

They are more mature, so they provide better emotional support.

Which best describes internal coping strategies?

They are personal.

Yoko and Steve are having their picture taken. In the picture, they are laughing as Steve holds Yoko upside down and she holds on to Steve's legs. Which statement best explains why the couple is in a healthy relationship?

They display trust with each other.

How do people benefit from a healthy nutritional diet?

They experience a lower risk of developing heart disease.

How do digital records, telemedicine, and mobile devices influence healthcare?

They increase patients' access to their data.

Which statement best describes how positive parenting choices affect family dynamics?

They support healthy communication.

Which scenario represents consensual sex?

Twenty-year-old Robert has sex with his 21-year-old boyfriend.

Which statement identifies a common cause of peer conflict?

Two people lack the same information about an issue.

Which changes occur in females during puberty?

Underarm hair grows.

Alice is going to her primary care physician to get vaccinated. Which is a reason that Alice should choose to get vaccinated?

Vaccination helps keep those who cannot be vaccinated safe.

Dimitri received a flu vaccination earlier in the year. However, he has just been tested and has a confirmed case of the flu. Why did Dimitri most likely get the flu?

Vaccinations are not always effective.

Which statement describes legal aspects of sexual behavior?

Violating consent laws can lead to charges of statutory rape.

Sophia's parents notice that she is using the internet often. What steps can they take to help ensure internet safety? Select three options.

Warn Sophia about listing her home address on social media. Set up privacy settings and firewalls to restrict access to certain sites. Remind Sophia to limit what she shares with other people in online chat groups.

Which is one characteristic that distinguishes flirting from sexual harassment?

With flirting, the actions are two-sided, but with sexual harassment the actions are one-sided.

Which is one step that teens can take to help advocate for food security in their communities?

Write letters to the editor of the local newspaper about a lack of full-service grocery stores.

Which change occurs only in males during puberty?

a deepening of the voice

Michael believes that a piece of equipment he bought will quickly sculpt his abdominal muscles. What can this belief be bestidentified as?

a fitness fad

Which is a factor that acts as a barrier to making healthy decisions about relationships and sexual health?

a lack of knowledge

Which health resource is most appropriate for a woman who thinks she might be pregnant?

a nurse practitioner

The pie chart shows the sources from which teens get information about sexual and reproductive health. Based on the graph, from which source is a teen most likely to get information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

a parent

Which source should a person use to learn about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)?

a website maintained by the US Department of Health and Human Services

Which is an uncontrollable risk factor that puts individuals at more risk for contracting a disease?


Which factors affect the number of calories a person needs each day? Select three options.

age sex height

Which action is the only way to become sober?

allow time

An AED restores the heart's normal rhythm by delivering

an electric shock into the system.

The image shows what happened when Claudia was jogging. What type of external barrier does this illustration show?

an injury from working out

Which mental health issues can nicotine addiction lead to? Select three options.

anger anxiety mood swings

Where is a suitable place for getting tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

at a clinic

What actions supports healthy fetal development and prevents harm to the fetus?

avoiding risky activities

Which practice can help prevent many diseases?

avoiding tobacco products

Eight-year-old Weston was molested at summer camp last year. Which effect should his parents expect as a result?


Which action will best help a relationship survive a conflict?

being an active listener

Which situation involves an environmental stressor?

being around excessive noise

Which is an example of a risky situation?

being bullied at school

Which of these circumstances should keep a person from drinking? Select three options.

being pregnant having a medical condition having a history of alcoholism

Which advantage do first-time parents in their late 20s have over first-time teen parents?

better emotional stability

George brushes his teeth twice every day. Lately, he has noticed discomfort when brushing in some areas of his mouth. Which topics should he bring up to his dentist?

bleeding gums and pain

Benjamin and Elaina are married. Each has a child from a prior relationship. Which type of family do Benjamin and Elaina have?

blended family

Arif has recently quit smoking. What benefit can he expect to occur within a few hours of quitting?

blood oxygen levels returned to normal

Which long-term health effect is highly associated with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?

bone fractures

Which is one treatment that is recommended for people with sickle cell disease?

bone marrow transplant

Jessica wants to improve her mental and emotional health. Which lifestyle practice should she adopt?

build her self-esteem

Nicholas is a teenager who has a violent, abusive family. Which action will he most likely engage in as a result of his family environment?

bullying other kids at school

How can a person best reduce the risk of injuries on the road?

by always wearing a seat belt when driving

How can two siblings who constantly argue best improve their communication?

by being honest with each other

How can friends best counteract the negative influence of peer pressure?

by being supportive of positive behaviors

How do nicotine and tobacco cause cancer?

by damaging or changing a cell's DNA

How can Jared most effectively help minimize local environmental health issues within his community?

by doing research and getting informed about local environmental problems

How can peer relationships negatively affect social health?

by forming groups involved in risky behaviors

How can a school most effectively raise awareness of bike-helmet safety?

by holding a bike-helmet-awareness event

Read this US policy on clean water. The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface water. -Summary of the Clean Water Act, Environmental Protection Agency How can the Clean Water Act best promote health

by monitoring a toxic spill that affects a drinking water supply

How can a business owner best reduce the risk of injuries in the workplace?

by monitoring employee behavior

How can communities aid in disease prevention?

by providing vaccination education

How can a teenager best avoid risky behaviors that lead to injury?

by refusing to drink alcohol

How can family members effectively solve problems together?

by seeking outside help when necessary

How are medical providers most likely to be grouped in searches?

by specialty

In which way does nicotine cause addiction?

by stimulating the brain's pleasure center

How can teens demonstrate good physical fitness to their families?

by taking the stairs instead of the elevator

Alessandro is ill with a fever, a cough, and a runny nose. Which precaution should he take to help his family avoid getting sick?

cover his mouth when coughing or sneezing

Which strategy is part of the campaign to reduce tobacco use?

creating school education programs

Taiquinn was sexually assaulted in the school parking lot. Which is a safe way for her to get professional help?

call 9-1-1

Austin's family is having financial difficulties, and he frequently feels sad. What can Austin do to improve his mental and emotional health?

call his grandmother

Which is a common barrier to good fitness?

can contribute to fear of looking foolish

Heidi has started smoking. Which disease is she at risk of developing?


Which nutrient serves as a major source of energy?


Which of these products contain teratogens?

cat litter, pesticides, lead paint

Which types of media glamorize alcohol use? Select three options.

celebrity endorsements social media posts movies and television

lice plans to speak with her partner in the morning about never having unprotected sex again. She knows that her partner will be readily available to talk then. What method is Alice exercising for her STI discussion?

choosing the right time

Which of these conditions is a respiratory disease caused by nicotine and tobacco use?

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Which condition is often a result of alcohol addiction?

cirrhosis of the liver

Which practice is part of environmental hygiene?

cleaning up spills

The Sonu family has a rule that no one can watch television after 7:00 p.m. Family members use this time to talk to one another and relax. Which characteristic of a healthy family relationship does this describe?


Which type of risk factor for underage drinking includes gang presence and income inequality?


Which is a legal punishment that could occur if a person is found to be driving while under the influence of alcohol?

community service

What qualifies a person to be a professional mental health provider?

completed rigorous training and received a license

Which birth control method helps protect against STIs and STDs?


Which action demonstrates effective communication?

considering what the other person is trying to say

Which activity is an example of binging?

consuming a lot of food in one day

Which behavior is most likely to lead to the development of a chronic disease?

consuming foods with added sugars daily

Which is a function of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?

controlling disease outbreaks

Sue and Henry are both over the age of 75. They are permanent guardians to their grandchildren. Which type of family does this describe?

cross-generational family

Which activity is a goal of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

working with different governments and worldwide partners

Andy just lost his job. His family is now relocating to live with extended family. Which is an internal pressure that will most likely create conflict?

disagreeing about which school kids should attend

While attending an addiction treatment center, a person can abstain from harmful substances. Which term best describes this activity?


Which is a benefit related to abstaining from alcohol?

decreased blood pressure

Which is an important step of performing CPR on babies?

deliver gentle rescue breaths to protect the baby's lungs

Which of the following do teen mothers suffer from at higher rates than older mothers?


Simon has not been feeling well lately. He has had a low fever and has been tired. He often feels dizzy and loses his balance occasionally. Which symptoms suggest that Simon should see a doctor soon?

dizziness and loss of balance

Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?

dried fruit snacks

Which factors may influence teenage drinking? Select three options.

drinking games played by young people at parties pictures posted on social media that include alcohol celebrity endorsements for certain brands of alcohol

Jason is concerned about some health problems. Which symptoms indicate that he should consult a dentist?

dry mouth

A survey was conducted to evaluate how grief affects different factors in people's lives. The graph shows the survey results. What factor did grief affect the least?

economic well-being

A teen is thinking about going tanning because all her friends say that she looks less attractive without a tan. Her aunt tells her about a cancerous mole she had removed. If the teen decides against tanning, which cultural influence was most important to her?


Which medical professional or service treats severe medical needs?

emergency room

Sophie and Eleanor have been friends for many years. Recently, Eleanor's parents separated, and now Sophie is frustrated with Eleanor because Eleanor has stopped responding to her texts. What is the most likely source of this peer conflict?

emotional factors

Which of these is a smoking-related disease that causes permanent damage to the lungs?


Which policy do public agencies and officials enforce to promote health and well-being?

enforcing mandatory infectious disease training in hospitals

Emily has not been taking her school work seriously. Her friends are concerned that she is failing English, so they have planned a study session. What are Emily's friends doing?

engaging in positive peer pressure

Which is a negative effect of using human growth hormone as a performance-enhancing drug?

enlarged heart

Michael stopped using performance enhancing drugs at the end of his high school athletic career. Which long term effects might he experience as he grows older? Select three options.

enlarged heart kidney problems liver disease

Moritz rescued his friend from a dangerous ocean rip current by pulling his friend from the water. Which activity most likelyprepared him for this?

enrolling in a class about swimming safety

Which phrase accurately describes total body fat? Select three options.

essential fat needed for normal body functioning a type of fat also known as storage fat a fat that helps calculate relative total body composition

How are most sexually transmitted infections (STIs) spread? Select four options.

exchange of bodily fluids skin-to-skin contact blood-to-blood contact during childbirth

Which factors may increase the likelihood of a person using drugs? Select three options.

experiencing depression family members using drugs favorite celebrities using drugs

Which characteristic is a sign of drug addiction?

experiencing legal problems

Which is an emotional benefit experienced by people who practice abstinence?

experiencing less stress

Kim is very happy that she just got into college. Which type of statement could her friends say to best show empathy?

expressing that they are excited that she got what she wanted

Which is a possible consequence for violating a zero-tolerance school policy?


Which private communities can promote healthy nutrition and physical fitness? Select three options.

families churches synagogues

What does an individual's social environment include? Select four options.

family friends peer group community

Which is an environmental concern?

having groundwater affected by a nearby landfill

Which is a barrier to seeking mental health treatment?

having limited transportation

Which is a personal challenge that most likely makes a person inclined to join a gang?

having low self-esteem

Which factor increases the risk of engaging in sexual activity as a teen?

having previous sexual activity

Which short-term outcome would underage drinkers most likely to experience?


Which organ develops and is fully functional in the first trimester?


An AED is a portable device that checks a person's

heart rhythm.

Which characteristic is common among children who have older parents?

higher social skills

Look at the image used in a body image campaign. Which phrase best describes what the image is targeting?

how one may feel ashamed about oneself

Which issue is related to long-term heroin use?


Which step is first in the decision-making process?

identifying the decision

Rosario is concerned about her physical fitness. She has been recording in her journal the number of minutes she exercises each day for several days. She learns that she exercises an average of 15 minutes per day. Which would most likely help Rosario increase the amount of time she exercises?

joining a local sports league

What causes a person to feel socially stigmatized when he or she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

judgment for a personal condition

What can limit access to health care services?

lack of interpretation services

A student has a heavy course load and feels overwhelmed. What strategy provides a healthy way for the student to cope with stress?

learning time management skills

Which service is provided by the National Sexual Assault Hotline?

legal assistance

Which is a long-term benefit for teens who get treatment for mental health issues?

less likely to commit crimes

Which is one part of the immune system that helps protect the body from diseases?


Which term accurately describes the following statement? "Filters protect against the adverse health effects from nicotine use."


Which material is a common indoor air pollutant?

natural gas

Miriam is exercising outdoors in high temperatures when she starts experiencing signs of a heat stroke. What are her symptoms? Select three options.

nausea vomiting dizziness

Zachary's friends have all started wearing an expensive brand of shoes and are now insisting that he buys the same shoes. Which best describes this situation?

negative peer pressure

Which of these strategies are used to prevent substance use and abuse? Select three options.

negotiation decision-making developing a plan

As treatment for his disease, Ven is avoiding tobacco and alcohol, eating calcium-rich foods, and lifting weights. Which disease is he most likely being treating for?


Which disease has symptoms including fragile bones and a stooped posture?


Which disease may be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle?


Which is one of the symptoms of trichomoniasis?

pain during intercourse

Which issue is related to long-term cocaine use?


Which people or institutions have the right to use electronic health records?


A teen chooses to have sex with his girlfriend. He and his girlfriend learn that she is now pregnant. Which type of consequence are these teens facing?


Which health issue is associated with malnutrition?

physical and mental problems

Which is an endocrine gland that primarily regulates puberty?


Nirmala would like to make sure she is ready to say no when offered drugs. Which action should she take first?


What are the primary steps for developing a plan to lead a substance-free life? Select three options.

planning ahead developing strategies determining outcomes

Which characteristic is associated with drug abuse?

poor decision making

Which is a short-term goal related to maintaining reproductive and sexual health?

practicing refusal methods

Which is an effective coping method for victims of sexual assault?

practicing relaxation

Which technique is an example of healthy stress management?

practicing relaxation techniques

Who could best help address a dangerous situation at school?


Which symptom indicates that someone may need mental health treatment?

problems thinking

What is an example of resiliency?

processing feelings of anger and guilt about a situation

Which treatments would most likely be recommended for type 2 diabetes?

proper diet

Which food type should make up more than 10 percent of a person's daily calorie intake?


Which nutritional class builds and maintains cells and tissues?


Which of the following identifies the responsibilities of parenting?

provide for the child's physical and emotional health

Which effects of sun exposure are immediate? Check all that apply.

rashes freckles sunburn

Why must the misuse of prescription and illegal drugs be avoided?

reduces the risk of serious side effects

Walking away from a conversation is an example of which conflict resolution skill?


Which is a short-term effect of molestation?

regressive behaviors

As a result of gang violence, the government spends millions of dollars on


Coping strategies can help individuals build


Which character trait is necessary for a person to be in a healthy relationship?


What is an individual with an eating disorder most likely to do?

restrict food from fear of gaining weight

Anna suffers from motion sickness every time she rides in her school bus. Her doctor has asked her to take some nonprescription motion sickness medicine. What should she do to avoid abuse?

take the drug according to package instructions

Which activity is the most effective way to prepare for an emergency?

taking a multiday CPR class

Raj is considering ways to lose weight. Which weight-loss activity should be classified as unsupported?

targeted fat removal

Tania is a high school student who has been getting frequent headaches and is struggling to focus on print when she reads. What should she do?

tell her parents

Which information can be accessed through a patient portal?

test results

Which is a type of self-exam that should be conducted at home to potentially identify early signs of disease?


Which is a hormone that is released by the endocrine system?


Which situation is most likely to cause peer conflict?


What is peer pressure?

the desire of an individual to do things that friends want him or her to do

Which phrase best describes body composition?

the entire makeup of the human body

What is a social consequence of using tobacco?

the financial cost of fueling the addiction

What is peer pressure?

the influence of others to behave in a certain way

Which is a long-term consequence of an injury?

the need for physical therapy and rehabilitation

An individual would like to use the following image in an advertisement campaign against smoking. Sending The Right Message What does this image most likely illustrate?

the peer pressure to smoke

Which factor influences how people define their personal body image?

the way they perceive their own reflection

Which of these is considered a long-term effect of alcohol abuse?

thin and brittle bones

Quinn is reading about safety equipment. In which situation will he find this knowledge most useful?

when operating power tools

What is the primary reason the body needs nutrients?

to aid in new growth

Which is a reason for using good hygiene practices?

to avoid social problems

Read this US policy on clean water. The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface water. - "Summary of the Clean Water Act," Environmental Protection Agency What is the best way to use the Clean Water Act to address the issue of dirty water and diseases that plague a small community?

to enforce standards that focus on chemical discharge into bodies of water

Why do governments create laws to reduce injury risks?

to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians on roadways

How are electronic medical records (EMRs) used?

to help ensure access to clear and complete documentation

Which is one reason to analyze a person's body mass index (BMI)?

to help indicate the level of body composition

Why do schools strongly recommend vaccinations?

to protect students who cannot be vaccinated with herd immunity

The chart shows the results of a study on stress reduction techniques. A student wants to give his anxious friend advice on reducing stress. Based on the chart, what stress reduction technique should he recommend?

transcendental meditation

Zach was upset that his boyfriend had not texted him all night while Zach was spending time with friends. Zach was convinced that his boyfriend was cheating on him. He decided to call his boyfriend to question him about this. Based on Zach's behavior, which aspect of a healthy relationship is most likely missing?


Which of these is most likely a consequence of unhealthy eating?

type 2 diabetes

What can a person do to prevent barriers to exercise? Select three options.

understand myths about working out look for inexpensive classes in the area take a physical education course at school

Sophia wants to encourage her friends to participate in a healthy activity that does not involve drug or alcohol use. Which activity should she suggest?

working out in a gym

What should an individual do to ensure safety while exercising at a gym? Select three options.

use the equipment properly stop exercising if an injury occurs do cool-down stretches after each workout

Which personal or social condition for an individual makes it harder to resist peer pressure?

using drugs or alcohol

Which element increases in a community as a direct result of gang activity?


Which action is most helpful in preventing sexual involvement?

voicing personal boundaries

When should a person use collaborative decision-making?

when a lack of understanding exists

When is using online resources more efficient than visiting a doctor?

when a patient needs to research symptoms

In which situation is it best to ask for help?

when the circumstances seem dangerous

Which factor can potentially increase a teenager's alcohol use?

wish for peer approval

Enzo sits with a small group of friends at lunch. Lately, he has been very quiet and stays home a lot even though his friends invite him to go places. He likes to play video games in his free time and is slightly overweight. Which behavior is a sign that Enzo may need professional mental health treatment?

withdrawing from activities

Which example best describes the term sedentary?

working out at the gym once a year

The following websites all provide information about mental health. Which website is likely to provide the most reliable information?

Which of these is a challenge to social relationships as a result of nicotine and tobacco use?

yellow teeth and nails

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