Health Test 2:

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what is health?

"a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"


-4 types -may be hereditary -70% of occurrences are due to an unknown cause -effects about 2.5 million people -it is a medical condition that is a disorder of the brain due to misfiring of nerves in the brain -can be caused by: lack of sleep, accidents causing head trauma, dehydration, flashing lights, drug/alcohol, infection, tumors, etc.

What are the three types of skin cancer?

-Basal cell carcinoma -Squamous cell carcinoma -Malanoma

how does the immune system respond when a pathogen enters the family

-Skin: 1st line of defense. unbroken skin acts as a barrier to prevent pathogens from entering the body. Perspiration and oils on the skin kill pathogens. -Tears: contains chemicals that kill pathogens and prevent them from entering the eyes -Nose: mucus and hair that line the inside of the nose, trap and destroy pathogens -Mouth: pathogens are killed by saliva in the mouth -Stomach Acid: pathogens that are swallowed are destroyed by stomach acids


-a parasitic worm ~people can become infected when they eat under cooked pork or fish or practice poor hygiene ~examples: tapeworms, pinworms, hookworms, etc. ~they can infect the digestive track, muscle tissue and blood *pathogen

what is HPV and explain?

-a sexually transmitted disease -over 200 strains -linked to cancer, specifically cervical cancer -can be passed to both males and females through sexual intercourse

Vaccine/ Immunization

-a substance containing dead or weakened pathogens that is introduced into the body to give more immunity ~vaccines cause the body to make antibodies for a specific pathogen. If these pathogens enter the body again, the antibodies destroy them.

complex partial seizure

-about one and a half minutes long -recovery time up to 30 mins -looks as if person is drunk and is repetitive -steer around person until siesure is over *Never Restrain

general siezure

-absent for about 3 mins -up to 100 times a day -no recovery time

Who was Mary Mallon

-also known as Typhoid Mary -spread Typhoid because she had Typhoid, however she didn't know she had it because she was healthy -Typhoid usually kills, but it didn't kill her because she had a strong immune system

ten ways to reduce the risk of infection with communicable diseases

-avoid being around people who have colds, flu, or other illnesses during the contagious stage -stay home from school or work when you have a contagious illness -drink water that has been properly treated for drinking -avoid behaviors that put you at risk for infection -choose behaviors to keep the immune system healthy -follow precautions to prevent food-born illnesses -cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing -get appropriate vaccines -wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after blowing your nose or using the restroom -thoroughly cook foods before eating them

five ways pathogens are spread

-direct contact with an infected person (shaking hands, kissing, sexual intercourse, receiving a blood transfusion, etc.) -through the air by coughing or sneezing -contact with contaminated objects (sharing needles, getting a tattoo/ piercing, sharing objects like chapstick, etc.) -contact with infected animals or insects -contact with contaminated food or water

what are three ways to keep your immune system strong during the peak of cold and flu season?

-have a proper diet -have an active life style -get plenty of reat


-insects that pierce the skin and secrete a substance that causes itching and swelling ~not related to cleanliness ~some hair types more vulnerable than others

what is an insurance card and what is on it?

-it is proof that you have a specific insurance ~includes: member name, member ID number, group number, the name of your plan, how much you pay for each type of visit (co-pay), prescription coverage (RX)

What can you do to treat/prevent acne?

-keep skin clean -get recommended soaps for face by doctor -don't mess with acne -limit time in sun to reduce sweat -use water based cosmetics with SPF


-keeping the body clean and having a neat appearance ~helps protect your health -reduce risk of infection -makes you more attractive

tonic chronic siezure

-lasts about 2 and 1/2 mins -person is shaking/jerking -help them to the ground; get them to their side to avoid chocking *Do Not: -ask the questions or put anything in their mouth * after the seizure, explain to them what happened

what information is important to always have about your doctor?

-name -phone number -address -office hours

partial seizure

-one minute -no recovery time -consious

what causes skin cancer?

-over exposer to the sun -tanning beds (they are stronger than the sun) -family history

things you need to do/have to make a doctors apt:

-personal info. -dates that would work for your schedule -know your symptoms -don't call during busy hours -write down apt. time and date *have phone etiquite

what are the types of acne and how do they develop?

-pimples: occur when a clogged pore becomes infected with bacteria -whiteheads: occur when a clogged pore isn't exposed to air -blackheads: occur when a pore becomes clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells

what is the HPV vaccination and what does it do?

-prevents cancers that you otherwise could have gotten if you get HPV

What types of health insurance are there (not company names)?

-private insurance: when you are on your parent's or job's insurance plan -government insurance: government controlled insurance if you are not under your parent's insurance, or if you don't have insurance by your job -CHIP plan: for those under the age 19 whose parents do not have insurance; free

what are the two types of Melanoma?

-radial: show ABCD properties -nodular: usually don't show ABCD properties, instead show EFG properties

immune system

-removes harmful organisms from the blood and combats pathogens ~the immune system is composed of body organs, tissues, cells, and chemicals


-single or multi-celled parasite organisms ~obtain their food from organic materials like plants, animals, or human tissue ~Examples: athletes's foot, ringworm, jock itch, nail infections, thrust, etc. *pathogen


-single-celled microorganisms ~more than 1000 types ~most can be beneficial ~about 100 types cause disease (do so by releasing toxins) making them harmful to the body *pathogen

what things can cause acne?

-stress -menstrual cycle -oil -heavy cosmetics -sweating -pressure on face -heredity


-the smallest known pathogen ~when a virus enters a cell, it takes over the cell and causes it to make more viruses ~Examples: common cold, HIV, flu, chickenpox, etc. *pathogen


-tiny, single-celled organisms that produce toxins that cause disease ~examples: African sleeping sickness, malaria *pathogen

hair removal options

-tweesing -shaving -waxing -laser/ pulse light -electrolysis -over-the-counter creams

what are some harmful effects of overexposure to the sun?

-ultraviolet rays from the sun destroy cells in the outer layer of the skin and damage blood vessels -development of skin cancer (like melanoma)

if you find yourself getting sick, what are 4 things you can do to minimize your symptoms and speed your recovery?

-use over the counter medications that treat all or most of your symptoms -drink lots of fluids (non including alcohol and caffeinated drinks) -rest your body in the cases that keep you from doing daily activities -see a doctor if you have any concerns (especially of you have asthma or another chronic condition

what are five ways to prevent foot odor?

-wash your feet regularly with soap -scrub toenails with a nail brush -dry feel well -ear clean socks everyday -let shoes air out after you wear them

What can you do to lower your risk of getting skin cancer/ who is at higher risk?

-wear a hat -wear protective clothing -wear sunglasses -use sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ -don't use sunlamps or tanning beds ~those who have red, blonde, or light brown hair and have fair skin ~if you burn or blister easily ~if you have blue, green, or hazel eyes ~if you have had severe blistering sunburns before the age 18 ~if you have other family member(s) who have had skin cancer or a history of melanoma -if you don't do frequent self exams, or get checked by a dermotologist

how many Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime?

1 in 5

how many colds do most teens have in a year?


how many colds do most toddlers have in a year?


What are the ABCDE's of skin cancer and what does this tell you?

A-asymmetry: one half unlike other half B-border: irregular, notched C-color: varies between areas D-diameter: more than 1/4 inch E-evolving: growing fast or changing ...or may also stand for... E-elevated: not flat F-firm: not flabby G-growing: more than two weeks ~helps you to determine whether you have a mole that you should be concerned about; the things you should look for a change in

What does C.A.T.C.H. stand for in regards to good hygiene?

C-clean hands A-acne T-teeth C-clean your body H- hair

What is the deadliest form of skin cancer, why, and what does it look like?

Melanoma: -can develop anywhere on the body -once it spreads to the lymph-nodes, survival rates decrease significantly ~look for moles that are growing rapidly change color, etc. *second most common cancer among 15-29 year olds *most common cancer among 25-29 year olds

what is the safest way to get a tan

Self tanner

limited exposure to sunlight is necessary for _______________

Vitamin D

When should someone stay home from school, work, etc.?

When they have a fever


a burn caused by overexposure to sunlight *should only spend about twenty mins a day in the sun without sunblock


a condition in which dead skin is shed from the scalp producing white flakes


a doctor who has special knowledge and skills relating to a particular area of medicine

what is a primary care physician and what are the three types of doctors who qualify as a PCP?

a general doctor: family/general doc.,internist, pediatrition


a germ that causes disease

what is health care?

a network of services offered by professionals who help prevent, treat and manage illness, as well as preserve mental and physical well-being


a physician who specializes in the care of skin


a product that reduces the odor that occurs when some people sweat


a product used to reduce the amount of sweat


a skin disorder in which pores in the skin are clogged with oil


a substance that is poisonous


able to be transmitted to others, through direct or indirect contact

what age is best for both bays and girls to get the HPV vaccine?

age 12 because it is before a person becomes sexually active

UVA lighting causes___________


communicable disease

an illness caused by pathogens that can be spread from one living thing to another

what is health insurance?

an insurance plan you can purchase that will help you cover your medical health care costs and keep you from paying full price for some medical situations

foot odor is caused by_______________


why should boys and girls get the HPV vaccination?

both males and females can get HPV. The vaccine protects you from the most common forms of cancer caused by HPV


branch of medicine that studies the causes, disruption and control of diseases in population

UVB lighting causes ___________



capable of causing an infection


enforced isolation or restriction of a person or persons to slow or halt the spread of contagious disease

what is a prescription coverage/ plan

helps to lower the amount of money you would have to pay for perscription medications

what is health literacy?

knowing how to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make good health decisions

Should you place an object in someone's mouth while they are having a seizure?


can a child become autistic from getting a vaccine?


can the flu vaccine make you sick?


can you get the flu from the flu shot?


do people often die from having seizures?


do seizures always cause people to loose consciousness?


does weather make you sick?


is epilepsy contagious?


is there a cure for the common cold?


should you restrain someone if they are having a seizure?


is epilepsy a mental illness?

no, it is a medical condition


the body's resistance to disease-causing agents

what is the Health Care Literacy Program?

the program designed to help you take charge of your own health care

what is epilepsy?

the re-occurrence of seizures

what is/are the difference(s) of brand name and generic drugs?

they contain the same ingredients, but the generic costs less

how effective is the flu vaccine?

usually 70-90% effective

what is one of the simplest and most effective way to avoid infections spread by contact?

washing your hands and educating others to do so *use hand sanitizer if there is no water/soap

If you are healthy, do you need to be vaccinated?


can epilepsy affect anyone at any age?


do vaccines usually have side effects that are usually mild?


can seizures look like daydreaming?

yes, general seizure

do most seizures last a few seconds to a few minutes?

yes, if it doesn't, call 911 emedianlty

If a person is having a seizure should you turn them on their side?

yes, so they don't choke

should children get vaccinated for diseases that are no longer common?

yes. They are no longer common because people are vaccinated against them

what is self advocacy?

your ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate, or assert your own interests, desires, needs and rights

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