Hesi - Grammar (more practice)

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B. I

Mary and ______ went to the library. A. me B. I C. himself D. her

B. more

She was _____ exhausted than her sister after they ran the marathon. A.Most B. More C. Increasingly D. The more

D. street

Which word from the following sentence is an adjective? The nurse leisurely changed from green scrubs into street clothes. A. leisurely B. scrubs C. changed D. street

A. but Hint: Conjunctions are (nor, for, or, but, yet, and, so).

Which word in the following sentence is a conjunction? In 1994, Dan Manion set the current record for a deep dive on air at 509 feet, but reported feeling strong effects of narcosis at such a depth. A. but B. on C. at D. for

D. The extensively injured dog was put to sleep

which of the following sentences contains a euphemism? A. The man said that his friend's dog was a jerk. B. The veterinarian told the woman that her cat bounced back C. The family decided to adopt a pet from a no-kill shelter. D. The extensively injured dog was put to sleep.

A. Allowance, appearance

Build up nouns from the verbs "to allow" and "to appear". A. Allowance, appearance B. Allowence, apperance C. Allows, appears D. Allowing, appearing

D. Pronoun

Carly listened and watched as her mother got ready for the evening. What part of speech is the word "her" in this sentence? A. Preposition B. Adjective C. Noun D. Pronoun

A. myself

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentence:I worked _____ as hard as I could. A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself

A. May; bring

Complete the sentence with the correct words:______ Steve ______ his turtle here tomorrow? A. May; bring B. May; take C. Can; take D. Can; bring

C. Further

Emily will need _____ practice in order to score highly on her entrance exam. A. between B. farther C. further D. among

C. especially because of his actions during the invasion of Normandy

In the following sentence, which is the dependent clause? A. The World War II Soldier B. was a hero C. especially because of his actions during the invasion of Normandy D. the invasion of Normandy

C. When, Mother, and Your

In the following sentence, which word(s) should be capitalized? when we quarreled and made horrible faces at one another, mother knew what to say: "your faces will stay that way, and no one will marry you." A. When and Mother B. When and Your C. When, Mother, and Your D. When

C. Noun

Most wildlife biologists disapprove of crossbreeding wolves and dogs. The word "biologists" in the above sentence is what part of speech? A. Conjunction B. Adjective C. Noun D. Verb

B. is Hint: Neither is the subject and it calls for singular verb: IS

Neither of the flower bouquets ____ as full as the one we ordered last year. A. are B. is C. were D. being

B. Adjective

One giant squid measured nearly 50 feet. What part of speech is the word "giant" in the above sentence? A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Noun D. Verb

B. hear Hear means to recognize sound by means of the ear. Here is a site differentiation.

Select the best word for the blank in the following sentence. He couldn't _____ the speaker's words because of the nearby airport noise. A. here B. hear C. comprehend D. understand

C. can, may

Select the best words for the blanks n the following sentence. If I _______ hit a home run, I ______ be chosen for the baseball team. A. may, can B. may, might C. can, may D. can, could

A. because she wrecked her car Explanation: A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb or verb phrase. An independent clause expresses a complete thought while a dependent clause does not. Dependent clauses begin with words like: after, although, because, before, if, since, that, until, what, when, where, who, which, and why. The dependent clause, "because she wrecked her car," contains the subject "she" and the verb "wrecked." It does not express a complete thought.

Sofia won't be able to compete in the race because she wrecked her car. Which phrase in this sentence is the dependent clause? A. because she wrecked her car B. compete in the race C. Sofia won't be able to compete in the race D. her car

A. wants Hint: Child is a singular subject, so it takes on a singular verb: wants.

The child ____ to ride all the roller coasters at Disneyland. A. wants B. want C. does want D. has the want

A. it's, its

The clock shows ____ almost nine o'clock, so the bridal shop will soon be opening ____ doors. A. it's, its B. its, its C. it's, its' D. its, it's

A. Direct object A direct object is a person or thing that is directly affected by the action of the verb. In this case, "the birds" is affected by the verb "watched." An indirect object names the person to whom something is done. An independent clause is a complete thought that can stand alone as a sentence. A dependent clause is not a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence.

The kids watched the birds fly in the park. Which term best describes "the birds" in this sentence? A. Direct object B. Indirect object C. Dependent clause D. Independent clause

A. is Hint: the collective noun (mountaineering group) takes on a singular verb.

The mountaineering group _____ looking forward to climbing K2 next year. A. is B. are C. be D. were

D. Knives

The plural form of the noun "knife" is which of the following? A. Knifes B. Knifen C. Kniven D. Knives

A. Brothers, brethren

The two plural forms of the noun "brother" are: A. Brothers, brethren B. Brother, brothers C. Brother, brethren D. Brothers, brothren

b. whom

To ______ should I address the postcard? A. who B. whom C. which D. the which


Using the given options, select the sentence that is written using the second-person point of view. A. We are going on vacation in June. B. You are to go to bed before midnight tonight. C. The bank is open for business on Saturdays. D. Roger and I are going on a date Friday night.

b. them

When the gymnastic athletes travel for a competition, a chaperone must accompany ____. A. it b. them C. all of it D. their

C. the movie about the comic book superhero had never interested me until last week. Hint: simple sentence contains a subject + verb

Which of the following is an example of a simple sentence? A. The movie about the comic book superhero. B. The movie about the comic book superhero that I watched last Friday night was very entertaining. C. The movie about the comic book superhero had never interested me until last week. D. The movie about the comic book superhero fascinated me, but it bored my best friend.

C- In this sentence well expresses emotion and does not have a grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence.

Which of the following sentences contains an interjection? A. I hope you have finished digging your well. B. I hope you are feeling well. C. Well, I hope you are happy. D. I hope you perform well on the test.

C. Shane is hungry. A declarative sentence is a sentence that makes a statement. The option that makes a statement is: Shane is hungry. The following is an interrogative sentence: Is Shane hungry? The following is an imperative sentence: Get Shane something to eat. The following is an exclamatory sentence: Shane's dinner tasted great!

Which of the following sentences is a declarative sentence? A. Is Shane hungry? B. Shane's dinner tasted great! C. Shane is hungry. D. Get Shane something to eat.

C. Leaving the door open behind her, Meg stepped into the room.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. After receiving intravenous antibiotics, Jarod's health improved. B. Growing up, Tom's father always read Tom a bedtime story. C. Leaving the door open behind her, Meg stepped into the room. D. Before traveling abroad, passports were obtained by students.

D. My parents give me excellent advice when I am making a difficult decision. Explanation: Advice is a noun meaning" an opinion given with the intention of helping. " Advise is a verb meaning "to give counsel or advice.'

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. The professor sought advise from a colleague. B. To advice the President, the Joint Chiefs of Staff must be well-informed. C. A good advicer is essential in order to have a successful academic career. D. My parents give me excellent advice when I am making a difficult decision.

A. The chocolate bar contains a substantial amount of caffeine.

Which of the following sentences uses the word "amount" correctly? A.The chocolate bar contains a substantial amount of caffeine. B. The student had an amount of papers to write. C. The amount of chocolate bars she ate was not healthy. D. The doctor had an amount of patients to see.

A. horse

Choose the option that correctly identifies the noun in the sentence below. The old horse was put out to pasture. A. horse B. old C. was D. to

C. between between implies only two people. The correct word to use in the sentence would be among.

What word is used incorrectly in this sentence? The six students in the class discussed the test results between themselves. A. discussed B. results C. between D. themselves

C. Oxen

Which of the following is the plural form of the noun "ox"? A. Ox B. Oxe C. Oxen D. Oxes

A. Before I lie down to go to sleep, I lay down my book on the bookstand. This rule is the lay vs lie. (lie: recline/rest: lie, lay, lain, lying) Lay: means to put or place.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. Before I lie down to go to sleep, I lay down my book on the nightstand. B. I lay down my book on the nightstand before I lay down to go to sleep C. I lie my book down on the nightstand before I lie down to go to sleep. D. Before I lay down my book on the nightstand, I lie down to go to sleep.

D. air

The dog jumped into the air to catch the Frisbee. What is the noun in this sentence? A. Jumped B. into C. catch D. air

B. I feel too weak to walk; I feel too weak to talk

Which of the following is a compound sentence? A. My legs and my arms are weak. B. I feel too weak to walk; I feel too weak to talk. C. My whole body is weak. D. I feel too weak to walk, however I can stand up.

D. Canadian

Which of the following words represents an adjective that is used in the sentence: She was drinking a glass of Canadian water. A. she B. drinking C. water D. Canadian

B. Since the professor was excessively boring, many of his students fell asleep. Hint: this sentence has a dependent clause; therefore, it needs a comma. IF the sentence starts off with an independent clause there should be no comma.

11. Which sentences is grammatically correct? A. Since the professor was excessively boring; many of his students fell asleep. B. Since the professor was excessively boring, many of his students fell asleep. C. Since the professor was excessively boring many of his students fell asleep. D. Since the professor was, excessively boring, many of his students fell asleep.

C. Their concern is that there may not be enough appetizer for everyone they're expecting at the cocktail party. Explanation: "Their" is a pronoun used to refer to a group of people. Since the "concern" belongs to a group of people, we'd use the word 'their" to explain the possessive meaning. The word "they're" is a contraction of "they are'" "There, " is a word describing location. The correct answer is the only one that uses all three words properly.

24. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. They're concern is that their may not be enough appetizers for everyone there expecting at the cocktail party. B. Their concern is that they're may not be enough appetizers for everyone there expecting at the cocktail party. C. Their concern is that there may not be enough appetizers for everyone they're expecting at the cocktail party. D. There concern is that they're may not be enough appetizers for everyone their expecting at the cocktail party.

A. She It was she who delivered the medicine to room three-twelve. "She" is the subject of the sentence. "Her" would be an object and, in this case, cannot take the place of the subject. The correct answer is "she."

Choose one of the following pronouns to complete the sentence and be formal: It was _____ who delivered the medicine to room three-twelve. A. she B. hers C. her D. his

c. eighty-four Always use a hyphen between the "tens" and "units" when writing out numbers. In this case, 84 becomes "eighty-four". Eighty is the "tens" portion of the number, and four is the "units" portion.

Choose the correct answer: We read _____ pages of medical homework yesterday. A. eighty-for B. eighty four C. eighty-four D. eighty for

D. whom

Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence: It hit me suddenly; I know the patient to _____ you spoke last night. A. who B. whose C. that D. whom

B. Please bring the following medical supplies:

Choose the most grammatically correct answer:"_____ hand sanitizer, syringes, gauze, and ointment." A.Please bring the following medical supplies; B. Please bring the following medical supplies: C. Please bring the following medical supplies. D. Please bring the following medical supplies!

B. Adverb, Adjective The word "nearly" is an adverb, as it is being used to modify the verb "wrecked." The word "parked" is an adjective, as it is being used to modify the noun "car."

Choose the option that correctly identifies the parts of speech for the words in quotation marks. The speeding car "nearly" wrecked when it swerved to miss the "parked" car. A. Adjective, Adjective B. Adverb, Adjective C. Adverb, Adverb D. Adjective, Adverb

B. employs

Choose the option that correctly identifies the verb in the sentence below. The hospital employs more than three thousand workers. A. more B. employs C. workers D. hospital

C. Hungarian

Construct an adjective from the proper noun "Hungary." A. hungary B. hungari C. Hungarian D. Hungaryan

c. colon Hint: always use a colon when listing things. (:)

Follow these directions to get to the church__ make a left at the next intersection, drive three miles to the third stop sign, then turn left, and continue another two miles until you see the parking lot on the right-hand side. A. comma B. semicolon c. colon D. dash

C. fewer Fewer VS less: fewer refers to number- things that can be counted or numbered- and is used with plural nouns, for example: The professor has fewer students in his morning class than he has in his afternoon class). Less refers to degree/amount- things bulk or abstract, for example: fewer patients mean less work for the staff). LESS can also refer to numerical value. Ex: It's less than 2 miles to school. He scored less than 90 on the exam.

Germany has _____ bluebells than does England. A. The least B. Less C. fewer D. lesser

C. to, too Explanation: In front of an infinitive verb ( such as "research") we need the article "to." The phrase "too much" is correctly completed in this option as well.

It's important _____ research your essay topic thoroughly so you do not include _____ much irrelevant information. A. too, to B. to, two C.to, too D. too, two

B. Interjection The phrase "Oh no" is an interjection. An interjection is a word that shows strong emotion or surprise. The words "tomorrow" and "Monday" are nouns. The word "is" is a verb. The sentence does not contain a conjunction.

Oh no! Tomorrow is Monday. What part of speech is the phrase "Oh no" in the above sentence? A. Conjunction B. Interjection C. Noun D. Verb

C. will complete my college degree Explanation: The phrase "next year" indicates the future tense is needed. The verb " will complete" is correctly in the future-tense.

Select the phrase that makes this sentence grammatically correct. Next year, I __________. A. completed my college degree B. did complete my college degree C. will complete my college degree D. my college degree

C. more

The United States has _____ states than Europe has countries; there are only 47 European countries, but there are 50 states in America. A. the more B. most C. more D. many

D. across The preposition shows (shows the relationship of a noun/pronoun to some other word in the sentence)

The Vikings travelled in wooden boats across the Atlantic Ocean. What is the preposition? A. Vikings B. Travelled C. Boats D. across

B. habitually Explanation: The word "habitually" means repeatedly or often.

The ______ late student was reprimanded by the teacher. A. habitualy B. habitually C. habituel D. habituely

B. affected Explanation: "Effected" means executed, produced, or brought about. "Affected" means made an impact on. It is the past tense of verb form of affect, which means to impact.

The actors' performances powerfully _____ the audience. A. effected b. affected C. were effecting D. were affecting

D. unrespective Explanation: In the sentence "unrespective is incorrect. The correct word is " irrespective."

The admissions consultant outlined what makes a thorough application package, unrespective of financial hardship. A. consultant B. thorough C. package D. unrespective

A. Textspeak

The following sentence contains which type of word or phrase? It's okay ; brb A. Textspeak B. Euphemism C. Possessive D. Plural

D. Ever since the first reasonably accurate world maps...models to explain the origin of Earth's mountain belts, continents, ocean basins, rifts, and trenches. The ellipsis consists of three evenly spaced dots with spaces between the ellipsis and surrounding letters or other marks. The sentence: "Ever since the first reasonably accurate world maps...models to explain the origin of Earth's mountain belts, continents, ocean basins, rifts, and trenches" does not have spaces between the use of the ellipsis; therefore, it is not used appropriately.

Using the following sentence, which of the choices does not use an ellipsis correctly? Ever since the first reasonably accurate world maps were constructed in the 1600s, people have proposed models to explain the origin of Earth's mountain belts, continents, ocean basins, rifts, and trenches. A. Ever since ... models to explain the origin of Earth's mountain belts, continents, ocean basins, rifts, and trenches. B. Ever since the first reasonably accurate world maps were constructed in the 1600s, ... the origin of Earth's mountain belts, continents, ocean basins, rifts, and trenches. C. Ever since the first reasonably accurate world maps were constructed in the 1600s, people have proposed models to explain the origin of Earth's ... . D. Ever since the first reasonably accurate world maps...models to explain the origin of Earth's mountain belts, continents, ocean basins, rifts, and trenches.

A. "The victims mother has just arrived."

Which answer option correctly introduces the word "just" into the following sentence?"The victim's mother has arrived." A. "The victim's mother has just arrived." B. "Just has the victim's mother arrived." C. "The victim's mother just has arrived." D. "The victim's mother has arrived just."

D. The boy ran into his bedroom.

Which of the following is a simple sentence? A. The boy was scared, but he didn't run. B. The boy ate breakfast before he went to school. C. The boy watched the television that you bought. D. The boy ran into his bedroom.

B. I caught the ball with my hands

Which of the following is a simple sentence? A. When I catch the ball, I'm actually going to run with it. B. I caught the ball with my hands. C. I caught the ball, but I did not run with it. D. The ball was caught, but the game was lost.

B. "what would you prefer to do on vacation - visit a museum or go on a walking tour," asked my father.

Which of the following is an example of a correctly punctuated sentence? A. "What would you prefer to do on vacation - visit a museum or go on a walking tour?" asked my father. B. "What would you prefer to do on vacation - visit a museum or go on a walking tour," asked my father. C. "What would you prefer to do on vacation: visit a museum or go on a walking tour?," asked my father. D. "What would you prefer to do on vacation: visit a museum or go on a walking tour," asked my father?

C. He could accept anything from her, except a lie. Explanation: The word, "accept" means "to receive." "Except" is usually preposition meaning "but" or "leaving out". The correct answer is only one that uses both these word correctly.

Which of the following is grammatically correct? A. He could accept anything from her, accept a lie. B. He could except anything from her, accept a lie. C. He could accept anything from her, except a lie. D. He could except anything from her, except a lie.

D. Stimuli

Which of the following is the plural form of the noun "stimulus"? A. Stimulus B. Stimulis C. Stimula D. Stimuli

B. my sister Cheryl Explanation: Unless it is being used as a title, the familial adjective should be in lowercase, so it is correct to write "sister" in lowercase. "Grandma" is being used as a title so should be capitalized. "Uncle" and Great-Aunt: should be lowercase because they are not being used as titles.

Which of the following phrases follows the rules of capitalization? A. Meredith's Uncle B. my sister Cheryl C. her Great-Aunt D. grandma Beth

B. Either kale or spinach is a healthy vegetable to eat with dinner. Explanation: This answer has proper subject-verb agreement. In the other choices, the singular"ambulance" disagrees with the plural "were." The singular 'Kick" does not agree with the singular "one." It should be 'kicks." And the plural "several" does not agree with the singular "was."

Which of the following sentences has correct subject-verb agreement? A. The ambulance, which had flashing red lights on top, were letting other vehicles on the road know to pull over. B. Either kale or spinach is a healthy vegetable to eat with dinner. C. One of the soccer players kick the ball farther than his other teammates. D. Several of the pieces of art was sold for above-average prices.

D. Who is getting a new car today?

Which of the following sentences is an interrogative sentence? A. Buy Jim a new car today. B. Jim is the one who is getting a new car today. C. I got a new car today! D. Who is getting a new car today?

D. Joseph learns a lot about his favorite team by word of mouth. The sentence "Joseph learns a lot about his favorite team by word of mouth" has a singular subject ("Joseph") and a singular verb ("learns"); therefore, it is the sentence that is correct in regards to subject-verb agreement. The sentence "The class were told not to go overboard" is incorrect because the subject ("class") is singular and the verb ("were") is plural. The sentence "Time fly as you grow older" is incorrect because the subject ("Time") is singular and the verb ("fly") is plural. The sentence "She observe a lot just by watching" is incorrect because the subject ("She") is singular and the verb ("observe") is plural.

Which of the following sentences is correct in regards to subject-verb agreement? A. She observe a lot just by watching. B. Time fly as you grow older. C. The class were told not to go overboard. D. Joseph learns a lot about his favorite team by word of mouth.

C. My favorite outdoor activities include camping, fly-fishing, and river-rafting.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. My favorite outdoor activities include camping fly-fishing, and river-rafting. B. My favorite outdoor activities include camping and fly-fishing, and also river-rafting. C. My favorite outdoor activities include camping, fly-fishing, and river-rafting. D. My favorite outdoor activities include camping and fly-fishing and river-rafting.

B. The Lees had dinner at the Joneses' home.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. The Lee's had dinner at the Jones home. B. The Lees had dinner at the Joneses' home. C. The Lees had dinner at the Jone's home. D. the Lee's had dinner at the Jones' home.

A. The nervous student tapped his foot impatiently under his desk.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. The nervous student tapped his foot impatiently under his desk. B. The nervous student did tap his foot with impatience under his desk. C. The nervous student tapped his foot impatient under the desk. D. The nervous student impatient did tap his foot under the desk.

D. The soccer play ran quickly to the goal Explanation: ran is the verb. Therefore, "quickly" is the adverb, it modifies the verb ran. Quick is incorrect because it is an adjective and only modifies nouns.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. The soccer player ran quick to the goal B. The soccer player did run quickly to the goal C. The soccer player did ran quickly to the goal D. The soccer player ran quickly to the goal

B. You are responsible for feeding the dog. A second-person narrative sentence is a sentence that is relayed by a narrator referring to the reader as "you", therefore making the reader feel as if he or she is the character. "We" and "I" are used in sentences that are written in a first-person narrative. "They" is used in sentences that are written in a third-person narrative.

Which of the following sentences is written using the second-person narrative? A. They are responsible for feeding the dog. B. You are responsible for feeding the dog. C. We are responsible for feeding the dog. D. I am responsible for feeding the dog.

D. Further information can be obtained by reading the book. The word "further" refers to additional time, quantity, or degree. The sentence "Further information can be obtained by reading the book" suggests that additional information can be obtained. The other options are incorrect because the word "further" should be replaced with "farther." The word "farther" is used to refer to a physical distance.

Which of the following sentences uses the word "further" correctly? A. The red car is further away than the blue car. B. I walked further down the road than John did. C. Alaska extends further north than Canada does. D. Further information can be obtained by reading the book.

D. The child was less than 48 inches tall. The word "less" refers to a degree or an amount, and it also refers to numeric or statistical terms. The sentence "The child was less than 48 inches tall" uses the word "less" to refer to a numeric term. The other options are incorrect because the word "less" should be replaced with "fewer." The word "fewer" is used to refer to a number or things that can be counted.

Which of the following sentences uses the word "less" correctly? A. I have less candy bars than Tim. B. My morning class has less students than my afternoon class. C. The red plate has two less cupcakes than the blue plate. D. The child was less than 48 inches tall.

B. When I was twelve, my parents sent me to boarding school. Explanation: This option has the clearest, most logical meaning. The other options make it sound like the parents were age 12 or that the parents were sent to boarding school.

Which sentence is the clearest? A. At the age of twelve, my parents sent me to boarding school. B. When I was twelve, my parents sent me to boarding school. C. At the age of twelve, I sent my parents to boarding school. D. My parents, at the age of twelve, sent me to boarding school.

D. examination Explanation: The nouns in the sentence are "examiner " and Examination." The word "medical" is an adjective, "Was" and "perform" are verbs.

Which word from the following sentence is a noun? The medical examiner was called in to perform a post-mortem examination. A. medical B. was C. perform d. examination

D. Pike

Which word from the following sentence is a noun? The real Ichabod Crane was a military officer who met Washington Irving in 1814 at Fort Pike. A. was B. who C. met D. Pike

A. solo Hint: what had an impact? (this is the subject)

Which word in the following sentence is the subject? The opera singer's solo had a profound impact on the audience. A. solo B. impact C. audience D. opera singer

A. Who who should be whom in this sentence because it is the object of the preposition to.

Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence? To who should the letter be addressed? A. Who B. Should C. Letter D. Addressed

B. Its Its is used incorrectly in this sentence. should be written It's (it is) which is a contraction.

Which word or phrase does not belong in the following sentence: Maverick decided to drop out of trigonometry. "Its just too hard and I've decided I will never be an engineer anyway," he said. A. Anyway B. Its C. I've D. Too hard

B. Seen

Which word or phrase does not belong in the following sentence: Meredith went to the zoo with her brother. When they came home, they burst through the front door and Meredith shouted, "We seen lions, tigers, and bears!" A. Went B. Seen C. Bears D. Burst

A. put

Which word or phrase in the following sentence is the simple predicate? (describes the verb) So many types of birthday cake put Cynthia at a loss. A. put B. put at a loss C. put Cynthia D. put Cynthia at a loss

C. Who's

Which word or phrase is not used correctly in the following sentences: Fans piled out of the auditorium after the high school basketball game. The custodian came running out after the crowd, shouting, "Who's jacket is this?" A. Basketball B. High school C. Who's D. Is this?

C. the Sherpa Explanation: The indirect object is the recipient of the direct object. The direct object receives the action of the verb. Here, the verb is "tossed." What is being tossed? The rope. So, "the rope" is the direct object. Who is the recipient of the rope? The answer: the Sherpa. This is the indirect object.

Who is the recipient of the direct object? The mountain climber tossed the Sherpa the rope. A. The mountain climber B. tossed C. the Sherpa D. the rope

D. They're Explanation: The contraction "They're has the same meaning as " They are" and is the correct phrase to complete the sentence.

_______ confident that with enough study they can easily pass the final exam. A. They have B. There C. Their D. They're

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