HI 101 History of Civilization Terms Unit 3 Midterm (PCC Mr. Goodson)

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"best men." Aristocratic leaders in the late Roman Republic (noble) who generally came from senatorial families and wished to retain their oligarchical privileges.

Hadrian *Pantheon is Roman *Parthenon is Greek

1 of the 5 Good emperors who built the wall and the Pantheon


1 of the 5 Good emperors who expanded Rome to its greatest land are


A Greek from Samos who developed a heliocentric world view

Paul (Saul of Tarsus)

A Jewish Roman citizen who originally opposed Christianity, but converted after a mystical experience and took on a new name. He became the first major missionary to Gentiles, and spread Christianity throughout Asia Minor and the Aegean


A Macedonian General named governor of Egypt after Alexander's death


A Roman emperor who was killed by the Persians during the era of civil wars and was placed on public display


A group of 300 elderly and respected men elected to help govern Rome in the Republic, but had no legislative power

Jesus of Nazareth

A man who claimed to be the Messiah and taught everything against traditional Rome, such as repentance and personal responsibility


A military unit of the ancient Roman army typically made up of farmers who suffered if gone to long because of their harvest

Pax Romana

A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire that started with Augustus

Battle of Zama

Battle in which Scipio defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War

Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus

Brothers who believed the cause of Rome's problems was the decline of the small farmer and sought reform; both were assassinated because of their actions


Carthaginian military commander who, in the Second Punic War, attempted a surprise attack on Rome, crossing the Alps with a large group of soldiers, horses, and elephants.


Commander of the Roman legions in the east and established himself as sole ruler creating the Flavian dynasty

Epicuras, no divine order, essentially seek pleasure and avoid pain

Created Epicureanism, what is that

Zeno, divine laws govern the world and give it structure, essentially a resignation that things will work out

Created Stoicism, and what is that

Cornelius Scipio

Defeated Hannibal's forces by taking the war back to Carthage


Describes the era of time that Greeks were the Greekiest and rose to their greatest power


Egyptian priest; created a school of thought that believed Jesus was not God

Olympic Games

Greek competition in honor of the gods and Zeus


Julio-Claudian Emperor who began ruling at 16 and thought of himself as very talented and artistic, killed his mother Agippina and possibly started the fire of Rome

Marcus Aurelius

Last of the 5 Good emperors known to be very stoic and wrote the "Meditations"


Leader of the Macedonians against Greece, created unified army from the common people, lighter than the Greek hoplits


Led Persians against Alexander the great at the Battle of Issus, yet despite their numerical advantage lost


Macedonian king who conquered Persia Created the Hellenistic era


Members of the lower class of Ancient Rome including farmers, merchants, artisans and traders


Octavian's supposed idea of a constitutional monarch as co-ruler with the senate


One of the largest cities of the Roman Empire found in Egypt


Originally ruled jointly with Licinius, but then established himself as sole ruler. by following his previous rulers steps he caused great persecution to the christians and even obtained more rule than any other previous Roman ruler


Part of the Second Triumvirate (took control of Caesar's forces) Won against Mark Antony in the Second Civil War

Mark Antony

Part of the Second Triumvirate, he opposed Octavian in the Second Civil war and lost


Part of the first triumvirate, Roman general who fought against Pompey in the second civil war and won, he is known to have "crossed the rubicon" and declared himself dictator till he felt Rome was a great as necessarry


Part of the first triumvirate, Roman general who gained the vote of the optimates in the second civil war against Caesar


People known for philosophy and art and were a wanted people group in other nations.


People with dominant power in Italy when Rome was being setteled


Phoenician city with great naval power who fought against Rome in the Punic Wars


Place where Roman army was defeated by the visgoths for mistreating them


Roman Emperor who declared the republic had been restored through the traditional form

Five Good Emperors

Roman Emperors who treated the ruling classes with respect, cooperated wit hthe senate, ended arbitrary executions, maintained peace in the empire, and supported domestic policies generally beneficial to the empire


Roman governor of Judea who, though he found Jesus innocent, allowed his execution


Roman politicians who sought to pursue a political career based on the support of the people rather than just the aristocracy.


Roman's large land estates


Romans suffered a severe loss in the Second Punic War


Sought to unify Rome by requiring all citizens to worship the many gods and the emperor, when the christians refused he launched the Great Persecution


The Germanic people whom helped the Romans in battle, but were then treated unjustly and turned and defeated the Romans


The process by which the Latin language and Roman culture became dominant in the western provinces of the Roman Empire. This was done at the will of the people, not by Rome's force


The wealthy, hereditary aristocrats during the Roman era.


Title given to Octavian by the senate meaning "revered one"

Romulus and Remus Raised by wolves then Romulus killed Remus

Traditional story of how Rome began with twin brothers


Two officials from the patrician class were appointed each year of the Roman Republic to supervise the government and command the armies and could veto assemblies decisions


Under Alexander the Great's empire, barbaric people that fraternized with the Greeks, but were not Greek

Punic Wars

What are the wars vs Carthage and Rome called

Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus

Who made up the First Triumvirate

Silk Road

caravan route between east and west. named for the Chinese export of silk cloth which the Romans loved

Twelve Tables

first codification of Roman law


male head of a household in Rome


slave, trained as a gladiator, who led a rebellion against the roman army for slave freedom- he was killed after two years


the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices; it began to rise during Nero's time in Rome and this groups was blamed for Rome's great fire

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