High Liability Chapter 5 DFSG

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probes hits are more effective?

(neuromuscular vs. pain compliance)

The main advantage of the design of a dart firing stun gun is that it stuns subjects from a greater distance tipically?

15 to 25 feet for patrol and 35 feet for SWAT/ Special operations.

When was the stun gun invented?


Circuitry includes multiple transformers and components that boost the voltage in the circuit typically between?

20,000 and 150,000 volts and reduce the amperage.

What is an alternative technique for an officer to use?

A drive stun with a live cartridge.

What is a dart firing stun gun categorized as?

A nonlethal weapon

A pain compliance that does not interferes with a persons nervous system?

A seven to 15-watt system

Florida statue requires officers to consider using a DFSG only when?

A subject is actively, physically resisting.

Thomas A. Swift's Electrical Rifle reference?

An early 1900s children's novel by Victor Appleton

If an officer decides to use a dart firing stun gun he is expected to?

Articulate that based on training experience and assessment of the circumstances the use of the device was the best force option for the situation.

Florida requires that any law enforcement authorized to operate a dart firing stun gun must?

Attend either the CJSTC approved dart firing stun gun course during basic recruit training or an equivalent training course provided by the officers employee agency.

A person who carries for the purpose of lawful self defense in a concealed manner a dart firing stun gun.

Authorized civilian

Two most common type of stun gun are?

Basic stun gun and Dart firing gun

The path of least resistance on a dart firing stun gun is?

Between the probes.

Probes that have been removed from the skin should be treat as?

Biohazard sharps

What do cases of unexplained deaths involving in-custody subjects who are tased exhibited?

Bizarre hallucinations, delusions or positional asphyxia , which is death as a result of body position that interferes with the ability to breath.

If your agency allows for the use of a dart firing stun gun and has authorized you to carry it you are required?

By the CJSTC to attend at least one hour of annual training on it use.

The drive stun generally does not?

Cause incapacitation

Electricity can arc through?

Clothing and even some bullet resistance material.

Electricity will not pass to others in contact unless?

Contact is made directly between or on the probes.

The stun gun was intended to?

Create an electric, nonlethal weapon to control violent criminal behavior.

Always prepare clear, complete and unambiguous reports when?

Decision to use dart firing stun gun is required.

Probes hits are almost always more?

Desirable than drive stuns

When the electrodes are attached the current travels?

Down the wires into the subject.

When Taser stun gun is fired, the gun releases?

Dozens of confetti-size identification tags. Some have computer system that records the time and date of shots.

The court has established law on the use of a TASER in the case of?

Draper vs. Reynolds

In this mode the dart firing stun gun works as conventional stun gun and is a pain compliance tool only?

Drive stun gun or touch stun

If a subject and an officer are fighting and the dart firing stun gun operator cannot get a clear shot on the suspect what can he do?

Drive stun or touch stun

Can cause hallucination, delusions or positional asphyxia, which is death as a result of body position that interferes with the ability to breath.

Drug induced psychosis

What does the dart firing stun gun essentially overwhelms?

Electrical system causing temporary paralysis / incapacitation.

Avoid prolonged and repeated?


If you encounter a subject position in an elevated position such as a ledge or stairway consider that if the you fire the dart firing dart stung the subject may?

Fall after becoming incapacitated and injure him or herself.

Standard stun guns are about the size of a?

Flash light

In order for a stun gun to operate electricity must be able to?

Flow between the probes.

Drug induced psychosis is a?

Form of psychosis resulting from drug use.

Claims that officers used of excessive force in the course of an arrest investigatory stop or other seizure are analyzed under the?

Fourth Amendments objective reasonableness standard. (Graham v. Connor)

On a dart firing stun gun pulling the trigger breaks open a compressed?

Gas cartridge inside the gun launching two charged electrodes through the air; the attached conductive wires trail behind.

The dart firing gun is not to be used to coerce a subject to?

Give statements or perform illegal act.

The wider the probes spreads on the target the?

Greater the effectiveness of the weapon.

Avoid targeting the subjects ?

Head, throat, face, breast, chest, heart, groin, genital or any existing injured areas

When dart firing stun gun probes hit a subject what does the weapon transmit electrical impulse that interfere with the electric impulses used by?

Human nervous system to communicate with the skeletal muscles causing physical incapacitation or ELECTRO-MUSCULAR DISRUPTION (EMD).

An officer must be aware that the typical physiological responses to the dart firing gun are not always present in?

Impaired subject

When was the first dart firing stun gun developed?

In 1974

What year did the Florida legislatures create F.S. s. 9439.1717 as a response to inconsistent stun gun use statewide?

In 2006

What is Sudden in- Custody Death Syndrome?

Is a broad classification for unexplained in custody deaths usually occurring 20 minutes to two hours after the suspect is taken into custody.

Who invented the stun gun?

John Cover

What are the ideal target areas of the body?

Large muscle mass areas or areas with high nerve concentration such as side of the neck, inside of the thigh, and leg area

Taser are primarily use by ____________ for pain compliance?

Law enforcement Military Security guards

A person can carry a dart firing stun gun designed for?

Lawful self defense

Electricity follows the path of?

Least resistance.

Who governs the training and use of dart firing stun gun by law enforcement in Florida?


If excessive bleeding is observed?

Medical attention should be sought immediately.

All people who have been subjected to dart firing stun gun should be?

Monitored regularly while in custody, even if they are receiving medical care.

Standard stung work on how many volt batteries?


If the subject is wearing fitting or very thick clothing the dart firing stun gun may?

Not work at all or may stop working

Subject compliance is gained either as?

Pain or involuntary neuro-muscular contraction

They are more effective and can be applied from a safe distance, usually require fewer cycles and cause fewer injuries.

Probe hits

What to avoid when storing?

Prolonged storage in extreme temperature.

The best approach for handling subjects suffering from any form of psychosis is to restrain them?

Quickly as possible to protect them and others from potential injury.

To use a DFSG as a drive stun the officer should?

Remove the live cartridge and apply the weapon directly to a subject.

When is a dart firing gun used to control during an arrest or to control a person in custody?

Resistance escalates from physical to active resistance Has the apparent ability to physically threaten the officer Preparing to or attempting to flee or escape

This often results in multiple discharges causing scratches on the suspects body and numerous?


Some Taser stun guns have built-in?

Shooter-identification system.

Marks left on a subjects body after a drive stun application.

Signature Marks

Officers can either escalate to a higher force option or de-escalate to a lower force option as the?

Situation dictates

What are the electrodes fitted with?

Small barbs so that they will attach to a subjects clothing.

What are all generally build using the same principle, which is delivering relatively low power (amperage and wattage) coupled with high voltage to a subject.

Stun Gun

The launching of two electrodes from a compressed gas cartridge is the same as?

The basic firing mechanism that a BB gun uses.

When a stun gun is pressed against a subject and the trigger is held?

The charge passes into the subject body.

When using the drive stun gun avoid?

The chest area if possible)

Because of this, officers frequently find themselves in prolonged struggles with violent suspect whom they end up drive stunning several times in several different locations on the body.

The drive stun not causing capacitation

The wider the probes spread on the target the greater?

The effectiveness of the weapon.

Drive stun, or touch stun occurs when?

The front of the dart firing stun gun is directly touched to the body of the resisting subject and the electrical charge is passed to the subjects body.

What is a Amp (ampere)?

The measure of electrical current or power.

What is a Cycle?

The predetermined amount of time that a stun device will discharge automatically when activated.

If the probes spreads is very minimal due to a close shot or a drive stun with a live cartridge a drive stun away from?

The probes will increase the spread and cause incapacitation.

When can a drive stun be used?

The subject is too close to the dart firing stun gun operator or when a probe application would be hard to make.

TASER stun gun work the same way as ordinary stun gun except?

The two charger electrodes aren't permanently joined to the housing.

Officer must observe the subject continually and be aware of the methods that may be used to defeat a dart firing stun gun;

This especially includes noticing where a subjects hands are.

TASER is an acronym for?

Thomas A. Swift's Electrical Rifle

What is the basic idea of a stun gun?

To disrupt the body's communication system by gathering a high voltage, low amperage electrical charge.

Use of force incidents are judged on weather a reasonable person would believe the officers actions were justifiable based on the?

Totality of circumstances known to officers at the time that they used force.

The electrodes are simply?

Two plates of conducting metal positioned in the circuit with a gap between them.

The use of a dart firing gun is not a substitute for the?

Use of a firearm.

If all efforts to verbally de-escalate the situation are exhausted or are not feasible?

Use of dart firing stun gun may be warranted.

Quickest and fastest way to handle a non-compliant subject exhibiting this type of behavior is to tase and incapacitate then?

Using the least restrictive means restrain the subject at the earliest possible point in the encounter and notify EMS as soon as possible.

An officer should first attempt to gain control of a situation by using?

Verbal Command

First the charge combines with the electrical signals from the subjects brain making it?

Very difficult to decipher any message.

What do the dozen confetti-sized identification tags tell investigators?

Which gun was fired and at what location.

SDS is an emerging medical diagnosis for the following well-documented medical maladies:

excited delirium and DRUG INDUCED PSYCHOSIS.

If it gets wet officer should make sure?

its turned off and put in a clean dry place until it dries completely.

The disadvantage of a dart firing stun gun is that if an officer misses or only one probe hits he or she must?

reload to attempt a second shot.

Only apply the number of 5- second cycles reasonably necessary?

to capture, control, or restrain the subject.

The amount of time the stun device discharge automatically when activated?

usually five seconds

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