hilty honors english exam

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Who is fighting at the beginning of the first scene?

samson and abram

In Class, we decided that the tone of "On Being Brought from Africa to America" is


who said this: But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.


Minutes before Juliet awakens,

Romeo kills Paris and himself

Romeo agrees to go to the Capulet's party because

Rosaline is going

When and where in the 20th century do Dana and Kevin live? a. California, 1976 b. New York City, 1999 c. Boston, 1950 d. Atlanta, 1963


Finally, the judge heard a true ______________________ out of the criminal, he admitted he had been lying (committing perjury)


slave narratives deal with...

slaves oral or written accounts from the slaves personally

When Mercutio says, "A plague on both your houses," he has just been


Juliet, the last of the major characters to die on stage, dies

stabs herself

Friar Laurence's plans fail because

the letter doesn't get to Romeo

Arriving to inspect the corpses of Paris, Romeo, and Juliet, the Montagues and Capulets realize too late that

their quarrel was foolish

What does Mercutio say about dreams?

they're lies and are silly

How old is Juliet?


Romeo and Juliet agree to marry after knowing each other for

24 hours

The person who brings news of Juliet's death to Romeo is


What family does Juliet belong to?


What family does Tybalt belong to?


who said this: "...My father, besides many slaves, had a numerous family, of which seven lived to grow up, including myself and a sister, who was the only daughter. As I was the youngest of the sons, I became, of course, the greatest favorite with my mother, and was always with her; and she used to take particular pains to form my mind..."


who said this: "Good gentle youth, tempt not a desperate man."


"The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped is considerable- and the difficulties to be overcome in getting from the latter to the former, are by no means slight. That I am here to-day is, to me a matter of astonishment as well as of gratitude. You will, therefore, be surprised if in 111. What I have to say... I have been able to throw my thoughts hastily and imperfectly together; and trusting to your patient and generous indulgence, I will proceed to lay them before you..."

Frederick Douglass

who said this: "At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. O! had I the ability, and could I reach the nation's ear, I would, to-day, pour out a fiery steam of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light and is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake..."

Frederick Douglass

who said this: Tybalt wanted to kill you, but you killed him. You are fortunate. The law that threatened your death became your friend and gave you exile. You are fortunate."

Friar Laurence

Juliet finally agrees to marry Paris because

Friar Laurence convinces her

After Romeo killed Tybalt, Romeo directly went to hide at

Friar Laurence's cell

"Pity me, and pardon me, O virtuous reader! You never knew what it is to be a slave, to be entirely unprotected by law or custom; to have the laws reduce you to the condition of a chattel, entirely subject to the will of another... Still, in looking back, calmly, on the events of my life, I feel that the slave woman ought not to be judged by the same standards as others..."

Harriet Jacobs

incidents in the life of a slave girl was written by...

Harriett Jacobs

who said this: "What's in a name? The thing which we call a rose would smell just as sweet if it had any other name."


What family does Benvolio belong to?


What family does Romeo belong to?


"Imagination is the "imperial queen... [with a] hand...wand'ring eyes... [and a] sceptre o'er the realms of thought... [that before her] throne the subject-passions bow."

Phillis Wheatley

"On Being Brought from Africa to America" was written by...

Phillis Wheatley

"On Imagination" was written by...

Phillis Wheatley

who said this: "Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain, may be refin'd and join th' angelic train".

Phillis Wheatley

When Romeo interferes in the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio,

Tybalt stabs Mercutio

According to Lord Capulet, Juliet weeps all the time because of

Tybalt's death

How does Dana know that she is about to travel through time?

She begins to feel dizzy and nauseous

Phillis Wheatley was seized from what is now Senegal/Gambia when she was 7 years old. What part of Africa is that in?


How does Margaret Weylin treat Dana? a. With dislike and suspicion b. With thankfulness c. She ignores her d. She asks her to teach Rufus how to read


Kevin figures out that Dana gets sent back to the 20th century when a. Her life is in danger b. She dreams c. She is really tired d. Rufus tells her to go back where she came from


Rufus is surprised that Kevin is married to Dana because a. He is white and Dana is black b. He is rich and Dana is poor c. He thought Dana was a man d. He thought Dana was in love with his father Tom.


The additional lamp _________________ the light already coming into the rooms through the window


How do Rufus' parents react to her saving him? a. They offer Dana money. b. His dad tries to shoot her. c. They try to hang her. d. They set the dogs on her.


Where does Dana travel to? a. A Maryland plantation, 1976 b. A Maryland plantation,, 1815 c. A Maryland plantation, 1865 d. A slave ship, 1800.


Who were the Patrols? a. Slave owners b. Groups of young white men who were supposed to "maintain order" among the slaves. c. Groups of white men who put slaves in jail. d. Firemen.


Why does Tom Weylin whip Dana? a. For her relationship with Kevin b. For "stealing books" and teaching reading to the kids c. For trying to run away d. For resisting arrest


Why doesn't Rufus think Dana is a slave? a. She doesn't talk, dress or act like a slave b. She doesn't call him Master c. Both A and B d. She doesn't wear chains


Sojourner Truth's speech "aint i a woman" was... a) practiced many times before b) spontaneous c) written down d) translated

b) spontaneous

Why is Romeo so forlorn (sad) at the beginning of Act 1, scene 1?

because Rosaline doesnt love him

In a flashback, we learn that Dana met Kevin a. At church b. In prison c. At a temporary job d. On line at the bank


What's wrong with the slave-girl, Carrie? a. She is mentally disabled. b. She is blind c. She cannot talk d. She has only one arm.


Why does Dana keep trying to keep Alice and Rufus together? a. She thinks they are a good couple b. She thinks Alice is good for Rufus c. She needs them to have their baby, Hagar d. She thinks Rufus might free Alice


slave narratives give the unique perspective of all the following except: a) freedom b) captivity c) redemption d) imagination

c) redemption

A foil is a character who provides a ________________________ to another character, illuminating the qualities of another character (hint: Draco and Harry)


When the Nurse brings news of Tybalt's death, Juliet

curses at Romeo

At the end of the book, Alice a. Has run off with Rufus b. Has run away to the North c. Has died in childbirth d. Has hung herself


At the end of the book, Dana gets sent back to the future for good. How does it happen? a. Rufus tries to rape her. b. Rufus tries to kill her. c. Rufus slips an engagement ring on her finger d. Dana stabs Rufus


How does Dana try to send herself home? a. She shoots herself in the foot b. She takes sleeping pills c. She tries to drown herself d. She cuts her wrists


In the prologue, when Kevin finds Dana after she screams, a. she has dropped a vase on her foot. b. She has seen the future. c. She has bitten her tongue. d. her left arm has been "crushed" into the wall.


What is happening just before Dana gets dragged back to the 20th century? a. She is getting whipped b. She is drowning c. She is playing with Rufus d. She is about to get raped by a Patroller


When Rufus meets Kevin, he asks, a. "Why is your hair white?" b. "Are you my daddy?" c. "Why are you crying?" d. "Does Dana belong to you?"


Why did Rufus think Dana was a man? a. She had short hair. b. She had a deep voice. c. She was strong like a man. d. She wore pants like a man.


What threat does the Prince make to Lord Montague and Lord Capulet?


Paris attacks Romeo at the tomb because Paris believes Romeo is going to

defile the body

The Friar agrees to perform Romeo and Juliet's marriage in the hope that it will

end the feud

Who is Queen Mab?

fairy's midwife

Through his actions, we see that Tybalt's nature is to


Equiano and Jacobs both use what literary technique to make their writing effective

first-person narratives

who said this: "I'll dispose of you among a sisterhood of holy nuns."

friar laurence

who said this: "Take this bottle, and when you're in bed, drink this distilled liquor. Immediately, a cold and quieting liquid shall run through all your veins. Your pulse will stop. There'll be no warmth or breath to prove that you're alive."

friar laurence

Equiano recounts that his family...

had many slaves

who said this: "Or if I wake, won't I be driven mad, closed in with all these hideous fears, and play...with my ancestors' bones..."


Oddly enough, Douglass' speech "what to a slave is the fourth of july" was delivered on

july 5th, 1852

The Capulets and Montagues agree to end the feud and

makes gold statues of their children

In "On Imagination," the character of imagination is given human like characteristics. This is an example of what?


Maids/Maidenheads in the exchange between Sampson in Gregory in the beginning of Act 1, scene 1 is an example of a _______________________, or a joke.


As Juliet prepares to drink the potion, her main thoughts are about

waking up in a tomb

The gentleman ________ her after asking her father for permission to do so; she eventually grew to love him.


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