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Based on this description, which did Plunkett belong to? (paragraph 'He understood that in politics')

A political machine

Which phrase completed the diagram? (diagram "demobilization")

A temporary depression as producers shift from wartime to peacetime production

Which phrase completes the diagram? (diagram 'Key west')

Achievements of Henry Flagler

Based in this excerpt, why did twain oppose U.S. acquisition of the Philippines? (paragraph "I said to myself")

Americans intended to rule the Philippines as conquers instead of brining democracy

Which of the following was a direct cause for the creation of the Federal Deposit insurance Corporation (FDIC) during the Great Depression?

Bank runs

Based on the informational map, which of the following conclusion is most likely accurate? (pic of map w graph)

Between 1910 and 1920 better Economic opportunities existed in northern cities causing African Americans to move and seek out employment

How did the Dawes Plan ease tensions between France and Germany?

By lending Germany money to make its reparations payments to France

What name was given to those Northerners who came South during the Reconstruction era, often help the freedmen or to find new economic opportunities?


Which American plan helped to restore prosperity to Europe in the mid-1920s?

Dawes Plan

What was an immediate effect of the change illustrated in this image? (pic people in line 1867)

Election of many Republican representatives

Which of the following statements best summarizes the point of view presented by the quotation above? (paragraph Mary Elizabeth)

Farmers across the country should unite to address common economic problems

which practice developed during the Reconstruction era to resolve these problems? (diagram 'Former plantation, Freed slaves')

Freedman often became sharecroppers or tenant farmers on the properties of their former masters

Which consequence of reconstruction is depicted in this drawing? (pic of people)

Freedmen exercised new voting rights guaranteed by federal law

How did Andrew Carnegie contribute to the industrial development of the United States?

He adopted new techniques to mass-produce steal at lower cost

How did President Roosevelt deal with the problem described above? (paragraph 'To permit every lawless')

He filed lawsuits to break up "bad trusts"

Which of the following interpretations most accurately describes the purpose of President Wilson's statement?

He was attempting to gain public support for the U.S. to join the League of Nations

Which inference can be made from this table? (graph 'Unemployment Statistics')

High unemployment did not end until the outbreak of World War II

Referring to the chart above, Immigration to the United States, 1921 and 1926, what changes in immigration patterns took place between 1921 and 1926? (pic of graph)

Immigration from Southern Europe showed the steepest decline between both years

What was the main effect of the improvements in military technology during World War I?

Increased the casualty rate of soldiers

What impact did the sinking of this ship have? (pic of boat)

It helped turn American public opinion against Germany

Which statements below best describes President Abraham Lincoln's primary objective for the Civil War? MA

Lincoln believed that as the President of the United States, it was his duty to preserve the Union

Why did Radical Republicans disagree with President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?

Lincoln would readmit Southern states to the Union on lenient terms

Which policies of Republican presidents contributed to the economic boom during the Roaring twenties?

Lowering taxes, reducing regulations and raising tariffs on overseas goods

How did the Roosevelt Collary differ from the Monroe Doctrine?

Monroe wanted to keep European countries from interfering in Latin America; Roosevelt wanted possible United States interventions in Latin America

What was an important legacy of the Social Gospel Movement?

More attention was paid to the needs of the poor industrial society

Which phrase completed the diagram? (diagram "A halt to government")

Outcomes of Demobilization, 1919-1921

Which if the following statements was an impact of these proposals? (paragraph 'We demand tariff')

President Woodrow Wilson enacted similar proposals after his election as President

How did the spread of railroads after the Civil War contribute to the Second Industrial Revolution?

Railroads Encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market

Why did the "system" described in this excerpt develop? (paragraph "More than")

Reconstruction failed to secure lasting rights for freedom

What does the number 1 represent in the diagram? (diagram arrows "Germany->France and Britian")

Reparation payments

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the excerpt above? (paragraph 'That on the first day')

Required the immediate emancipation of all slaves being held as a slaves in states in rebellion against United States

Which was NOT a problem faced by farmers in the late 19th century?

Rising city population were willing to pay higher prices for food

Which of the following can be concluded from the quote above (paragraph 'Americans troops') last words

Senators feared that the United States would become a member of the League of Nations and America would become entangled in foreign wars

Which law did congress pass to prevent abuses arising from business arrangements such as the one above? (paragraph 'The parties')

Sherman Antitrust Act

Which groups did the authors of this document hope to unite?

Skilled and unskilled workers, including women and African Americans

Which statement best explains why these violation occurred? (paragraph 'Governor Sidney')

Smugglers brought rum and other alcoholic beverages from the nearby islands of Cuba and the Bahamas

Which is the best definition of "demobilization" after a war?

Soldiers return home and businesses turn from wartime to peacetime production

During World War I, what caused U.S. policy to move from neutrality to participation?

Submarine warfare and the Zimmerman man

Which of the following best describes the reason why the United States did not support this article? (pic paragraph Versailles)

The U.S was concerned that by agreeing to this article, they would be forced to get involved in future conflicts

Based on the message of the cartoon, which of the following is an accurate statement (pic of two maps) ma

The U.S. Constitution and the League of Nation's Covenant were viewed as conflicting documents

How did the Spanish-American War help turn the United States into a world power?

The United States defeated a European power and annexed overseas territories

Which of the following best describes the 1929 event known as Black Tuesday?

The day the stock market crashed

Which of the following statements explains why nativism increased after World War I?

The fear Americans felt toward Germans and Communists during and after World War I expanded to include all immigrants

In what way did these agencies signal a new role for the federal government? (bulletpoints 'Works, Civilain, Public') MA

The federal government was acting to reduce unemployment

Which statement below best supports how the U.S. philosophy depicted above led to a major cause of the Civil War? (pic Manifest Destiny)

The idea of Manifest Destiny resulted in the disruption of power in Congress as the issue of slavery in newly admitted territories became an issue

Which conduct did the U.S. Supreme Court determine was a "clear and present danger" in this case? (paragraph 'The most stringent")

The mailing of pamphlets advising young men to resist the draft

Which development led to the changes in the relationship of federal, state and local spending shown on the graph (3 graphs)

The passage of New Deal legislation to end the depression

Prior to the Civil War, how was the issue of slavery related to westward expansion?

The possible addition of new states created from western lands raised concerns over the balance between free and slave states

based on the chart what can be determined about the Grangers Laws? (diagram 'Supreme Court Cases')

The wabash decision invalidated many of the Grangers Laws

Why did Bryan's rural supporters believe that the gold standard was oppressive? (diagram "Having behind us")

They believed that a policy of bimetallism would lead crop prices to rise, making farm debts less burdensome

How were returning African-American soldiers treated in American cities in 1919-1920?

They often became victims of racial prejudice and violence

How did Americans farmers respond to the problem identified in this excerpt? (paragraph: "The History")

They passed "Granger Laws" in their state legislatures to regulate the railroads

What was the purpose of the war strategy used by the United States as shown in the map above? (Map of Caribbean) ma

To establish a blockade in cuba and invade other Spanish territories

What was the main purpose of the three neutrality acts passed in the United States from 1935-1937?

To keep the United States out of another world war

What was the primary objective of this treaty? (paragraph "Article IV 'The total capital')

To limit the destructiveness of war by limiting the number of warships

What was the primary goal of the organization that issued this certificate? (pic of certificate 'Federation of Labor')

To obtain better pay and conditions for skilled workers

According to the excerpt why was it necessary to pass the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887? MA

To regulate unfair business practices established by railboards

What was the main goal of the Populist Party?

To represent the common interest of farmers and workers

How did Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy differ from that of Theodore Roosevelt's and William Howard Taft's?

Wilson favored the Moral approach to foreign affairs, while Roosevelt and Taft favored an aggressive "big stick" foreign policy and dollar diplomacy

Why was there tension between World War I veterans and women after World War I?

Women's were expected to return to more traditional domestic roles as veterans returned and sought out employment

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