HIS.111 Final Exam

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Recent archeological and anthropological discoveries have shown that

African societies were much more involved in worldwide developments of human history than had previously been believed.

The Southeast Asian mainland kingdom formed in the ninth century was


Which of the following statements about the Sahara Desert is true?

At one point, it was an area that was green and flourishing with life.

The family of languages spoken by people who inhabit the region south of the Sahara Desert and Axum is


All of the following statements about the arrival of Islam in Africa are true except

Berber resistance blocked Arab expansion to the westward continental limits until after 1200.

By the end of the Hundred Years' War, the French gained victory because of

Cannon and gunpowder

The Frankish leader who defeated a Muslim army near Tours in 732 was

Charles Martel.

A significant complication, other than religion, for coexistence of Muslims and Hindus was ​

Class and Caste

What was the principle accomplishment of the Sui Dynasty?

Construction of the Grand Canal

Which of the following statements in NOT true about the Black Death?

England was largely spared from the devastation.

As a result of the crusades, the West established a permanent presence in the Middle East.


Conversion to Islam was required of conquered populations.


Great Zimbabwe played no significant role in the gold trade with the Swahili states to the east.


In the seventh century, the greatest challenge to the Byzantine Empire came from the attacks from Persians to the East and Slavs to the North.


Mahayana Buddhism was less religious and more "philosophical" than Theravada Buddhism.


Shinto was introduced to Japan from China and eventually evolved into the state religion, of Japan.


Southeast Asian women had fewer rights than Indian and Chinese women.


The Arab Empire contained very few urban centers, trade was limited, and it was culturally and intellectually inferior to the empires in Western Europe.


The Delhi Sultanate was a Hindu state that came into existence by 1200 and ruled over northern India.


The Kingdom of Ghana remained poor, despite large iron deposits.


The Mongols captured Constantinople, which was the entry point for the Black Death to the West.


The Mongols were able to control Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.


The Muslim mosque constructed in Jerusalem on the site of the old Jewish temple is the Hegira Sophia.


The divine beauty of the ceiling figures in the Sistine Chapel were painted by Leonardo da Vinci.


The goals of the Japanese "Seventeen-Article Constitution" were to decentralize the Japanese government and to create a military system that could conquer the Tang Dynasty of China.


The major powers that dominated the Italian peninsula by the fifteenth century included Milan, Venice, Genoa, Florence, and Naples.


The theoretical purpose of the "jihad" was wage holy war against all Jews and Christians on the Arabian Peninsula.


The traditional liberal arts education included rhetoric, biology, music, astronomy, and geometry.


Under the Ashikaga Shogunate the Mongols successfully invaded and occupied Kyushu.


Under the Kushan King Kanishka, Buddhism was outlawed and destroyed.


The piece of land granted to a vassal was known as a


What distinction was signified by t​he Magna Carta?

Formal recognition of the mutual rights and obligations between the king and his vassals.

India's "classical age" is traditionally associated with the

Gupta dynasty.

T​he appropriate chronological order of dynastic eras in China is as follows:


Which of the following is NOT a true statement about Charlemagne?

He attended a university in Rome.

The English king most responsible for establishing the "common law" was

Henry II

Which of the following statements is not true about ancient Indian music?

It had no spiritual connection at all.

The Japanese word that refers to the "divine wind" of the massive typhoon that destroyed the invading Mongol fleet of Khubilai Khan is


The Muslim military advances into India were lead by

Mahmud of Ghanzni

The military defeat of the Byzantine armies by the Seljuk Turks, which led to the Crusades, was the Battle of:


The city to which Muhammad went to in 622, a journey known as the Hijrah, was


Buddhism was brought to China by

Merchants from India

The motives for the voyages of Zhenghe possibly included all of the following except

Military Conquest

Islam is:


The two early Japanese capitals were ______ and ______.

Nara and Heian

In 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell to the

Ottoman Turks.

During the Han Dynasty, Chinese literature was stimulated by the invention of


​Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

Recognition of Abu-Bakr as the legitimate caliph

The principality of Kiev was founded by

Scandinavian Vikings

The ideal of early fifteenth-century humanists was to

Serve the state

The Muslim sect who were the "partisans of Ali" are the


The four Japanese islands are

Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and Honshu.

Mongol raids from the northwest from the khanate in Samarkand were led by their ruler:


All of the following were impressive By​zantine monuments in Constantinople EXCEPT

The Blue Mosque

​The first areas of Islamic expansion were to

The Byzantine and Sassanid empires

Justinian's most lasting accomplishment was

The Corpus Iuris Civilis.

Which of the following was NOT an economic factor in medieval China?

The Sui Dynasty closed the Silk Road.

What prevented an all-out attack on Western Europe by the Mongols in the early 13th Century?​

The death of Genghis Khan.

Which of the following was not an achievement of Muslim science?

The development of the Upanishads

Which of the following is not a correct statement about the Mongols?

Their westward advance continued on to absorb the Cordova caliphate in Spain.

Which of the following was accomplished by medieval Christian monasteries?

They served as centers of learning.

African culture is notable for its use of bards to retain and spread communal history and religious beliefs.


After the tenth century, Muslim power in Spain began to decline.


As Islam spread in Africa, a different and distinctly African form of the religion developed, as local religious practices replaced basic Islamic ones.


Before Islam developed in Africa, most African societies already had well-developed systems of religious belief.


By the Tang and Song eras, the gentry had replaced the aristocracy as the political and economic elite of Chinese society.


Champa was a trading society, based on Indian culture and values, which ruled the southern portion of what is now Vietnam from 192 until 1471.


During the Yuan Dynasty, new forms of literary creativity, including popular theater and the novel, began to appear.


Facets of Shinto include the importance of bodily cleanliness, physical allure of the natural setting, association with the belief in the ruler's divinity, and belief in spirits tied to nature.


Flagellants were known for physically scourging themselves during the Back Death.


Geographically, Southeast Asia is made up of an extensive archipelago (today's Indonesia and the Philippines) and a mainland zone from the Malay Peninsula north to China.


In general terms, it can be said that Islamic society relied heavily on religious doctrine to determine proper behavior in the areas of politics, economics, law, and ethics.


In medieval China, the tribute system maintained a working trade relationship between Chinese and foreign merchants and rulers.


In the 13th century, Marco Polo visited the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, serving as an official at the court of the Mongol ruler, Kubilai Khan.


In the 1400's, after the Ming admiral, Zenghe, had successfully led several large sailing expeditions to the coast of Africa and throughout Southeast Asia, the voyages were discontinued and were never revived.


Joan of Arc succeeded in helping the French win the Hundred Years' War.


Kalidasa combined poetry and prose as well as several languages in his plays.


Muhammad's teachings stressed that Islam was not just a religion but also a way of life.


Muslim rule probably did not have a significant impact on the lives of most Indian women.


Obligations a vassal owed his lord included financial payments, to sit in judgment on legal cases, and to give advice on political and economic matters.


One of the foremost preoccupations of the Italian Renaissance artist was realistically portraying the human nude.


Philip II Augustus of France waged a successful war against the kings of England and he enlarged the power of the French monarchy.


Scholasticism is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities which attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason.


The Ajanta caves contain elaborate wall paintings relating to the Buddha and are examples of some of India's greatest artistic achievements.


The Great Schism saw two different individuals claiming to be the true pope.


The Gupta Dynasty was founded by Chandragupta I which began a new "classical age" of civilization for India.


The Ka'aba was the shrine in Mecca containing a large black meterorite.


The Koryo Dynasty arose in northern Korea in the tenth century and retained power for four hundred years.


The Ming Dynasty extended its rule into Mongolia and Central Asia, strengthened the Great Wall, and sent out a series of fleets across the Indian Ocean.


The Qur'an was derived from the revelations of Muhammad.


The Taika reforms, based upon the Chinese model, were intended to make the Japanese government operate more efficiently.


The Three Kingdoms of early Korea were Paekche, Silla, and Koguryo...


The ancient civilization of the Kush was located in Nubia and had emerged as a major trading state by the end of the second millennium BCE.


The author-title combo of the treatise on the acquisition, maintenance, and expansion of political power was Machiavelli, "The Prince."


The center of the Muslim state in Spain was Andalusia.


The earliest form of surviving architecture found in Africa are the pyramids of Egypt.


The early medieval church in the West developed a basic form of monastic life under Saint Benedict.


The founder of the Mongol Empire was Genghis Khan.


The government under the rule of the shogun was known as the "bakufu," or "tent government."


The great iron-working culture of northern Nigeria was the Nok.


The impact of the caste system, which restricted economic opportunities, may have contributed to the decline in medieval Indian manufacturing and commercial activity within India.


The incursions of the Scandinavian Vikings into other parts of Europe were successful because their ships had a shallow draft, allowing them to sail far inland.


The invention of paper took place during the Han dynasty, and the invention of woodblock printing happened during the Tang Dynasty.


The king of Mali who went on a famous pilgrimage to Mecca in the fourteenth century was Mansa Musa.


The medieval religious order which was noted for its commitment to living among the common people and ministering to the poor was the Franciscans.


The representative of the Merovingian Dynasty who founded the Frankish Kingdom was Clovis.


The trans-Saharan caravan trade was greatly increased by the Arab introduction of the camel and the trade allowed Islam to spread into much of Africa south of the Sahara.


Until the twelfth century, Constantinople was Europe's greatest commercial center.


Wang Anshi was a leader and reformer of the Song Dynasty.


Women in the Islamic world were expected to be modest, could own property, and could obtain a separation from her husband under certain circumstances.


Wu Zhao became empress of China.


The victor at the Battle of Hastings was

William of Normandy

The new states of Southeast Asia

assimilated Chinese and/or Indian practices into their own ways of doing things

The main purpose for the development of Neo-Confucianism was to

deal with the issues of the universe that had been introduced into China by Buddhism and Daoism and which were able to fit into the original Confucian value system.

The Onin War...

effectively destroyed the power of the shogunate in the 1470s.

Music in African societies

employed various musical instruments, including the harp, bells, and the xylophone.

Axum was

founded possibly by migrants from the Kingdom of Saba/Sheba in the Arabian Peninsula.

The essence of the "shogunate system" was that...

governmental power became centralized under the shogun, while the emperor ruled in name only.

In medieval Japan, women...

had varying status, enjoying relative equality as well as suffering discrimination.

The cotton plant apparently originated...

in the Indus River Valley


involves the performance of ritual acts, usually performed at a shrine.

The geographical obstacle which divides Africa's northern coast from the rest of the continent

is the Sahara Desert.

A unique aspect of the ancient Ethiopian civilization was the fact that

it adopted the form of Christianity practiced in Egypt.

The Mongols were able to maintain control in China for an extended period because they

maintained commercial policies that were conducive to Chinese prosperity.

A primary contribution of Arab scholarship was the:

preservation and dissemination of the science and philosophies of ancient civilizations.

The two major characteristics of the Italian Renaissance were ​

secularism and individualism.

All of the following were motives for the Crusades except

the aim to increase religious toleration between Muslims and Christians.

All of the following facilitated the gradual revival of trade in Europe EXCEPT...

the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire

The original reason for the rise of the kingdom of Ghana was

the role it played in the gold trade.

It can be said of medieval Indian culture that

the temples of India are among that civilization's most important artistic contributions.

High Middle Ages agriculture included all except

the use of slave labor

As a result of the Black Death,

there was an increase in anti-Semitism.

All of the following are correct about the Ming dynasty except...

there were no contacts with Vietnam or Korea.

All of the following regarding the Hundred Years' War are correct except

traditional nobles fighting on horseback were the keys to victory.


tried to blend Islam and Hinduism.

Agriculture in Japan...

was fundamentally changed by the introduction of rice cultivation about 400 B.C.E.


was more influenced by Chinese ideas and practices than any other East Asian society.

Slavery in Africa

went back to ancient times, long before the arrival of the Europeans.

The samurai...

were a class of military officials and lived by the Code of Bushido.

The formal division between the Eastern Orthodox and the Western Christian churches began in 1054 with a disagreement over​

​the superior ranking of the Pope over the Patriarch.

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