HIST 101 Final Exam Multiple Choice CH 6-8

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The effectiveness of the Carolingian administration rested in large part upon

Charlemagne's designation of traveling inspectors, called missi dominici, to keep him informed

By the end of the thirteenth century, the wealthiest and best governed monarchy in Europe was


The world raided and settled by the Vikings was vast. What is th eonly area among the following that was NOT affected by these people?

India and Arabia

The English barons' rebellion against King John's abuse of feudal custom resulted in the

Magna Carta

In what important way did the Byzantine world and the West separate themselves from each other?

The West rejected the iconoclastic religious ideas of the Emperor Leo III, leading to long-lasting religious disputes

Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was the

author of a medical text that laid the foundation for experimental science

Wergeld meant

compensation from a guilty party to a victim or victim's family

The Treaty of Verdun

confirmed the division of the Carolingian Empire

During the middle ages,

developments such as the three-field system and the padded horse collar meant that agriculture actually improved from the classical time

The adjective often used by historians to describe the system of political and social relationships among the nobility in the early Middle Ages


Charlemagne's diplomacy

finally led to an 813 agreement with Byzantium that permitted him to use his imperial title

The most important legacy of early Germanic law in the Middle Ages was that it

helped establish the principles of rule of law and representative assemblies

Of the societies studied in the first five chapters, Germanic society had the most parallels with the

heroic society described in Homer's epics

Which of the following is NOT true about the Ostrogothic kingdom

its rulers briefly united the entire Roman Empire

Muslim scholars of the Middle Ages

often studied the works of Aristotle

The society of early Germans was

often very warlike and based on kinship groups

The monastic movement founded by Benedict of Nursia

established a balanced daily regime of work and prayer

The key process that laid the foundation of the feudal relationship was the

exchange of loyal military service for the granting of lands

Which of the following was NOT a result of agricultural improvements like the three-field system

a dramatic drop in infant and child deaths

The Cluniac Order was

a group of Benedictine monks who were accountable only to the abbot at Cluny and through him, the pope

The major problem faced by Alfred the Great in Anglo-Saxon England was

a major Danish invasion that overran half of England

During the early Middle Ages it was believed that proper health depended on

a proper balance of the body's "humors"

Ultimately the Crusades

failed in their purpose, with the last crusader outpost seized by the Muslims in 1291

The Third Crusade

failed to retake Jerusalem, which had been captured by the Muslim leader, Saladin

What mutual enemy helped inspire cooperation between Charlemagne and the Islamic caliph in Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid?

the Byzantine empire

The obligations of serfs to the lords included all of the following EXCEPT

the duty to defend the manor house from attack (BUT it included up to three days a week of work on the lord's land, giving up a portion of the cloth and garden vegetables produced by the women, and the erection of buildings and digging of ditches at the lord's command)

The Islamic world created a unified culture in the areas of conquest for all the following reasons EXCEPT

the elimination of all non-Islamic religions

After Agincourt in 1415, England seemed to be on the verge of complete victory in the Hundred Years' War because

the king of France, defeated at Agincourt, was forced to sue for peace and declare his heir illegitimate

In the medieval manor,

there was pasture, woodlands, and water, as well as agricultural fields

Anglo-Saxon England

produced several remarkable intellectuals, such as Bede

The English Parliament

started to take shape under Edward I, with knights and burgesses sitting with the lower nobility, and clergy with the upper nobility

The Waldensians and the Albigensians were

two very different but important sets of medieval religious dissidents, or heretics

The Norman conquest of England

ultimately remade England by making it feudal under French-speaking kings


was the author of the medieval history, the Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Medieval universities

All these answers are correct

The place where medieval trade fairs were held between the northern and southern trade zones was


The dominant ruler of western Europe in the year 800 was


Five Pillars of Islam

1) Faith 2) Prayer 3) Charity 4) Fasting 5) Pilgrimage to Mecca

The apparently strong German monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire eventually foundered because of

All these answers are correct

Historians have criticized the concept of the "fall" of Rome because the

All these answers are correct

The most influential founder of communal monasticism in the West was

Benedict of Nursia

Which of the following statements in NOT true of the Roman Empire in the era of invasion?

Britain was able to hold out against the Germanic invaders

The place where medieval trade fair were held between the northern and southern trade zones was


Thomas Aquinas believed that

Christian faith and reason, the latter exemplified by Aristotelian philosophy, were compatible

The most famous of the Merovingian rulers of the Frankish kingdom was


The capital of the Byzantine Empire was


In spite of its name, the medieval Holy Roman Empire was based not in Italy, but in


An important way in which the medieval world differed economically from the classical Greek and Roman world is that

It was able to make better use of technology, with its water mills and windmills

Which of the following statements about medieval trade is NOT correct?

It was mostly trade in necessities rather than trade in luxuries

One late-medieval English critic of both the doctrines and practices of the church was

John Wycliffe

Before Muhammad,

Mecca was already an important trading city with connections to Egypt

The Carolingian Empire was shaken by a major wave of invaders. Which of the following groups was NOT among the invaders?


After numerous wanderings, the Germanic Visigoths who had started in eastern Europe, settled in


Which of the following was NOT among the results of the age of the invasions of the Magyars, the Vikings, and Muslim raiders?

The physical area of Western civilization contracted

Accurate statements regarding noble women in the early Middle Ages

a) The church, by enforcing monogamy, enhanced the position of the wife in medieval society b) Wives often managed their husbands' estates when the latter were absent on military campaigns c) They could inherit and hold land

The Hanseatic League

acquired a monopoly on the Baltic trade

The 'Abbasid caliphate

all of the above

The Carolingian intellectual revival included

all of the above

The Merovingians of the Frankish kingdom

all of the above

The Visigothic kingdom in Spain was

all of the above

The apparently strong Germany monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire eventually foundered due to the following reasons

all of the above

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding noble women in the early middle ages?

all of the above

The Islamic conquests succeeded in part because

all these answers are correct

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Carolingian monarchy under Charlemagne?

an attempt to conquer Constantinople to make Charlemagne a universal emperor

Ramon Lull

attempted to preach Christianity to the Islamic world

Medieval towns

became important centers of trade and maufacturing

The Jewish communities of the early Middle Ages

began to engage in moneylending

The Shi'ites

believe that the right to govern the Islamic world belongs to the descendants of 'Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet

The medieval inquisition

came about partly because it was then believed that incorrect religious views could threaten not only the salvation of the individual but also of the community

Cyril and Methodius

converted many of the Slavic tribes to Christianity

The Kievan Rus

converted to Eastern Christianity under its ruler Vladimir

The importance of Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon in the Middle Ages was that they

demonstrated the value of experimentation over pure logic

The thirteenth-century medieval castle was

designed for comfort as well as for defense by the thirteenth century

The medieval concept of courtly love

enhanced the position of women in literature, though not in reality

Frederick II Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor

focused his rule in Italy and Sicily, viewing Germany only as a source of revenue

Frederick II Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor,

focused his rule in Italy and Sicily, viewing Germany only as a source of revenue

Pope Gregory the Great enhanced the position of the papacy by doing all of the following EXCEPT

formally ending the Arian heresy through his theological arguments

Medieval church reform

had as an important background the intervention of Emperor Henry III, who deposed three rival popes and strengthened the papal court

Medieval manorial and feudal organization was based on an hierarchy of mutual obligations. Which of the following relationships is NOT manorial?

husband, wife, and children

After becoming King of England, William the Conqueror

imposed a highly centralized feudal system in England

The two greatest scientific advances in the Islamic world were in

mathematics and medicine

The medieval serf was

not a slave, but was bound to the land, forbidden to leave it without permission

Water mills

provided the major source of mechanical power in the Middle Ages

The goal of scholastic philosophy in the Middle Ages was to

reconcile faith with reason

To defend the empire, Byzantine rulers did all of the following EXCEPT

rely on force rather than diplomacy to solve international relations

The society of the Vikings

resembled early Germanic society, but tended to be more violent

The development of France and England in the Middle Ages are clear instances of the

rise of centralized monarchies

Alfred the Great

ruled England, developed a strong administration, and promoted scholarship

During the Middle Ages, the Iberian Peninsula

saw the gradual "reconquest" of most of the peninsula by Christian kingdoms

Which of the following were NOT part of the feudal, as opposed to the manorial, hierarchy?


The popes began to claim spiritual authority over the Christian church because

some biblical writings—mainly a passage from the Book of Matthew—could be cited in support of this idea

Muhammad believed that he was

the Prophet of God, rescuing the divine message from Christian and Jewish distortions

As feudal society became more complex

the concept of the liege lord, to whom ultimate obedience was owed, developed

The coronation of Charlemagne as emperor

took place when there was an empress, but no emperor, in Constantinople

The Carolingian intellectual revival included all of the following EXCEPT the

undertaking of scientific research

The Byzantine emperor Justinian

undertook a major codification of laws that has influenced law to the present

Gothic architecture

used architectural features such as pointed arches and flying buttresses

Unlike the imperial government in Rome, the imperial government in Constantinople

used eunuchs in both civil and church administration

Medieval chivalry

was a code of ethics that to some extent tamed the violence of medieval warriors

Pope Innocent III

was able to reprimand kings of England, Aragon, France, Norway, and Poland and insist that they obey him

The Byzantine Empire

was an eastern continuation of the Roman Empire

Valdes of Lyon

was declared a heretic for criticizing the wealth of the medieval church

The First Crusade

was first joined by a huge number of peasants that surprised planners

The Roma historian Tacitus

wrote his book on Germans to urge Romans to adopt more virtuous customs

The Roman historian Tacitus

wrote his book on Germans to urge Romans to adopt more virtuous customs

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