hist 1023 exam 3

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An estimated _____ Palestines were driven out of their villages and homes after the first Arab-Israeli War ended in 1949.


Only two centuries after its beginnings, the pattern of capitalist modernity characterized by market exchange and consumerism encompassed roughly _____ percent of the world's population.


Recep Erdogan's party, AKP, garnered slightly more than half the vote, on which basis they


Why was the loss of Alsace and Lorraine in 1871, by Napoleon III to Bismark in the Franco-Prussian war, so key to increasing tensions between France and Germany?


Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) for the Soviet Union was:

A mixture of private and state investment in factories and small-scale food marketing by peasants

____ was the crucial first step of a European power -- in this instance France-- seizing provinces of the Ottoman Empire in competition with the Russians, while officially protecting its integrity.


_____ is defined as the maintenance of a self-supporting state economic system.


the policies of "globalization" were shaped and directed, in great measure , by the advisors of US President _____ in the 1990s.

Bill Clinton

The _____ of Vladimir Lenin, previously under persecution by the provisional social-democratic government, steadily campaigned against Russian involvement in what had become a highly unpopular war and launched a takeover in the capital of Petrograd, as St. Petersburg had been renamed at the start of the conflict.


Giving it some thought, among signs of major retreat from post-Cold war internationalist political, economic, and diplomatic trends is ______.

Brexit, the UK leaving the EU

In 1900, Australia finally adopted a federal constitution and became the second fully autonomous British "dominion", after ______.


The Marshall plan allocated funds to all of the following countries except:


one of the most damaging episodes of the Cold war in Latin America was the ____ carried out in Argentina against all suspected leftist guerrillas and sympathizers by a right- wing junta from 1976 to 1983

Dirty War

Some in the Non-Aligned Movement equated the Soviet position in ____ with colonialism and worried about China's emergent predominance in East Asia.

Eastern Europe

After United States and Spain made peace at the end of 1898, the US ignored the independent Philippine government led by _____.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Hitler implemented his planned Endlosung , or _____, of European Jews began in January 1942 and entailed the relocation of Jews to mass extermination camps.

Final solution

President Wilson's war aims, embodied his _____, sought to use the war to advance his desire "to make the world... safe for democracy."

Fourteen Points

On June 28, 1914, meters of a Bosnian Serb nationalist group assassinated the Austrian heir to the throne, ____ and his wife while they toured the Bosnian city of Sarajevo. which led to WWI

Franz Ferdinand

______ forces dispatched a squadron that occupied the sparsely inhabited Mekong River delta in 1858-1862, annexing it as a protectorate.


As a result of the ____ in the United States, millions of veterans benefited from new training and educational opportunities.

GI Bill

In August 2008, Putin provoked the former Soviet republic of ____, which was on track for admission into NATO, into a conflict that resulted in Russian control over one-fifth of its territory.


Kwame Nkrumah appeared to be a sound choice for leading a constitutional, independent regime in ___ in 1957.


In their determination to establish colonial rule in the region, the German general staff ordered the examination of the _____ in Southwest Africa, in terms that can only be described as a genocide


In its indictment of traditional societal and cultural norms , Allen Ginsberg's ___ and other poems 1956 represents the earliest expression of the "Beat" ethic.


Despite the success of the middle class in ______, almost 3 quarters of the population still lived in villages with poor or now water, electricity, and roads at the beginning of the twenty first century.


Seeking to take advantage of the disruption in ____, and backed by the United States, ______ would invade in 1980, seeking to take oil rich provinces.

Iran; Saddam Hussein

In Russia, Lennin's successor, ________, built the communist party into an all-powerful apparatus that brutally shifted resources from agriculture into industry and lifted the Soviet Union into the ranks of the industrial powers.

Joseph Stalin

In the face of British opposition, the African nationalists in ____ formed the Mau Mau movement and independence was finally granted in 1963.


The ideas and practices of the ___ leader Pol Pot were so radical and brutal that in 1977 ___ invaded his state and initiated his overthrow.

Khmer Rouge, Vietnam

The German torpedoing and sinking of the British liner _______ in 1917 cost the lives of more than 100 Americans and brought the United States to the brink of joining the war in Europe.


The _____ as it came to be known, is often cited as the modern beginning of Chinese nationalism and led shortly thereafter to the founding of a Chinese Communist Party in 1921.

May Fourth Movement

_________ is any of the various movements in philosophy and the arts characterized by a deliberate break with classical or traditional forms of thought or expression.


Estimates of those slaughtered in the brutal "Rape of ____" of 1937-1938 range between 200,00 and 300,000 people.


_______ was a cultural movement that, associated with French-language writers like Leopold Senghor, fostered pride in African history, culture, and "blackness."


The 1954 Supreme Board ruling on segregation overturned the previous ______, which had upheld the notion that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

Pessy v. Ferguson ruling from 1896

The driving force behind Vietnam's early anti-foreign patriotism at the dawn of the twentieth century was ____.

Phan Boi Chau

In 1757, the battle of ______ effectively eliminated the French threat in the sub continent and consolidated Great Britain's supremacy in India following the treaty that ended the Seven Year's War in 1763.


The sweeping set of reforms introduced in Czechoslovakia in 1968, aimed at decentralization and a loosening of censorship restrictions, came to be known as the _____.

Prague Spring

By the late 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union had entered into a period of relations known as "detente", a French term meaning ____.

Release of tension

In 1972, _____ famously traveled to ___, hoping to gain leverage against the Soviets while also diminishing aid to North Vietnam.

Richard Nixon, China

The opening gambit of Great Britain's "Great Game" against _____ was the first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838.


The ______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.


Realizing how close the world had come to WWIII President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev signed the Nuclear ____ Treaty in 1963

Test Ban

After World War I, the most strategically important focus of British and French colonialism was _____.

The Middle East

In 1964 Yasir Arafat and other Palestinian nationalist founded ____, whose militant wing, Fatah, began a guerrilla war against Israel and its backers.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO

As a result of its loss of Mexico in the early 1800s, Spain began turning to its colony in ____ for agricultural and natural resource exploitation.

The Philippines

"Free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures," is a quote that describes which of the following

The Truman Doctrine

the original founders of the non aligned movement of nations included all of the following except


The Eisenhower administration in the Us ended the Korean War in 1953 with:

an armistice only and on official peace treaty

Australia was very similar to independent Latin America in that is was a labor-poor but _____ region, seeking its wealth through export-led growth.


The international political system that dominated Europe from 1815 to 1914 and which advocated a balance of power among states is referred to as the ______, and it was aimed at preventing any renewed European imperialist goals of the kind Napoleon had pursued.

concert of Europe

The British "Raj" was inaugurated when control by the East India Company was replaced by ____.

direct rule

Taking Power shortly after the death of chairman Mao in 1976 Deng Xiaoping implemented the ____, the fundamental policies that remain in force in China to the present.

four modernizations

the "stinger" was a(n) ______, which the United States was clandestinely supplying to Afghan fighters in the attempt to expel Soviet occupying forces.

shoulder-fired missile

the sharp rise in oil prices and the economic downturn it brought about would ultimately lead in the late 1970s to a phenomenon referred to as ______, a period of high inflation rate but with low economic growth rate.


The Soviet Politburo reacted to the uprising in East Germany in 1953 by:

suppressing the revolt quickly and comprehensively

the catalyst for the implementation of Gorbachev's policy of glasnost was the frank coverage of:

the nuclear accident at Chernobyl

At the end of World War II, the French...

were determined to reconstitute their empire

Once Saad Zaghlul and his Wafd party assumed control of Egypt in 1924, they:

were uninterested industrial development, leaving Egypt entirely dependent on agricultural production and exports

The original goal of the National Congress when it convened in 1885 was to:

win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire

Following the Napoleonic wars, the dutch pursued a colonial policy referred to as the ____ in the Dutch East Indies whereby native subsistence farmers were forced to grow government crops on Dutch plantations.

cultivation system

To overcome its humiliation in East Africa, Italy tried its and at imperialism again in 1911 against


The "Hundred Flowers" campaign was:

terminated when the criticisms offered by intellectuals became too frequent

During the 1990s, there were some 190 sovereign countries in the world, forming a

three tier hierarchy

European colonialism on the coast of West Africa after 1885 was an outgrowth of the traditional ____.

trade fort system

In East Africa, ______ used forced labor for the growing of cotton, provoking the fierce but in the end brutally suppressed Maji Maji Rebellion of 1905-1907


Irena Sendler smuggled some 2500 Jewish children out of _____ before being arrested and tortured in 1943.


In the early years of the Cold War, countries could basically be placed into which of the following categories?

Western camp, Eastern bloc, and the Non-Aligned Movement

The Nigerian government has, in recent years, proved incompetent against the rapidly expanding Islamist movement Boko Haram, which means, "_______"

Western education is sin

In his addresses he declared, "that every people has a right to choose the sovereignty under which they shall live" and that, "no peace can last, or ought to last, which does not recognize and accept the principle that governments derive all their just powers from the consent of the governed." Nationalistic movements would seize this rhetoric, enshrining it in history as the ______.

Wilsonian Moment

With the founding of the National Organization for Women in 1966, _____, a new term came to define the feminist movement in the late 1960s.

Women's Liberation

by the early 2000s, the chaotic agricultural sector combined with the repression of opposition to one-party rule had plunged ____ into a serious economic crisis.


Mao's land reforms between 1950 and 1955 took as many as 2,000,000 lives and resulted in:

a rise in agricultural productivity

In March 2003, President George W. Bush ordered a preemptive invasion of Iraq:

after seeking an authorizing vote of support from the UN General Assembly

In the Soviet Union, the ___ were those who carried outriders unquestioning, no matter how absurd or ruthless.


Mao Zedong, a librarian by training, was an inspiring rural organizer, and he set about developing his ideas of revolution with the heretical idea of:

inviting peasants into the vanguard of his movement.

The election of Hasan Rouhani as president of Iran in 2013 led to:

limitations Iran's nuclear program

all of the following were characteristic of the soviet economy in the Stalinist and post stalinist periods EXCEPT:

women entered the working place in equal numbers to men, as all were considered "comrades"

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