Hist 130 - Ole Miss iStudy Final

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(Q039) The Know-Nothing Party was founded as a crusade against slavery.


(Q032) Which of the following statements is true regarding the Trail of Tears?

a. At least one-quarter of the Indians perished during the winter of 1838-1839.

(Q030) Nat Turner

b. led an 1831 slave uprising in Virginia, killing about sixty whites.

(Q016) What effect did the Embargo of 1807 have on manufacturing in the United States?

b. stimulated its growth

(Q029) The "Second War of Independence" was

b. the War of 1812.

(Q025) With the Louisiana Purchase,

b. the size of the nation was doubled.

(Q028) The objective of Gabriel's rebellion of 1800 was to

c. take over the city of Richmond and hold whites as hostages.

(Q018) In the XYZ affair of 1797,

c. French officials presented American diplomats with a demand for bribes.

Which statement accurately describes sharecropping?

c. It allowed a black family to rent part of a plantation, with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year.

In President Andrew Johnson's view, African-Americans ought to play what part in Reconstruction?

c. They should have no role in shaping policies.

(Q002) One of the most significant political consequences that resulted from the spread of cotton agriculture across the South into the Southwest of the nation was that

c. a type of aristocracy emerged that, while it was just a small portion of the population, became quite wealthy and dominated the states of the region politically and socially, and held an outsized amount of power in the national government.

(Q040) The Alien Act of 1798 reflected fear of immigrants possessing

c. radical political views.

(Q017) Abraham Lincoln's January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation freed

c. some slaves, but exempted those in areas under Union control.

(Q028) In response to the nomination of Stephen Douglas's Democratic candidacy, seven of the southern delegates

c. walked out of the convention, causing it to recess in confusion.

(Q007) Which of the following was a difference between the Democrats and the Whigs during the Jackson years?

a. The Whigs favored public measures and other policies to regulate personal morality; the Democrats did not.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

a. prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

(Q014) In 1860, the largest economic investment in the United States was in

a. slaves.

(Q015) Which of the following is a true statement about Jackson's political beliefs?

c. He felt African-Americans should either remain as slaves or be freed and sent abroad.

The Black Codes were

c. laws that sought to regulate the lives of former slaves in the South.

(Q008) The expansionist spirit of the early nineteenth century that God intended the American nation to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean was called

c. manifest destiny.

(Q021) The "Revolution of 1800" was

c. the peaceful transfer of the office of the presidency between political parties.

(Q024) The case that established judicial review was

d. Marbury v. Madison.

(Q015) Which of the following was a characteristic of Robert Owen's early-nineteenth-century utopian communities?

d. Owen promoted communitarianism as a way of making sure workers received the full value of their labor.

(Q013) The two political parties of the mid-1790s were the

d. Republicans and Federalists.

(Q015) "Slave patrols" were

d. farmers who kept a lookout for runaway slaves.

(Q016) In 1853-1854, President Millard Fillmore dispatched American warships to Japan under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry to

d. force a trade treaty with an outright demand that the Japanese deal with the United States.

(Q012) "Impressment" as practiced by the British was

d. kidnapping sailors.

(Q016) In the aftermath of the War of 1812, Americans tended to view Canadians as

d. monarchial and lacking in an understanding of liberty.

(Q021) The Homestead Act

d. offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in the West.

(Q005) The Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 negotiated

d. the sale of parts of Florida from Spain to the United States.

(Q041) The American Temperance Society, founded in 1826, directed its efforts to redeeming habitual drunkards, not the occasional social drinker.


What did three amendments to the U.S. Constitution guarantee to former slaves shortly after the Civil War?

a. freedom from slavery; recognition as citizens; and the vote for adult black men

(Q016) President James Madison favored a system of national economic incentives for manufacturers, a protective tariff, a new national bank, and federal financing of roads and canals that came to be known as

a. the American System.

(Q020) "Manifest destiny" was

a. the belief that the United States had a divinely appointed mission to expand westward.

(Q008) Which of the following was a mounting source of concern over the effects of the market revolution?

a. the increasing dependence of workers upon wage labor

(Q027) Which of the following was a Confederate advantage in fighting the Civil War?

b. The southern commander, General Lee, was a skilled tactician who hoped that a series of defeats would weaken the North's resolve.

(Q001) According to chapter 9 of the textbook, farmers who settled in the midwestern part of the continent during the first half of the nineteenth century

c. enjoyed economic gains due to increased transportation networks and access to the market economy.

(Q005) There were calls by some expansionists for the United States to annex all of Mexico, yet the movement failed because

d. of the fear that the nation could not assimilate the large non-white Catholic population.

(Q019) The Era of Good Feelings was so-called because

d. they were years of one-party government.

(Q001) Why would historians want to analyze the diary of a plantation wife during the Reconstruction era?

Diaries show the attitudes of a person who lived during the time under study.

(Q043) Horace Mann argued that it was not a school's responsibility to reinforce social stability by rescuing students from the influence of parents who failed to instill the proper discipline in their children.


(Q044) The Shawnee brothers Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa led the way in promoting Indian adoption of white customs.


(Q049) During the Civil War, the North instituted a draft, but the South never did.


(Q053) Free blacks gained the right to vote in every state in the Union after 1800.


(Q065) The nineteenth century's "cult of domesticity" applied to slave women as well as white women.


(Q036) This religion started after its leader claimed to have been led by an angel to a set of golden plates covered with strange writing, which he translated and later published.


(Q004) Stretching from Maine to Kentucky, this was the most successful of the religious communities in the mid-1800s.


"Scalawags" was a derogatory term used to describe southern white Republicans.


(Q037) The prevalence of plantation slavery kept the South from matching northern rates of immigration, industrial development, and urban growth.


(Q039) More Americans died in the Civil War than in any other war in U.S. history.


(Q041) Although denied the ballot, women found a voice in the public sphere during the 1820s and 1830s.


(Q042) In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled that African-Americans had no rights that whites were compelled to recognize.


(Q042) Lincoln was initially not concerned with the issue of slavery as his paramount concerns were to keep the border slave states in the Union and to build the broadest base of support in the North for the war effort.


(Q047) By the 1840s, southern leaders were convinced that slavery must expand or die.


(Q049) During the 1820s and 1830s, an emergent labor movement began voicing concerns about harsh working conditions, economic insecurity, and growing inequalities of wealth.


(Q056) The 1828 "tariff of abominations" led to the nullification crisis.


(Q063) During the market revolution, the emergence of organized political parties spurred newspaper publication.


Black Codes sometimes assigned black children to work for their former masters without parental consent.


During Reconstruction, some 2,000 African-Americans held public office, among them fourteen in the U.S. House of Representatives and two U.S. senators.


(Q002) A significant theme of the Monroe Doctrine was that

a. European powers should refrain from further colonization in the Americas.

(Q014) Which is true of Martin Van Buren's campaign for president?

a. Rather than being dangerous and divisive, he believed political parties were a necessary and desirable element of political life.

(Q018) The Free Soil Party's platform called for

a. the government to bar slavery from the western territories and provide land free in the territories to people who wanted to homestead there.

(Q002) The American Colonization Society called for

a. a gradual end to slavery and the resettlement of blacks outside the United States.

A "carpetbagger" was

a. a northerner who settled in the South after the war.

(Q025) The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in December 1865,

a. abolished slavery throughout the Union.

(Q004) Which of the following groups was a major target of the New York City draft riots?

a. conscription officers

(Q012) What 1793 invention spurred the rise of the Cotton Kingdom and fueled demand for slaves?

a. cotton gin

One of the main purposes of the Freedmen's Bureau was to

a. ensure a working system of labor relations between former slaves and former slaveholders.

(Q006) Between 1848 and 1860, American trade with China

a. tripled.

(Q023) The Republican Party, founded in 1854,

a. was a coalition of antislavery Democrats, northern Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Free Soilers.

(Q021) In the mid-1800s, few plantations had dedicated buildings for slave worship so most slaves

a. worshipped in secret or in biracial churches with white ministers.

(Q021) The Fugitive Slave Act

allowed federal commissioners to determine the fate of fugitives without the benefit of a trial or testimony by the accused individual.

(Q026) On their journey of exploration from Missouri to Oregon, Lewis and Clark were accompanied by the American Indian interpreter

b. Sacajawea.

(Q004) Which statement below best explains Sojourner Truth's intent by repeating the question, "Ar'n't I a Woman?"

b. She highlights the fact that African African-American women could not even be treated in the condescending but courteous way that white women were complaining about, because they were slaves.

(Q020) Which of the following was part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

b. Slavery was prohibited in the remaining Louisiana Territory north of 36°30'.

(Q012) The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February 1848

b. ended the Mexican War.

(Q038) What was General Grant's strategy in 1864 that became a turning point in the war for ultimate Union victory?

b. to use as many Union troops on the battlefield as possible in a war of attrition

Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction

b. were often arrested and hired out to white landowners.

(Q011) Most of the labor in building the public buildings of the national government in Washington, D.C., was done by

c. African-American slaves.

(Q001) One reason the Civil War is often considered the first war of the modern era is that

d. civilians were able to follow the course of the war every day due to the telegraph and widespread access to print media.

(Q022) The Second Great Awakening was

d. a popular religious revival that swept the country in the early 1800s.

(Q037) New York City and Philadelphia experienced what type of violent events in the 1840s and 1850s?

d. anti-immigrant riots

(Q020) The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

d. established the principal of popular sovereignty to decide the status of slavery.

(Q013) When Texas declared itself independent of Mexico, its new constitution

d. protected slavery even though Mexico had earlier abolished slavery.

Radical Republicans in the Reconstruction era shared the view that

d. the Union victory created an opportunity to institutionalize the principle of equal rights regardless of race.

(Q015) The population rush into California in 1848 was a result of

d. the discovery of gold.

(Q008) Paternalism meant

d. the master was the head of the system, including providing his slaves with protection and the right of care.

What activity made the postemancipation experience in the United States unique from other societies and became central to the former slaves' desire for empowerment and equality?

d. the right to vote within two years of the end of slavery

(Q002) What was the primary killer of Civil War soldiers?

infectious diseases

(Q010) In the mid-1800s, this concept had replaced class as the boundary between those American men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.


(Q014) Chicago's spectacular growth between 1830 and 1860 was principally due to


(Q014) The Civil War is sometimes called "the first modern war" because it used weapons and other technological advances of the industrial revolution. Which of the following was one of these advances?


(Q001) Two of the most significant factors in the spread and increase of cotton agriculture across the South and West of the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century were

the invention of the cotton gin and the availability of the Louisiana Territory.

(Q019) In the Compromise of 1850,

the slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia.

(Q018) Early U.S. textile mills relied largely on the labor of

women and children.

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