hist 406 test 1

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- In provincial government - sent to provinces, actually runs the show, in charge of troops, collecting taxes, orders dispatched and followed) (PROBLEM: who does the king listen to and decide to give power, royal governors or intendancies -(created in 1719) co-administers with military governor general, Collecting taxes, managing public accounts, and spending public money (general social and economic welfare)


- In provincial government -Court (13 parlements), (not elected positions, and purchased positions, not parliaments)

Jean Baptiste de Caradeux

- in Saint Domingue -Patriot leader in Port-au-Prince, initially suggests that gens de couleur must accept independence from British and then proposes a new Concordat that disenfranchises gens de couleur -Means they aren't going to have the rights they now believe they have -Thinks British will provide this for them

Olyme de Gouges

-"Declaration of Rights of Women" -royalist -slavery is bad -play: "Slavery of Blacks" -blames war on France


-"emancipation experiment" -freed all his enslaved workers -command of national guard -representative of third estate

Ecole Militaire

-(1715) under Louis XV; works to shore up army in terms of supplies and military strategy and thinking (professional army)

Cahiers de Doleances

-(lists of local grievances) -60,000 written by only 600 reach the king -All call for some form of representative government -Gens de couleur explicitly excluded from committees and from crafting cahiers de doleances

The "Swiss"

-(the group of individuals that fled to this camp, to fight to maintain slavery, their price is fighting and maybe dying, their benefit is freedom if they survive) -Armed enslaved workers join Petion and his 2,000-4,000 man army -Most have white owners and were either recruited by gens de couleur or were fleeing white masters -With assumption that coming to camp they would find people who share racial status -Many drawn from coffee plantations near Port-au-Prince and 1/3 from sugar plantations of the Cul-de-Sac plain -If you fight for us we will free you - claim

Massiac Club

-(they meet at the Massiac hotel) -Includes wealthy white planters -Argues for no colonial representation to prevent the inclusion of Gens de couleur (keep them in an intermediate category) -Represented by Antione Barnave -Argue they made a tactical error: all men created equal we have opened door to having to include Vincent and Julien, so we are going to backtrack... we weren't thinking it through, to prevent inclusion in national assembly


-1670s- engages (white indentured servants) to the island to work on tobacco plantations -Efforts to settle them in the colony; have to bring Europeans to colony (Company of West Indies) -First wave of laborers are poor whites -Cap Francais

Code Noir

-1685 Black Code

Andre Brissot

-1788- Establishment of the Society of the Friends of Blacks -"All men are born free and equal in rights"

Society of the Friends of Blacks

-1788- Establishment of the Society of the Friends of Blacks (Condorcet, Brissot, and Mirabeau) -"All men are born free and equal in rights"

Julien Raimond

-1791 rally enough votes for the Assembly to declare the enfranchisement of gens de couleur born of free parents -Society of American Colonists -not quite white but up towards top of ladder

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

-83 new dioceses (139 bishops to 83 bishops) (not banning religion just re organizing so allegiance to state is more clearly visible); the difference of bishops is reassigned now being elected -Bishops elected by electors (electors are a select group of individuals from a broader body of citizens who are active) (only active citizens get to vote or hold office, wealthiest actives get to elect) : priests by "active" citizens -Clergy must swear an oath to King, Law, and Constitution (final kicker for most members of church hierarchy) (put in place for structure of national religion)

Estates General

-August 1788 -Louis XVI agrees to call the Estates General -Meeting; who all comes? What are you going to do? -Establishment of committees in all three provinces of Saint Domingue representation to the Estates General (Creoles) -Gran blanc are all the ones choosing the people for the committee

Society of American Colonists

-August 1789 -Founding of Societe des Colons Americains ( Society of American Colonists) -30 to 50 "citizens of color" in Paris (including Julien Raimond and Vincent Oge) (Julien is wealthy man of superior nuance, not white not mulatto but up towards the top, just about white but not quite) join the group which calls for full equality for all free non-whites and freedom for mulatto slaves -Call themselves American to reference that they came from west indies, many are property owners, own slaves, merchants in sugar business, they are in Paris

Brunswick Manifesto

-August 1792 arrives in Paris -They demand 45 or 48, that the king be dismissed -Louis Capet family name now -They take all divine rights of Louis XVI of house of Bourbon and turn him into a normal man

Great Fear

-Begins in early spring in response to grain shortages brought on by speculation -King says bring grain from other countries, re import grain from Germany let's say and they get a bonus -French army buying up grain to supply troops; peasants turn around to buy the stuff they just harvested and its gone, so cost of bread tripled -Not all greedy merchants, but its noblemen, it's an aristocratic plot. -Crowds demand abolition of feudal dues, attack grain storehouses, fix prices of bread -NOT a response to July 14, 1789 (Storming of Bastille)


-Citizens of the new Commune storm City Hall (Hotel de ville) and the Tuileries (where the royal family is living) to the singing of the Marseillaise (also known of war hymn of army of the Rhine) in efforts to kick up patriotic fervor -overthrow of the monarchy

Hotel de Ville

-City Square

Biens Nationaux

-Expropriation of Church lands and creation of biens nationaux (national properties) (move by National Assembly) -Church will not provide social network, poor assistance, hospitals, orphanages these should all be taken over by the government -Church no longer needs tax exemptions because it no longer needs money making property -Creates a new bushel of capital for the government- revert to control of France- national control, the national properties is what they become known as

Croix de Bouquets

-Gens de couleur massacred in the streets by poor whites -Croix de Bouquets is the camp, where the escapees escape to in Saint Domingue

gens de couleur

-Gens de couleur/ affranchise- free mixed race: (individuals born free) -1/3 black, 1/2 mixed race, 1/6 "superior nuance" (1/6 of superior nuance after earning lots of money, next year they are white in the records) -Legally free, socially intermediate group -Many educated, lucrative businesses, so scares people -By 1763, they dominate the artisanal trades and own most of the coffee plantations -Property owners who owned slaves themselves -Gens de couleur predominate in West and own majority of property in that province -Many own plantations in sugar belt as well -By 1789, they own 1/3 of the plantation property; 1/4 of enslaved people; 1/4 of real estate property in the colony

Pompons Rouges

-Governor denounces the General Assembly and masses troops to dissolve it -(red pomp oms) -Members of the General Assembly at Saint Marc (coffee and indigo plantation owners) (not grandest of the whites some associated with coffee and indigo plantation owners gens de couleur)

Kingdom of Platons

-In Saint Domingue: -First week of August, in the Southern Province, Governor Blanchelande and troops attack the Kingdom of Platons, killing women and children left behind -Secret attack yet advertised it, those at Kingdom of Platon are fortified and informed -Takes place over 4 day period -Locals from Saint Domingue convince troops that these women and kids are combatants, kill in brutal fashion, decapitate them


-In Society of the Friends of Blacks -- King's Flight to Varennes -Count Mirabeau suggests flight to Rouen or La Harve (member of society of friends of blacks, can't say they deserve to be represented but are still property has to be one or the other) Mirabeau dies so king turns to other advisor Count Axel

Les Invalides

-In storming of the Bastille -July 14, 1789- 80,000 citizens march to Les Invalides (the veterans hospital, storage facility for royal troops in Paris) and take 30,000 muskets -Fleselles defers, he doesn't have arms for all of you, no problem, we will go to Les Invaides -Store house known as Bastille

The Women's March to Versailles

-October 1789 -Women to Les Halles (gather there, big open air market) there is scarcity when going to set up their stands, shipments have been stalled, raises concern what is the king doing? -Regiment of Flanders- at party night before (kings royal guard) got drunk and trampled on the tri colour, the three colors, symbol of the revolution, they demand justice for this -Stanislas Maillard- (talked at Bastille, their surrender, former soldier, intermediary for broader crowd), accompanies these women to Versailles -15 women and 15 deputies meet with Louis XVI -King releases grain supplies -Men in the crowd push past the National Guard, enter the palace, kill two royal guardsmen at the Queen's door -Women rip apart queens bed with knives (symbolic display, attacking her in most vulnerable and sexually most vulnerable place) -Lafayette convinces Louis XVI to return to Paris (to make certain he is safe) all, including entire assembly relocate to Paris -Last time they will leave capital city

Mulatto Revolution

-October 21, 1790- Oge arrives in Saint Domingue (Oge says decree does not mention race so race is irrelevant to prevent from doing things) -October and November 1790- uprising of gens de couleur led by Vincent Oge and Jean-Baptiste Chavannes -Fled east to Santo Domingo -November 29,1790- Constituent Assembly votes to send troops and Civil commissioners to Saint Domingue -February 1791- Oge and Chavannes executed, 21 others condemned to death, and 13 sentenced to the galleys (said were organizing slave rebellion and treason)


-Patriot party splits into factions - September 1789 -Constitutionnels and Monarchiens (want to maintain monarchial structure of old regime) -Bicameral legislature (house of lords and house of commons) and absolute veto -The "right" (sit to the right of the podium, and conservative) (de Mounier, Comte de Clermont-Tonnere) (members of the nobility) -Compromise: unicameral legislature and 3 year veto


-Patriot party splits into factions - September 1789 -Constitutionnels and Monarchiens -Unicameral legislature (one house) and no veto (king isn't involved in legislative process) -The "left" (Sieyes (said man up are you working for the king or the people), Bailly (tennis court oath, mayor of Paris), Lafayette (war hero, head of national guard)) RADICAL END OF SPECTRUM, most in support of creating constitution that will parallel that of Great Britain --Compromise: unicameral legislature and 3 year veto

Vincent Oge

-September 1789 -Vincent Oge, an homme de couleur, speaks to the Massiac Club in Paris -(a man of color) -Attempts to make common cause with them (we both own enslaved individuals, if we bicker we will lose it all to our property, who will rise up against us) they do not let him finish speech, throw him out. -End up saying he threatened to make massive slave revolt to kill all whites, unless he granted them freedoms

Petits Blancs

-Small farmers, soldiers and sailors, urban artisanal class -Majority of white population -Little whites- everyone else -4/5 to 2/3 of population (8,000-15,000)


-Store house known as Bastille, need powder for muskets, (fortress that houses people accused of all kinds of things) -Lettres de cachet- you will sit in Bastille and rot until you agree to marry her, etc. (symbol of unchecked abusive royal authority)

Oyo Kingdom

-Use of horses -Importance of Calvary -Few foot soldiers because of use of horses -Influences Dahomey close rank movements and "European" high fire discipline -Tactics come from encounters, responses to environments -In Saint Domingue's enslaved African Revolution

Grand blancs

-Wealthy planters (living in northern province of sugar growing area), government administrators, and top judicial and military officers -1/5 to 1/3 of white population (at most 5,000 individuals) very small group with significant power

White Revolution

-White revolution in Saint Domingue" -July 1789- 1st revolution!! by wealthy whites -Creation of district and provincial assemblies in Saint Domingue -Governor okays General Assembly to sit at Leogane in the western province (near the southern province) (moving center of government as far as possible from where it was) but the provincial assembly of the north delegates (the grand blanc) itself legislative and executive powers in the name of the entire colony -Repression of those in favor of rights for gens de couleur (who have enough money and have lived there long enough) -Mulatre Lacombe executed on charges of treason -Grand blanc De Baudieres decapitated by poor whites, says you can't exclude gens de couleur, call him a race traitor

Le Chapelier Law

-abolished guilds -workers orgs were self interested -threats

Cordeliers Club

-call for prosecution of king for treason in the kings flee to varanees.

Stanislas Maillard

-former member of military -intermediary for crowd talks with Launay in storming of Bastille -accompanies these women to Versailles in the March

Boukman Dutty

-in end of liberal revolution -head slave driver, obeah-a priest) and the Bois-Caiman Revolt erupts supposedly after vodum (voodoo) ceremony attended by "slave drivers" -(Result of syncretism, elements of Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam) (Weird African religion and then they go mad= what Europeans think, people are possessed) -Attempt to require plantation owners and other overseers to ameliorate the conditions of slavery- make it better; not an attempt to overthrow the whole system


-is the tennis court oath president of assembly -mayor of Paris


-leader of slave revolution -general -creole -in Northern province -demand from the Colonial Assembly/ Civil Commissioners -Unconditional amnesty -Freedom for leaders and officers -Amelioration of conditions of slavery -ALL SAME things as concordat with the Swiss so nothing that crazy or different


-leading slave revolution -lieutenant-general -creole -in Northern province -demand from the Colonial Assembly/ Civil Commissioners -Unconditional amnesty -Freedom for leaders and officers -Amelioration of conditions of slavery -ALL SAME things as concordat with the Swiss so nothing that crazy or different

Antoine Barnave

-represented the Massiac Club -Barnave and the Feuillants : Massiac Club, colonies are separate, they want to do it by the book, if you look at the laws there is nothing that we can do to the king, how can the king be treasonous to himself??

Cul-de-Sac Plain

-sugar plantations -Insurrection of 10,000-15,000 enslaved individuals breaks out in the Cul-de-Sac (the wealthy sugar growing region) plain in Western Province and isolated uprisings follow -The fact that sugar is interrupted it suggest interruption everywhere else

Bois Caiman Revolt

-the Bois-Caiman Revolt erupts supposedly after vodum (voodoo) ceremony attended by "slave drivers" -(Result of syncretism, elements of Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam) (Weird African religion and then they go mad= what Europeans think, people are possessed) -Attempt to require plantation owners and other overseers to ameliorate the conditions of slavery- make it better; not an attempt to overthrow the whole system

First Estate

-the clergy -150,000 Catholic Clergy (.5%) -10,000 in hierarchy (bishops, archbishops, abbot) (live affluent lives) -Owned 15% of the land/ commercial property (tenements, ships in trans-Atlantic slave trade, orchards, vineyards) -300 million livres/ year revenue: a 1/3 of treasuries accumulation a year -ALL OF 1ST ESTATE ARE TAX EXEMPT -Ran charity houses, orphanages, schools, and hospitals (no public education) -Church responsible for social safety net (have they provided that? If not what is to be done)

Third Estate

-the common people: ALL BEAR THE TAX BURDEN -98% of population -Peasants- 22.5 million- brassiers -bra word for arm in French, guys who work in the field -some peasants might own land on an estate and might employ peasants -City workers- 2.5 million- journeyman in compagnonnages (brotherhoods), unskilled laborers -Lowest on hierarchy is unskilled labors -candle stick makers, bakers -Bourgeoisie- 500,000- financers, lawyers, merchants -Are the Middle class- folks have potential to gain enough money to gain noble status

Second Estate

-the nobility -350,000 nobles (1.5%) -Nobles of the sword/robe/bell Anoblis -Nobles of the sword: have castles, over 100 years supported house of Bourbon, ennobled because of service and military service -Nobles of robe: ennobled due to service to the state, to the kingdom, represented by folks long served in parlement. -Noble bell: given nobbled status based on individual feats, family generous in times of famine, saved child from drowning, etc. -Anoblis: all about money, monarchy always looking for source of revenue, loan to monarchy, some just want tax exemption -Owned 20% of the and drew feudal dues (local courts, local dues, grain mill/baking oven)

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