hist exam 1

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38. How did the English monarchs James I and Charles I react to the ideas of Puritan reformers?

D) Both enforced conformity to the Church of England.

50. What did Nathaniel Bacon think of the "Indians"?

D) He thought they were favored by the leaders of Virginia.

7. What was the dominant feature of the eighteenth-century New England economy?

D) It was a diversified, worldwide commercial economy focused on the Atlantic world.

2. What major change occurred in New Netherland in 1664?

D) New Netherland became New York.

49. The huge increase in the slave population in the South during the second half of the eighteenth century can be attributed to natural increase and

D) the Atlantic slave trade.

40. Who served as leaders of Quaker congregations?

A) Ordinary men and women

4. What problem did the Halfway Covenant address?

B) Declining church membership

22. Virginia tobacco farmers confronted what major obstacle in the 1600s?

B) Too few workers

23. Unlike most other immigrant groups in American history, the migration to Puritan New England included

B) a great number of complete families.

47. The majority of the original settlers who came to Jamestown and the Virginia colony were

B) gentlemen and their servants.

13. By 1700, the British Caribbean annually exported nearly 50 million pounds of

B) sugar.

29. Which technological advance aided European explorers by 1400?

C) The compass

35. King Philip's War (1676) left New England settlers with

C) an enduring hatred of Indians.

12. Which factor contributed to the high mortality rate of the Englishmen who made the first voyage to what would become Jamestown, Virginia?

D) Disease

19. Which profitable export crop depended on the expertise of slaves brought from West Africa to Carolina?

D) Rice

45. How often did most eighteenth-century colonists go to church?

D) Seldom or not at all

3. The gender and number of Spanish settlers in New Spain created a society in which

D) Spanish men frequently married Indian women.

28. Which statement characterizes colonial deists?

D) They looked for God's laws with science and reason.

10. Who left Massachusetts for Connecticut in 1636 after clashing with church leaders over the requirements for church membership?

D) Thomas Hooker

43. Under royal government in Virginia, the colony's inhabitants could vote for

D) local burgesses.

30. In 1686, England created the Dominion of New England, a new government consolidation that

D) placed all colonies north of Maryland under more direct control by England.

24. During most of the seventeenth century, New Netherland was

D) the fastest-growing colony in the New World.

18. By the 1670s, the Chesapeake social structure was polarized along what lines?

A) Land ownership

34. Which colony attracted dissenters through the protection of "Liberty of Conscience"?

A) Rhode Island

6. Which of the following was not a Wampanoag grievance against the colonists of New England?

A) The English fired guns into a crowded Wampanoag camp.

11. Which statement characterizes slaves in the middle colonies in the eighteenth century?

A) They were not really needed on wheat farms.

31. What was William Penn's goal for his new colony?

A) To establish a genuinely Quaker colony in the Americas

1. Compared to the colonies to the north and south, the population of New Netherland was

A) diverse.

20. The Treaty of Tordesillas, a 1494 agreement between Spain and Portugal,

A) divided the Atlantic territories between the two countries.

27. Bacon's Rebellion erupted in 1676 as a dispute over Indian policy and ended as a conflict between

A) the planter elite and small farmers.

26. Which statement characterizes Puritan communities in the first half of the seventeenth century?

B) A high degree of religious conformity

15. What was the Great Awakening?

B) A religious revival movement

5. How did Puritans view Quakers?

B) As dangerous to the Puritan faith and social order

25. John Winthrop referred to Anne Hutchinson and her followers as antinomians, people who believed that

B) Christians could be saved by faith alone.

9. The transatlantic exchange of goods, people, and ideas between the New World and Europe is referred to as the

B) Columbian exchange.

17. What was seventeenth-century New England's biggest export?

B) Fish

14. Which statement describes England's attempt to secure a North American settlement in the late sixteenth century?

B) It sent explorers but could not sustain thriving colonies.

37. Cities in what European nation dominated trade with the Far East until the fifteenth century?

B) Italy

32. Who argued that the Puritans should be "a city upon a hill" that would inspire the rest of the world?

B) John Winthrop

33. Why did the colonies shift from an indentured servant labor force to a slave labor force?

B) Slavery provided a perpetual labor force.

42. Why did the social and political distance between planters and small farmers decrease between 1660 and 1700?

B) The colony increased its dependence on slave labor.

8. As the eighteenth century progressed, tobacco, rice, and indigo made the southern colonies

B) the richest in North America.

48. The Navigation Acts of the 1650s and 1660s were designed to regulate colonial trade in order to

B) yield revenues for the crown and English merchants.

16. The slave labor system that was introduced to the Chesapeake was "exported" from

C) Barbados.

44. What was a result of contact and trade between the peoples of the Old and New Worlds?

C) Contact and trade exposed Indians to devastating Old World diseases.

46. The largest number of immigrants to the Middle Colonies were

C) German.

New England Puritanism owed its religious roots to the

C) Protestant Reformation of the early sixteenth century.

41. The government of which country sponsored Christopher Columbus's 1492 exploration?

C) Spain

39. What was a long-term consequence of the catastrophic bubonic plague in Europe?

C) The plague stimulated exploration for new marketplaces.

21. Indentured servants in the Chesapeake viewed themselves as

C) free people who were servants only temporarily.

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