History 106 Final Exam Questions

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British and French leaders met with Hitler in Munich in 1938 to discuss his demand for Alsace and Lorraine.


George Kennan's "containment" policy proposed a series of aggressive maneuvers against the Soviet Union.


Hoover's response to the Great Depression could best be described as restrained and cautious.


In 1946 and 1947, conflict in Egypt and Turkey caused the Truman administration to worry about the spread of communism around the globe.


In the 1930s, support for pacifism was particularly strong among the lower classes.


Roosevelt's Hundred Days banking legislation aimed to decrease government regulation of U.S. banks.


Roosevelt's Lend-Lease policy encountered no opposition from the Senate.


The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) was a federal agency designed to protect workers in wartime industries from harsh conditions.


The National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act guaranteed that all workers would be paid a minimum wage.


The National Security Act (1947) established the Air Force.


The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was designed to alienate troublesome conservationists in his administration.


The Truman Doctrine stated that American policy would be to help create democratic governments in post colonial Africa.


The conference at Potsdam in July of 1945 ended on a note of confusion.


The social and economic effects of the Depression hit the upper class especially hard.


United States troops first went into combat against German troops in Italy.


When the United States and the Dutch East Indies banned trade with Japan, the Japanese lost their source of oil which eventually led them to attack the United States.


Actions in which area helped Truman win the 1948 election? A Civil Rights B the Cold War C labor issues D none of these answers are correct


The weakness of the League of Nations was revealed when it did nothing after Italy invaded _______. A Algeria B Ethiopia C Tunisia D Libya


What did the Nye Committee investigate? A war crimes committed during World War I B American munitions dealers C possible German spies in the United States D liberal antiwar activists


What effect did the Great Depression have on immigration to the United States? A. More immigrants came to the United States at this time due to the availability of low-skill, hard-labor jobs. Correct! B. The Great Depression effectively reversed the flow of immigration across the Rio Grande, deporting hundreds of thousands of immigrants. C. Progressives urged that legislation be passed to restrict immigration and make it more difficult for immigrants to become citizens. D. The rate of immigration to the United States remained constant during the Great Depression.


Which of the following was a New Deal program that worked to bring about farm recovery? A. Tennessee Valley Authority B. Agricultural Adjustment Act C. the Federal Farm Board D. National Recovery Administration


military favor when Japan's Which approach did the U.S. military favor when Japan's defeat appeared inevitable? A creating a second front in the Philippines B an all-out, full-scale invasion of Japan C negotiating a peace treaty to avoid further loss of life D modifying the unconditional surrender formula


How did Americans respond to the bull market climate on the eve of the great crash in 1929? A. A general sense of caution about the ability of the market to continue to yield such fantastic dividends caused the market to falter. B. Many Americans looked to the government for guidance on how to invest in such a rapidly growing market. C. Optimism about the continued growth of the stock market led Americans to engage in speculative investing practices. D. none of these answers are correct


How did agencies created during the Hundred Days affect the Great Depression? A Agencies such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Civilian Conservation Corps succeeded in getting most of the unemployed back to work. B They attempted to relieve the suffering of Americans by giving government-subsidized loans at very low rates. C None of the Above D They did little to affect the Great Depression, but they were perceived to be effective by the


What erroneous advice did General MacArthur give President Truman during the Korean War? A MacArthur advised Truman to retreat from the 38th parallel to avoid a possible Chinese counterattack. B MacArthur advised Truman to use diplomacy to negotiate peace because he thought military efforts would be ineffective. C MacArthur advised Truman to authorize an invasion of North Korea D MacArthur advised withdrawing troops from Korea altogether because he thought that China and the Soviet Union would obliterate U.S. force


What was Eisenhower's campaign pledge that helped seal the election? A to support labor unions in their fight for fair employment laws B to bolster the economy with thousands of new jobs C to bring the Korean War to an end D to invade Russia and destroy the communist regime


What was the greatest single advantage that the United States and its allies had during World War II? A All of the Axis powers suffered from ineffective leadership and poor strategizing, which was a stark contrast to the Allies. B The Allies began military confrontations with the Axis powers immediately, before they could gain much ground in Europe or Asia. C The Allies were genuinely willing to work together to defeat their enemies, whereas the Axis powers fought separate wars . D The Germans and the Japanese made slow progress in conquering more lands in Europe and the Pacific.


When American troops entered Germany, they were shocked to discover _______. A the presence of American expatriate communities B the lack of damage to German infrastructure C the conditions inside concentration camps D the destruction committed by Russian troops


Where did the United States and the Soviet Union face their first Cold War confrontation? A China B Vietnam C Korea D Greece


Which of FDR's actions ended the immediate financial crisis of the 1930s? A FDR's Works Progress Administration spent nearly $5 billion on emergency relief. B FDR established the Tennessee Valley Authority and created thousands of new jobs. C FDR gave government aid to the large banks, restoring confidence in the banking system D FDR worked with powerful European nations to advance American agricultural trade.


Why did farmers during the Great Depression resort to such extreme measures as dumping fresh milk into the streets? A. The shipping industry had been so devastated by the Great Depression that farmers had no way to get their produce to market. B. Like many other Americans during the Great Depression, dairy farmers fell victim to despair and lost their hope in the future C. Farmers hoped to increase demand and drive up prices for their products by decreasing the available supply. D. The government had instituted milk rationing which resulted in the overproduction of milk by dairy farmers.


Why was the New Deal criticized during the early years of the Great Depression? A Policies of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration were criticized for hampering agricultural production and leading to food shortages. B Policies of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration were criticized for hampering agricultural production and leading to food shortages. C Many felt that Roosevelt's programs were not aggressive enough in helping those truly in need. D Some felt that its programs favored minorities and immigrants, leaving white middle class Americans without aid.


Why were people in Italy and France voting for communist parties in 1947? A They were drawn to the irresistibly charismatic communist leaders. B They were responding to pressure and threats from the Soviet Union. C They felt discontent due to economic problems and food shortages. D They wanted to defy the American anti-communist attitude.


How did the United States react to the 1950 Sino-Soviet treaty? A It congratulated Stalin and Mao on their treaty and offered to join their new alliance B It warned the Soviet Union to stay out of East Asian politics C It openly threatened Stalin with war if he contributed to the spread of communism in Asia. D It refused to recognize the new Chinese regime and focused on Japan as its main ally in Asia.


What was the Berlin airlift? A a state-of-the-art transportation system designed to revive the postwar German economy B a mission to bomb Berlin after the Soviet Union cut off the city from American forces C a top secret method of transporting American spies into and out of the Soviet Union D a military operation to bring supplies to troops and civilians in Soviet-controlled Berlin


What was the role of the Office of Economic Stabilization? A It rationed scarce goods, such as sugar and canned foods B It provided federal incentives to the manufacturing industry. C It provided lucrative contracts for urgently needed goods D It settled disputes between federal agencies.


Which of these slowly pushed popular sentiment in the U.S. to favor entering the war? A the Soviet entry into the war B assaults on Poland C none of these answers are correct D the battle of Britain


Francis Townsend advocated that the federal government pay $200 each month to all Americans over the age of 60.


Hitler started World War II by invading Poland on September 1, 1939.


Hoover believed that unemployment relief should come from private charities


Most African Americans shifted political affiliation from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party in response to FDR appointing African Americans to high-ranking government positions.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) assured European countries that the United States would help defend them.


The disarmament plan that the Truman administration proposed to the United Nations after World War II was called the Baruch Plan.


The fundamental disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Cold War was over who would control postwar Europe.


When American troops entered Germany, they were shocked to discover the destruction committed by Russian troops.


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