History 121 Final Study Guide

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Robert Matthews

"Matthias the Prophet". An American carpenter, businessman, and religious figure who gathered a cult like following and founded a settlement called "The Kingdom" in 1830s New York . He was raised as an anti-Burgher Presbyterian but his religious beliefs varied greatly throughout his life. He was accused of assaulting a woman before he became the prophet and when he was the prophet he became involved in adultery, bankruptcy, and murder (of Elijah Peterson), landing him in prison and eventually a mental institution. He claimed to be God and a reincarnation of the apostle Matthias. Visited Joseph Smith. Significance: relationship between religion and violence, the press, sexuality, and gender. The influence of the second great awakening and the changing religious atmosphere of the 19th century.

Martha Ballard

She was a midwife and healer from the late 18th century and lived in Hallowell, Maine, but also worked in Massachusetts. She kept a daily diary from the age 50 onwards that provided a woman's point of view on political, economic, and household events. Also gave women a place in history - revealed separate economy of women

Putting Out System

A early 17th century production system where merchants gave individuals production materials to take back to the home to finish. After the product was finished, the individual returned it to the merchant who in turn sold it at market. Part of the market revolution and can be considered an early form of industrialization. Also demonstrated the invisibility of women's labor because they worked at home, so women's work seemed nonexistent.

Emancipation Proclamation

After victory of Antietam Lincoln announces on the first of 1863 all slaves in the rebelling states would be free. AIM: injure confederacy, threaten its property, heighten its dread, hurt its morale.

Bread Riots

12 total violent attacks across the South by soldiers' wives. Began in Atlanta- March 16th 1863, was about 15-20 women lead by "a tall woman" who pulled out a pistol and held a store owner at gunpoint. The women rob the store and take whatever they want. The biggest___ was in Richmond, VA about 300 women followed by ~1,000 women. Robbed shoe and clothing stores as well as grocery stores- not just out of necessity but because as a rally cry. This event is significant because it showed that the women of soldiers' fighting in the war were suffering without the support of the men and that they were willing to do whatever to get people to listen to them. Also this event created an immediate response by the government→ Georgia's government stopped producing cotton and focused on the war effort thus giving money back to deceased/injured veterans.

Second Great Awakening

1790s. A fundamental transition in American religious life. Evangelicals spread their religion through preaching to large crowds. Also changed gender roles allowing more women to participate in religious life.

Davis Bend

1863 site of cotton plantations in Mississippi, General Grant decided not to force freed slaves to work for white owners. The land was divided among the slaves and this new system of government was established with the former slaves electing their own judges and sheriffs. Sig: new town system after abolition of slavery

Andrew Johnson

1864 elected Lincoln's Vice President. , but assumed the presidency after Lincoln's assassination. Wanted to make the South suffer. He wanted to a quick reconstruction and wanted to pardon all who would take an oath of allegiance to the Union, and if you were of wealth (you had $20,000 or more)/a leader during the war,you had to apply for a presidential pardon, allowed states back into the Union if they ratified the 13th Amendment and null and voided succession. Johnson's policies were viewed by Republicans in Congress as too lenient, and in turn, Congress passed the 14th Amendment and Military Reconstruction Act of 1867. Significant because this was not an expansive view for African Americans. Allowed white Southerners to be back in power and control, a slap on the wrist instead of harsher punishments.

Separate Spheres

19th century middle class ideal where home life is separate from the workplace and political realm. Women's roles were separate from men's, with women running the household, raising children, and performing domestic tasks, while men earned money and participated in the political and economic world at large.This ideology emerged in the wake of industrialization, where women were often excluded from direct participation in things outside the home. Arguments of biological determinism were used to justify the separation: many said that women and men are inherently, biologically inclined to certain tasks. This was reinforced by cultural and legal restrictions placed on women.

Shoe Boots

A Cherokee man who married a white woman named Clarinda and acquired a slave, named Doll, where they lived in Cherokee territory. Eventually Clarinda left ___ and he took on Doll as his partner. ___joined the American side of the Creek War. He also participated in slave owning & trading, as Cherokee were often encouraged to do.

Dred Scott Case

A Supreme Court case in 1857 between an enslaved man and his mistress that established African-Americans could not be U.S. citizens. ___sued because he had lived in a free territory before moving back to slave territory, and claimed he was still free. After some appeals, Chief Justice Taney of the Supreme Court ruled that Scott was neither a free man nor a citizen, and the Supreme Court could not ban slavery in the territories. proved to be a symbol of the rising tensions between pro and anti-slavery groups, and established a precedent that oppressed blacks for many years to come.

Allegheny Arsenal

A Union manufacturing center in Pennsylvania during the Civil War that was destroyed by an explosion in 1862. Some workers, who were primarily women and children, were injured or killed. The incident occurred on the same day as the Battle of Antietam, another violent, yet more remembered event. The Allegheny Arsenal is significant because it shows that women were involved in the Civil War just as much as men were, and saw themselves in important roles during the war despite being on the homefront.

12 Years a Slave

A biography of a man named Solomon Northup who was a freed black man from New York who was sold into slavery again. Solomon fights the entire time to stay alive while also plotting how to get his freedom restored. This movie shows us the real lives that many slaves had. It was incredibly graphic and truthful to how life was for slaves Pre-Civil war.

Whipping Machine

A contraption that was used by masters to threaten their slaves to work efficiently. Significant because it reinforced how violence was used to enforce power over slaves to have efficient production and it helped return the status quo in the South.

Fourteenth Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States are American citizens

Term Slave

A slave who would work for a period of time, then they would get their freedom.They would often work harder and offer less resistance to get their freedom. It was also a way for some masters to guilt their slave and lessen the amount of runaways. Idea from author Seth Rockman. This is significant because typically slaves would work harder because they knew that they were guaranteed freedom at the end of a term.

The Hunters of Kentucky

A song written in 1821 by Samuel Woodworth about Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. It commemorates the strength and bravery of the men fighting and explores what it means to be Americann. Showed cultural/societal importance and perception of war and war heroes. Jackson's reputation → for the people

Progressive Interpretation

A style of historiography that gained popularity in the early 20th century. It examines conflicts of social class and economics. Carl Becker as well as Charles and Mary Beard are examples of this era of historiography. Significant because it questions the idea of who should rule at home.

Treaty of Holston

A treaty between the US and the Cherokee Indians signed in 1791 on July 1st. This was to ensure peace and friendship between the Cherokee nation and the citizens of the United States. Americans bought land from Natives in order to prevent white settlers from encroachment while still giving respect to Cherokees. Significant because this was a way to civilize Indians by making them agricultural farmers, which would impact the society and the economy. Cultural change.

Second Slavery

Although Congress abolished the Slave Trade in 1808 and more people were antislavery (in the north and some in the south) because of the declining economic value of slaves, the slave trade did not abolish slavery. Slavery continued because of the high slave population that was naturally increasing due to reproduction. Significant because this created the internal slave trade, which replaced the international middle passage and played a major role in capitalist expansion in the market.


Belief in the 1830s that through individual reformation and social reform, society could be made ready for the 2nd great awakening. social boundaries and social power dissolved before the prayer of faith and perfect love of humankind

Penny Press

Newspapers of this were deliberately livelier and even more sensationalistic than the newspapers of the past, which had been almost entirely directed at the upper classes. The New York Sun, the first of the new breed, began publishing in 1833 and was from the beginning self-consciously egalitarian. It soon had the largest circulation in New York. Significant because it was first used in the 1840 campaign, it carried news of the candidates to large audiences.

Chattel Principle

Any slave's identity might be disrupted as easily as a price could be set and a piece of paper passed from one hand to another. The idea proposed in Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market by Walter Johnson. Significant because it basically states that slaves were the property of their owners, not to be treated as human beings. Thus allowing for the horrendous treatment of slaves.Threat of separating families (psychological torture) Enslaved people could have influence over negotiations (learn skills to make selves more marketable or run away/mutilate self to drop value - taught to see selves as property)

William Lloyd Garrison

Ardent wealthy white abolitionist that fought against slavery for moral reasons. His influence brought many people to his standard, as well as to oppose him. He created the Anti-Slavery Society. argued for immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves and founded The Liberator, favored Northern secession from the South


Shoe Boots' slave and later his romantic partner. After SB's death, she is able to get money and land as a war hero's widow as a part of the Jacksonian Indian policies. Wants freedom for wife and children in order to protect land because they were exlcuded as african americans

Fifteenth Amendment

Cannot deny a person's right to vote based on citizen's race,color, or previous condition of servitude


Slave protagonist in the movie 12 years. Revealed the abuse and violence slaves endured, demonstrated how free slaves were still considered slaves in the south, portrayed the resistance slaves practiced.

Sarah Emma Edmonds

During the Civil War, ___ disguised herself as a man (Franklin Flint Thompson) so that she could fight in the 2nd Michigan Infantry. Supposedly served as a spy for the Union, but there are no records to account for this.

Dr. Flint

Harriet Jacob's Master that simultaneously gave her special treat and abuse (physically and mentally). Demonstrated how slave masters were abusive and manipulative towards their female slaves.

Everyday Resistance

Idea proposed in reading by Stephanie Camp. Female slaves show __ by the taking back of their bodies- dressing how they wanted to dress, not how they were forced to be clothed. silent sabotage of the owner/master. 2 main ways of subverting the system/plantation/owner and disrupting the plantation routine. Significant because it shows that running away wasn't the only way that slavepeople were taking back their lives. Shows slaves testing the boundaries, and taking back little freedoms when they could.

Battle of Antietam

In the late 19th century, it was the bloodiest battle of the war with 25,000 casualties. The North succeeded in stopping the Southern forces from moving into Maryland. It was the battle that inspired Abraham Lincoln to put the Emancipation Proclamation in action.

Frederick Douglass

Influential writer. one of the most prominent african american figures in the abolitionist movement. escaped from slavery in maryland. Part of the Anti-Slavery Society. He published his own antislavery newspaper called the north star and wrote an autobiography that was published in 1845. Had a 4th of July speech in late 19th century to reveal that the 4th of july reminds slaves that they are victims. 4th of july is a mockery, filled with deceptions, hypocrisy. Judges get money off of fugitive slave laws. There is incentive. But he does not have despair in America, he still has hope.

Battle of New Orleans

It was a battle led in the early 19th century by Andrew Jackson. He led a rag tag group of men from Kentucky against a trained military. American combatants stopped British forces from seizing New Orleans and the territory the US had gained from the Louisiana Purchase. Final major battle of the War of 1812. Since it was such a decisive victory, it raised nationalism. At this point, the War of 1812 was already over, but word did not reach Jackson in time. It demonstrates slow communication.

Republican Motherhood

It was a concept discussed by Linda K. Kerber that occurred in the late 18th century. It stated that a woman could be educated for the sake of being a better mother or wife, not for her own sake. It was a revolutionary concept because it gave some power and freedom to women. However, they were still limited. They couldn't use informed opinions to influence politics, just motherhood. Looked ahead to new generations to create more change

Lost Cause

Late 19th century set of beliefs by white southerners to reinstate their supremacy. Succession was seen as a justifiable constitutional response to northern cultural and economic agressions against southern lifestyle.

Black Republicans

Lincoln and his (white) allies that were known to want black equality and abolition during the 1860 election. Lincoln's victory would incite slave rebellions in the South.

Articles of Confederation

March 21, 1781. was the first version of a constitution that our nation had. the states remained separate and congress was used as a last resort. Congress could make treaties but could not levy taxes or regulate commerce. This lack of power led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. all states remained separate and had to accept the proceedings of other states.

National Conscription Act of 1863

March 3rd 1863- The U.S. Congress passes first wartime draft of U.S. citizens in America. This draft called for males ages 20-45 by April 1st. Exemptions from the draft could be bought at $300 or by finding someone to substitute your place. Significant because this led to a violent anti-draft riots in New York City. Disrupting the war and lots of violence aimed at African Americans. Also because rich white men could pay to have their place taken by either a poor white man or an African American.

Memphis Riots

May 1st-3rd 1866. An effort to keep down black union soldiers that were "uprising". An attack by white police officers after African American soldiers had deposited their weapons. A massacre of black union soldiers and black people in general. This was a well planned attack against defenseless black union soldiers. 48 African Americans killed. 4 churches, 12 schools, and in total 91 buildings burned down. Significant because it was the silencing of the African American voice and freedom that they fought so hard to win in the Civil War. Trying to prevent African Americans from realizing that they have the same rights as these white people.


a historic coffee shop in New Orleans that was formerly a space for slave exchange and was where Andrew Jackson planned the Battle of New Orleans. This is significant because it shows that the meaning of spaces throughout history is different for different groups of people.

Kingdom of Matthias

Novel by Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz. Religious settlement created by Robert Matthews or Matthias. Settlement engaged in "deviant" sexual behavior and adultery and had strict food regulations. Included Benjamin Folger, Elijah Peterson, Isabella (Sojourner Truth). Got tied up in legal issues of adultery, bankruptcy, and murder. Brought up issues of the influence and bias of the press, interactions between gender and religion (violence against women and oppression as well as ways they gain specific forms of agency), fanaticism, the second great awakening and the ways religion spreads.

Thirteenth Amendment

Officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery


Representatives from Southern states who were tasked with persuading other southern states to secede with them. Their role was explored more in Charles Dew's Apostles of Disunion, where Dew argues that secession commissioners played pivotal roles leading up to the creation of the Confederacy. Through their use of racially fueled language and negative commentary on the North, secession commissioners furthered racial tensions in the south and incited anti-North sentiments.


a neighborhood in Manhattan that was affluent in the early 1800's and declined by the Civil War. Significant because this is the location that was centered around change such as the emerging class system: large elite class and poors were more omnipresent during Market Revolution. No longer about mercantilization but about reorganization. There was gradual decline of craftsmanship.

Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

Passed by the Republicans dividing the south into 5 military districts. Each state also had to ratify the 13th and 14th amendments. It required that leaders pledge loyalty to the union. Significant because it led to the eventual compromise of 1877.

Indian Removal

Policy of Andrew Jackson, systematically moving Native Americans from their traditional lands to smaller reservations to make room for white Americans to expand westward. Happened from 1820s-throughout the rest of the century. Part of America's systematic belittling of Native Americans. Significant because it demonstrates that Indians did not just vanish out of the blue, Americans forced them out.


Production of ___ increased from 1790s-1850s. Majority of the slave trade was driven by the production of ___. The success of the ___ industry leads to the increase in salve usage. The quick success of ___ leads to the normality of slavery in the South.

Outlaw Dances

Slaves organized __ at night where women would dress up in clothing they either made from the cotton they picked or they would steal from their owners. The next day, they would be tired and could not work to the best of their ability. This is an example of everyday resistance. By being tired and not working as hard the next day, they are taking away profit from their masters. Also, by dressing up how they want to, female slaves "took back" their bodies and their identities.

Nat Turner's Revolt

Started by ___, a religious mystic who thought that God had chosen him to lead a slave revolt. The riot was pushed back from July 4th to August 22nd because he was sick. His group marched from farm to farm killing everyone in sight. Although it was primarily women and children who were killed (around 60 deaths). This event is significant because it created a fear in slaveholder families' that their slaves might revolt against their ownership- "There might be a___ in every family". The response to the revolt was laws put in place to police the slaves and restrict their mobility. Increased panic and increased fear.

Border States

States bordering the North: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri. They were slave states, but did not secede under martial law. - Lincoln's purpose: save the union...NOT ANTI SLAVERY

Trail of Tears

The 1829 Gold Rush- when gold and cotton was found on Cherokee land so there was an increased desire for indian removal. There was a small minority of Cherokees that were okay with removal. The indians get moved from North Carolina and Georgia to Oklahoma with 5 million dollars. Lasted 116 days, resulted in many indian deaths due to cold weather, diseases and lack of food. Significant because it demonstrates that Indians did not just vanish out of the blue, Americans forced them out. Purposeful eradication of cultures and people- cultural imperialism.

Presidential Reconstruction

The ___ plans of Lincoln and Johnson who believed it was the executive's power to rebuild the South and have reconciliation. It was the first "round" of the ___, from 1863 to the spring of 1866. Significant because it reveals that reconstruction had many phases and parts, it was not cohesive.

Geography of Containment

The control of slave movement in both space and time. African American women in greater numbers and with greater consistency were confined to southern plantations; as a group they enjoyed much less mobility than did the African American men. This concept was explored in Stephanie Camp's article on enslaved women and everyday resistance. Significant because it illustrated the extra unjust treatment African American women endured compared to men.

Congressional or Radical Reconstruction

The controversy between Johnson and congress because Johnson did not believe in black equality unlike the radical republicans that controlled congress. Significant because it encouraged the reversal of reconstruction/returning to the status quo because of the bipolar opinions of the radical republican views against Johnson's. The control the radical republicans had in congress angered johnson because they diminished his power by passing things like the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments.


The servant of Elijah Peterson, eventually became known as Sojourner Truth. Was a member of the Kingdom of Matthias, and stayed loyal to Matthias till the end and even helped his wife in court. She was accused of the murder of Elijah along with Matthias. Benjamin Folger spread rumors that she has tried to poison him at Mt. Zion fearing that she would be a useful witness against him. She countered with a slander suit against him which she wins. Her story shows an intersection between race, gender, and religion and how women could often gain some form of agency within religion, especially during this second great awakening and in these marginal cult-like settlements.

Compromise of 1877

The election between the Republican candidate, Hayes, and the Democratic candidate, Tilden was highly disputed. Hayes won the electoral vote and Tilden won the popular vote. To compromise, Hayes was made President but in return, the soldiers were taken out of the South, thus ending reconstruction.

First Confiscation Act

The first of these acts, approved on August 6, 1861, granted freedom for all slaves who had served in the Confederate military. It also allowed for Union seizure of all rebel property. This act was only enforced in areas where the Union Army had a presence. Lincoln resisted this act because he feared the effect it would have on the political climate.

Harriet Jacobs

Wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl as a first person narrative. Gave accounts on what it was like to be a slave woman. Women slaves appeared to have dealt with more hardship as a slave compared to man due to the additional emotional abuse they encountered. On top of arduous slave labor, slave women were victims of getting their families separated, licentious masters and jealous mistresses.


The radical approach to abolitionism. Black abolitionists, like Garrison, had for years demanded an immediate end to slavery. Antislavery supporters were radicalized not only as a result of the increasing vehemence of their pro-slavery opponents, but also because colonization was discredited as a viable option.

Andrew Jackson

The seventh president of the United States from 1829-1837. Before his presidency, he was a general and became a war hero after a victory at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. During his campaign, he appealed to the "common man", who had just gained the vote. He signed the Indian Removal Act, inciting the Trail of Tears. He is significant because of his decision to remove Native Americans from their homelands, which made a clear stance on Native American and government relations, and because of his appeal to the common man, which would prove an effective tactic for many political leaders even today.


The town in Maine that Martha Ballard lived in. It was mainly a seaport on the Kennebunk river. It shows how difficult trading practices were because the river would open and close due to ice. Therefore, it was not something traders could rely on. It led the way for future trading practices like the Erie Canal.

Second Confiscation Act

This act was more direct, declaring freedom for the slaves of civilian and military Confederate officials. Although a vital step toward complete emancipation, this act also was only enforced in areas with a Union military presence.

Market Revolution

This is a term used to describe 19th century America and the expansion of the "marketplace". This happened because of the expansion of roads and creation of canal systems. Influenced by a need for greater national mobility after the war of 1812, since this was shown to be a problem during the war. It brought greater opportunities to farmers, entrepreneurs, and craftsmen. It also led to changes in gender roles, labor laws, and general living conditions. . It also signaled a shift from local marketplaces to a more universal, national "marketplace".

New York City Draft Riots

Took place July 13th-16th 1863. down colored asylum, draft office, and lots of lynchings took place. Disputed the war with violence aimed at African Americans. Predominately Irish immigrants fighting against African Americans.

Seneca Falls Convention

Took place in upperstate New York in 1848. Women of all ages and even some men went to discuss the rights and conditions of women. There, they wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote.

Grimké sisters

Two prominent female advocates for abolition. They traveled across the country during the early 19th century lecturing publicly on the evils of slavery. They were heavily criticized as white women for being so outspoken. They also became women's rights activists. They are significant because it shows that those who were fighting for rights were also fighting for the rights of other disenfranchised groups, as their work for abolition often overlapped with a rising women's rights movement.

First South Carolina Volunteers

Union army regiment. One of the first black regiments in the union army.

Pushing System

Was a way of extracting more labor out of one person, increased efficiency. If a slave picked 100 lbs of cotton one day, the next he would have to pick more than that or else he would be punished. The amount of cotton which a slave had to pick would increase each day ultimately creating the most profit for the slave owners while working their slaves to the bone. Significant because this created a system of violence that justified the slave owners. The slaves were constantly being watched, constantly picking cotton- couldn't stop to take a break for the fear of not picking more cotton than the day before.

Contraband Camps

Where fugitive runaway slaves worked

Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World

Written by David Walker in early 19th century. Was a radical anti-slavery document calling for slaves to revolt against their masters. The goal of Appeal was to instill pride in its black readers and give hope that change would come someday. It spoke out against colonization. This pamphlet was so moving that many owners destroyed it or wouldn't allow their slaves to read it for the fear of retaliation.

Erie Canal

a state sponsored project designed to connect the East to the West. Was very successful, but only to a certain extent because it freezes for about 5 months a year and railroads eventually surpass ____ as a form of transportation. Used by tourists, businessmen, people moving west. It spread religion (second great awakening) as well as goods, and it was the last leg of the underground railroad. Finished in 1817 ____ was a means of connecting the markets on either end and helped fuel the transition to a connected market revolution. Helped spread ideas as well as goods and helped transform the culture of the region.

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

allowed local governments to seize and return escaped slaves to their owners and imposed penalties on anyone who aided in their fight. among the most controversial laws of the early 19th century, and many Northern states passed special legislation in an attempt to circumvent them. Significant because this really penalized slaves who ran away and also those who helped slaves escape to the North. Made it very dangerous for slaves to escape.


capacity of actions to shape their own destiny, own future.


exploited by her master and mistress. was victim of her master's lust because of her faithfulness and superb work as a slave. suffered hatred and physical abuse by her mistress due to her mistress's jealousy because she was receiving extra and inappropriate attention from her master. Women slaves appeared to have dealt with more hardship as a slave compared to man due to the additional emotional abuse they encountered. On top of arduous slave labor, slave women were victims of getting their families separated, licentious masters and jealous mistresses.


formal separation from an alliance or federation. new concept of "Southern Nationalism. Did not agree with the north/union.

Charles Finney

founder of Finneyism, an evangelical movement that championed personal authority; mostly founded with the northern entrepreneurial class who had "rejected sin;" believed in spiritual egalitarianism - opposed social hierarchies based on race and rejected the traditional sexual order that fixated on male power; new democratic evangelical prophets = response to diversion from traditional values of Finneyism (prophets wanted to revert back to stricter social hierarchies)

Elijah Peterson

grew up in strictly Puritan society in New Jersey; moved to become entrepreneur in NYC → turned to religion to deal with new culture and became involved with missionary work for the poor (moral education); joined wife's (Sarah) new evangelicalist church → completely devoted to new movement; when wife died → was driven mad by loss and attempted to raise wife from the dead during the funeral. Realized how dependant he had become on her and resorted to traditionalist ways so he wouldn't have to depend on anyone but himself (as patriarch). Eventually became involved in Kingdom of Matthias where he was poisoned and killed.


owners' properties for limited periods of time, returning, and then running off again. A form of everyday resistance. Typically performed by women.


poorly built, overcrowded small apartment housing where poor factory workers lived. Significant because it demonstrated the bad treatment and underpay the workers endured in sweatshops. It also illustrated the poverty and debts that the War of 1812 brought.

Lowell Factories

prime example of the new production methods that emerged from the market revolution. The factories boasted mechanized machines that increased productivity. The factories also employed wage-laboring girls who were able to work for a high wage than they would normally back home; they were housed in boarding houses and were kept to a strict moral code. This was the first system to use vertical integration, where all aspects of production were under their control. Changed perceptions of working women and allowed for women to work outside the home.

Soldiers' Wives

ran their farms and businesses raised children and kept household together. Helped supply troops by sewing clothing and blankets, saved rags and lead weights for bandages and bullets, organized relief for widows and orphaned of soldiers. Like their husbands, they made a sacrifices, just in a different way. Now seen as political constituents.


the writing of history. The writing of history can take many approaches and evolves over time. Historiography is significant because it is essential to approaching secondary sources and helps to understand how we come to understand historical information. Ex: 1780 - 1820 Revolutionary or Loyalist Interpretation

Shays Rebellion

was a rebellion in the late 18th century that started in central and western Massachusetts. It was mainly led by poor farmers who were angry about debt and taxes. It proved how weak the Articles of Confederation was because since there was not a strong federal government, they could not form a military to stop this rebellion.


was an attempt to satisfy both people who wanted to free African slaves and the slave owners who wanted to expel Africans from America. The American ___ was established in 1817 by influential Americans who were worried about the impact of slavery and race on society.

Black Codes

ways to recreate slavery without calling it slavery. Limited voting rights and movements of African Americans. Significant because it gave the power back to white Americans, taking away the freedom that African Americans just won in the Civil War.

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