history 1302 final

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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created by the:

Civil Rights Act of 1964

President Johnson labeled his overall program of domestic reform the:

Great Society

As a result of the Truman Doctrine:

Greece and Turkey were less vulnerable to communism

Essential to breaking the Watergate case was the testimony before the Ervin committee of White House legal counsel:

John Dean

In South Vietnam in the early 1960s:

Kennedy was increasing the number of American military advisers

The African American writer who explored the theme of social alienation in Invisible Man was:

Ralph Ellison

The 1991 Persian Gulf War resulted in:

Saddam Hussein remaining in power

The 1948 election is probably best remembered for:

Truman's upset victory

Opposing Iraq in the Gulf War was:

a coalition of over thirty nations

The crucial development in the Soviet Union in August 1991 was:

a failed Communist coup

The Nixon Doctrine implied a foreign policy that was shaped more by:

a need to be selective in its commitments abroad

Economists coined the term stagflation in the early 1970s to describe:

a simultaneously stagnant economy with inflationary prices

Bush's major legislative victory in 2001 came with Congress's passage of:

a tax cut

The legislation passed by Congress at Johnson's urging in 1965 included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Medicare b. funds for urban renewal and public housing c. anti-poverty aid to Appalachia d. government guarantee of full employment e. massive federal aid to education D

Jimmy Carter's victory in the 1976 election was aided by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. his electoral strength in the South b. his non-Washington background in the aftermath of Watergate c. a huge voter turnout d. his promise to be an honest president e. Ford's less-than-impressive presidential record C

The Korean War did all of the following EXCEPT:

a. last into Eisenhower's presidency b. result in more than 2 million total casualties c. bring about major changes in boundaries d. increase fears of domestic Communist subversion e. leave one part of Korea still Communist C

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, did all of the following EXCEPT:

a. paralyze the United States in fear and disunity b. kill about 3,000 people c. include the Pentagon as a target d. destroy the twin towers of the World Trade Center e. turn the lower end of Manhattan into a hellish scene A

Early in Reagan's presidency, all of the following were increasing EXCEPT:

a. poverty levels b. defense spending c. budget deficits d. cuts in social programs e. tax revenues E

Early in his presidency, Kennedy accomplished all of the following EXCEPT:

a. support for space exploration b. the creation of the Peace Corps c. the Alliance for Progress d. the passage of a large tax cut e. the Housing Act D

All of the following were established by the National Security Act of 1947 EXCEPT:

a. the Central Intelligence Agency b. the Department of Defense c. the National Security Council d. the Department of Homeland Security e. the Joint Chiefs of Staff D

All of the following were arguments in favor of health-care reform EXCEPT:

a. the need to contain soaring medical costs b. the huge number of people without health insurance c. the costs to businesses of insuring their employees d. the idea that health alliances would benefit everyone e. the support of drug companies and the insurance industry for reform E

All of the following are true of the Kennedy assassination EXCEPT:

a. the primary suspect was Lee Harvey Oswald b. Jack Ruby shot and killed the suspected assassin c. the Warren Commission concluded there may have been multiple gunmen d. it occurred in Dallas on November 22, 1963 e. so many of the related events were watched on television C

During the 1948 presidential campaign, Truman endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

abolishing Social Security

The conservative mood of the mid-1990s especially manifested itself in a number of court rulings that limited:

affirmative action

The Republican Contract with America:

aimed to reduce big government and limit the welfare state

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947:

allowed the president to impose a "cooling-off" period during major strikes

Ronald Reagan viewed the Soviet Union as:

an evil empire

One of Johnson's major goals in Vietnam was to:

avoid losing it to communism

The Christian Coalition:

became a major political force in the 1990s

With the end of World War II, Korea:

became divided into northern and southern halves

The Cuban missile crisis:

brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war

Nixon's southern strategy involved winning southern support by:

capitalizing on their skepticism of federal social welfare programs

The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in the early 1960s:

challenged established authority in favor of "participatory democracy"

The postwar economic boom was fueled mainly by:

cold war-related military spending

Bush's goal as president seemed to be to:

consolidate Reagan's policies and achievements

As he campaigned for president in 1980, Reagan promised to restore prosperity by:

cutting taxes

In his "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," Martin Luther King:

declared his willingness to break unjust laws

The Tet offensive of early 1968:

dramatically affected public support for Johnson's war policy

By the mid-1960s, Martin Luther King had decided to:

emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor

Most Americans personally encountered the war on terror at home by:

enduring more extensive airport security and screening

On the domestic front, President Truman soon made clear his intention to:

enlarge the New Deal

The energy crisis of the early 1970s increased support for:


Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique:

explained the unhappiness of so many middle-class women

All of the following are true of Cesar Chavez EXCEPT that he:

failed to secure collective bargaining rights for farm workers

Truman fired MacArthur:

for insubordination

In retrospect, Johnson's war on poverty:

generated middle-class resentment that benefited the Republicans

The dramatic growth in American exports in the last years of the twentieth century was mainly indicative of:


Nixon's policy of "Vietnamization" involved:

gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam

The burglars arrested at the Watergate apartment complex:

had connections to the CIA and the Nixon campaign

During the 1950s, novelist John Updike observed:

he and other writers felt estranged "from a government that extolled business and mediocrity"

A major economic problem President Truman faced immediately after the war was:

high rates of inflation

The person most persuasive in getting President Kennedy to endorse civil rights would have been:

his brother Robert

The collapse of stock prices that occurred on "Black Monday" (October 19, 1987):

in percentage terms, was the worst in American history

In retrospect, the Cold War was probably:


In regard to Vietnam policy, Nixon:

insisted that he would pursue "peace with honor"

In late 1987, the United States and the Soviets signed a treaty to eliminate:

intermediate-range nuclear missiles

The Panamanian government of Manuel Noriega was at odds with the Bush administration because of its:

involvement in the drug trade

A sad legacy of Watergate was:

lasting damage to the image of the presidency

Truman's response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was to:

launch a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin

The welfare-reform measure passed by Congress in 1996:

limited the amount of time one could receive welfare payments

Dwight Eisenhower considered himself a:

moderate Republican

Revelations of the Iran-Contra affair indicated that Reagan had violated his pledge to never:

negotiate with terrorists

Suburban growth was spurred by all of the following EXCEPT:

new construction of mass public transportation

Gerald Ford suffered terrible political damage when he:

pardoned Nixon

In the Truman years, the United States abandoned a longtime tradition with its involvement in:

peacetime alliances

A huge demographic factor behind Reagan's electoral success was:

population growth in the South and the West

The Bush Doctrine emphasized:

preemptive military action against terrorists and terrorist regimes

The major purpose of the passage of NAFTA was to:

promote freer trade with Canada and Mexico

One major reason that World War II inspired postwar changes in race relations was the:

racist nature of the enemies of the United States

In 2014, President Obama announced that the United States and Cuba were going to:

restore normal diplomatic relations

By the end of his presidency, Reagan had:

restored American confidence

The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago:

resulted in massive rioting in the streets

When Islamic fanatics bombed and killed 241 U.S. Marines in Lebanon in 1983, Reagan:

soon pulled out the remaining marines

A very important reason for passage of the GI Bill was to:

spend surplus funds in the federal budget

During the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. Bush:

stated his opposition to "nation building" overseas

In the Brown decision, the Supreme Court:

struck down "separate but equal" in public education

During the 1980s, unions:

suffered steady declines in membership

The "silent majority":

supported politicians like Richard Nixon

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in:

the U.S. Army

The fundamental source of instability in the Balkans in the 1990s was:

the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991

One major reason for religion's growing appeal in the 1950s was:

the desire to combat "godless" communism

What was the major factor in the Republican takeover after the 1994 midterm election?

the health-care bill disaster

Elvis was especially controversial because of his:

the law

The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was:

the sit-in

The postwar era witnessed its most dramatic population growth in:

the sunbelt

The DREAM Act of 2012 centered on what issue?

undocumented immigrants

By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing:


The Tonkin Gulf resolution:

was used by Johnson as a substitute for a declaration of war

The youths of the counterculture:

were the direct descendants of the Beats of the 1950s

By and large, Truman's Fair Deal proposals:

were thwarted by a conservative coalition in Congress

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