History 14

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What did Preston brooks do?

He assaulted Charles Summer on the capital floor

What was the James Buchanan position on slavery

He believed it was wrong but the federal government had no right to interfere with it

How did Zachary Taylor dismay both southern democrats and Whigs

He believed that states and territories should be able to decided for themselves whether to have slavery or not but questioned whether slavery would be viable in the southwest

Besides his assault on harpers ferry in 1859, what else had John brown done to gain notoriety?

He killed 5 settlers in Kansas

Why did ab Lincoln win presidential election in 1860?

He took adv. of the spilt of the Democratic Party and took the plurality of the votes.

Which prevision of compromise of 1850 antagonized the north the most?

Fugitive slave act

In the 1860 presidential election the republic party adopted an economic program that included which of the following

All of these

What did ab declare in course of campaign against Steve Douglas in 1858

All of these

What was the event that became know bleeding kanas

All of these

Which of the following is the prevision of the fugitive slave act?

Alleged fugitive Slaves had no right to a jury trail

What was the main issue that unified the otherwise diverse element of the new Republican Party in the 1850s

Bleeding kanas

The Ostend called for the


The principal of popular sovereignty meant that..

Each territory would decided for it self weather to allow slavery or not

Where was the first shots of the civil war fired

Fort Sumter sc

Which of the following was not a position on slavery held by free soil supporters

Free soilers believed that American slavery had natural geo. Limits beyond which it wouldn't spread

What did the no nothing party argue

Immigration should be strictly limited

Which of the following division was not part of Henry clays bill

It called for abolition of slavery in states west of Mississippi

What was the significance of Harriet Beecher stowes uncle toms cabin

It provoked a more aggressive anisouthern and antislavery position in those who were uncertain on the slavery issue

Which of the following is not true about the Kansas Nebraska act?

It rendered the terms of the compromise of 1850 void

What happened to the american political system during the 1850s

It underwent a relatively stable with two major parties

What was the Gadsden purchase

It was a small strip of land in southern AZ and New Mexico purchased from Mexico for the rail road line.

Who won the 1856 presidential election

James Buchanan

Which of the candidates ran as democrats in 1860 election

John breAkenridge Stephen Douglass

Which territory had two competing governments in the 1850s


Which provision was included in the lecompton constitution.

None of these

What did the lecompton constitution do

Protected property rights of kanas slaveholders

What did the Supreme Court rule in dread Scott vs Sandford?

Slaves weren't citizens so they couldn't sue in federal court

Which of the following statements concerning john brown raid at harpers ferry is true

Southern fire eaters were incensed

What happened because of the 1858 Illinois sentitoral election

Stephen Douglas lost support in southern states

What was the reaction of many northerns of the 1850 slave act

Support abolition

Which statement concerning the presidential election of 1852 is true

The Whig party lost much support in the south and began to break up

What was the final blow to the Whig party?

The kanas Nebraska act

Which of the following is not a reason why the know nothing party declined rapidly?

The party's radical policy of open membership and public meetings

Which statement is an element of the compromise proposed by john crittened

There should be a constitutional amendment to prohibit federal interference with southern slavery

Which statement best describes the Republican Party position in the election of 1850

There should he not further extension of slavery

After the 1860 presidential election, why did republicans reject any further compromise on the slavery issue.

They believed that moderate southerns would soon regain control and that compromise on basic principal was tantamount to surrender

In the 1850s what did the senators who filibuster do?

They organized unofficial military expeditions to Central America

Which of the following is one of the reasons that the Whig party began to disingrate and decline in the 1850s?

They suffered and internal, north-south spilt over the slavery issue

Why did many northern states pass personal liberty laws

They wanted to minimize the enforcement of the fugitive slave laws

Who were the conscience Whigs

They were the northern, antislavery Whig of the Whig party, led by William Seward

What was the conner stone of the southern defense of slavery

Up to states to deal with slavery because there was nothing in the constitution to forbid it

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