History 140 Final Exam Part One

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Jacques Foccart

(1958) French statesman; De Gualle's right hand man; in charge of French relations in Africa; responsible for various coup d'etat in Africa during 1960's What: French statesman, climbs the ladder - Becomes De Gaulle's right hand man for African affairs - "Kingmaker" in Africa - Runs secret military bodies - Network of correspondents ("honorable correspondents") Where: Africa, specifically countries with French ties When: 1958-90s Significance: incredible influence on power in Africa - French word for backyard thing, pays du champ means privilege field of action and Pre-carre means backyard - Africa was their backyard to deal with, part of the story of Neo-colonialism - Friend of DeGualle, right hand man, Not racist but loves power- worked with African powers - Servie dactive civique , Was good at Secret police, spy organization assassination of Africa politicians - Le reseat, Network of- corporate leaders, African and French politicians , He Organized deals and communication in Africa - Honorable correspondents Called, those who worked for him - Cellule Africaine- special group who worked for French power in Africa is maintained - Used money from the African leaders for France electoral campaign Francafrique (Foccart creates this term) - Privileged field of action (playing field) + work in backyard - Françafrique = sphere of influence


(51,53,92,157,158) result of 'pactomania' à large powers to bring in smaller countries, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the final step in consolidating powers committing the United States to the defense of western Europe.

Marshall Plan

(91, 92, 197) 1947, the Truman administration embraced a more ambitious effort to replace destroyed industry and restart production. In theory the Marshall Plan had allowed for aid to the USSR and the Soviet-aligned states of eastern Europe, but Washington's task was greatly simplified when Stalin pulled his delegation out of preliminary consultations in mid-1947 and took his clients with him. Washington proceeded to work out a recovery program with the western European states. Provided an opportunity to promote American economic and political values in an Old World that had seemingly lost its way Helped pave the way for transAtlantic economic cooperation as well as the formation of the NATO. Marshall Plan led to world-policing policies and ideologies of the Cold War; Commitment by the US to take a stand against the perceived global threat posed by communism to free peoples everywhere.

Mahatma Gandhi

(pg 132-135) Leading figure of Indian Independence movement. Popularized non-violent protest Envisioned harmonious India as antithesis to the West. Gandhi would be murdered by Hindu nationalists in India; "satyagraha"--> non violence resistance, criticized for being so "too nativist" --> had India glorify their poverty.

Huk Rebellion

(pg 140-142) 1950s, rebellion in the Philippines à establish more fair (communist), Philippines were being ran by aristocrat families and the US turned a blind eye to the dictatorships created.


(pg 153-154, 160) aka. Khrushchev's Thaw, government reforms were enacted by Khrushchev and focused on revealing and scaling back the repressive influence of Stalin on the USSR. Steps: (1) liberalization à takes down plaques statues and signs of Stalin, allowed for freedom in art (2) modernization à tries to modernize terms, industrial reform, not giving up on communism but tries to give regions their own infrastructure, holds tight to collectivization of agriculture (3) consumerism à American rock and roll in the USSR

Imre Nagy

(pg 159-160) a main leader in the Hungarian revolution in the 1950s. He withdrew from the Warsaw pact, lifts censorship and increases nationalism. His demands included the Soviet Union to elae, a multiparty democracy, no Warsaw pact à results in the Soviet Union bringing tanks into Hungary.

Charles De Gaulle

(pg 181, 182, 196, 289-290, 308, 362) Military officer during WWI Led Free French Forces during WWII Head of French interim government for 2 years after liberation Brought back to power during outbreak of Algerian War As president, slowly granted independence to French colonies and advocated "national independence" from Cold War powers.

Suez Canal Crisis

(pg 284, 286-287) Occurred in 1956 when France, Great Britian and Israel respond to Nasser of Egypt nationalizing the canal. The countries Israel invaded and the other two countries said Egypt needed assistance. They backed out after Eisenhower threatened with sanctions. Nasser comes out looking like a leader and spreads his idea of Pan-Arabism.

Atlantic Charter

(pg 31, 39, 117, 288, 291) Proclamation by Churchill and Roosevelt that the postwar world (1941) was to be governed by the principles of self-determination and support for democracy, collective security through what was to become the United Nations, and the freedom to trade and travel the high seas

Yalta Conference

(pg 36, 40, 47-48) 1945, Yalta is a Crimean Resort on the Black Sea, Stalin hosted Roosevelt and Churchill (British Prime Minister). While Stalin reassured Roosevelt with the promise that Soviet forces would intervene in the war against Japan soon after the defeat of Germany, the leaders otherwise sparred over the postwar settlement in Europe. The most divisive issue was the political future of Poland

Truman Doctrine

(pg 37) March 1947 primary goal of the US is anti-communism and containment, regardless of allies includes military/economic aid to anti-communists, Marshall Plan led to world-policing policies and ideologies of the Cold War; Commitment by the US. to take a stand against the perceived global threat posed by communism to free peoples everywhere.


(pg 52, 261-262, 318) in 1949 Stalin created the "Council for Mutual Economic Assistance" in order to make sure his satellite states followed the direction of the Soviet Union. Tito (Yugoslavia) broke against Stalin's rule and was dismissed from COMECON in 1948 because Stalin did not have the power to risk an invasion that could start another war.

Berlin Airlift

(pg 53, 93, 158, 165) In 1949 Post-War Germany split into spheres of influence 1948 West Berlin blockaded by USSR, US gives food supplies brought by airlift, Indicative of progression of Cold War

Korean War

(pg 59-60, 141, 161-162) Where- Korea and China When-1950 North lead by Kim Il Sung along with soviet troops and the South lead by Syngman Rhee along with ally troops, North Korea was generally more productive, North attacks South à green lighted by Stalin, then the South attacks the North with UN troops because Germany/China wasn't in the UN because of anger, so UN troops were 90% American. The war ends in a stalemate, never had a peace treaty, boundary changed from the 38th parallel to Armistice Line in July 1953. This war caused a massive uptake of US spending.


1945, May 18th --> Algerians break out outlawed Algeria flag à France bombed Sétif; Civilians, Muslims. Nationalists; VE day (celebration of end of WWII). African citizens had Algerian flags (which were illegal) and were attacked by French soldiers and ransacked and attacked the European quarters. French overreacted and bombed the entire town. Tens-of-thousands were killed.

Great Leap Forward

1958, theory of productive forces, how to transform a peasant society into an industrial power, the theory is Marxist in thought that modernization is necessary for communism. Depopulation of the countryside by collective agriculture, freed people up to go work in the industrial world,China wasn't ready for forced industrialization, example- they took away forks and plates from people to smelt them down to count as steel production, ~40 million people died of starvation. Led to Mao's retreat

Yasser Arafat

1960s-2004, Israel, face of Palestinian resistance, Palestinian Liberation Organization- version of FLN, Shakes off colonial rule, Gets on the outs of Arab states, Turns to terrorism

White Revolution

1963, Iran, political modernization, started by the Shah as a movement towards western consumerism and modernization, Not supported by many Shiites, Women voting rights, Education campaign

Helsinki Accords

1975, mutual recognition of NATO and Warsaw as defense, a call for increase in trade, nonintervention in domestic affairs, focus on human rights (got the Western European communist countries to sign), Conference on security and cooperation in Europe

Oslo Accords

1993, Israel/Palestine two state agreement, Representatives from the PLO and Israel's Labor government headed by Yitzhak Rabin (the commander of Israeli forces during the six-day war) finally met in secret. In what became known as the Oslo Accords, they agreed to formally recognize the existence of the other and attempt to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the status of the West Bank, Gaza and occupied East Jerusalem. Thanks to these contacts, Arafat was able to return home in July 1994 and organize a de facto government known as the Palestinian Authority. His initial area of control was limited to Gaza and the city of Jericho on the West Bank. He did not get Jewish settlements stopped, not did he secure any clear timetable for the creation of Palestinian state. The administrative and military initiative was still in the hands of the Israelis.

Bandung Conference

A conference held in 1955 in Indonesia, where they gathered to discuss how to stay out of US and Soviet spheres. Upset that "superpowers" were invading Asian countries and they came up with non-alignment. Thought to play the countries against each other. Happened with the Aswan High Dam.

Tiananmen Square

April-June 1979, as a result we see economic change and change in the USSR, right at the same time Poland is about to have its first free election

David Ben-Gurion

Arab-Jewish relations in Palestine, already under severe strain, collapsed after WWII. The accumulated costs of war undercut Britain's capacity to control the situation. Anticipating British retreat and eager to receive these desperate refugees, armed Zionist groups began in 1944 to assert territorial claims. Jewish political leaders such as David, the leading figure in the independence struggle, were determined to make Palestinian Arabs accept Zionist predominance. If they refused, then the Jews had to persuade them by force. The logic of military force was central in Zionist homeland strategy. With tensions mounting and the British on their way out, the newly established UN tried in 1947 to devise a compromise solution. The proposal was to split Palestine into a Arab and Jewish state, with Jerusalem designated an international city. Arabs start attacking Zionist settlements and in 1948 Jewish leaders formally proclaimed the founding of the state of Israel, a league of Arab states under attack. 1956, David's government plotted with Britain and France to attack Nasser's Egypt. In 1967, Israel passed through its next major test of arms, known as the six-day war. In six days of fighting, it scored a stunning victory, taking the Sinai and the Gaza strip from Egypt, the west bank from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.

One Hundred Flowers Campaign

Mao's version of "openness," let 100s flowers bloom and 100 schools thought contend, revisionism, bring every positive factor into play, correctly handle contradictions among the people, lasts only one year.


Brandt policy, reaches out to Moscow and East Germany, Response to this the Moscow Treaty --> officially makes West Germany, East Germany and Poland separate countries and define borders (accepts post war borders), The prospects for internal economic and social changes in socialist societies were dim as long as dear and repression prevailed. Brandt sought to promote conditions that would lower political and military tensions and thus set in motion significant change in the eastern bloc.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Castro is in power in Cuba, is wavering on what alignment to have, Castro aligned with the communists after the bay of pigs where US supports national efforts to overthrow Castro, Us sees there are missiles in Cuba, so the USSR could easily destroy NY or DC, MAD- mutually assured destruction, Helps come to an agreement- USSR to remove missiles in Cuba and US to remove missiles from Turkey


Hundred Flowers Campaign 1956, Revision is going to be the word of the Sino-Soviet split, Revisionism is going to be the word of the cultural revolution, Mao believes China is the only true communist country, 1961 as Mao is planning his retreat, the, Revision Traitor of Soviet leadership, an ideological war between the communist parties


French people who were born or lived in North Africa before the end of French rule. Strongly supported French Colonial Rule during Algerian War; target of torture, rape by FLN. Led OAS against De Gaulle and his plans for reconciliation. Went on mass exodus to mainland France when Algeria gained independence in 1962. Alienated by Algerians and French alike.

Front de Libération Nationale (FLN)

Front → did not want to be Marxist, Liberal, ect., everyone is nationalists. Idea of youth to throw off colonialism and joining the two ethnic groups. On October 31st makes independence proclamation and set off 30 attacks --> everyone noticed. First years were a disaster for the FLN, of the 9 main guys 3 of them were captured and killed by French communists.

Jawaharlal Nehru

India, in the 1920s he was reading Marxist papers believes liberal ideas of citizenship but like the scientific ideas of Marx. "the last English man to rule India" 1946-1964. Nonligned Marxist that wanted nothing to do with USSR.

Mohammad Mossadegh

Iran, opposed the Shah, anti-imperialism, leftist/a little Marxist, nationalist, Strong campaign to kick out Anglo Iranian oil companies and have national oil collection, The moral aspect of this is more important than the economy, Never colonized didn't like Great Britain control and influence in Iran

Mao Tse Tung

Led the communist party in China, becomes the leader of "big China,"


Muslim soldiers that fought for France à targeted by FLN

Peaceful Coexistence

defines the Cold War, no longer use language that wants the other destroyed, but will start to compete with each other economically (the Arms and Space Race)

Biafran War

Nigerian Civil War: 1967 - 1970 (blocked resources from people) was a war fought to counter the secession of Biafra from Nigeria. Biafra represented nationalist aspirations of the Igbo people, whose leadership felt they could no longer coexist with the Northern-dominated federal government. The conflict resulted from political, economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions, which preceded Britain's formal decolonization of Nigeria from 1960 to 1963. Immediate causes of the war in 1966 included a military coup, a counter-coup, and persecution of Igbo living in Northern Nigeria. Control over oil production in the Niger Delta played a vital strategic role. Within a year, the Federal Military Government surrounded Biafra, capturing coastal oil facilities and the city of Port Harcourt. The blockade imposed during the ensuing stalemate led to severe famine—accomplished deliberately as a war strategy. Over the two and half years of the war, about two million civilians died from starvation and diseases. This famine entered world awareness in mid-1968, when images of malnourished and starving children suddenly saturated the mass media of Western countries. The plight of the starving Biafrans became a cause célèbre in foreign countries, enabling a significant rise in the funding and prominence of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Britain and the Soviet Union were the main backers of the Federal Military Government in Lagos, while France and some independent elements supported Biafra. France and Israel provided weapons to both combatants.

Patrice Lumumba

Prime Minister of Congo and he helped Congo gain independence from Belgium; associated with socialism and pan-Africanism; eventually assassinated 1960 first independent Prime Minister of Belgian Congo, socialist, overthrown by coup, sold to enemies in Katanga and executed - example of hopes of independence and how quickly they can be thwarted by more powerful forces, Moise Tshombe the man who tried to make Katanga a separate country replaces Lumumba as the Prime Minister of the Belgian Congo Greatly influenced by previous African revolutionaries/politicians Made Independence Day speech in response to Baudouin's praise of Leopold Main point: It doesn't stop here, Belgium. This is just the beginning Ends when we control our own wealth, power, etc. We are not your monkeys anymore After this speech, Lumumba is national hero Malcolm X called him "the greatest black man who ever walked the African continent"

Salt I and Salt II

Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty) goal of arms control, reduce arsenals, SALT I- 1972, aimed for the first time at creating stability and capping the completion. Froze the number of launchers each side could have (US-USSR) Limited each side to two anti missile systems, Did not limit the number of warheads on each launcher, Made the cold war less dangerous, but to Nixon this agreement did not mean that forceful action where necessary would be stopped SALT II- 1979, limits MERS (multiple heads on missiles), welcomed by Europe, wanted more inclusion

Josef Broz Tito

Yugoslav statesman who led the resistance to German occupation during World War II and established a communist state after the war, first COMINFORM member to break from Stalin (unlike Poland, Romania, Hungary all turned one-party) -->Third World

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)

a form of cooperation within Western Europe (France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) 1952, Jean Monnet of France, a leading architect of European unity, had in 1950 proposed a single market for coal and steel resources that would be supervised vt a supranational European commission, Created jealousy within Eastern Europe

Deng Xiaoping

apart of the Gang of Four that included Mao's wife, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and he was the secretary to the secretary, and became a major economic player after Mao's retreat, Socialism does not mean shared poverty, Starts the four modernizations

Betty Friedan

apart of the US second wave of feminism, Context: women's steadily growing participation in the economy laid the groundwork for the women's movement in the late 1960s. The rise of consumer culture, Women's right to vote, Wrote the Feminine Mystique 1963, as a response to graduates from Smith college who felt that even educated women were not have to ambitions beyond domesticity and community service, The book made the case for American women participating more fully and freely in the workforce and thereby gaining the means to realize their full individual, NOW, National Organization for Women, 1966 in DC, An advocacy group for women, "true equality for all women" and "full participation in the mainstream of American society"

Organisation Armée Secrète (OAS)

army now backing Pieds-Noirs, the war is being fought in France and Algeria, assassination attempt of De Gaulle, October 17th 30,000 Algerians march against the war and chases them to the water ~3-250 people killed, 1962 French student protest war and chased into metro station where people are crushed and killed.

Rassemblement Démocratique Africain

meet in Mali, an umbrella political party to organize politicians, becomes largely a communist's party, going to lose its pan-African system and Marxist association.

Kuomintang (KMT)

national party in china, formed by Chiang Kai Shek civil war of KMT vs communist party in china, UA and UN recognizes KMT as true China, KMT lose civil war and moves to Taiwan and is given a seat at the UN

Nixon Doctrine

not going to repeat Vietnam but we are going to finish it, creating a more isolated US that doesn't put troops in other's wars. Three basic foreign policy goals; End the unpopular Vietnam War as quickly as was consistent with American Honor, Open up relations with China (met with Mao in 1972), Reduce tension in US-USSR relations and minimize the dangers of nuclear war (SALT I & II)

Keynesian Economics

the free market internationally as well as domestically would perform better if subject to constant state oversight and periodic intervention, The doctrine of noninterference failed to take account of the ways supply and demand could fall out of sync and inflict serious damage, The idea was counter-cyclical spending, if the economy was reaching the peak of its capacity, the government's role was to lower spending or raise taxes, thus cooling the economy while also using the budget surplus to pay down debt incurred by earlier stimulus programs, A new age of capitalism in which the state would play a prominent social welfare role. The survival of democracy depended on attending to the needs of its citizens


wants territories because he is from wealthier colonies

Mohammed Ali Jinnah

was a lawyer, politician, and the founder of Pakistan. Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's creation on 14 August 1947, and then as Pakistan's first Governor-General until his death. Born in Karachi and trained as a barrister at Lincoln's Inn in London, Jinnah rose to prominence in the Indian National Congress in the first two decades of the 20th century. In these early years of his political career, Jinnah advocated Hindu-Muslim unity, helping to shape the 1916 Lucknow Pact between the Congress and the All-India Muslim League, in which Jinnah had also become prominent. Jinnah became a key leader in the All India Home Rule League, and proposed a fourteen-point constitutional reform plan to safeguard the political rights of Muslims. In 1920, however, Jinnah resigned from the Congress when it agreed to follow a campaign of satyagraha, or non-violent resistance, advocated by Mohandas Gandhi.

Ayatollah Khomeini

with growing discontent in the Shah being a political tool of American and Israeli interests, and political discontent had spread to a wide range of social groups. They included uprooted peasants, students, and educated professional committed to greater democracy and more balanced economic development, and an influential merchant class.Khomeini was the inspirational figure who would combine these varied discontents into a successful revolutionary movement. He would articulate the Islamic values of the clergy and echo the reformist and nationalist complaints of the other alienated groups. 1960s, with backing from a nationwide network of clerics and influential bazaar merchants, he led the opposition to Reza Shah's son as he pressed new measures of secularization.He delivered a sermon denouncing the White Revolution that reflected the shah's commitment to Westernizing Iran. He charged the Shah with tolerating corruption, immorality and materialism and undermining the religious values at the heart of Iranian life. 1964, attacked the Shah's regime subservience to the US and was exiled. 1979, Shah fled the country and Khomeini was able to return and became the central figure in the loose coalition of opposition groups.

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