History 150 Exam 2

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What was the trail of tears?

17,000 Cherokee forced to walk from GA to OK and 1/4 died

How much did they cut the national debt?

83 million to 45 million

Who was Thomas Jeffersons Secretary of Treasury?

Albert Gallatin

Pinckney Treaty

Allowed US to navigate the Mississippi River

7th President

Andrew Jackson

Who led the battle of horseshoe run

Andrew Jackson


Andrew Lloyd Garrison wrote a newspaper called the liberator and spoke against slavery. Said slavery should end immediately, unconditionally, and universally. Started the :American anti slavery society."

What was the national bank called?

BUS (First Bank of the United States)

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Battle with the Natives along side the british

Mexican War

Border dispute. America wins. Takes California after America takes Mexico City and captures Winfield Scott.

Who was in the war of 1812?

Britain and the US (Britain comes to US) Thames vs. William Harrison

Louisiana Purchase

Buy land from France for $15 million (Cheap)

What states did mexico give to the US?

Ca and Nm

Why was there Economic growth after 1820?

Copying Britain and America creates canals for transportation. Erie Canal was the most successful canal in the US.

What do they they do to try to fix the debt

Cut spending - Reduced the army and navy

Where does the british army attack?

DC and it burns, everything is gone in the white house besides the walls.

Declaration of sentiments

Declaration of Independence for women

Why was the Embargo repealed?

Depression on 1808

What was the whiskey rebellion? Who shut it down?

Farmers protesting the new whiskey tax: George Washington sent out his troops to end it quickly

What were the political parties at the time? What was George Washington?

Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans. George Washington was neither.

What does the british have to go through to attack Baltimore?

Fort McHenry- They fail. ( this is when the star spangled banner is written.)

Who was the first President of the United States?

George Washington

How was the economy of the US at this time?

Government is 54 million $ in debt

Who duels on July 11th, 1804

Hamilton and Burr- Hamilton dies, so Burr flees and plots to take over mexico. he goes on trial for treason, but is found not guilty, runs to England, but comes back to America and lives in poverty

What was the Assumption Bill?

Hamilton was pushing for Congress to pass this to allow the Federal government to assume debts accumulated by the states during the American Revolutionary War.

What was Nat Turner?

He led the slave rebellion and killed 55 white people

Who creates a compromise between Jackson and SC?

Henry Clay

The Indian Removal

Indians win in court, but Jackson still pushed them out with armed forces- leads to trail of tears

Sixth President

J.Q. Adams

Who was the 4th President

James Madison

Who was speaker of the house?

James Madison (Bill of rights)

Who was the 5th President?

James Monroe

Who was George Washington's Vice President?

John Adams

Who was the 2nd President?

John Adams

Chief Justice

John Marshall

10th president

John Tyler

Virginia + Kentucky Resolutions

Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional

** Missouri Compromise

Maine Free and Missouri Slave. The rest of the land in the Louisiana purchase would be divided at 36 and 30 degrees north- above will be free states

8th President

Martin Van Buren- Economy died- which led to the Panic of 1837

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico recognized rio grande river as the border of the texas

What order were the capitals?

NYC- Philly- DC

Where does the British look next to attack and who leads the people?

New Orleans- Andrew Jackson- America wins!

Where was the first capital city?

New York City

Bank War (The fall of 2 Bus)

Nicholas Biddle (head of 2 bus) requests to recharter bill after Clay asked him to, but Clay tricked him because he knew Andrew Jackson would veto it, which he did. Andrew Jackson killed the bank.

Fredrick Douglass

Part of the abolitionist movement. Started as a slave, but learned to read and write, then he escaped. Has a newspaper called the Newspaper called "The North Star" to inform slaves about the underground railroad.

What occurred under the Washington Administration

Revenue- Tariff (Tax on goods)- excise tax on whiskey

Who does Jackson nominate and who takes out all the money without permission?

Roger B Tarey- Later becomes Chief Justice

Women's Rights

Seneca falls convention-the first women's rights convention. It advertised itself as "a convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman".

What made up the cabinet and who was in it?

State Department- Thomas Jefferson Treasury- Hamilton War Department- Knox Attorney General- Randolph

Chesapeake- Leopard Affair (Jefferson's Demands)

Stop impressment- no Return the men (prisoners)- Gave back 3 Pay for damage to the Chesapeake Punish the Leopard Captain- Barley

American System

Strong national bank, Internal Improvements, Tariff

Marbury vs. Madison

Supreme Court case to apply the principle of "judicial review" -- the power of federal courts to void acts of Congress in conflict with the Constitution

What was Jacksons plan for the BUS? Who does Jackson fire?

Take all the governments money out of the BUS and both his treasurers because they refused.


Temperance and education reform (Horace Mann) Horace Mann is one of the most well-known reformers of education in the United States. He is often credited with leading the Common School Movement, which helped to lay the framework for a publicly funded education

Texas Revolution

Texans led into San Jacinto (Texan Victory) Texas receives its own independence. Texas was an indenting republic after denial of the union: it was its own country

Adams Onis Treaty

The Adams Onis Treaty (aka the Florida Treaty and the Transcontinental Treaty) was an agreement signed on ‎Febru ary 22, 1819 between the United States and Spain that gave Florida to the U.S. and set out a boundary between the United States and New Spain (now Mexico) for 5 million dollars. Land about 42 degrees north

What was the Era of good feelings?

There was no party politics (1816 2 Bus)

Alien Sedition Act

These laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote.

Whig Party

Thinks Jackson acts like a king

Who was the 3rd President?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was his vice President? What was the problem?

Thomas Jefferson. The two were complete opposites.

Jay's Treaty

Treaty between Great Britain and US to avoid war

What was the Embargo Act?

U.S Ships can't sail to any foreign ports (Really hurts economy)

Treaty of Greenville

US gave the natives 110,000 for Ohio

Nullification Controversy

United States sectional political crisis in 1832-1837, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, which involved a confrontation between South Carolina and the federal government. Andrew Jackson was going to "Kill" everyone is South Carolina who did not agree with him. They disagreed with the tariff of 1832

Monroe Doctrine

Western Hemisphere is off limits for further European Colonization

9th president

William Henry Harrison - Died 30 days into presidency

Who were the War Hawks? Which two men led the War Hawks?

Young men born to hate the british. Henry Clay (KY) John C Calhoon (SC)

Manifest Destiny

the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.

Tariff of 1828

was a protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States on May 19, 1828, designed to protect industry in the northern United States

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