History 1700 unit 2 helpful hints sessions

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What happened when franklin adams and edwared rutledge met with british general how on staten island on sept 11 1776?

Saucy letters back and forth first off. Perhaps, Franklin intimated, peace talks could be useful. If Britain wanted to make peace with an independent America, Franklin offered, "I think a treaty for that purpose is not yet quite impracticable." Howe was understandably taken aback by Franklin's response. He waited two weeks, as the British outmaneuvered General Washington's forces on Long Island, before answering his "worthy friend." The admiral admitted that he did not have the authority "to negotiate a reunion with America under any other description than as subject to the crown of Great Britain." Three members—Franklin, Adams and Edward Rutledge of South Carolina—were appointed to meet with Howe on Staten Island. The inclusion of Adams was a safeguard that Franklin would not revert to his old peace-seeking habits. Howe sent a barge to Perth Amboy to ferry the American delegation to Staten Island. Although the admiral marched his guests past a double line of menacing Hessian mercenaries, the three-hour meeting on September 11 was cordial, and the Americans were treated to a feast of good claret, ham, tongue and mutton. Howe pledged that the colonies could have control over their own legislation and taxes. The British, he said, were still kindly disposed toward the Americans: "When an American falls, England feels it." If America fell, he said, "I should feel and lament it like the loss of a brother." Adams recorded Franklin's retort: "My Lord, we will do our utmost endeavors to save your Lordship that mortification." Why then, Howe asked, was it not possible "to put a stop to these ruinous extremities?" Because, Franklin replied, it was too late for any peace that required a return to allegiance to the king. "Forces have been sent out and towns have been burnt," he said. "We cannot now expect happiness under the domination of Great Britain. All former attachments have been obliterated." Adams, likewise, "mentioned warmly his own determination not to depart from the idea of independency." The Americans suggested that Howe send home for authority to negotiate with them as an independent nation. That was a "vain" hope, replied Howe. Well, my Lord," said Franklin, "as America is to expect nothing but upon unconditional submission . . . " Howe interrupted. He was not demanding submission. But, he acknowledged, no accommodation was possible, and he apologized that "the gentlemen had the trouble of coming so far to so little purpose." Within two weeks of his return from meeting Lord Howe, Franklin was chosen, by a Congressional committee acting in great secrecy, to embark on the most dangerous and complex of all his public missions. He was to cross the Atlantic yet again to become an envoy in Paris, with the goal of cajoling from France, now enjoying a rare peace with Britain, the aid and alliance without which America was unlikely to prevail.

Who was Sally Hemings? How did her story surface, and why? Why do some scholars seem to revel in picking at the faults of heroic figures from the past?

She was one of Jeffersons slaves who he had fathered several children. Circulated by two federalist press to slander Jefferson after his presidential election. To prove of the faults and sins they had then and to compare them to the new ones now.

Contrast image of washington with the reality of man. Why does wood say that washingtion was alwasy on stage acting a part?


Why was washington disillusioned with public services late in his life?


During the first half of the nineteenth century, how did slavery and the issue of states rights affect the nation's views of the Founders, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence?

* It was found that the founders had promised a lot but did not fulfill their promises. * It was said that the founders were "soldiers of the revolution" * The ambivalence toward the founders became apparent in the celebrations surrounding the 50th anniversary of independence.

How did the end of the Civil War contribute to the emergence of a myth of the Founders? Why did southerners and northerners unite in their reverence for the Founders?

* The cost of the rival war contributed to the emergence of a myth of the founders. * End of reconstruction marked the return to power of the southern white aristocracy. * Helped soothe those northern consciences bothered by the egregious inequalities that still existed in southern life. * Also discouraged the south from raising questions about increasing inequality in the industeralizing north.

Why has the constitiution been so successful?

**FOUNDING FATHERS DECIDED EARLY TO PUT TOGETHER A GOVERNMENT THAT FIT OUR TRADITIONS, PUT INTO PLACE THAT THERE COULD BE CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION. **BALANCED POWERS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS FACTIONS. **INGENIOUS METHOD TO CHANGE IT (AMENDMENT PROCESS) Americans understood the course would be difficult and were concerned that they could be right. States were already bickering, Ohio valley could be gone to war over. Knew we had to do something different. James Madison was one of the leaders of the revolution. Had been heavily involved. He decided with a bunch of other guys to revise and junk the articles of confederation and the government set up during the war. Madison and others set up a government that would work. Wrote a whole new constitution of the united states of america. Met in secret. Independence Hall with windows and blinds closed. wanted to speak freely. Amendments. Guaranteed human rights etc.

What happened at the battle of lexington and concord?

AMERICANS HEARD ABOUT THIS AND STATIONED A GUY IN THE TOWER AT HORTIN CHURCH AND AROUND TOWN. Americans wanted to thwart it. Stationed a guy at North church, other guys around town that could see the tower. Told the guy on the church ... 1 LANTERN MEANT THEY WOULD HEAD SOUTH ON LAND But if they get in boats and go up the river ... 2 LANTERNS MEANT THEY WOULD GO WEST BY SEA MEN WARNED EVERYONE THAT THE BRITISH WERE COMING AND TO GET FIREARMS READY. AMERICANS SHOT AND KILLED MANY MANY BRITISH THAT DAY. The Midnight ride of Paul REvere. Yep. One if by land, two if by see. Two lanterns go up. They warn Adams and Hancock and they get away. Revere is arrested. But someone makes it to Hancock and everyone finds out - get your deer rifle and get out there. British force march into Lexington and on the Lexington Green encounter a whole bunch of farmers with their rifles and the Colonel tells them to get out of the way. So he orders his men into firing order. The Americans get into firing order and a big fire fight. Dozen Americans laying on the ground screaming. Americans flee the scene into the countryside and the british chase them. The LExington men were only trying to delay them from getting Hancock and Adams. They did exactly what they were supposed to do - by the time the British got to Concord, the munition supplies were gone. Americans rushed the bridge and engaged the British soldiers in hand to hand combat. They have fallen upon us like mad dogs. What happened here is that ...

Why did the events of that day set off the American revolution?

All the animosity that had been building up suddenly BLEW UP. They were so angry. They wanted to kill British soldiers. BECAUSE THE AMERICANS SHOT AND KILLED 1/3 OF THE BRITISH ARMY MEN THAT DAY. There were Americans shooting at them EVERYWHERE. One soldier wrote home "We ran a bloody gauntlet that day. A gray haired woman shot at me from her upstairs window." The general loses a third of his guys. Americans were serious. This isn't picketing, it's people grabbing rifles and shooting soldiers. SO ... THE American revolution has become. So why such a big deal of July 4, 1776? Because for more than a year, Americans are trying to figure out what they want and what's happening. They want England to back off? No, what they really really want is independence.

Who was Temple Franklin?

BENJAMIN FRANKLINS GRANDSON (WILLIAM FRANKLINS SON.) He spent the summer in New Jersey with his dejected father being royal governor. then went back to Philadephia to go to the college his grandpa founded - university of pennsylvania. William wanted Temple to go to King's College which is now Columbia in New York City, but Benjami thought it had become a hotbed of English loyalism.

Who was William Franklin and what became of him?

BENJAMIN FRANKLINS SON HE WAS THE GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY AND WAS LOYAL TO THE BRITISH MINISTRY. (HE BECAME AN ENEMY OF THE LIBERTIES OF THE US AND WAS IMPRISONED. William politically disagreed with benjamin. Benjamin declared in favor of independence and against corruption and dissipation or the kingdom and William got angry and concerned for his father's safety. William told him if he intedned to set the colonies in flam, he better plan to run away by the light of it. ) William was 44 at the time. William was anxious to reclaim his son after reading about his father's return in the newspaper.

What were the advantages both sides had at the outset of the war?

BRITISH MOST POWERFUL ARMY & NAVY well trained well equipped disciplined military. MONEY war chest. A lot to spend and wars cost money. LOYALISTS (HALF OF US ON THERE SIDE) NATIVE AMERICANS SERVICES Rely on their service exclusively. Almost all did side with England. They aren't stupid and they know the Americans just wanted their land. And they were right, because guess what Americans did win and the Indians were screwed. Americans facing a very nasty indian war. MERCENARIES (HIRED PEOPLE FROM OTHER COUNTIES TO FIGHT) Guys in Europe were looking for jobs so they just hired hundreds and hundreds of soldiers from Germany to be mercenaries to fight America on the side of British. So ... The order for America to win was pretty tall. Why did our guys who wrote the DOI think we could do it anyway? ... AMERICANS HOME TERRITORY it would be fought on our soil and we had the homecourt advantage. Would rather play on own field, own court. Don't have to travel, know environment, have friends and fans close by. GEORGE WASHINGTON (MOST EPIC LEADER) A lot of military experience and respect. His job was to organize and then go to Mass and help them keep the brits out. it took until March of 1776 to do it - Cambridge watching them cross the river. Obviously the most impressive leader in the war. Commander and Chief of Continental Army. He gets amazing service from a guy that ran a bookstore - came to be a general. A lot of smart willing able leaders. The quality of leadership was excellent. GOOD CAUSE Appointed committee of 5 men. what will tell the world? Revolutionary leadership John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson- sat down, wrote out and explained to the world what was happening. With help of Adams and Franklin. Borrowed ideas and verbage. DOI. Took over a year after the fightin in Mass started out, to explain to the world that it was time for Americans to set up their own country . Governments derive their power from the people, rights given by God. The right of people if unhappy with Government, to get rid of it and set up a new one. Mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor. Putting your name on this was putting their necks in a noose. This is intangible but when people are really fired up and behind a cause, it helps. Tom Payne writing pamphlets. Give me liberty or give me death. BRITISH ENEMIES (PARTICULARLY THE FRENCH) Borrowed money and guns . Nobody particularly like England .. so everyone in Europe would love to see the english empire broken up. Let particularly by the French. We really counted on the help of those enemies! Hate the british? Come help us. Without the help of those enemies and particularly the french, we would not have been able to freaking win! Really needed their help. Problem with that? "My enemies enemy is my friend" but that's a problem because they didn't care what happenned to Americans, just wanted to hurt britts OUTLAST (FIGHT LONGER) All they had to do to win was keep fighting until they just quit. As long as you can keep fighting, you can win with a thousand against a million. TATICS (FOUGHT SMARTER GENTLEMENS ARMY) Everyone that thinks about american revolution thinks it's because we used guerilla tactics, we were smart about it. But the truth is we can't make the case very well. We were trying to be a respectable nation. Suit, tie, shined shoes into battle. Most famous battle of revolution - battle of LExington and Concord. Not very many fought that way. SO CAN'T REALLY MAKE A CASE THAT TACTICS HAD A LOT TO DO WITH WINNING

Why did Jefferson fail to free his slaves while claiming to oppose slavery? What did he propose to do about slavery? Did Jefferson mean all people when he wrote "all men are created equal?"

Because he was born in a slave holding society and had inherited a fortune that was dependent on slaves and slave labor. He wanted to abolish it. Emancipate the slaves and educate them and train them to be self sufficient. Yes, political scientists say that the passage unmistakenly states that the africans captured into slavery were NOT a separate category. Man is used as mankind

How did the anglo french wars in 1763 change the relationship between america and england?

Because of a long struggle with France, the British empire was forced to handle Americans with kid gloves because they needed us to be happy and help them with their struggle with France. 1754 - Indian war on the frontier. 7 years war. French and Indian war. For the first time we were fighting a lot of Indians and the French as well. HORRIFIC war. A lot of atrocities. Military campaigns. Very difficult time in the history of colonial America. then at the end of it, the French have been defeated. They tell the English they're done fighting. English were partying BIG time, a lot of celebrations. Hundreds of Americans died defending the british empire. Celebrations in America were huge as well. George the 3rd took over in time to be there for celebrating, the golden age, he has statues errected everywhere. What went wrong .... In England, everyone is happy but parliament is sober because the war was freaking expensive. ENGLAND HAD A LARGE DEBT AFTER THE WAR WITH FRANCE. In those days, countries felt like they actually needed to get OUT of debt. Ha. That's gone. By virtue of the 7 year war victory ... THEY EXPELLED FRENCH FROM NORTH AMERICA. The Spanish had everything west of Mississippi, British everything West. So they say hey ... THEY NO LONGER NEEDED SALUTARY NEGLECT AND STARTED TO SAY THE AMERICANS COULDN'T SETTLE WEST. No more gentle with the Americans. Uh-oh. The end of the 7 years war brought about an immediate and dramatic change in the relationship between the Americans and the English. They begin to enact measures that enfuriated Americans and led us right into open rebellion and the American revolution. AMERICANS WERE MAD BECAUSE THE AMERICANS WERE THE ONES FRONTING AND LOSING LIVES TO GAIN THAT LAND. 1)British drew a line and said no settlement West of this line for you. Americans are like what? We bled to get the French out so we could settle the Ohio and Tennessee valley and Michigan etc. Why can't we have it? English say no, you fought and died for the land to be in our Empire and we decide how we use it. Maine to Georgia are pissed off. Those wars were fought to secure the peace and security of the AMerican people. Proclamation line if 1763. Americans rip down the statues of the King. Americans ask ... Are we second class citizens? I care now! Pecking order becomes a problem. 2)Parliament for the first time in history enacted the stamp tax. Nothing to do with postage. Revenue stamps to be put on printed documents. Only wealthy knew how to read and write so the wealthy were being taxed. British had been paying it for years but the Americans freaked out at being levied a tax. They put the machinery in place to collect money. Sent guys into towns to collect the stamp tax. Americans beat him, ran him out of town on a rail, dumped him in a ditch. Americans say You have no right to tax us. Eff you. Eff you very very much. 3)British immediately rescinded this but said they would tax somehow. A lot of taxation schemes. Americans refused and never paid. Tea tax collectors is tarred and feathered. 4) British tighten down on navigation laws. Different relationship between england and America and AMericans start sensing they are second class citizens. Benjamin Franklin is like hey you want people to feel they are equal to each other but the colonies just wouldn't allow it. 5)1767 - increasing cost of peace time army etc etc, someone suggests to send the army to America, will make America pay for them and quarter them, and then control the Americans and force them to pay. So England sends whole regiments of British soldiers in peace time in America. 1768 embarking. This was prob the biggest mistake.

How did the battle of bunker hill and the burying charleston affect his decison?

Both happened in June of 1775 and further inflamed the hostility that Franklin and his fellow patriots felt toward the british. Most members of congress weren't as ready for revolution as Benjamin. A lot of colonial legislatures Pennsylvannia incuded had told their delegates to resist calls for independence. THESE BOTH FURTHER INFLAMED THE HOSTILITY HE FELT FOR THE BRITISH. On July 5, the same day that Franklin signed the Olive Branch Petition, which blamed Britain's "irksome" and "delusive" ministers for the troubles and "beseeched" the king to come to America's rescue, he made his rebellious sentiments public. In a letter to his longtime London friend (and fellow printer) William Strahan, he wrote in cold and calculated fury: "You are a Member of Parliament, and one of that Majority which has doomed my country to destruction. You have begun to burn our towns, and murder our people. Look upon your hands! They are stained with the blood of your relations! You and I were long friends: You are now my enemy, and I am Yours. B. Franklin. He didn't mail it, just circulated to get his opinion and declaration public and mailed a tamer letter later. He had become one of the most ardent opponents of Britain in the continental congress. No doubt where he stood now. Suspicions died away.

How did his most important revision display an assertion of rationality?

By using the word "sacred," Jefferson had asserted, intentionally or not, that the principle in question—the equality of men and their endowment by their creator with inalienable rights—was one of religion. Franklin's edit turned it instead into an assertion of rationality. Common sense. The idea of "self-evident" truths drew less on John Locke, Jefferson's favorite philosopher, than on the scientific determinism espoused by Isaac Newton and the analytic empiricism of Franklin's close friend David Hume. By using the word "sacred," Jefferson had asserted, intentionally or not, that the principle in question—the equality of men and their endowment by their creator with inalienable rights—was one of religion. Franklin's edit turned it instead into an assertion of rationality.

In what ways might contemporary America disappoint the Founders? What one trait of the Founders does Brands think we should emulate?

Disintegration of politics Acting helpless in the face of problems they would have tackled at once. EXAMPLES: Arguments over the second amendment-GUNS They would have laughed and sep at out timidity to make changes. COURAGE

When and why did franklin decided that independence was necessary and desirable

EARLY JULY 1775 , a year before his fellow American patriots made their own stance official, he was ready to go public with his own decision. He had alternately hoped that a breach could be avoided. HE THOUGHT AMERICAS STRENGTH WOULD COME FROM ITS PEOPLE. HE BELIEVED LIBERTY AND TOLERANCE WERE THE FOUNDATION FOR A CIVIL SOCIETY.Englishmen like his father who had immigrated to a new land, gave rise to a new type of people. Franklin told his son in letters taht America's strength would be its proud middling people, a class of industrious shopkeepers assertive of their rights and proud of their status. He was cheeky in writing and rebellious in manner. He had cherished a vision where britain and america flourished in an expounding empire but only if britain would stop subjugating americans through trading rules and taxes. When it was obvious Britain planned to intently subordinate the colonies, the only course left was independence. William argued that it was best for them all to remain neutral, but his father was not moved. BENJAMIN "OPENED HIMSELF AND DECLARED IN FAVOR OF MEASURES FOR ATTAINING TO INDEPENDENCE" AND "EXCLAIMED AGAINST THE CORRUPTION AND DISSIPATION OF THE KINGDOM." William responded with anger, but also with a touch of concern for his father's safety. If he intended "to set the colonies in flame," William said, he should "take care to run away by the light of it."

What was salutary neglect? (HEALTHY)

ENGLAND DECIDING THAT IT WAS HEALTHY TO LEAVE AMERICANS ALONE WHILE THEY ARE FIGHTING WITH FRANCE AND THE INDIANS. Salutary means healthy. British decided because of continuing struggle that it was healthy to leave Americans alone. Americans are benefitting from this, they are left alone and can set up their own churches, religions, town councils, they aren't taxed because what's the need? They're providing the backbone of power against French in America. This means that during the colonial period 1607-1750s and 1760s, the Americans are maybe the free-est people in the world. Could live in America and never have to deal with the British government - we were self-governed. Now we have a habit of liberty and freedom. This is where it comes to be. Then, a sudden change ...

In what quantities did Washington outdistance his contemporaries? What were washingtons greatest fears for the new republic?


Why did some of the delegates to the second continetal ongress first suspect franklin of being a british spy?

FRANKLIN KEPT QUIET ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT HE FAVORED INDEPENDENCE, AND HE AVOIDED THE TAVERNS WHERE THE OTHER DELEGATES SPENT THE EVENINGS DEBATING THE TOPIC. HE ATTENDED SESSIONS AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS, SAID LITTLE, AND DINED AT HOME WITH HIS FAMILY. The younger delegates hadn't seen his trick before of seeming sage by saying nothing. They only knew that he had successfully argued in parliament against the stamp act, not realizing oratory did not come naturally to him. Rumors started about him having a game and being a secret loyalist. SOME OF THE OTHER DELEGATES HAD BEGUN TO "ENTERTAIN A GREAT SUSPICION THAT DR. FRANKLIN CAME RATHER AS A SPY THAN AS A FRIEND, AND THAT HE MEANS TO DISCOVER OUR WEAK SIDE AND MAKE HIS PEACE WITH THE MINISTERS."

What was Franklin's role in the final provision.

FRANKLIN MADE ONLY A FEW CHANGES, THE MOST RESOUNDING OF WHICH WAS SMALL. HE CROSSED OUT, USING THE HEAVY BACKSLASHES THAT HE OFTEN EMPLOYED, THE LAST THREE WORDS OF JEFFERSON'S PHRASE "We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable" and changed them to the words now enshrined in history: "We hold these truths to be self-evident."When he had finished a draft and incorporated some changes from Adams, Jefferson sent it to Franklin on the morning of Friday, June 21. "Will Doctor Franklin be so good as to peruse it," he wrote in his cover note, "and suggest such alterations as his more enlarged view of the subject will dictate?"

Why did franklin agree to become america envoy to france? What did he accomplish in france? What did he do upon his return to france

Franklin was elderly and ailing, but there was a certain logic to the choice. Though he had visited there only twice, he was the most famous and most respected American in France. In addition, Franklin had held confidential talks in Philadelphia over the past year with a variety of French intermediaries and believed that France would be willing to support the American rebellion. Franklin professed to accept the assignment reluctantly. "I am old and good for nothing," he said to his friend Benjamin Rush, who was sitting next to him in the Congress. "But as the storekeepers say of their remnants of cloth, I am but a fag end, and you may have me for what you are pleased to give." But he was secretly pleased. He knew he would love Paris, and it would be safer than America with the outcome of war so unclear. (Howe was edging closer to Philadelphia at the time.) Indeed, a few of Franklin's enemies, including the British ambassador to Paris, thought he was finding a pretense to flee the danger.In deciding to take Temple to France, Franklin never consulted with Elizabeth, who would die a year later without seeing either her husband or stepson again. Nor did he inform William, who did not learn until later of the departure of his only son, a lad he had gotten to know for only a year. Franklin also decided to take along his other grandson, his daughter's son, Benny Bache. So it was an odd trio that set sail on October 27, 1776, aboard a cramped but speedy American warship aptly named Reprisal: a restless old man about to turn 71, plagued by poor health but still ambitious and adventurous, heading for a land from whence he was convinced he would never return, accompanied by a high-spirited, frivolous lad of about 17 and a brooding, eager-to-please child of 7. Two years later, writing of Temple but using words that applied to both boys, Franklin explained one reason he had wanted them along: "If I die, I have a child to close my eyes." In France, Franklin engaged in secret negotiations and brought France into the war on the side of the colonies. France provided money and, by war's end, some 44,000 troops to the revolutionaries. Franklin stayed on as minister plenipotentiary, and in 1783 signed the Treaty of Paris that ended the war. He returned to the United States two years later. Then, as an 81- year-old delegate to the federal Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, Franklin played perhaps his most important political role: urging compromise between the large and small states in order to have a Senate that represented each state equally and a House proportional by population. He knew that compromisers may not make great heroes, but they do make great democracies. He died in 1790 at age 84.

How did the Anglo-French rivalry of the colonial period affect the lives of Americans?

French weren't interested in settlement or agriculture but a little bit. French settlements were scattered but their game was to trade with the indians, specifically the fur trade. England and France? Not friendly. English historically fighting the french. Especially after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Constantly in strife and going to war. So ... THEY COULD NOT TELL WHERE THE ENGLISH POSSESSIONS ENDED AND THE FRENCH STARTED. There were a lot of native Americans in that country and the indians sided with France because they don't want their lands, they want to trade with them where England was bringing 12 kids and guns. It was really war between France and England in America. INDIANS MOVED TO FRANCE TERRITORY TO FIGHT THE AMERICANS OFF THEIR LAND. All through the colonial period, Americans had a constant struggle with Indians on the frontier that were getting help and encouragement from France. Americans were critical to England to defeat the french. As a result .. English had a policy that over rode all other policies. See Salutary Neglect. THE FRENCH WERE HELPING AND EGGING ON THE INDIANS TO KICK THE AMERICANS OUT OF NORTH AMERICA.

How did the king react to the organization of the continental congress?

HE THOUGHT IT WAS A REBELLION. WAGED WAR ON THE AMERICANS. CONFISCATED AMERICAN GUNS, POWDER, ETC...He literally waged war. This would be SOO hard so the military decide to just start in Masachussets and scare everyone else into behaving. In the war of 1775, Governor Gage received orders that he was to arrest these 'radical' groups. Sam Adams and John Hancock. The king knew where they were hiding. He also received orders to confiscate American arms and amunition, military stores. Tent, food etc. Preparing for warfare. Gage had lived in America for a long time and it was an unfortunate order. Smith headed out to arrest them at a place called Concord and ....

ARTICLE 1 What was franklin doing when war broke out in mass. in april 1775?

HE WAS ON A VOYAGE to Philadelphia from England WITH HIS GRANDSON TESTING WATER TEMPS. HE PUBLISHED MAPS AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS WHICH ARE INCLUDED ON NASA'S WEBSITES TODAY. He was in mid-ocean when british redcoats headed north from boston to arrest the tea party planners samuel adams and john hancock to capture munitions stockpiles by their supporters. Franklin was selected a member of Congress the day after his arrival.

How serious was washingtons need for adequate funding?

IT COULD HAVE MEANT LIFE OR DEATH TO THE CONTINENTAL ARMY WITH LITTLE EQUIPMENT AND MONEY HE WAS NOT SURE HE COULD HOLD THE TROOPS TOGETHER! That was the colonies' greatest challenge. He told his son in law if 500,000 families would spend a shilling or less a week they could pay the whole sum and not notice.

Why did franklin and two other members of congress go to massachusetts late in 1775?

IT WAS A CONGRESSIONAL MISSION IN OCT.1775 TO MEET WITH GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO WAS STRUGGLING TO FORM THE CONTINENTAL ARMY. He was old with physicial infirmities and was the America's first postmaster general. Embarked on congressional mission because Washington appealed to him personally when he was in command of the motely massachusetts militia, along with backwoodsmen into the nucleus of the continental army. Washington asked the committee to stress to the Congress "the necessity of having money constantly and regularly sent." This was the colonies greatest challenge. Franklin forked over his postmaster's salary.

What has brought the Founders back into popularity? Were they really more virtuous and intelligent than leaders in other generations? In what ways is so much reverence for the Founders problematic?

In part it is a reflection of the anti - liberal reaction that began with Ronald Reagan. Also a reflection and appreciation for some brilliant writing. Not necessarily. but the founders work was very much unfinished at the time the torch was passed onto the next generation and that tidying up the loose ends took 80yrs. The founders got the country off to a good start but they would have been the first to admit it was only a start. In making giants of the founders we make pygmies of ourselves, them saints, us sinners

When britain punished massachusetts in 1774 how did the other colonies respond.

Instead of backing off, the Americans organize a continental congress. From Maine to Georgia, they're getting together to figure out what to do with all their problems. The continental congress was NOT a parliament or a rebellious body. It was simply a conference. Men from all the colonies just decided they needed to get together and fix this. They flew the british flag over their meetings, wrote letters to the King. Maybe we can talk to the british and work this out. ORDERED THE PART OF BOSTIN CLOSED. PEOPLE WERE STARVING, FLEEING THE CITY, ECONOMIC CHAOS ETC... THE AMERICANS ORGANIZED THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS (NOT A REBELLIOUS BODY) IT WAS A CONFERENCE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS WITH THE KING. But the King found out about it and he ...

ARTICLE 2 According to Brands, what is the current level of reverence for the founders? Why has interest in the Founders risen and fallen over time?

Interest in the Founders has risen and fallen over time, as has admiration for them and their accomplishments. Although such things are hard to measure, it's probably fair to say that their stock is currently at an all-time high. It's also fair, and necessary, to say that this isn't entirely a blessing for their country. In revering the Founders we undervalue ourselves and sabotage our own efforts to make improvements—necessary improvements—in the republican experiment they began. Our love for the Founders leads us to abandon, and even to betray, the very principles they fought for.

How did their feud lead to political parties?

JEFFERSON SMALL POLITICAL PARTIES=REPUBLICANS HAMILTON LARGER POLITICAL PARTIES=FEDERALISTS But understand the the reason republicans or conservatists want less government today and the reason liberalists or federalists want more government today are very different than the original reasons.

How did both men hope to determine the size of the government by using the constituion?

JEFFERSON SMALLER GOVERNMENT =TIGHTER INTERPRETATION=GOVT DOES LESS. tightly controlled government. At the state and local level, close to the people. Wanted general / president Washington to interpret the constitution extremely strictly and keep it in tight bounds. If it doesn't say the government can do it, they can't. Conservative basis interpretation - only do which is written and nothing more. Conservative. HAMILTON BIGGER GOVERNMENT=LOOSER INTERPRETATION=GOVT DOES MORE Do more, be bigger, have more control, make sure everything turns out alright. Loose interpretation of the constitution - the more looselyl it is interpreted, the more the central governement can look between the lines and do more and more with justification for doing all that more you want to do. Liberal interpretation - Liberalist.

Why did jefferson instead of franklin receive the honor of drafting the declaration of independencs?

JEFFERSON WAS 33 years old and THE COMMITTEES CHAIRMAN, BECAUSE HE HAD GOTTEN THE MOST VOTES FROM ITS MEMBERS AND HE WAS FROM VIRGINIA THE COLONY THAT PROPOSED THE RESOLUTION. Adams thought he had already secured his place in history by writing the preamble to an earlier resolution that dismantled royal authority in colonies which he wrongly proclaimed would be regarded as the most imprtant resolution jever. Franklin was laid up in bed with gout and boils when the committee first met and he later told Jefferson he made it a rule whenever possible to avoid becoming a draughtsman of papers to be reviewed by the public.And thus it was that Jefferson had the glory of composing, on a little lap desk he had designed, some of the most famous phrases in American history while sitting alone in a second- floor room on Market Street a block from Franklin's home: "When in the course of human events . . . contained a bill of particulars against the British, and it recounted, as Franklin had often done, America's attempts to be conciliatory despite England's repeated intransigence. Jefferson's writing style, however, was different from Franklin's. It was graced with rolling cadences and mellifluous phrases, soaring in their poetry and powerful despite their polish. In addition, Jefferson drew on a depth of philosophy not found in Franklin. He echoed both the language and grand theories of English and Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, most notably the concept of natural rights propounded by John Locke, whose Second Treatise on Government he had read at least three times. And he built his case, in a manner more sophisticated than Franklin would have, on a contract between government and the governed that was based on the consent of the people.

What happened at the boston massacre?

MARCH 4 1770 STREET RIOT GOT OUT OF HAND. British soldiers think they are ordered to fire into a crowd and kill 5. AMERICANS WERE SHOT AND KILLED BY BRITISH ARMY WHO WERE THERE TO FORCE AMERICANS TO PAY TAXES.Governor was smart enough to know he should let them be tried for murder in an American court. John Adams defended them and got them off. In town were people like JOhn Adams second cousin Samuel Adams ...

Because so many americans sided with england in the revoultion what does this say about the nature of the war of independence?

MORE OF A CIVIL WAR THAN A REVOLUTION. A lot of Americans were so loyal, they teared up when they saw the British flag. There were about 2.5 million americans living from maine to georgia. Hard to figure out the numbers but some say that 20% of Americans wanted to remain loyal to the king. It would be hard to kill your neighbor, the leader of your church, etc. Some say maybe the figure is even higher. But that's a lot of people either way. Despite how often we try to think of the American revolution otherwise, it was really a civil war.

Why did historians give washingtons presidency such high remarks?

President of the constituional convention. He was not a philosopher or a politician. madison said he was bored and or asleep but everyone respected and admired him because of revolution, presence, personality, did a good job presiding over the assembly. Small states, big states, rich and poor people. Maddison called the father. HAD EVERYONES ADMIRATION FOR WHAT HE HAD DONE IN THE REVOLUTION. HIS PRESENCE AND PERSONALITY INDISPENSABLE PEOPLE AROUN HIM HELPED HIM (HE HAND PICKED THEM) Spent a considerable amount of time into the job they called the president of the united states. Sitting at the head of the table was General George Washington and it seems they wrote the job specifically for him. He was going to serve as the first president. In early 1789 they made him president, he was the only president to receive a UNANIMOUS vote. 4 years later he ran for a second term and once again was unanimously selected. Remarkable guy. Long before his death they were building a capital city to be named after him. A lot of praise. Two years after leaving office Washington died probably because the physicians bled him too severely. Americans worshipped him as a demi god. He did have enemies but he was just a person that comes along once in a blue moon that got respect from his fellow citizens. He goes down in history as one of our finest leaders. Polls continue to show him as the second or third best president we ever had with Lincoln being the first. Constitutions description of the office was very vague and he helped increase understanding of that power - he knew when to and when not to use it. There's no question he could have remained president until the day he died, suspend the constitution and make himself 'King' or 'President' for life. He didn't even want to serve the second 4 years. He went home to his plantation on Mt. Vernon. Indispensible. It is argued that no one else could have done quite what he did. A lot of reasons to admire him. He had the misfortune of being president only two months after the outbreak of the French revolution. They had decided to overthrow their monarche and set up their own republic like ours. They just couldn't do it. So the question - why. Why did we successfully do it and they couldn't? Our leaders. Also, they didn't have the experience that we had with self government. Washington was lucky to be able to walk into office and tap into that experience. He kept us out of the war of the French revolution deciding neutrality was the best stand to take. wouldn't be smart to get involved in that war in our infancy. Grand policies, grand scheme of things. Here's something he can have credit for - anytime you look at a leader, a way to assess the value of that leadership is who do they surround themselves with. Top quality people or Yes men? People who make the leader less effective? Those presidents that weren't particularly good could be blamed in part on the people that surrounded him. Washington's vice president was John Adams. Very able person second in command. He knew he would have two big problems; dealing with the world as it was all tough etc - needed someone that could handle foreign affairs. To take care of that job he picked Thomas Jefferson. He was an amazing person and had spent 5 years as the ambassador of France. He was the secretary of state. Jefferson and Washington weren't exactly friends so he was surprised - Washington needed good people around him. He understood if you want the government to succeed the people have to be invested in the government. He needed someone to help with the debt problems - he chose Alexander Hamilton of NY. Very smart appointments and one of the reasons we consider Washington to be such a successful leader.

Characterize washingtons style of leadership


What did Charles Beard say motivated the Founders? Why did radicals in the 1960s and 1970s consider the Founders hypocrites?

Said they were guided less by patriots genius and more by material self-interest. The mere Idea of slave owners declaiming about liberty seemed the height of hypocrisy to a generation cruisading for civil rights and taught to detect phoniness at five hundred paces.

What is the irony of the power of constitution in terms of its comparison to the british system the americans fought the revolution to escape?

THEY AGREED TO BE GOVERNED BY A GOVERNMENT MORE RESTRICTIVE AND MORE POWERFUL THEN THE BRITISH government they had fought to escape. IT BECAME THE OLDEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT TILL THIS DAY. Wasn't perfect, had problems, but incredible genius. The framers or founding fathers found that we needed a government that fit our traditions. Built in the amendment process. The irony is ***this is a much more powerful government and is today the oldest government on the earth *** It fit our traditions for self government, had an ingenious process for change, balanced the needs.

What was at the heart of the hamiltion and jefferson fued?

THEY DID NOT LIKE EACH OTHER, THEY SAW EVERYTHING VERY VERY DIFFERENTLY. Didn't see eye to eye. Personal. Personal distaste for each other. But it runs deeper than that. The saw every issue very differently and even violently differently. JEFFERSON (MORE FOR GOVERNMENT) Secretary of state FARMER - Rural, inherited a big place in Virginia. He thought it would always be a land of farmers. Neither one wanted America to get involved in the French revolution but he was PRO FRENCH - was a Francofile. Tried to persuade Washington to be in favor of the French. REVOLUTIONIST (CHANGE AND LIBERTY) All men are created equal. Saw the world through the eyes of a rebel. Keep the tree of liberty fertilized with the blood of patriots. EVERYONE AS EQUALS - Egalitarian. He believed there wasn't a lot of difference between human beings. Everyone is basically the same and should be treated the same under the law. REPUBLICAN(GOV SHOULD NOT BE BY INHERITANCE)rrrepublican. Generation to generation. GOOD - Because he was a republican, he believed government should be diffused among the states and that goverment that governs least governs best. HAMILTON Secretary of the treasury CITY - Urban, lived in NY, banker, commerce, trade.He wanted things to flourish. Neither one wanted America to get involved in the French revolution but he was PRO BRITAIN. He had come from the British culture of the West Indies and sometimes people wondered if he was so british why he was even part of the system. Britain was on the edge of human rights etcc. REACTIONARY(REVOLUTION WENT TO FAR) - was an evolutionary sort, thought the revolution had gone too far. He supported the constitution because he thought it would bring control and stability back. ELITE AT TOP. He was anti slavery but he did believe that there was a difference between the classes of people and thought the elite should be given the responsibility to lead the people. Elitest. Bothered Jefferson even though he was an elite. PRESIDENT SHOULD BE FOR LIFE. Monarchy. He thought Washington should be president for life or perhaps King George the first. Monarchist. EVIL - foresaw the government being much bigger and stronger than Jefferson thought it should be. They argued the nature of humankind. Jefferson seeing them as good and needing less government, Hamilton seeing them as evil and needing to be ruled by a monarchy.

What were the real issues behind the american rejection to the tea act?

THEY DIDNT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE BRITISH EMPIRE AT ALL. EVEN IF THE TAXES WERE BENEFIT TO THE AMERICANS. THEY WANTED THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT TO LEAVE THEM ALONE!Rejecting that British power. We don't care if it's all good and wonderful, you leave us alone. Even though it was beneficial to America they wanted to go back to the days where the British left us alone entirely. No taxation without representation. Most people thought it meant Americans wanted someone sitting in parliament on their behalf but they really meant - You Can't Tax Us since we don't even have people in parliament. We'll throw it in the harbor, we'll tar and feather, but we WILL NOT pay your taxes. King George hears this and decides he's got to get tough. He orders the port of Boston to be closed. But that's bad because the economy in 1774 of Boston absolutely crashed and people were fleeing the city as refugees and it was economic chaos - crime. Starvation. Strangling a port city is really an act of war against the people of Boston. This was very unfortunate and stupid to do. But this was a big mistake and one thing he was thinking was shutting down the port would make everyone else be scared and back off. so ....

Why did the think that the american experiment would fail?

THEY THOUGHT THE AMERICANS WERE DOOMED. THOUGHT THEY WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SURVIVE. THEY THOUGHT THEY WOULD COLLAPSE AND GET EVERYTHING BACK. Green as grass governors wouldn't be able to survive in the world. Part of the thinking was that the American ideals in the DOI and in the governements set up like the articles of federation were weak compared to the british government. They said it had to be run by majority rule or it wouldn't work. Majority rule is a nasty tyranny. If 51% agree, 49.9 won't be happy with that tyranny of a government and will rebel. Greeks had thought the people should give permission to the government to rule them. So they thought it would quickly degenerate into mob rule. There is no tyranny so horrible as the majority rule tyranny.

Why did the british agree to generous treaty at the end of the war?

TRADE AND DOOM. Fought for 8 long years in the end. Got up and walked out said go ahead. At various points during the revolution it was very doubtful that we were going to be able to win. In Hindsight, it worked out well, April of 1775 to the official end in early 1783. Very difficult time. A lot of suffering and death. Compared to wars fought more recently, the american revolution was a mosquito bite. Took NY, Washington tried to defend it. Miracle that Americans escaped from Manhattan. Revolution would have ended so fast. British left NY voluntarily years later. Washington decided he needed to go into winter camp with excitement instead of discouragement. on Christmas day, 1776, Washington loaded his army with everything they could take across the Delaware to attack the British. Captured and killed dozens of soldiers working for the British without losing a single man. Marched up the river and attacked the city of Princeton. Not necessarily significant targets. He was building morale so his men could go into winter camp on the heels of Victory. When news arrived in Europe that America won, France Spain and Holland declared war on England - virtually everyone in Europe declared war, particularly French troups and the French Army. The war of the American Revolution. Stale mate at this point. In 1781 Cornwallis went into Virginia thinking he could take it but he ran into problems. The governor Thomas Jefferson had the state organized to resist them. Late summer of 1781 led by Washington trap British army, siege the city. Cornwallis gave up and surrendered. Disaster for the british. People of England were tired of the war so the defeat of Cornwallis signified the end of the Revolutionary War. Early months of 1783 British an Americans met in Paris to hammer out a peace treaty where they agreed America would no longer be a part of the british empire. ***TERMS - THE BRITISH WERE GENEROUS INCLUDING VAST WESTERN TERRITORY. GENEROUS AND ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE AMERICANS. WHY? WE OUTLASTED THEM, DIDN'T REALLY BEAT THEM. BRITISH GOT TIRED OF FIGHTING US AND EVERYONE ELSE. GAVE US EVERYTHING WEST OF APPALACHAINS TO MISSISSIPPI RIVER. US BECAME IMMEDIATELY A HUGE COUNTRY. WHY. ANXIOUS TO QUICKLY RESTORE THEIR HEALTHY TRADING SYSTEM. LETS GET UP AND RUNNING AGAIN LUCRATIVELY AND QUICKLY. DOOM. BRITISH WERE CONVINCED THAT THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT WAS FOOLISH AND WOULDN'T SUCCEED FOR VERY LONG. Because they thought America would fall and fall fast.

What is the significance of the boston tea paty?

The first shipment of the 'cheap tea' wound up in the harbor because PEOPLE STILL UPSET ABOUT THE BOSTON MASSACRE GOT ONTO THE SHIPS AND DUMPED THE TEA OVERBOARD. AMERICANS drunks as skunks stealing on board the vessel and chucking it overboard. Boston Tea Party. Disguised themselves AS INDIANS TO GET BACK AT ENGLAND FOR SAYING THE TROOPS WERE THERETO PROTECT THEM FROM THE INDIANS. Why did they disguise themselves as Indians? The English had argued that they were sending troops to America to protect us from Indians so the Americans are like Oh ya? You're protecting us from the indians huh? Why do this to the tea? It's actually cheaper. money will be spent in America. Why? There were tea committees everywhere beating people up that were drinking it. Becuase ... DID THIS BECAUSE THEY WERE REJECTING ACTIONS OF BRITISH CROWN EVEN WHEN IT WOULD BENEFIT THEM.

In what ways were the meanings of liberty different between the days of Jefferson and now? How have the American people changed their laws and institutions to reflect those differences?

Then: against Tyranny Now: Choice / or personal freedom By preventing other incompatible ideals from gaining ascendancy. Abraham Lincons address at Gettysberg is the most important event in development of the American ideal of equality.

How did the radicals use it as propaganda?

Way to stir the stink, keep people fired up against British policy. John Hancock was angry at the British government because his ship liberty was confiscated and he was in jail for smuggling for a long time. A lot of these guys out there wanting to cause problems. USED AS A WAY TO KEEP PEOPLE FIRED UP ABOUT BRITISH POLICY. (SAM ADAMS) PAUL REVERE (A medal smith) HELPED MAKE METAL PLATE OF WHAT WAS SUPPOSEDLY HAPPENING. Revere made a metal plate engraving of the Boston massacre. It's very innacurate. Shows british soldiers firing in the daylight and the captain ordering it. If this version was accurate, John Adams would never have been able to get them off. Very little resemblance. Second Revere engraving was color. Had blood. Shipped them all over the colonies. AMericans everywhere could see this, didn't have to read. British soldiers are here enforcing government policy and are willing to kill the peaceful citizens to enforce it so WATCH it! In 1772, the tea act was passed. Would make tea cheaper but tack on a tax. Hey tea will be cheaper so tax will be painless, we'll guarantee to spend all tax in AMerica. Parliament thought they had figured it all out.

What were contemporary criticisms of such founders as Washington, Adams and Jefferson?

[Washington] has no friendships ... He is incapable of forming any. He can serve or desert a man, or a cause, with constitutional indifference; and it is this cold, hermaphrodite faculty that imposed itself upon the world and was credited for a while, by enemies as by friends, for prudence, moderation and impartiality." [Adams] soon decided, being as sensitive to criticism as Washington and even more subject to it. Benjamin Bache tore into him as "the blasted tyrant of America" and "a ruffian deserving of the curses of mankind." He taxed Adams for obesity, referring to him as "His Rotundity," the possessor of a "sesquipedality of belly." [Jefferson] was called "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.

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