History 1st nine weeks 1st test

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In traditional African slavery, what happened to enslaved people who integrated into the society of their captors? They often had an opportunity to purchase their freedom. They were generally not allowed to earn wages. They were not allowed to marry. They had few opportunities to improve their social position.


[Men] are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it [when you need their support] approaches they turn against you. According to Machiavelli, what will happen to a leader when things go wrong and he is in need of support? People will turn against him. People will act more like cowards. People will offer him many things. People will always support their leader.


Which statement best summarizes Renaissance humanism? Humanists took a religious and scholarly approach to understanding history. Humanists used a realistic and scientific approach to understanding the world. Humanists worked hard to expand the rights of women and minorities. Humanists thought that people should focus on just one subject.


Which statement is true of the British colony of Jamestown? It was founded as a debtor's colony for British people who had lost their land as a result of a debt. It consisted of British people who were uninterested in spreading their religion or language. It suffered severe losses due to disease and warfare with the Spanish. It was seen by the British as their most immediately successful colony due to a rich economy based on tobacco.


Compared with Medieval art, the purpose of Renaissance art was to support the role of patrons. support the role of the Church. show the wealth of patrons. show the wealth of the Church.


During the 1500s, the Roman Inquisition created a German and an English translation of the Bible. a list of criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church. a list of books churchgoers were forbidden to read. a collection of ritual called the Book of Common Prayer.


For what primary purpose did the Spanish enslave many American Indians? to build churches and grow coffee to build ships and grow tobacco to work in mines and grow sugar to work on ranches and grow corn


Known as the father of Humanism renowned poet studies collected and shared Greek and Roman literature wrote in Latin and the vernacular focused on human experiences

Francisco Petrarch 1304-1374

How did Italy's Mediterranean location help give birth to the Renaissance? The Mediterranean Sea prevented foreign ideas from influencing Italian thinkers. The Mediterranean Sea prevented faraway traders from traveling to Italy. Italians were exposed to new ideas as travelers and traders passed through their country. Italians were encouraged to give up their studies in favor of Arab philosophy.


Cosimo de' Medici

ruled the city state Florence Italy one of the wealthiest people in his lifetime Built palaces, and libraries to beatify Florence Was a good judge of talent in painters and writers

During the Renaissance, people began to question religious ideas secular ideas classical ideas scholarly ideas


If Luther "experience[s] a change of heart," what will happen in return? He will be welcomed back into the church. He will be condemned as a heretic. He will face penalty and censure. He will reject the road of mildness.


What role did Henry VIII play in the Reformation? He led the Reformation in Germany. He created the Church of England. He stood trial at the Diet of Worms. He brought reform to Switzerland.


And [even] before the Spaniards had risen against us, a pestilence first came to be prevalent: the smallpox. It was the month of Tepeilhuitl when it began, and it spread over the people as great destruction. Some it quite covered with blisters on all parts - their faces, their heads, their chests, etc. . . . Entirely covered with blisters, very many people died of them. And very many starved; there was death from hunger, for none could take care of the sick; nothing could be done for them.-The Florentine Codex, 1579 What conclusion can be drawn from this passage? The native population was weakened before Spanish attacks began. There were fewer deaths by starvation than small pox. Smallpox may have become a worldwide epidemic. Starvation could have been limited with better farming techniques.


Captain James Cook wants to tell you about himself. Which statement is a lie? "I sailed to Canada for France." "I sailed near Antarctica." "I explored the Pacific." "I explored Hawaii."


During the Age of Discovery, the purpose of most European explorations was to search for resources and trade routes and to claim territory outside of Europe. find religious sites and relics. bring food and supplies to the rest of the world. expand the Holy Roman Empire.


Exploration was carried out competitively among European nations. cooperatively between the peoples of the world. cooperatively between the nations of Europe. with a sense of goodwill toward all people.


How did Olmec civilization differ from Maya civilization? The Olmecs were the first culture to live in Mesoamerica. The Mayas came later and adopted some of the Olmecs' early practices. The Mayas were the first culture to live in Mesoamerica. The Olmecs came later and rejected most of the Mayas' early practices. The Olmec civilization declined after a prolonged drought, while the Maya civilization continued to flourish into the 1500s. The Maya civilization declined after a prolonged drought, while the Olmec civilization declined after years of warfare.


How did interactions among the peoples and societies of the world during the age of discovery affect European technology? They led to technological growth. They had no real impact on technology. They were damaging to technological know-how. They stifled technological growth.


How did the Atlantic slave trade impact the Americas' role in triangular trade? It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe. It decreased the number of enslaved laborers used to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe. It decreased the use of enslaved laborers in factories that manufactured goods to be sold in the Americas. It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to work in European factories that sold manufactured goods to the Americas.


How did the Columbian Exchange affect the African people? The introduction of new crops and the decimation of the native population in the New World led to the capture and enslavement of many African people. The introduction of new crops and the Commercial Revolution in Europe led to the transfer of goods for African land. The introduction of new animals and diseases to the Americas led to the Middle Passage, a ship route that transported many American Indians to Africa. The introduction of the joint-stock company and the rise of cities and towns led many African people to invest in the New World.


How did the Spanish and French differ in their treatment of American Indians? The Spanish forced American Indians to convert to Christianity while the French built relationships with them. The French arrived in large numbers, while the Spanish arrived in small numbers. The French were dependent on the fur trade, while the Spanish were dependent on the sugar trade. The Spanish built relationships with American Indians, while the French forced their culture onto them.


How was the Inca empire impacted by European exploration and colonization? The Spanish forced the Incans to adopt their language, religion, and way of life. The Spanish crowned Atahualpa as emperor of the Inca. The Spanish enriched the Inca empire by buying goods with gold and silver. The Spanish forced many Inca to work as conquistadors.


Paying tribute included giving gold or human sacrifice victims to a larger, more powerful empire. Which empire forced others to pay tribute? Aztec Empire Inca Empire Spanish Empire Portuguese Empire


The Olmec people constructed giant stone monuments. built pyramids out of blocks of stone. developed a writing system with pictographs. created a system of numbers that included zero.


The encomienda system was a slavery system except that the enslaved could not be sold off the land. a noble attempt to care for the native people. a system in which land was distributed to the native people. a model for the medieval system to be developed in Spain.


What did Mary I do when she became the Queen of England? She restored her nation's ties to the Catholic Church. She made Anglicanism the official religion of England. She allowed all heretics to travel and settle in England. She refused to recognize the Council of Trent agreements.


What did the Chavíns and the Incas have in common? Both civilizations lived in the Andes Mountains. Both civilizations lived along the Gulf Coast. Both civilizations fell around 200 BCE. Both civilizations fell in the 1530s.


What was one difference between Vasco de Gama and Bartolomeu Dias? Dias reached the tip of Africa, while de Gama's sailed around it. Dias was from Spain, while de Gama was from Italy. Dias circumnavigated the globe, while de Gama did not. De Gama found the Cape of Good Hope, while Dias did not.


Which best describes how wealthy merchant families such as the Medicis influenced achievements during the Renaissance? By supporting art, wealthy merchant families created an environment that also promoted cultural achievements. By supporting the Church, wealthy merchant families created an environment that also promoted religious achievements. By supporting city-states, wealthy merchant families created an environment that also promoted cultural achievements. By supporting Italy, wealthy merchant families created an environment that also promoted national achievements.


Which statement best explains how terrace farming differed from slash-and-burn agriculture? Terrace farming was used to grow crops in mountain areas, while slash-and-burn agriculture was used to grow crops in rainforests. Terrace farming was used to grow crops in rainforests, while slash-and-burn agriculture was used to grow crops in mountain areas. Terrace farming allowed farmers to grow a variety of crops, while slash-and-burn agriculture could only be used to grow corn. Terrace farming could only be used to grow corn, while slash-and-burn agriculture allowed farmers to grow a variety of crops.


Which statement most completely explains why the French settled in New France? They were hunting and trading fur and were seeking a route to the Pacific. They sought to convert American Indians and were looking for new land to explore. They came to trap and trade fur, were looking for new land and a route to the Pacific, and sought to convert American Indians. They came to trap and trade fur, and they sought new land and a way to the Pacific.


Why was Luther summoned to the Diet of Worms? to defend what he had written in the Ninety-Five Theses to teach other Catholic priests about Protestantism to lead the first Protestant church service in Germany to rule on Henry VIII's petition to annul his first marriage


How was the Inca Empire impacted by European exploration and colonization? Check all that apply. European explorers stole gold, silver, and other riches from the Incan empire. Pizarro named himself emperor. Europeans constructed coastal cities to more easily ship Incan riches back to Spain. The empire was conquered and exploited by Pizarro and other Europeans. The Incan people rejected their traditions in favor of European ones.


Background information: This is an excerpt from a letter written by Lorenzo de' Medici, the ruler of Florence from 1469-1492, to his son Giovanni, who had just become a cardinal. You are now devoted to God and the church: on which account you ought to aim at being a good ecclesiastic [priest], and to show that you prefer the honor and state of the church and of the apostolic see [the authority of the pope] to every other consideration . . . you should be the link to bind this city closer to the church, and our family with the city . . . you are always to prefer the interests of the church. Which of these claims is supported by evidence in the passage? Renaissance men were more concerned with secular ideas than religious ones. Despite the growth of humanism, the church was still important to Renaissance men. Renaissance men owed their loyalty to their city-state above all other considerations. The most important consideration for any man was his family, followed by the church.


How were the Mayas and the Zapotecs similar? Both civilizations were ruled by an emperor. Both civilizations played a ball game with hoops. Both civilizations practiced monotheistic religions. Both civilizations existed well into the 1400s.


In Portugal, the ability and motivation to explore was aided by a desire to escape religious persecution. strong leadership from Prince Henry. the search for a better home. the people's open minds and generous spirits.


Read these statements by Bartolomeu Dias. Which one is a lie? "I sailed for Portugal." "I discovered a sea route to India." "I named the Cape of Good Hope." "I lost sight of land because of storms."


The Peace of Augsburg was later broken by the Council of Trent. the Thirty Years' War. the Great Peasants' Revolt. the Protestant Reformation.


Which correctly matches the product with its place of origin before the Columbian Exchange? Tomato came from Europe Horse came from Europe Wheat came from the Americas Sugar came from the Americas


Which is the most accurate list of mercantilism rules? i. Collect gold and silver.ii. Import more goods than what one exports.iii. Provide raw materials to colonies.iv. Sell manufactured goods from colonies to the mother country. i. Collect gold and silver.ii. Export more goods than what one imports.iii. Have the colonies provide raw materials.iv. Sell manufactured goods from the mother country to colonies. i. Sell gold and silver.ii. Import more goods than what one exports.iii. Sell raw materials to colonies.iv. Provide manufactured goods to colonies. i. Sell gold and silver.ii. Export more goods than what one imports.iii. Have colonies sell raw materials.iv. Sell manufactured goods from the mother country to colonies.


Which statement best defines the teachings of John Calvin? Calvin taught his followers that salvation could be achieved through faith, but not through good works. Calvin taught his followers that human beings needed to follow strict rules to overcome their nature and do good. Calvin taught his followers that they could reduce punishment for their sins by giving generously to the church. Calvin taught his followers that priests and popes were closer to God than their churchgoers.


Why is Martin Luther being condemned by the pope? He supports Henry VIII's annulment. He is accused of being a heretic because of his beliefs. He changed his position on corruption. He is a prodigal son returning to the ways of the church.


What did the Mayas and Aztecs have in common? Select all that apply. their system of government their technological achievements their type of religion their system of roads


How was the Maya government different from the Aztec and Inca governments? The Mayas were not organized into independent city-states. The Mayas were ruled by a democratically elected leader. The Mayas were not united under a single emperor. The Mayas were ruled by a single high priest.


An agreement reached by the Council of Trent was that the Bible should be accessible to everyone. salvation could only be achieved through faith. most Catholic traditions needed to be reformed. seminaries should be established to train priests.


Ferdinand Magellan is next to try to trick you. Which of his statements is a lie? "I sailed for Portugal." "I died on a voyage of exploration." "I discovered the Strait of Magellan." "My expedition was the first to reach India."


What most accurately describes the relationship between the British colonies and American Indians? British colonies wanted to integrate American Indians into their culture and religion. British colonies developed strong trading partnerships with American Indians. British colonies wanted to share land with American Indians. British colonies wanted American Indians out of the way so the colonies could profit more.


What was one similarity between the Mayas, the Incas, and the Aztecs? They all dug canals. They all created calendars. They all built roads. They all built temples.


Why were Renaissance artists influenced by ancient Greek and Roman temples and buildings? The artists worked close to the temples and buildings. The artists read books about the temples and buildings. The artists traveled to visit the temples and buildings. The artists saw paintings of the temples and buildings.


writer and poet received classical education wrote in the vernacular wrote the divine comedy

Dante Alighieri 1265-1321

regarded as the greatest playwright in history examined human nature by creating complex characters Influenced western culture for hundreds of years

William Shakespeare

A Northern Renaissance writer who criticized the Catholic Church was William Shakespeare. Jan van Eyck. Albrecht Dürer. Desiderius Erasmus.


During the Renaissance, many people embraced the concept of absolutism. nationalism. medievalism. humanism.


Which best states how wealthy men changed their interests during the Renaissance? They began to focus on military goals and foreign trade to control markets. They began to focus on religious goals and teachings to strengthen the Church. They began to focus on military goals and weaponry to become better soldiers. They began to focus on educational goals and new skills to become well rounded.


The period was characterized by a renewal of interest in classical ideas from ancient

Greece and Rome

explored life after death divided through three parts Dante's journeys through hell, purgatory and paradise included real people as its characters

The divine comedy

An effect of the Great Peasants' Revolt was that about 100,000 peasants died. Martin Luther voiced his support. German princes were defeated. serfdom ended in Germany.


As navigation skills advanced, explorers reached the area now known as the Straits of Magellan. The Straits of Magellan are located south of Chile and Argentina. at the southernmost point of Brazil. between the South China Sea and India. at the southern tip of Africa.


Cartography is the science of mapmaking. the process of transporting explorers. an advanced type of sailing ship. a device used for navigation.


Which aspect of the financial system created by the Commercial Revolution most clearly paved the way for today's corporations? joint-stock companies state-created banks stock markets stable currencies


Which explorer extended France's influence in the Americas through his establishment of Quebec? Samuel de Champlain Vasco da Gama Robert de La Salle Christopher Columbus


Which led to the creation of the Church of England? An English king had a disagreement with the pope. An English priest spoke out against Catholicism. An English prince wanted to create a Lutheran state. An English scholar called for an end to indulgences.


Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Mayas? The Mayas developed city-states that were powerful but independent. The Maya civilization included different groups unified under a single religion. The Maya civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states. The Mayas were ruled by representatives from different city-states.


Who explored North America and the Arctic? Henry Hudson James Cook Robert de La Salle Samuel de Champlain


Which statements describe impacts of the Age of Discovery? Select all that apply New trade routes to Asia were discovered. European trade was expanded. Better technology led to better ships. Trade with the New World declined. European countries were unable to expand their influence.


In the first Spanish colonies, how did nearly all American Indians die? poison disease sacrifice neglect


Read this account of an incident in the French and Indian War. September 20, 1755 When we came there we were attacked by a party of French and Indians, whose number, I am persuaded, did not exceed three hundred men; while ours consisted of about one thousand three hundred well armed troops, chiefly regular soldiers, who were struck with such a panic, that they behaved with more cowardice than it is possible to conceive. The officers behaved gallantly, in order to encourage their men, for which they suffered greatly, there being near sixty killed and wounded.-George WashingtonJuly 18, 1755 Which of the following can be assumed after reading this passage? The size of the troops was about the same. The British panicked when they were attacked. The officers did not help their men. The British struck first.


Which Spanish class included Spanish colonists born in the Americas? peninsulares criollos mestizos conquistadors


Which statement most accurately describes the reasons for the Seven Years' War in North America? The French controlled the fur trade, and the British wanted to. Both the French and the British wanted control of the Ohio River Valley. The British wanted to convert American Indians to the Anglican religion. The British wanted to form alliances with American Indians, but all of them were already allied with the French.


Which statements describe effects of European exploration and colonization on the Incan people? Check all that apply. They were able to vote for their leaders for the first time. Many were enslaved and forced to work in Spanish mines. New diseases introduced by the Spanish killed millions of Inca. The Spanish forced them to convert to Christianity. Incan languages and culture were preserved by Spanish leaders.


Based on the text, why did another Christian church appeal to European princes? It would allow them to make religious decisions. It would give them authority over people. It would allow them to expand their lands. It would allow them to influence the pope.


During the Renaissance, Italian cities became centers of photography warfare banking transportation


The Aztecs adopted which aspect of Maya civilization? cacao bean currency a central government a stone calendar a strong military


The Counter-Reformation was a religious and political movement that worked to spread the ideas and teachings of John Calvin across Europe. worked to spread the ideas and teachings of Martin Luther across Europe. involved the creation of new practices and policies in the Catholic Church. involved the creation of new practices and policies in the Protestant Church.


What gave rise to the slave trade? The lack of a skilled labor force in the Americas and the decline of the West African population caused residents to seek a living elsewhere. The shipment of gold from the Americas to Europe caused plantation owners to seek inexpensive laborers. The death of many American Indians to disease and the planting of labor-intensive crops. The global expansion of the spice trade and the rise of Christianity in the Americas.


What instrument did navigators use to calculate the positions of the sun and the stars? a caravel a carrack an astrolabe a compass


What is the purpose of this chart? to show the populations of the largest cities in the world to show the populations of major cities today to show the populations of major cities in 1500 to show the populations of major cities in Europe


Which countries sought control of North America during the Seven Years War? the Netherlands and France Spain and Britain France and Britain Spain and France


Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Aztecs? The Aztecs developed city-states that were powerful but independent. The Aztec civilization included different groups unified under a single religion. The Aztec civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states. The Aztecs were ruled by representatives from different city-states.


Why did Spain create missions in the colonies? to create forced labor using American Indians to adapt to American Indian traditions to assimilate American Indians to return land to American Indians


A goal of the Great Peasants' Revolt was to stop the raids on monasteries and churches. to make Germany part of the Holy Roman Empire. to oppose the spread of Protestantism in Germany. to take wealth away from the Roman Catholic Church.


A prominent merchant family in Italy during the Renaissance was the Gutenbergs. the Machiavellis. the da Vincis. the Medicis.


According to the text, why did Queen Mary I earn a nickname from the English people? She married a prince from Spain. She managed to avoid war with Spain. She restored Protestantism to England. She approved persecutions against English Protestants.


How did humanism impact political thinking during the Renaissance? It allowed emperors to justify conquering new territories. It inspired merchants to spread European ideas about democracy. It led scholars to support religious leaders over independent monarchs. It reduced the importance of religion over how people thought about society.


Samuel de Champlain wants to tell you about his life. Which statement is a lie? "I helped establish Quebec." "I explored upper North America." "I extended France's influence in the Americas." "I sailed to the Pacific for France."


The Italian wars that began in 1494 helped spread Renaissance ideas to Portugal. Spain. England. France


What did Jesuits and the leaders of the Council of Trent have in common? Check all that apply. They wanted to improve relations with Protestants by making compromises. They were opposed to improving spirituality within the Catholic faith. They accused people of heresy and witchcraft. They were concerned with improving religious education.


Where were the first Spanish colonies located in the New World? in Canada in North America in South America in the West Indies


Which statement best describes what happened if a German prince decided a state was Catholic in the late 1500s? The state had to tolerate other religions. The state tolerated Lutherans but not Calvinists. Lutherans could stay, but they had to pay higher taxes. Lutherans had to change their religion or leave the state.


Why did the Spanish government establish the encomienda system in the Spanish colonies? to grant land to American Indians to divide land equally to defend the American Indians to set up a labor supply


What focused on the potential of Human achievement


Created the printing press printed version of the bible

Johannes Gutenburg

Sancho Panza is the farmer who acts as Quixote's


what would be a reason art in the middle ages would be created

To teach a lesson in the Catholic church

Christian humanist and statesman served as a top official in England published Utopia Executed by King Henery V111 recognised as a saint by the Catholic church

Tomas More 1478-1535

What is the most likely reason why Southern colonies had such different exports from those of New England? New England colonists were not able to farm. The colonies had different growing seasons. New England colonies had limited access to waterways. Southern colonies did not have a plantation system.


Renassiance art

both religious and secular art is common more focus on ordinary people focus a naturalism paintings appeared lifelike

what would be a reason art in the renaissance would be created

created for wealthy patrons important patron

Don Quixote 1605

examined the complexity of Human nature Studied hero and anti hero

Jan Van Eyck

first Flemish painter developed new techniques for oil painting painted religious and secular themes known for his use of realism

When Quixote attacks a windmill Sancho Panza

follows after him

The impact of the Commercial Revolution could be most felt in which realm? There was a social impact; the merchant class grew and towns and cities became more populated. There was a trade-related impact; the increase of global trade had an enormous effect on the Old and New World. There was an economic impact; the birth of the banking system, growth of capitalism and companies dramatically increased the wealth of nations. There was an environmental impact; the increased movement of goods and people drastically changed the environment.

not b

How did the urbanization of Europe influence the renaissance

people exchanged new ideas and new ways of thinking, cities became centers for trade and banking

In the middle ages what were some reason education declined

political instability, and the plague education was also centered on religion

The word "renaissance" means


Name qualities of a renaissance man

talented in many areas of study

describe a renaissance women

well educated and charming, and often had little political or economic influence

Kind leaders are not necessarily good leaders people are selfish and corrupt Leaders should inspire fear in those they rule Force cruelty and deception are sometimes necessary to rule

The prince

Good order would have been lacking in the human family, if some were not governed by others wiser than themselves. So by a similar kind of subjection, woman is naturally subject to man, because in man the discretion of reason predominates."

What does Aquinas believe the role of women should be? Women should allow men to make the decisions in a family. Women provide order and leadership in the family. Women should become wiser by getting an education. Women should subjugate men, as they are more reasonable.

A major Renaissance novel about a man who fights imaginary enemies is The Prince. Don Quixote. The Book of the Courtier. The Divine Comedy.


Supporters of art during the Renaissance were called clergy. patrons. humanists. popes.


great Christian humanist of the northern renaissance catholic priest and scholar criticized corruption among the Catholic church wrote the praise of folly

Desiderius Erasmus

famous German portrait artists Is known for precision and realism Complete most famous work in England court painter to Henry V111

Hans Holbein The younger

German priest and religious scholar Wrote ninety five thesis to criticize the Catholic church Launched the Reformation Inspired creation of new protestant churches

Martin Luther

At the beginning of the Renaissance, the Italian city of Rome included many elements taken from Egyptian art and architecture. Greek art and architecture. Spanish art and architecture. French art and architecture.


Compared with Medieval art, Renaissance art often appeared to be unrealistic. lifelike. ordinary. religious.


Used the book of Common prayer to conduct services in English Incorporated some protestant and some catholic beliefs

Church of England

A pair of Renaissance writers who based works on their professional experiences were Miguel de Cervantes and Baldassare Castiglione. Miguel de Cervantes and Niccolo Machiavelli. Niccolo Machiavelli and Dante Alighieri. Niccolo Machiavelli and Baldassare Castiglione.


A reason that Renaissance art looked different from Medieval art is that it was generally created for the Catholic Church. created for major political figures. created for aspiring artists. created for wealthy patrons.


In the mid 1300s ---- issued a challenge to the Catholic church questioned key religious teachings translated the bible into English

John Wycliffe

who invaded Naples in the 30 year war

King Charles Vlll of France causing artists and writers to flee to northern Europe for safety

Which best describes the images that Michelangelo painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? stories from the New Testament of the Bible stories from the Old Testament of the Bible lessons the Church wanted to teach lessons Michelangelo wanted to teach


greatest German renaissance painter, and printer revolutionized woodcut printmaking published books on art geometry and anatomy painted realistic watercolors of animals

Albrecht Durer

According to humanist thinkers, political decisions should be based on ancient wisdom. rational thought. religious doctrines. artistic inclinations.


Considered the greatest artist of his time famous for lifelike representations of the human body known for paintings and sculptures painted in the Sistine chapel

Michelangelo 1475-1564

How does the use of perspective affect the appearance of individuals in Renaissance paintings? They appear to be flat. They appear to be larger. They appear to be closer to each other. They appear to be three-dimensional.


Middle Age art

religious in nature painting were flat and unrealistic ordinary people rarely appeared in paintings

A similarity between Henry VIII and Martin Luther was that both formed new denominations that spread throughout Europe. were European monarchs who opposed the Catholic Church. were religious leaders who tried to change the Catholic Church. were excommunicated from the Catholic Church for their actions.


How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance? The Northern Renaissance was more secular. The Northern Renaissance rejected classical thinking. The Northern Renaissance added an emphasis on the individual. The Northern Renaissance combined Humanism with religious thinking.


How did trade routes influence the Renaissance's beginning in Italy? Traders from Constantinople began to sponsor Italian artists. Merchants from Tripoli grew wealthy supplying armies fighting the Hundred Years' War. Italy was isolated from its neighbors, so it began to focus on its own culture. Italian traders had contact with the Arab world and its culture.


Which best states how the Renaissance affected Europe between 1300 and 1600? The Renaissance led to major artistic changes but few social changes in Europe. The Renaissance led to major social changes but few political changes in Europe. The Renaissance led to no major artistic, social, or political changes in Europe. The Renaissance led to major artistic, social, and political changes in Europe.


What did Christian humanists and Italian humanists have in common? Check all that apply. Both believed in the importance of the individual. Both advocated the study of classical thought. Both rejected religious ideas in favor of secular ones. Both argued that biblical principles could solve humanity's problems.


Which statements describe characteristics of a "Renaissance man"? Select all that apply. He can read and speak more than one language. He is extremely well-educated in math and science but not history or philosophy. He is an excellent swordsman. His education is focused on works produced in the modern era and not on those of classical civilizations.


Which of these statements would Machiavelli agree with? Check all that apply. It is better to be feared than loved by the masses. If the masses love a leader, they will obey him. The most important quality in a leader is virtue. Most men are selfish and corrupt.


regarded as one of Spain's most important writers Included experiences in his writings Wrote Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes

John Calvin and his followers transformed the city of Geneva into an autocracy. a democracy. a plutocracy. a theocracy.


what are some humanistic beliefs

Reason rather than religion should guide ones thinking, classical texts should form the foundation of knowledge, and Scholars should study a broad range of subjects

People are basically good One should use reason and rational thought The study of classical thought can help one learn to learn truth

Beliefs of Humanism

A famous sketch by Leonardo da Vinci showed an early version of a locomotive. an airplane. an 18-wheel truck. an aircraft carrier..


Which best describes printing before the invention of the Gutenberg printing press? a long, expensive process a short, expensive process a long, inexpensive process a short, inexpensive process


In the 1500s, John Calvin left France to escape religious persecution. become a Catholic priest. translate the Bible into German. stand trial at the Diet of Worms.


In the 1500s, Protestantism was a movement that established new church denominations. firmed up support for the Catholic Church. started the sale of indulgences in the church. called for reforms within the Protestant Church.


Where did Italian artists and writers flee for safety during the Italian wars? northern Europe southern Europe North America South America


Before the Reformation, the dominant force in European life was the Catholic Church. Protestant Church. French monarchy. English monarchy.


Differing interpretations of the Bible by Christians in Europe eventually led to the Reformation. the Hundred Years' War. the Black Plague. the Italian wars.


How did use of the vernacular affect the spread of humanism in Europe? The vernacular helped artists create and distribute works that patrons liked. The vernacular helped writers and philosophers reach wider audiences. The vernacular helped scholars collect and study classical literature. The vernacular helped politicians and businessmen maintain power.


Machiavelli's new ideas supported Renaissance humanism by showing that governments wanted to help people. people were in control of their lives. governments had many virtues. people were not in control of their lives.


Renaissance art often included influences from ancient Greek and Roman religion and politics. sculpture and architecture. economics and sculpture. politics and architecture.


The Italian Renaissance spread across Europe in the late 1400s through religion. urbanization. newspapers. farming.


The Ninety-Five Theses called for many reforms, including establishing new denominations. banning the sale of indulgences. allowing only priests to forgive sins. building palaces with church funds.


Well-educated people during the Renaissance learned medieval Latin. classical Latin. medieval French. classical French.


What is the main idea of these two theses? Selling indulgences is acceptable, but only in very rare situations. Selling indulgences leads to corruption, greed, and a false hope of salvation. Selling indulgences is only acceptable when the Catholic Church does it. Selling indulgences is a certain path to salvation in the hands of God.


Which best states how the use of perspective made Renaissance art appear different than Medieval art? Perspective added colors to Renaissance art that Medieval art did not have. Perspective added depth to Renaissance art that Medieval art did not show. Perspective made Renaissance art seem larger than Medieval art. Perspective made Renaissance art seem more religious than Medieval art.


Which humanist idea affected Renaissance society? Reason is secondary to rational thought. People are basically good at their core. Reason is secondary to faith and truth. People should always support their leaders.


Which was an effect of the Reformation on the arts? Most Protestant churches banned music from worship services. Protestant religious art focused on accurate portrayals of Bible narratives. Catholic imagery was preserved and adopted by Protestant churches. Artists living in Protestant areas made their work more religious in theme.


Why did Quixote attack the windmill in the field? He thought it was watching him. He thought it was a giant. He believed it was an evil omen. He believed it would impress Sancho.


What advice would Machiavelli likely give to Don Quixote on his quest? Check all that apply. continue to act virtuously on his quest, no matter what obstacles he faces threaten Sancho Panza if he does not obey orders trick others in order to achieve his goals treat those he meets with courtesy and kindness in order to win their support


How did humanism affect paintings during the Renaissance? Paintings became more religious. Paintings became less political. Paintings became more lifelike. Paintings became less realistic


In The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri uses poetry to explore the simplicity of human nature. the complexity of human nature. the existence of life after death. the power of political turmoil.


In the mid-1300s, John Wycliffe was a critic of the Protestant Church. a reverend in the Protestant Church. a critic of the Catholic Church. a leader in the Catholic Church.


The popularity of the Gutenberg press in Europe made books more accessible and motivated people to want to learn how to write. paint. read. travel.


What impact did the Renaissance have on European society? It increased the power of the Catholic Church. It enabled Italy to conquer most of the continent. It led people to question traditional religious teachings. It inspired political leaders to share power with common people.


Why did the Renaissance begin later in Northern Europe than in Italy? Northern monarchs were not interested in supporting artists. There was no trade between Italy and the North. Northern regions faced challenges that Italy did not. Monarchs in the north were more interested in exploration than in art.


Why is Don Quixote considered to be a humanist work? It includes characters modeled on classical figures. It includes a knight fighting for the Roman Republic. It celebrates individuality by giving realistic portrayals of humanity. It includes a journey to hell, purgatory, and heaven.


What did the Peace of Augsburg accomplish? Check all that apply.

It recognized Lutheranism as an official religion. It allowed each German prince to decide the religion of his state.

considered the ideal renaissance man and worked during the high renaissance painted the last supper

Leonardo Da Vinci

Was a writer philosopher and politician began a career in government at a young age Influenced later writers with his plays and books Wrote The Prince a book on how to acquire power and keep it

Niccolo Machiavelli

Italian city states were ruled by a growing ---- class


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