History 222 study guide John Wood Mr. Rodriguez

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At the end of WWII african americans comprised what percentage of the U.S. population?


During the 1950s the GDP in the US increased by what percent?


which year was the first gay pride march in the united states held?


What fraction of U.S. households were located in urban areas in 1945?


According to the Bureau of labor statistics what percentage of the US population remained in poverty in 1960?


What percentage of US women were employed outside of the home full-time by 1960?


In the U.S. during the 1950s median life expectancy improved by how many years?


about how many US military advisers were in south vietnam assisting Ngo Dinh Diem's forces when kennedy assumed office in january 1961?


During WWII how were the roles of African americans and native americans in the united states military similar?

Both frequently served in the US military despite widespread racism

at the versailles peace conference in 1919 the victorious allied powers mandated Palestine to the


Which city did not attract large numbers of African Americans in the postwar period?


Which of the following nations was NOT included in Secretary of State Acheson's defensive perimeter in the Far East?


Which of the following is NOT a reason why the United States initially assumed a stance of neutrality regarding the French war in Vietnam?

France initially promoted a Communist agenda in Southeast Asia.

How did President Truman justify the use of the atomic bomb?

He viewed the bomb as a necessary military weapon, which shortened the war and saved the lives of American soldiers

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the "Byrnes Note"?

It called for the abolition of Japanese imperialism

Why did NATO signify a major shift in U.S. foreign policy?

It represented America's first binding military alliance in modern times

Which of the following is NOT a reason Truman fired General MacArthur?

MacArthur sought to maintain a Europe-first orientation

When did isreal declare its independence?

May 14, 1948

early in 1956, who was the new leader in the soviet union?

Nikkita Khrushchev

When did the first break come in the Soviet/Cuban missile crisis?

October 24, 1962

What was the official catalyst for the formation of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HAUC)?

Southern opposition to the new deal

What was the labor management relations act more commonly called?

Taft-Hartley Act

Which analysis best reflects the historical relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union?

The WWII-era alliance between the two nations was anomalous; relations up to that point were fraught with tension, clashes, and conflict.

Why did most Americans decline to file income tax returns prior to world war II?

The income tax previously applied to only high income families and corporations

Which best reflects the relationship between the supreme court and the president during WWII?

The supreme court significantly enhanced the president's powers during wartime

What document created NATO?

Treaty of Washington

why did the need for manned espionage flights over soviet territory disappear by the beginning of the 60s?

US spy satellites equipped with high resolution space cameras began to fly over soviet territory

after sputnik educational shortcomings became a national security issue in which country?


how did the watts civil rights riots of 1965 begin?

a crowd gathered to protest the arrest of a drunken motorist

What was meant by the term togetherness as first used in the 1954 McCalls article?

a happy nuclear family melded into a team

What did Mao's victory in China represent for the United States?

a major failure of diplomacy and politics

what did proponents of the affluent society believe about the role of wealth in the united states in the 1950s?

all americans are wealthy

who was Chuck Berry?

an african american songwriter and guitarist

at the time of his death, kennedy was considering

an antipoverty program

after kennedys death how was jackie kennedy reported to have described her first husbands administration?

as likened to Camelot, the arthurian legend of arthur and the round table

why were doubters and critics of the warren report so insistent that a conspiracy be involved with his death?

available scientific evidence suggested that more than one person was involved in the shooting

why did billy graham often in opposition with southern business interests and political leaders during the 1950s?

because he supported religious desegregation

why was the cuban economy dominated by U.S. economic interests in the 50s?

because of the two countries' neocolonial relationship

During WWII shoppers occasionally rioted over the rationing of which item?


who wrote the landmark feminist work feminine mystique in 1963?

betty friedan

which group did huey newton and bobby seale found after learning that san francisco police killed an unarmed sixteen year old?

black panther party for self-defense

In what way was postwar protest by african americans similar in the north and south?

black protest was focused on racial discrimination in the north and south

how were the ideals of the 'best generation' of the 50s similar to the ideals of the hippe generation that followed in the 60s?

both sets of ideals were based on a defying what was considered respectable by mainstream media

how did the design of cars change in the United States during the 1950's?

cars became larger, more powerful, and gaudier

Working mothers were challenged duiring WWII because?

child care centers did not exist

why did student protests at columbia university in 1968 become violent?

civil rights protesters from the black student union and antiwar protesters from the student for a democratic society both occupied the campus at the same time

what did writer murray kempton mean when he observed that Hollywood corrupted the communists, not vice versa?

communists in hollywood were innocent of crime and posed no threat to national security

The launch of the Korean War, the support of Poland against the Soviet Union, and the alliance with France in Indochina are all examples of what foreign policy initiative?


What did the formation of the states' rights party represent?

deep dissent among southerners within the democratic party

why were the civil rights riots in detroit in 1967 particularly alarming?

detroit was governed by african americans

Which of the following does NOT reflect the militarization that occurred during the Cold War?

development of military frontiers abroad

who headed the special commission to investigate the assassination of president kennedy?

earl warren

what was the difference between eisenhower's feelings about the break-up of the summit meeting that was scheduled to take place in Paris in May 1960 and Khrushchev's feelings concerning the ?

eisenhower was full of regret while khrushchev felt like it was justified

During the early 1950's teen culture centered around ?

fads and pop music

what characterized women's employment rates in the united states during the 1950s?

female employment increased significantly at a rate four times faster than male employment

author david riesman called the new american character type "other-directed" because he felt that many americans were mostly concerned with

fitting in

johnson secured congressional passage of the immigration act of 1965, the first comprehensive overhaul of U.S immigration policy in__ years


how did hippies attempt to duplicate the students for a democratic society's vietnam war protests?

gathering in the haight-ashbury district of san francisco for the summer of love

who proposed taking out the soviet missile sites in cuba with air strikes in 1962?

general Maxwell Taylor

which of the following is not a reason why many psychiatrists criticized women who worked in the 1950s?

government influence

Why did the Catholic church oppose federal aid to education in the 1940s?

government refusal to provide funding to parochial schools

What was remarkable about Truman's election in 1948?

he achieved a surprising and last minute victory

why was the famous quiz bowl performer Van Doren dismissed from his job?

he admitted to cheating as a contestant on the popular quiz bowl show Twenty-One

why was timothy leary fired from his position as a psychologist harvard university?

he conducted psychedelic drug experiments on his students

how did william whyte author of Organized Man, criticize the culture of america during the 50s?

he raised questions about the futility of having an "organizational ethic"

why did richard nixon cut ties whith northeastern moderate republicans during his campaign for the 1968 election?

he recognized that the backlash against radicalism gave him stronger conservative support in the south

how did fidel castro implement his social revolution in cuba?

he redistributed land by taking it from the wealthy and giving it to the poor

how did eisenhower use religion as an instrument of american foreign policy during the 50s?

he supported anti-communist religious world agencies

how did Khrushchev announce in november 1958 that within six months he would sign a separate peace treaty with east germany?

he was displeased with West germany's acceptance into NATO

What does HAUC stand for?

house committee on Un-American activites

who did democratic party regulars back during the 1968 democratic national convention?

hubert humphrey

which of the following was an innovation that greatly increased the size of the audience for televised football games during the 1950s?

instant replay

Why was the gideon v. wainright ruling so significant?

it set precedence that the right to a fair trial included the right to be represented in court by a lawyer

How did kennedys untimely death impact his legacy?

it ultimately made him into a myth to the american people

which of the following statements best explains why religion seemed to become more important to many americans during the 50s?

it was a main component of their social activities

why did hanoi disapprove of the military presence in south vietman?

it was in violation of the 1954 geneva accord

how had america changed from the beginning of eisenhower's first term in office to the end of his last term?

it went from a peaceful, prosperous time to a time when many foreign crises loomed ahead

what was the difference between the expectations associated with the bay of pigs invasion and the actual outcome?

kennedy and his administration expected that the bay of pigs invasion would be a definite victory but it turned out to be a quick defeat instead

what characterized the relationship between the democratic party and organized labor during the 1950s?

labor represented a powerful force within the democratic party

Which of the following is the least likely reason many women experienced discrimination in wartime employment?

lack of job skills

What was the basis for republican charges of corruption in the truman administration?

low-level scandals among a few minor government officials

who made a pilgrimage to mecca in 1965 and began rethinking his radical nationalist positions?

malcom X

how were many americans impacted by the assassination of president kennedy, MLK, and other leaders suring the 60s?

many americans developed a deep sense of mistrust for government leaders

Who was murdered in memphis in 1968 by james early ray?

martin luther king

Which of the following is not a reason why the republican members of congress backed senator McCarthy?

monetary bribes

Which of the following best describes the percentage of US women who worked outside the home that married by 1945?

more than 50%

What was the name of the automobile related legislation enacted by congress in 1956?

national interstate and defense highways act of 1956

How were the truman administration and the government agencies similar in their treatment of women in the economy in the post WWII era?

neither showed concern about declining opportunities for women

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, U.S. policy toward mainland China was one of


What pattern characterized migration in the United States during the 1950's?

poor people congregated in and moved to urban areas while middle class people relocated to the suburbs

the most remarkable aspect of television during the 1950s was how

quickly it became a mass medium

why did most americans in the 1950's believe that their society offered its members an abundance of opportunity?

rapid and sustained postwar economic growth

after 1966, congress became

reluctant to appropriate more funds for reform

why were most new jobs during the 1950s sales, advertising, customer service, clerical, or accounting jobs?

service-sector jobs helped the 1950s consumer economy to grow

why was first lady jackie kennedy considered an iconic figure?

she was a charming hostess and redesigned the style of the white house

who launched the first space satellite called sputnik

soviet union

why did student protesters demand the right to sit on governing boards and the elimination if curfews and dress codes?

students opposed the assembly line education they received from the traditional power structure on campus

What was the general response of Americans to the Cold War policy of containment?


Which of the following was not a factor in Truman's unexpected victory in the 1948 election?

support of southern democrats

What happened to truman's popularity in the immediate aftermath of the low-level scandal within his administration?

temporarily plummeted

Which nation was responsible for the Berlin Blockade?

the Soviet Union

Which of the following reflects the way race relations changed in the US military between WWI and WWII?

the army air corps and marine corps offered african americans advanced training

who did the voting rights act of 1965 empower to appoint federal registrars to register voters in the deep south?

the attorney general

What was the most important Fair Deal measure to pass?

the extension of social security coverage

why did johnson view charles de gaulle as problematic?

the french leader wanted france and western europe to free themselves from US domination

which of the following statements best reflects the relationship between the growth of suburbia and the development of the automobile industry in 1950s?

the growth of suburbia and the development of the industry occurred together

What did the berlin wall come to symbolize?

the impasse between the east and west

the eisenhower doctrine announced by america after the Suez crisis, extended containment to

the middle east

The nuclear test ban treaty imposed a measure of control on

the nuclear arms race

as the 60s got underway, why did many social critics in america feel that something was missing in the national spirit?

the ongoing cold war was wearing on the american people

why do historians regard kennedys foreign policy achievements as being more significant than his domestic achievements?

the peace corps and the trade expansion act succeeded while much of his new frontier agenda at home failed

what was the difference between the way that the radio audience perceived the televised presidential debates between kennedy and nixon and the perception of the televised audience regarding the debates

the radio audience favored nixon and the televised audience favored Kennedy

what was the difference between the way that the republicans viewed their new look foreign policy program and the way that critics viewed the program?

the republicans saw the strategy as a way to deter the soviets from hostile action while critics saw the strategy as being severely limited

Which federal law or court case did not address race relations?

the serviceman's readjustment act

What delayed the passage of the civil rights bill that passed in the house in February 1964

the southern filibuster in the senate

how were the concerns held by culture critics in the 50s similar to issues raised by the "beat generation during the same era?

they both complained about rampant consumerism in America

Why were many law enforcement officials disturbed by the court decisions of the 60s?

they felt that the decisions increased the difficulty of their jobs

why did isrealis launch a preemptive strike on june 5, 1967?

they felt the arabs were sure to strike them

How did government officials handle the numerous critics and doubters of the warren report?

they had a congressional investigating committee review it for almost 3 years

How did the role of african american women in the workplace shift before and during the war?

they moved from domestic to factory work

why did president johnson send US troops to suppress the insurgency in the dominican republic in early 1965?

to end riots between students and american citizens

why did president eisenhower establish a national goals commission in 1960?

to establish national objectives that would help steer the country back on course

Why did the Hollywood Ten resist HAUC investigation?

to make a political point while highlighting the absurdity of HAUCs actions

Why did Winston Churchill use the phrase "iron curtain" to describe the division between the Soviet empire and the rest of the world?

to symbolize the stark boundary casting the Soviet empire apart from the rest of the world

What role was served by the McClellan committee of the U.S. senate?

to uncover and expose corruption within the teamsters union

On learning of truman's victory, why did the commentator state "roosevelt has won a fifth term" ?

truman tapped into Roosevelt's new deal era policies to gain support

If no spies were found, why did so many government employees resign following truman's establishment of a loyalty program in 1947?

widespread panic about the threat of subversion regardless of evidence

Arizona state senator barry goldwater created controversy when he said that he

would authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons in vietnam

what did elvis presley's performing style symbolize during the 1950's?

youthful rebellion

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