History 262

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In "Debating the Crusade," Matthew Gabrielle argues all of the following except...

"Crusade" is best applied to social, religious, or political contests of "good vs. evil"

Martin Luther's Significance

1. He was an Augustinian monk, an ordained priest, and a professor of the New Testament in northeastern Germany. 2. He wrote a letter to his archbishop itemizing practices he considered contrary to scripture. 3. He had a strong sense of sin, confessing daily and performing extensive penance.

Matthew Gabriel does argue that:

1. The term crusade carries too much baggage and should be used only occasionally and carefully. 2. The term crusade was not used during what is now labeled the First Crusade 3. The ideology of crusade was also employed during the Temperance Movement, and modern evangelical movements.

Facts about the Renaissance

1. There was wide dissemination of translations of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman intellectuals whose work had not been previously known in Western Europe. 2. The European intellectuals and artists of the period saw themselves as having broken away from the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. 3. Renaissance artists were strongly influenced by Greek and Hellenistic-Roman culture.

The majority of the Jewish population in Granada was forced to emigrate by __________.


The New Sciences were allowed to flourish in northern Europe, especially in the Netherlands and England, mainly because of:

A certain liberty of investigation that other areas lacked.

When Buddhism became the state religion of Yamato in 594, followers of Shinto _________

Accommodated Buddhist principles into a fused religious tradition.

The Ottoman-Habsburg struggle of the sixteenth century can be seen as yet another chapter in the long history of competition that began when the _________ Empire expanded into the Mediterranean and was resisted by the Greeks in the middle of the first millennium B.C.E.

Achaemenid Persian

Tang efforts to control military outposts along the Silk Road brought the empire into conflict with ______________ by the early eighth century.

Arab expansion

In 2-3 sentences, compare and contrast Raziya (r. 1236-40) and Empress Wu's different reigns (624-705 CE) and describe their efforts to legitimize their authority as women.

Both women were able to attain power because of the role's their fathers played in the government. Although eventually overthrown because she was a women, Raziya greatest accomplishment on the political front was to manipulate rebel factions into opposing each other, making her a powerful leader. Empress Wu began as a concubine to the emperor and eventually married his son. When he died and she took over, she emphasized literature and Buddhism as Confucianism did not allow a women to rule. Eventually, her spending time with younger men forced the Chinese courts to remove her from office.

Many of the cultures we have examined tried to make sense of their often- troubling times, relying on their own unique worldviews. First describe the historical event listed below. Next, select two primary sources that recorded this event and describe how their authors interpreted what was happening. Lastly, consider why they interpreted the event in this way.

Bubonic Plague.

In the Tale of Genji, Genji says: "A tumbledown house like this, or a bejeweled palace--they were all the same, since no abode built by mortal humans ever last." This quote reflects which major theme of this work:

Buddhist ideology of attachment

One of the chief catalysts for printing was the growing popularity of _______ throughout east Asia.


NOT TRUE about the Renaissance

Byzantine, or Eastern Orthodox, Christianity became more influential in Western Europe, weakening the Roman papacy and leaving it vulnerable to Protestant incursions.

The Eastern Roman Empire would ultimately survive under the name of


The founder of the western Christian Carolingian Empire, ___________, beat back Muslim forces at the Battle of Tours and Poitiers in 732/3.

Charles Martel, the de facto ruler of the Frankish kingdoms, over Muslim invaders from Spain.

The Ottomans captured ____________ in 1453 and made it the new capital of their empire.


Humanism was an intellectual movement focused on human culture, in such fields as philosophy, philology, and literature, and based on the corpus of ___________ texts.

Greek and Roman

Neo-Confucianism was formed through the intermingling of several philosophies, including all of the following EXCEPT"

Hinduism. It did incorporate Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism

All of the following statements are true of Martin Luther EXCEPT:

His written communications to Church officials were usually in vernacular German.

An early indicator of the significance of the money economy in the Ottoman Empire was the military institution of the _________, troops of conscripted Christian boys who received salaries from the central treasury.


___________________ is the man credited with founding the Muslim state of Delhi, which would later survive under the name of the "Sultanate of Delhi."

Muhammad of Ghur

During the Reconquista, Iberian Christians sought to rid the peninsula of:

Muslim Rule

In the fourteenth century, the highly centralized governmental structure of the Ming was echoed in Choson, and the adoption of ____________ slowly began to drive out older local customs.


In 2-3 complete sentences, describe two specific ways that Murasaki Shikibu's own biography and/or historical context is reflected in her masterpiece The Tale of Genji.

One evidence that The Tale of Gengi provides into the Heian period is the marriage politics accepted in this culture. Emperors were expected to have multiple wives as well as concubines. Her description of the court system also gives an insight to their culture. If a man of higher status desired an already married woman of lower status, he could seduce her and take her as his.

Entry into the Tang government's bureaucratic service was possible only after:

Passing a series of examinations.

The elites of Heian Japan saw themselves as part of a(n) ____________.

Samurai class that would eradicate Chinese influence from the islands

______ means 'the way of the gods', and Japanese mythology recognized a staggering array of deities.


The unification of various Mongol groups under ________, also known as Genghis Khan, led a steady invasion on China which, under his grandson Khubilai Khan, would ultimately bring an end to the Song Dynasty.


A compromise between religion and state became codified in Abbasid society, with caliphs executing the laws and the ulama responsible for:

The implementation of Sharia in the judicial system.

The Shogunate era in Japan refers to:

The time when real power was vested in a hereditary military dictator, with the emperor largely acting as a figurehead.

In 3-4 sentences, discuss at least two specific reasons that Machiavelli's The Prince has been interpreted as a satire.

There has been great debate over Machiavelli's work The Prince on whether it was written seriously or satirically. One reason it could have been written satirically was to describe how leaders should not behave to point out the flaws of those already in power. Another reason is to gain vengeance on the Medici family who exiled him from government. Hoping the young Medici ruler would follow his advice, this could potentially ruin their rule even though he dedicated the book the Medici family.

"I say . . .when in the illustrious city of Florence, the fairest of all the cities of Italy there made its appearance that deadly pestilence, which, whether disseminated by the influence of the celestial bodies, or sent upon us mortals by God in His just wrath by way of retribution for our iniquities, had had its origin some years before in the East, whence, after destroying an innumerable multitude of living beings, it had propagated itself without respite from place to place, and so calamitously, had spread into the West."

This text was written by Giovanni Boccaccio about the plague, and shows an ideology that can also be seen in the motives of the Flagellants.

Christina Gruber presented evidence of veristic, inscribed, and luminous portraits of the Prophet Muhammad to prove that artists created these images without the influence of contemporary religious texts.


During the coronation of Pepin III 'the Short', the pope included the ceremony of unction (used earlier by the Visigoths), in which the newly crowned person was ______________.

anointed with holy oil

Comprised of merchants and artisans who lived in 'burghs' (or _________) the bourgeoisie made their livings from producing and selling goods for commercial exchange.


Select three of the following travelers. In a minimum of 3 complete paragraphs, compare and contrast their travels (where, when, why, what happened), then discuss specific historical insight we can gain through each of these travellers' journeys. Things to consider: politics, economics, religion, and/or culture. Xuanzang Ibn Fadlan Abraham idn Yiju Ma Huan Tome' Pires


Like the Tang, the Song instituted a strong central government based on _______ rather than heredity.


Toward the first half of the fifteenth century, the Ottoman sultans equipped their Janissaries with cannons and _________.


The 'investiture controversy' erupted between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV over the issue of:

the appointment of clergy members

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