History 7B Revel Chapter 24

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Which of the following best explains why many Americans were reluctant to enter WWI at the outset?

A large number of Americans were progressives who pursued peace and did not easily accept war.

Which of these statements describes the impact of the war on African Americans in the United States?

African Americans were increasingly inclined to fight for civil rights.

With his doctrine of moral diplomacy, Woodrow Wilson sought to ___________.

preserve peace and extend the blessings of democracy to other peoples

The Selective Service Act was passed in order to _________.

provide the war effort with the necessary recruits

The Raft-Katsura Ageement of 1905 __________.

recognized Japan's dominance over Korea

What was the impact of U.S entry into the war on the course of WWI?

Americans injected hope into the Allies and helped turn German troops back along the western front, forcing them to call for an armistice.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between government and business in America during WWI?

As government expanded, so did business.

Which countries formed the alliance known as the Allied Powers at the beginning of WWI?

Britain, France, and Russia

How did the war help conservatives stamp out socialism in America?

Conservatives used sedition laws to harass and repress American socialists

The Allies opposed Wilson's Fourteen Points because they __________.

Failed to satisfy the desire for revenge on Germany

Why did the United States view British infringements on its neutral rights far more leniently than German infringements?

German infringements threatened American lives.

What event led to American finally severing relations with Germany?

Germany declared that U-Boats would sink all ships around Britain and France.

What error did Wilson make in the days leading to the peace conference following WWI?

He appealed to voters to elect a Democratic Congress, alienating Republican supporters

How did the millionaire Wall Street broker Bernard M. Baruch come to gain enormous power over the American economy?

He headed the War Industries Board and oversaw all factory production.

Why did Wilson bear considerable responsibility for the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations?

He order Democratic senators to defeat the pro-League treaty with the Lodge reservations.

What was Wilson's immediate response to the outbreak of WWI in Europe?

He proclaimed neutrality.

What was Wilson's response to General Victoriano Huerta's violent takeover of Mexico?

He refused to recognize Huerta's government, announcing a policy of acknowledging only rule by law, not force

How did President Taft use "dollar diplomacy" to gain supremacy in the Caribbean?

He replaced European loans to countries in the region with American ones.

What stance did the Democratic party take regarding the Treaty of Versailles during the campaign for the presidential election of 1920?

It endorsed the treaty but agreed to accept reservation.

What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

It warned Latin American nations to keep their affairs in order or face American intervention.

What was the Lodge Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?

It warned foreign corporations not to purchase harbors and other sites of significance in Latin America.

What was the outcome of the peace conference convened by Roosevelt in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1905 to end the conflict between Japan and Russia?

Japan emerged as the dominant force in the Far East

The primary factor in Woodrow Wilson's victory in the election of 1916 was his _________.

success in keeping America out of the war

What impact did the demands of trade have on the United States' neutrality in the war?

Loans and trade drew the United States increasingly closer to the Allied cause.

How did the Treaty of Versailles change the map of Europe?

Poland and Czechoslovakia were created.

Which of the following of Wilson's Fourteen points was fulfilled at the Peace Conference at Paris?

The League of Nations was formed to secure the peace.

Which of the following describes the impact of the war on women in the American workforce?

The WLB ordered equal pay for equal work for women in war industries.

What event in Europe was the immediate catalyst for war between the Central and the Allied Powers?

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What was the impact of the war on U.S Labor?

Their conditions improved as Wilson adopted reformers' objectives.

Why did most Americans support the Allies?

They shared a common language and institutions with Great Britain.

What was the outcome of Francisco Villa's raids of towns on the U.S-Mexican border that injured American civilians?

Villa eluded the troops that had been sent to capture him.

The telegram intercepted from Arthur Zimmermann, the German foreign minister, to the German ambassador in Mexico proposed _________.

a German alliance with Mexico in case of a war with the United States

The first occurrence to lead to increasing U.S intervention in world affairs was when the United States __________.

acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam as colonies

The capstone "Fourteenth Point" of Wilson's declaration of war aims called for ___________.

an international organization to guarantee collective security

What did Germany promise to do under the Sussex pledge?

to sink no more merchant ships

The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 permitted the United States to __________.

construct and control the Panama Canal

Pacifists opposed Wilson prior to the election of 1916 because they ___________.

denounced his move to enhance military readiness

Which of the following principles did Wilson surrender in the Treaty of Versailles?

freedom of navigation on the seas in peace and war

Wilson's intervention in Mexico in 1913 and 1914 failed because ________.

his methods were condescending and alienated potential supporters in Mexico

Wilson's Fourteen Points failed to satisfy wartime emotions because they were too _______.

idealistic and did not satisfy a hope for vindication

The Committee of Public Information was formed to ___________.

influence public opinion to support the war

Which of these was reflected in the U.S refusal to recognize Victoriano Huerta's government?

moral diplomacy

During WWI, the War Industries Board ___________.

oversaw the production of all American factories

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