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Made fuller and more extensive; expanded; enlarged.


A farm of many acres, worked by slaves or servants.


A person with the exclusive title to something.


The condition or fact of being represented.


Which part of the colonial government assisted the governor?

the council

Roger Williams

Rhode Island

Why were the Fundamental Orders important, and what did they provide for Connecticut colonists?

The Fundamental Orders were important because they united all of the communities into a new colony, and that colony is called Connecticut. They provided the right for everyone in the colony to vote and hold office.

What are the reasons settlers left Massachusetts for Rhode Island and Connecticut?

They were exiled from Massachusetts. They disagreed with the strict Puritan rule. There was not enough land in Massachusetts.

Thomas Hooker


John Mason

New Hampshire

The religious group that settled Philadelphia was the:


Those who worked to pay their way to America were called:

indentured servants

Which part of the colonial government had members elected by the colonists?

the assembly

Which part of the colonial government headed the colony and carried out the king's orders?

the proprietor

colony named after Sir George Carteret's English home

New Jersey

The Jamestown governor who gave each man land was:

Sir Thomas Dale

land grant to eight noblemen, became a colony of large slave owning estates

South Carolina

Oglethorpe did not allow slavery there


Describe how the company colony governments and proprietor colony governments were set up, and give colony examples of each.

A large area of land was given to a few people in payment of a debt or a favor. Many of the Middle and Southern Colonies began as proprietary colonies, including Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Select the founders for the colony of New Jersey.

Berkeley Carteret

Lord Baltimore began Maryland for the _______.


colony purchased from the Duke of York by William Penn


The lawmaking body of Virginia was called the:

House of Burgesses

Who was the first governor of the Plymouth colony?

John Carver

Who led a group of Puritans to Salem?

John Endicott

The colonist who first planted tobacco was:

John Rolfe

The leader who rescued Jamestown during its first year was:

John Smith

The written guarantee of New York colonists' rights was called the Charter of -----.


Who sponsored the colonies at Jamestown and Plymouth?

London Company

Which piece of land was purchased for $24 worth of trade goods?

Manhattan Island

Sir Fernando Gorges' land grant was never settled, and part of it was claimed by:


In signing the _________, the Pilgrims agreed to obey their government.

Mayflower Compact

The colonies given in payment of debts were:

New Jersey Pennsylvania

land grant to eight noblemen, became a colony of small individual farms

North Carolina

Penn's woods


The Dutch governor of New Amsterdam was:

Peter Stuyvesant

The first settlement started by the Pilgrims was on the New England coast at:


John Rolfe married Pocahontas, the daughter of the Indian Chief ______.


English Protestants who tried to simplify rituals in the Church of England.


A group of Protestants who wanted to separate from the Church of England.


Why wasn't South Carolina upset when part of its land was given to Georgia?

They were not upset because they were glad for the additional settlements between themselves and Spanish Florida.

The______ Act of 1649 established religious freedom for both Catholics and Protestants.


Rhode Island and Connecticut had self-government from the beginning because they were set up without the king's authority.


When Virginians could help make laws, self-government began in America. True False


A formal document granting special rights or privileges to a person or company.


Profits for growing crops _______ when the law was changed to allow lifelong African slavery.


What were the benefits that Penn offered in order to draw settlers to his colony?

inexpensive land religious freedom fair government

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