History and Geography 700 - Unit 9: Economics and Politics of a State STATE FINANCE: TAXING AND BORROWING
Revenue sharing is collecting taxes at the local level and distributing them at the federal level. True or False
progressive taxes
Taxes in which those with higher incomes pay a higher rate
excise taxes
Taxes on specific items
sales taxes
Taxes on the price of merchandise
inheritance taxes
Taxes on the value of a property one inherits
income taxes
Taxes upon the money people earn
severance taxes
Taxes upon the use of natural resources
Some students of taxation believe that progressive taxes destroy the:
incentive to produce more
The burden of taxation is called the:
incidence of taxation
Which type of debt is often limited by state constitutions?
long- term
Many believe that the sales tax is a:
regressive tax
List three kinds of bonds.
serial bonds, revenue bonds, general obligation bonds
Bank loans and tax anticipation warrants are which type of debt?