History ch 6 Roman Empire Day 4/5

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Emperor of Rome who divided the empire into east and west in an attempt to rule the territory more effectively with co-rulers. His desire to revive the old religion of Roman gods led to the last major persecution of the Christians .


language of the Romans!! remained the language of learning in the West long after the fall of Rome. Official language of Roman Catholic Church into the 20th century. Latin also influenced other languages, including English.

Tacitus another Roman historian

notable among ancient historians he presented the facts accurately!! He was also concerened about the Romans' lack of morality. In his ANNALS AND HISTORIES, HE WROTE ABOUT THE GOOD AND BAD OF IMPERIAL ROME.


one of greatest Roman engineering , comes from latin word colossus, meaning gigantic. Both rich and poor, cheered a variety of free, bloody spectacles, from gladiator fights to animal hunts.

Pompeii, a Roman town

where Mt.Vesuvius erupted in AD79, the ash acted to preserve many buildings and works of art.


Aqueducts were designed by Roman engineers to bring water into cities and towns. When the water channel spanned a river or ravine, the aqueduct was lifted high up on arches. Roman roads built of stone, concrete, and sand connected Rome to all parts of the empire.

Byzantine Empire

Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Greek city of Byzantium, so the center of power shifted to the East. The western half of the empire disappeared BUT THE EASTERN HALF OF THE EMPIRE, CALLED THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE NOT ONLY SURVIVED BUT FLOURISHED. It preserved the great heritage of the Greek and Roman culure for another 1000 years.

Germanic Invasions

Germanic tribes invaded the Roman Empire because they were pressured to do so by Asiatic people like the HUNS. Their conquest had several negative effects on the Empire: trade and manufacturing decreased as town populations dropped (meaning, people were slaughtered, died or were displaced. Trade, except for war goods, almost always declines when a country is occupied and at war). The Roman government ended, which led to loads of small wars, piracy and insecurity about what was going to happen.

Marcus Aurelius

Last of the "Good Emperors", End of the Pax Romana-end of the reign of the emperor Marcus Aurelius marked the end of two centruies of peace and prosperity know as Pax Romana.

The Roman Empire just did not fall it withered on the vine, first was the invasion by germanic tribes and by Huns as well as the contributing factors-

Political---seen as burden, not reward; military interference in politics; civil war;division of empire; moving of capital to Byzantium. SOCIAl- decline in interest in public affairs, low confiedence in empire;disloyalty, corruption;contrast between rich and poor;decline in population due to disease and food shortage ECONOMIC- poor harvests; disruption of trade; inflation;tax burden MILITARY- threat from northern European tribes, low funds for defense, problems recruiting Roman citizens; decline of patriotism

Roman writers were similar to the earlier Greeks-

Romans found inspiration in the works of Greeks, often following Greek forms and models. Roman writers promoted their own themes and ideas.SPEAKING OF GOVERNMENT AS BEING ROME'S MOST IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILIZATION. ROMAN IDEALS OF STRENGTH, PERMANENCE, AND SOLIDITY.


The arch, the dome, and concrete were combined to build spectacular structures, such as the Colosseum. Visitors from all over the empire marveled at the architecture of Rome!

Virgil- Aeneid

The poet Virgil spent ten years writing the most famous work of Latin literature, the Aeneid, the epic of the legendary Aeneas, written of praise of Rome and Roman virtues.

Roman law

important principles- all persons had right to equal treatment under the law; person was considered inncoent until proven guilty; burden of proof rested with accuser; person should be punished only for actions, not thoughts; any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair could be set aside

Greco_Roman ideals have had lasting impact on western civilization-

Western civilization is generally seen as the heritage of ideas that spreat to Europ and America from ancient Greece and Rome. Ancient Greek and Roman ideas of government, philosophy, and literature can be traced across time. Example Rome developed a form of representative government and today in US we have republican democracy. Aristotle developed his philosophical theories we still focus on these questions today. As well as Literature can be traced right to big screen movies of today.

Livy a poet

compiled a multivolume history of Rome, created more of a national myth of Rome than a true history!!!


drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices


foreign soldiers who fought for money, they felt little sense of loyalty to the Roman empire.


gained control of west part and later east part, restoring concept of a single ruler. He moved the capital from Rome to Greek city of Byzantium. The city eventually took a new name- Constantinople. Constantine would later end the persecution of Christians.

Attila the Hun

hun leader confronted the great Roman Empire by attacking Gaul, the huns were called "barbarians" by the Romans. Attila's forces advanced against Rome but starvation and disease kept them from conquering the city. Even after Attila's death the Germanic invasions continued.

Ovid- Amores

poet who wrote witty poetry for enjoyment whereas Virgil's poetry was serious. In Amores, Ovid relates that he can only compose when he is in love.

Greco-Roman culture

the mixing of elements of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman culture produced a new culture. This is also oftne called classical civilization.

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