History, Chap 1- A New World

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When Columbus first sailed to America in 1492, Christian Europe was entirely Catholic; twenty-five years later, following Martin Luther's 95 Theses, the Protestant Reformation had begun, and Europe was thrown into more than 100 years of Christian religious wars. True False


Pueblo Revolt

Uprising in 1680 in which pueblo Indians temporarily drove Spanish colonists out of modern-day New Mexico


persons of mixed origin resulting from the intermarriage of colonial and Indian peoples

matrilineal societies

societies in which children became members of the mother's family, not the father's

mound builders

the name bestowed by 18th century settlers on the indians of the Ohio River Valley, who built large earthen burial mounds


A fifteenth-century European ship capable of long distance travel

repartimiento system

A system instituted by Spain in which residents of Indian villages remained legally free and entitled to wages, but were still required to perform a fixed amount of labor each year; replaced the encomienda system in 1550

In the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish in Central and South America relied on many of which of the following groups to work fields and mines? A. Indians B. African slaves C. indentured servants D. wage laborers


The chief goal of fifteenth-century Portuguese expansion was: A. the establishment of a trading empire in Asia. B. sanctuary for persecuted religious sects. C. further knowledge about African Asian culture. D. had evidence that the world was round.


The first African slaves were transported to the New World in what year? A. 1502 B. 1619 C. 1607 D. 1493


The reconquista happened in what year? A. 1492 B. 1820 C. 1776 D. 1374


Which of the following was a characteristic or action of the Zuni Indians of the Southwest? A. The peak of their culture and population occurred about the years 900 to 1200. B. They traded with peoples as far away as Mexico and the Mississippi Valley. C. They diverted the Colorado River as part of their ritualistic ancestor worship. D. They developed irrigation systems for desert farming.


A strong immunity to European diseases strengthened Indian resistance to the conquistadors. True False


After four trips across the Atlantic, Columbus recognized he had not reached Asia. True False


At the time of Portugal's Atlantic exploration, the economies of West Africa were organized chiefly around slavery. True False


Before Europeans arrived in the New World, Native Americans were without extensive trading networks, irrigation systems, or large cities. True False


Europeans int eh 1500s held firmly to the view that all men are created equal. True False


In 1492, the population of Europe was greater than that of the Americas. True False


In 1493, the Catholic pope, Alexander VI, divided all the Americas between Spain and Britain. True False


In the Spanish colonies, race and class were not important. True False


New Netherland extended all the way down form Quebec tot he lower Mississippi Valley. True False


Of the 10 million people who crossed the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the Americas in the 328 years from 1492 to 1820, most were white Europeans. True False


The Aztecs lived in a peaceful, nonviolent society. True False


The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was swiftly crushed by Spanish authorities. True False


When the author, Eric Foner, uses the term "unfree labor," he refers to those persons who were performing work, not for free as volunteers, but for wages. True False


Between 1492 and 1820, approximately 20 million African slaves came from the Old World to the New World. True False

False 7.7 million


Shareholders in the Dutch West India Company who agreed to transport tenants for agricultural labor.


Spanish explorers who traveled tot he New World for reasons of wealth, national glory, and the desire to spread Christianity

Black Legend

Idea that the Spanish New World empire was more oppressive toward the Indians than other European empires; was used as a justification for English imperial expansion.


The "reconquest" of Spain from the Moors completed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492.


The children of marriages between Indian women and French traders and officials; they often became guides, traders and interpreters.

Ninety-Five Theses

The list of moral grievances against the Catholic Church by Martin Luther, a German priest, in 1517.

Columbia exchange

The transatlantic flow of goods and people that began with Columbus's voyages in 1492.

Africans enslaved other Africans long before the arrival of European traders. True False


Approximately 10 million men, women, and children came from the Old World to the New World between 1492 and 1820. True False


At the time of the first contact with the Europeans, perhaps 12 million people lived in the Inca kingdom. True False


During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, all European nations had established churches, and religious wars between nations (and sometimes within them) were fierce. True False


Horses, cows, pigs, and sheep were unknown to the Americas until Europeans brought them there. True False


In 1537, Pope Paul III decreed Indian slavery ended, but not African slavery. True False


Most Indian tribes were matrilineal. True False


On the eve of colonization of the Americas, freedom in Europe was framed in hierarchical, top-down terms, with each level of society enjoying its own degree of freedom. True False


Perhaps 80 million Native Americans died in the century and a half following first contact in consequence of diseases carried by Europeans. True False


Small-scale slavery in which Indians enslaved other Indians existed in Indian society. True False


Spanish settlers in the New World comprised a mix of laborers, soldiers, priests, bureaucrats, craftsmen, and professionals. True False


The reconquista was the reconquest of Spain from the Moors. True False


The transatlantic voyages of Columbus were sponsored by Spain, which had just achieved its own territorial unification. True False


To justify their colonial ventures, Spain invoked the treat of Protestantism. True False


Which was not expressed by Bartolome de Las Casas in A Very Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indes in 1552? A. He believed that Indians ought to be allowed to continue to practice their native faiths as a true sign of Christian love and toleration. B. He wrote that Spanish Catholics burned Native American children alive. C. He asserted that Indians should be able to keep their land. D. He suggested that African slaves be imported into the Americas. E. He described how the Spanish made forced laborers of Indians of all ages.


Flushing Remonstrance

A 1657 petition by a group of English settlers protesting the governor's order barring Quakers from living in the town of Flushing, on Long Island.

Bartolome de Las Casas

A 16th century Dominican priest who wrote about the injustices of Spanish rule; he argued that Indians were rational beings and that Spain had no grounds to derive them of land and freedom.

Which of the following was not a notable feature of sixteenth-century Spanish America? A. The Spanish crown took little interest in the administration of colonial affairs. B. Indians were compelled to work, either as slaves or as wage laborers, in gold and silver mines or on large haciendas. C. A blending of Indian and Spanish culture gradually took root. D. A Black Legend regarding the harshness of Spanish colonial rule spread across the Atlantic world.


In European exploration, conquest, and colonization of the New World after 1492, all of the following were true except: A Europeans imagined the Americas as a place of golden cities and fountains of youth. B. Europeans brought with them a broad-ranging tolerance for others' viewpoints; kindness and tolerance being the mark of civilized peoples. C. Africans were enslaved and treated with great cruelty. D. Millions of Indians died from diseases brought by the Europeans.


In which country did the reconquista occur? A. Mexico B. Spain C. France D. Brazil


Prior to 1800, the largest settled community in what is now the United States was: A. New Orleans B. Cahokia C. Teotihuacan D. Machu Pichu


Which of the following European countries did not have a colonial presence in seventeenth-century North America? A. Spain B. Germany C. The Netherlands D. France


A significant outcome of the Portuguese arrival in West Africa was: A. a decline of Portuguese interest in finding a sea route to Asia. B. the abolition of slavery along the west coast of Africa. C. an expansion of Africa's internal slave trade. D. large-scale immigration from West Africa to western Europe.


Little contact existed among the diverse Indian societies of North America. True False


Most European men in the 1500s owned property and could vote. True False


corn, beans, and squash

crops that formed the basis of agriculture in the Western Hemisphere, c. 9000 years ago


the central city for Indian culture int eh Mississippi River valley c. 1200; the largest settled community in present-day United States until the 1800s

"Christian Liberty"

the conception that freedom was a moral or spiritual condition that entailed abandoning a life of sin and embracing the teachings of Christ


the idea that sacred spirits can be found in all kinds of living and inanimate things-- animals, plants, trees, water, and wind

Which was not an aspect of Native American religious beliefs? A. Their written religious text as called the Wicca. B. Most Indians held that a single-creator god created the world. C. Most Native Americans believed spiritual powers suffused the world in animals, plants, trees, water, and wind. D. Shaman and medicine men held central positions of authority. E. Participation in religious rituals helped define community membership.


Who were the mestizos? A. persons of mixed Spanish and Indian origin B. persons of Indian origin C. persons of European birth D. persons of South American origin


The freedom of a Christian man or woman meant/means: A. freedom to do your own thing; freedom to be who you want to be. B. subservience, submission, and servitude to God. C. freedom to follow whatever faith (or none) you choose. D. freedom of speech and assembly, and from burdensome taxes.


Which of the following was not a significant motivation behind European colonization in the New World? A. the acquisition of profitable lands and precious metals. B. the spread of democracy to the Americas. C. the attainment of national glory. D. the religious and cultural uplift of peoples Europeans considered "barbaric".


Which was not a characteristic of American Indians? A. They arrived in the Americas as early as 60,000 to 15,000 years ago. B. There were four different tribes in the Americas. C. Agriculture emerged in Mexico and the Andes about the same time it was invented in ancient Mesopotamia, about 9,000 years ago. D. There were no large domesticable animals for use as livestock or to pull plows in the Americas.


Which was not a means by which Cortes conquered the Aztecs? A. He was aided by thousands of Native Americans. B. He bombarded the Aztec capital from his Spanish galleons. C. He relied on superior military technology such as iron weapons and gun powder. D. He was aided by a small pox epidemic that killed many Aztecs.

B. He bombarded the Aztec capital from his Spanish galleons.

At the time of first contact between Europeans and Native Americans, Native Americans had not developed: A. agriculture B. wheeled transportation C. structures of political power and governance D. religious beliefs and rituals

B. wheeled transportation

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence? A. Pizarro's conquest of the Incas; Balboa's expedition to the Pacific; Vespucci's explorations along South America. B. Basco da Gama's expedition to India; Bartolomeu Dias's arrival at the Cape of Good Hope; Portuguese traders' appearance an Benin C. Cortes's conquest of the Aztecs; Las Casas's Destruction of the Indies; Spanish abolition of Indian enslavement D. Pueblo Revolt; Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo's exploration of Pacific coast; Samuel de Champlain's founding of Quebec


Which of the following was not a prominent cultural belief among Indian societies of North America? A. Land was there for the use of the tribe as a whole, not for the enrichment of individuals. B. Spiritual power resided in all aspects of the natural world. C. Only holders of property should take part in tribal governance. D. Hunting an fishing were for men; farming was largely for women.


Who were the peninsulares? A. persons of mixed Spanish and Indian origin. B. persons of Indian origin C. persons of European birth D. persons of South American origin


During the Pueblo Revolt, which of the following names were ordered to never be spoken again? A. Isabella B. Elizabeth C. Rebecca D. Mary


The oldest site in the present-day United States to be continuously inhabited by Europeans is: A. Plymouth, Massachusetts. B. Manhattan, New York. C. Jamestown, Virginia. D. St. Augustine, Florida.


Which of the following was not a feature of Native American civilization prior to the voyages of Columbus? A. All were descended from hunters who had crossed the Bering Straits during the Ice Age. B. Agricultural, settled societies originated in modern-day Mexico approximately 9,000 years ago. C. The Aztec and Inca empires were based in modern-day Mexico and Peru, respectively. D. Large cities were unknown to the Americas.


Which is not an achievement of the Indians of North America in the thousands of years before Columbus's arrival? A. In the Ohio River Valley, Indians built large earthen burial mounds. B. Near present-day St. Louis, 10,000 or more people built giant earthen mounds. C. People built a series of giant semicircular mounds in present-day Louisiana. D. People in present-day Arizona constructed a large circle of red-earthen boulders.

D. People in present-day Arizona constructed a large circle of red-earthen boulders.

Which of these crops did not form the basis of Native American agriculture? A. squash B. corn C. beans D. wheat

D. wheat

Which was not a characteristic of "coverture"? A. In marriage a wife surrendered her legal identity. B. A wife could not sign contracts in her own name. C. If a wife worked, she did not control her wages. D. A wife could not write a separate will. E. Children became the property of the state upon a husband's death.


engages, or indentured servants

Settlers who signed on for a temporary period of servitude to a master in exchange for passage to the New World; Virginia and Pennsylvania were largely peopled into the 17th and 18th centuries by English and German indentured servants.

Iroquois League

an alliance formed by the Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuna, Seneca, and Onondaga peoples; also known as the Great League of Peace


capital of the Aztec empire (modern day Mexico) and one of the world's largest cities

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