History Chapter 10

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How did craft guilds improve economic conditions in cities?

By the 1200s, there were guilds for almost every craft, such as tanners and bakers, and separate guilds for specialized groups of merchants, such as dealers in silk, spices, or wool. Craft guilds directed almost every aspect of the production process. They set the standards for the quality of the articles produced and even fixed the price at which the finished goods could be sold.

Which of the following was a code of ethics knights were to uphold?


What did Otto I get for protecting the pope?

In return for protecting the pope, Otto I was crowned emperor of the Romans in 962.

The Great Charter that codified rights of kings and vassals was called what?

Magna Carta

Orthodox Christianity became the chief religion for the what people?

Serbs, Rus, Bulgarians, Eastern Slavs of Moravia


The grant of land made to a vassal was known as a fief. The vassal held political authority within his fief.

Kievan Rus

Eastern Slavic peoples had also settled in present-day Ukraine and Russia. There they encountered Swedish Vikings who moved into their lands in search of plunder and new trade routes. The native peoples were eventually dominated by the Vikings, whom they called "the Rus". One Viking leader, Oleg, settled in Kiev at the beginning of the tenth century and created the Rus state known as the Principality of Kiev. Oleg also opened trade with the Byzantines, increasing the prosperity of the Rus. His successors extended their control over the eastern Slavs and expanded Kiev, until it included the territory between the Baltic and Black Seas and the Danube and Volga Rivers. By marrying Slavic wives, the Viking ruling class was gradually assimilated into the Slavic population. The growth of the principality of Kiev attracted Byzantine missionaries. One Rus ruler, Vladimir, married the Byzantine emperor's sister and officially accepted Eastern Orthodox Christianity for himself and his people in 988. Orthodox Christianity became the religion of the state. Kievan Rus reached its high point in the first half of the eleventh century. This was largely due to the prosperous trade route between the Baltic and Black Seas. However, civil wars and new invasions brought an end to the first Russian state in 1169.

The Battle of Hastings determined the language and ruling class of in the High Middle Ages.


Philip II Augustus greatly increased the power of the French monarchy by doing what?

Expanding its income and power. Philip fought wars against the English to take control of the French territories of Normandy, Maine, Anjou, and Aquitaine.


In the thirteenth century, the Mongols conquered Russia. They occupied Russian lands and required Russian princes to pay tribute to them. One prince emerged as more powerful than the others. Alexander Nevsky, prince of Novgorod, defeated a German invading army in northwestern Russia in 1242. The khan, leader of the western Mongol Empire, rewarded Nevsky with the title of Grand Prince. His descendants became princes of Moscow and eventually leaders of all Russia.

Magna Carta

John was forced by the nobles to put his seal on a document of rights. It was called the Magna Carta, or the Great Charter. Feudal custom had recognized that the relationship between king and vassals was based on mutual rights and obligations. The Magna Carta gave written recognition to that fact and was used in later years to strengthen the idea that a monarch's power was limited, not absolute.

French territories, including and Maine, were reclaimed from the English by .

Normandy, Anjou, Aquitaine; Philip II Augustus

William of Normandy

On October 14, 1066, an army of heavily armed knights under William of Normandy landed on the coast of England and soundly defeated King Harold and his foot soldiers at the Battle of Hastings. William was then crowned king of England. All nobles swore an oath of loyalty to William as sole ruler of England. William took a census known as the Domesday Book, the first census taken in Europe since Roman times and included people, manors, and farm animals. William also developed more fully the system of taxation and royal courts begun by earlier Anglo-Saxon kings.

Eastern Slavs converted to , and helped them become literate.

Orthodox Christianity; Cyril

The representative government that emerged in 13th century England was called what?


Philip IV

Philip IV, called Philip the Fair, ruled from 1285 to 1314. He made the monarchy stronger by expanding the royal bureaucracy. Indeed, by 1300, France was the largest and best-governed monarchy in Europe. Philip IV also created a French parliament by meeting with members of the three estates, or orders—the clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the townspeople and peasants (Third Estate).

The Vikings were made part of European civilization by what actions?

The Frankish policy of settling the Vikings and converting them to Christianity was a deliberate one. As a result of their conversion to Christianity, the Vikings soon became a part of European civilization.

What was the significance of a lord giving a piece of land to a vassal?

The Frankish policy of settling the Vikings and converting them to Christianity was a deliberate one. As a result of their conversion to Christianity, the Vikings soon became a part of European civilization.


The Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians (Magyars) all accepted Western Christianity and became part of the Roman Catholic Church and its Latin culture.


The eastern Slavic peoples of Moravia were converted to Orthodox Christianity by two Byzantine missionary brothers, Cyril and Methodius, who began their activities in 863. The Slavic peoples had no written language. Cyril developed the Cyrillic alphabet so that he could create a Christian Bible and liturgy in the Slavic language.

Eastern Slavic people were converted to Christianity by

The eastern Slavic peoples of Moravia were converted to Orthodox Christianity by two Byzantine missionary brothers, Cyril and Methodius, who began their activities in 863. The Slavic peoples had no written language. Cyril developed the Cyrillic alphabet so that he could create a Christian Bible and liturgy in the Slavic language.

Describe how feudalism worked

To survive, it became important to find a powerful lord who could offer protection in return for service. This led to the formation of a new political and social order in medieval Europe known as feudalism. One of the major characteristics of feudalism was the idea of vassalage. In Germanic society, warriors swore an oath of loyalty to their leaders and fought in battles for them. The leaders, in turn, took care of the warriors' needs. A man who served a lord in a military capacity was known as a vassal. In feudal society, loyalty to one's lord was the chief virtue. The relationship between lord and vassal was made official by a ceremony. To become a vassal, a man performed an act of homage to his lord. The grant of land made to a vassal had become known as a fief. Vassals who held fiefs came to hold political authority within them. As the Carolingian world fell apart, the number of separate, powerful lords and vassals increased. Instead of a single government, many different people now maintained order. Feudalism became increasingly complicated. The vassals of a king, who were great lords, might also have vassals who would owe them military service in return for a grant of land taken from their estates. Those vassals, in turn, might likewise have vassals. At that level, the vassals would be simple knights with barely enough land to provide them income. The lord-vassal relationship bound together greater and lesser landowners. It was an honorable relationship between free men and implied no sense of servitude. Feudalism came to be characterized by a set of unwritten rules—known as the feudal contract—that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal. The major obligation of a vassal to his lord was to perform military service, usually about 40 days a year. When summoned, a vassal had to appear at his lord's court to give advice. Under this contract, the lord also had responsibilities to his vassals. He supported a vassal by granting him land, but he also had to protect his vassal by defending him militarily or by taking his side in a dispute. In the Middle Ages, European feudal society was dominated by men whose chief concern was warfare. In this culture of warfare, vassals prepared to fight for their lords when called upon. The nobles were the kings, dukes, counts, barons, and even bishops who had large landed estates and considerable political power in society. They formed an aristocracy, or nobility, that consisted of people who held political, economic, and social power. Great lords and ordinary knights came to form a common group within the aristocracy. They were all warriors, and the institution of knighthood united them all. However, there were also social divisions among them based on extremes of wealth and landholdings. Under the influence of the Catholic Church, chivalry, an idea of civilized behavior, gradually evolved among the nobility. Chivalry was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold. In addition to their oath to defend the Church and defenseless people, knights were expected to treat captives as honored guests instead of putting them in dungeons. A knight was expected to treat aristocratic women with tenderness and respect.


Trained to be warriors but with no adult responsibilities, young knights had little to do but fight. In the twelfth century, tournaments—contests in which knights could demonstrate their fighting skills—began to appear. By the late twelfth century, the joust—individual combat between two knights—had become the main part of the tournament.

Native peoples in Russia and Ukraine were conquered by what two peoples?

Vikings and then Mongols

Domesday Book

William took a census known as the Domesday Book, the first census taken in Europe since Roman times and included people, manors, and farm animals.

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