history chapter 13

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Which of the following was a key provision of the Compromise of 1850?

The New Mexico and Utah Territories would use popular sovereignty to decide about slavery.

Why did Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren reject annexing Texas to the United States?

The presence of slaves there would reignite the issue of slavery, and politicians preferred to avoid that.

In the 1850s, why did Mississippi politicians like Jefferson Davis object to the original design of the States of Freedom statue that now adorns the dome of the United States Capitol?

The use of the ancient Roman "liberty cap" might encourage slaves to demand freedom.

American settlement of Oregon began well before the United States and Great Britain divided the territory at the forty-ninth parallel. (Oregon Trail)


Tejanos were Texas settlers of Spanish or Mexican descent


The development of railroads and the economic integration of the Northeast and Northwest created the groundwork for the political unification of the Republican Party.


Why did slavery become more central to American politics in the 1840s?

Westward expansion (California, Oregon and other new states) raised the question of whether new lands should be free or slave states.

What is the fugitive slave act?

allowed for special federal commissioners to determine the fate of alleged fugitives without benefit of jury trial or testimony

Stephen Douglas's motivation for introducing the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to do which of the following?

boost efforts to build a transcontinental railroad

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court did which of the following?

declared that Congress could not ban slavery from territories

The Wilmot Proviso, admission of California into the Union, and the Missouri Compromise focused on which of the following issues?

determining how extension of slavery should be handled (slave state or free state)

Who questioned President Polk's right to declare war by introducing a resolution to Congress requesting that the president specify the precise spot where blood had first been shed?

Abraham Lincoln

The Free Soil Party were SUPPORTED to the expansion of slavery


Which of the following is true about the Free Soil Party?

It demonstrated that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond abolitionist ranks.

What was the result of the role that manifest destiny played in the California gold rush?

It led to a diverse group of people migrating to California, especially young single men

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