History chapter 15-19

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The typical American middle-class household in 1900 cosisted of husband, wife and how many additional family members?

3 children

Who was Jospeh Pulitzer and what made him significant?

A St. Louis newspaper publisher who built his sales base with sensational investigations

Why was it necessary for railroads and land speculators to promote settlement of the Great Plains in the late 19th century?

Americans thought of the area as the Great American Desert.

Around 1900, if an ordinary American city dweller, whether immigrant or native-born, needed a favor done by a person with authority, he or she would have most likely turned to whom?

An alderman or ward boss

Who of the following was the greatest benefactor of public libraries in 19th century America, who in 1881 announced that he would build a library in any city that was prepared to maintain it?

Andrew Carnegie

Suburbs for the well-to-do first began to emerge on the outskirts of major American cities in which of these periods?

Before the civil war

Which of the following phenomena emerged as an important new influence on urban entertainment in the early 20th century?

Black music

Realism and modernism had which of the following characteristics in common?

Both forms emphasized virility and masculinity.

The development of print advertising illustrates the significance of which late 19th century phenomenon?

Businesses creating demand for brand names

How did the early 20th century campaign against urban prostitution affect women working as prostitutes at that time?

By closing brothels, new laws worsened many prostitutes' working conditions

The rise of nickelodeons, amusement parks, dance halls, vaudeville, and other "cheap amusements" in the late 19th century cities had which of the following effects?

Challenging traditional courtship rituals

Which of the following became critical community institutions for African Americans throughout the South during Reconstruction?


Through which of the following practices did southerners avoid giving former slaves the right to vote?

Collecting poll taxes

Which of the following statements describes the freedman's Bureau, which originated in 1865?

Created by congress it helped ex-slaves adjust to freedom and secure their basic civil rights

Which of the following statements characterizes the economics of working-class family life in the late 19th century America?

Due to their dire economic circumstances, working-class families frequently sent their children out to work in mills, factories, or mines.

Why did so few African American men hold factory jobs in the U.S. in 1890?

Factory owners found that they could satisfy most of their labor needs with immigrant workers, so they reject most black applicants

The National Association of Colored Women was effective in its efforts to improve the life of African Americans because it

Focused its attention on the community issues such as public health

Ratified in 1870, the 15th Ammendment

Forbade states from denying any citizen the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition as a slave.

Which of the following Hull House volunteers became the first American woman to hold a U.S. cabinet post?

Frances Perkins

Which of these statements describes the status of African American women in the Reconstruction-era South?

Freedwomen valued their new rights to marry legally and their opportunity to create a stable family life.

What did the railroad strike of 1877 and the homestead act of 1892 have in common?

Government troops helped put down both strikes

Which of the following statements summarizes Booker T. Washington's approach to racial change in the U.S.?

He promoted industrial education for blacks as a strategy for lessening white prejudice

Which business strategy did John D. Rockefeller pioneer in the late 19th century?

Horizontal integration

Why was Margret Sanger's newspaper column "What Every Girl Should Know" significant?

It contributed to launching a national birth control movement

Which of the following statements describes the agricultural technique known as dry farming?

It involved deep planting and quick harrowing after rainfalls

Which magazine was the first to take advantage of advertising revenue to build mass readership, with over one million subscribers?

Ladies' Home Journal

Which of the following statements characterizes urban leisure in post-civil war America?

Leisure became a commodity enjoyed outside the home.

Which of the following was one of the reasons that the U.S. encouraged Chinese immigration after the civil war?

Many Chinese were useful railroad workers and farm laborers in the West.

During Reconstruction, why was southern Democrats' dismissal of black politicians as ignorant field hands misguided?

Many had been free artisans or tradesmen

the introduction of mass production in the late 19th century American economy had which of the following advantages?

Mass production increased workers' output

Which of the following describes the consumer culture that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century United States?

Modern and innovative

Around the turn of the century, African Americans moving to cities in the North experienced which of the following?

More discrimination than even the most downtrodden European immigrants

Which of the following describes the emerging profession of social work at the turn of the 19th century?

Most social workers at this time viewed themselves as advocates of social justice.

Which of the following statements characterizes the women's suffrage movement after the Civil war?

Most suffragists agreed that they should concentrate on securing voting rights for African American men as a means to press the same rights for all women.

Which of the following was a consequence of widespread settlement on the Great Plains after the Civil War?

New rights and opportunities for many women

Which Indian tribe was pursued 1,100 miles and forced to surrender just south of the Canadian border in 1877?

Nez Perce

Why was the clerical and office work appealing to white working-class women in the late 19th century?

Office work was cleaner and better paid than domestic or factory work.

Which of these late-nineteenth-century U.S. supreme court rulings settled the question of African Americans' access t regular first-class seats on American railroad cars until the 1950s?

Plessy v Ferguson

Which of the following statements describes the anti-black riots that occurred in cities in the early 20th century?

Race riots foreshadowed a worsening of urban racial tensions.

In the late 19th century, many native-born, prosperous American Jews embraced

Reform Judaism

Which of the following technological innovations made it possible for Gustavus

Refrigerated Car

Which of the following statements describes women's experience in the west in the late 19th century?

Single women made up between 5 and 20 percent of homesteaders in North Dakota.

Which Sioux leaders led the forces that annihilated Colonel George A. Custer and his men on June 25, 1876?

Sitting Bull

Which of the following technological advances played an important role in opening up the Great Plains to farming?

Steel plows and other farm machinery

The growth of the YMCA in late 19th century American Cities resulted from which of the following factors?

THe YMCA prompted "muscular christianity" for white-collar workers

Which invention transformed urban and suburban communications in the U.S. after 1876?


Which of the following athletic activities were elite women of their twenties likely to participate?


Which of the following is true of religion in the city at the turn of the twentieth century?

The catholic Church incorporated ethnic differences in urban areas

Which of the following statements characterizes gay culture in early 20th century New York?

The city's exuberant gay subculture provoked harassment but officials tolerated its existence

Why was it necessary to add the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution following the civil war?

The constitution had condoned slavery and allowed states to set voting requirements

The supreme Court decision to overturn Granger laws in Wabash v. Illionios (1886) led to

The creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission

Why did the Ghost Dance movement spread so quickly in Native American reservations in the late 1880s and early 1890s?

The dance fostered native peoples' hope that they could drive away the white settlers

Which of these events spurred Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in April 1866?

The eruption of antiblack violence in various parts of the south.

The urban revivalism of Billy Sunday represented

The fundamentalism movement

White reformers, such as those who founded the Indian Rights Association, advocated for

The idea that the Indians had the innate capacity to become equal with whites.

Why was the Haymarket incident of 1886 significant?

The incident led to the downfall of the Knights of labor

Why was the civil Rights act of 1875 significant?

The legislation was the last congressional effort to address civil rights until the 1960s.

Which of the following statements describes the significance of the Battle of Wounded Knee?

The massacre of the Lakotas there stands as an indictment of U.S. Indian policy and western expansionism.

Where did almost 90 percent of African American live in the 1900?

The south

Which of the following describes metropolitan newspapers in the period after the Civil War?

They expanded to include human-interest stories and society and sports sections

What spurred many big cities' pursuit of state-of-the-art sewage and drainage systems at the end of the 19th century?

They sought to improve public health

What did Andrew Carnegie, Gustavus Swift, and John D. Rockefeller have in common?

They succeeded through vertical integration.

Why did Chinese immigrants come to the U.S. in the 19th century?

They were motivated by poverty and upheaval in southern China.

How did John D. Rockefeller's standard oil corporation came to control 95 percent of the nation's oil refining capacity by the 1880s?

Through predatory pricing and the creation of the trust

What was the purpose of Indian boarding schools in the late 19th century?

To assimilate Native American children more easily into white culture

Which of the following was a reason the U.S. government elected to define small preserves of "uninhabited wilderness" in the 1860s and 1870s?

To contribute to the conquest of Native Americans in the west

Why did Galveston, Texas adopt a commission system in 1900, that later became a nationwide model for efficient government?

To rebuild after a hurricane killed roughly 6,000 people

What was the goal of the KKK under the leadership of former confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1866?

To use any means to damage the republican government of Tennessee

By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the United States?

Trolley car

Which of the following phenomena led the U.S. government to dismantle the Indian reservation system it had previously established?

White land hunger

The civil Rights Act of 1866 ___

asserted that all former slaves would receive equal protection under the law.

The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against the Chinese in 19th century California by

barring Chinese immigration to the U.S. in 1882

In terms of membership, the Knights of Labor discriminated

by excluding the Chinese

Those who participated in the creation and implementation of Radical Reconstruction intended to

create a new south with full equality and without racism

Florence Kelley became a famous advocate for

female and child laborers.

The Women's Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU) was the first national movement to

identify and fight against domestic violence

Elizabeth Cady Stanton's speech to congress in 1892 on the "solitude of self" referred to the

importance of women's autonomy in modern society

As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act, Indian tribes,

lost almost 2/3 of their land

Between 1880 and 1920, higher education for women was

mostly at single-sex institutions in the Northeast and South.

In the Reconstruction South, the Ku Klux Klan was

often indistinguishable from the democratic party

"It looks to me like slavery to have a man stand over you with a stop watch." This statement by an iron molder refers to

scientific management

Established in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

sued in court to force companies to reduce high rates

After the civil war, Republican economic policies led to

the dominance of large corporations

Expecting freedom from slavery near the end of the civil war, most African Americans were eager to

vote and secure land for economic independence

As American industry expanded in the late 19th century, its energy source shifted from

water to coal

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