History chapter 16.3

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What was the Glorious Revolution?

Created not a democracy, but a type of goverement called Little Monarchy, in which a constitution or legistative body limits the monarchs power.

Constituional Republic

Had no monarchy or King had an Excutive, Cromwell.

Act of Union

Queen Anne along with Parliament adressed the tensions between Scotland and England.

The Glorious Revolution had what on 5 limits on royla power?

1) King couldnt raise taxes. 2) King couldnt maintain personal army. 3) The royals must meet with Parliament regulary. 4) Must agree with freedom of speech in Parliament 5) Indivual Rights established.

Parliment sent what to King Chalres I

19 propostions he made Parliament the supreme power in England

Chruch Of England

Englandland Chruch


A congress for England.

What was the Commonwealth?

A nation or a state goverened by the people of their represenative.


A nation or state goverened by the people of their representative.


Agaisnt toe royals and nobles. Supporters of Puritanism supporters of Parliament during English Civil War

Who was William Laud?

Archbishop of Canterbury an anti Puritan. also encouraged the movment of Purtians out of England.

James I

Became King of England after ruling Scotland. Belived in the Divine Right to Rule. Turned to Parliament for money wouldnt give to him. Increased taxes so he could pay his debt.

Bill of Rights of 1689

Became one of the most important documents in the political history of Britian and ever since this time(Gloriuos Revolution) the monarch has not held absolute power.

Divne Right to Rule

Belived that God had called them to rule.

Why did Henry VIII work with the Parliament?

By breaking the Roman Catholic laws, he turned to parliament to legalize what he had done. Also Henrys need for money turned him to the Parliament.

The English Civil War was fought against two groups

Calviers(royalist) and the Parlimentarians (Roundheads)

What was the Gunpowder Plot?

Catholics wanting to get rid of Protestants and Protestants wanting to get rid of Catholics.

Son of James I

Charles I also belived in divine right to rule like his father.

Clarendon Law members

Could attend universities, serve in the Parliament and hold religious services.

Queen Anne

Did not have a heir and was weak, throne passed again to James I daughter Sophia.

Parliament passed what to keep Catholics off the throne in England?

Exclusion Bill in 1679

Oliver Cromwell

Gained power in Parliament and England. Ruled Scotland and England with his "Iron Fist" became under the tittle of "The Lord Protector" granted religious freedom to Non-Anglican Protestants. Persecuted Catholics.

What was Charles I conflict with Parliament?

He wanted money to end war between Spain/ France and Parliament refused. So he got rid of Parliament


House of Lords North and West of Englands Aristocracy Large Landowners Chruch Officals More rural

Order of kings

James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II.

Charles II had to pass his throne to his brother

James II of England.

What was included in the Prtition of Right?

King couldnt collect taxes without Parliaments consent. couldnt imprinsion people without reason. troops were no longer housed in private homes. Couldnt delclare martial law unless at war.

Son of King Charles I

King Charles II, became known as the Merry Monarch.

War of Roses was between who?

Lancaster (red roses) and House of York (white roses)

Charles I needed money so like his father he did what?

Landowners give loans, jailed if refused. forced people to house the soldiers and used the military to enforce laws.

What was the Petition of right?

Limited power upon the king. Put on Charles I. 1. Couldnt collect taxes without Paliaments consent. 2.Couldnt imprison people without reason. 3.troops could no longer be housed in private homes under force. 4. Couldnt declare martial law unless at war.

What was the Clarendon Law?

Made Church Of Enland a Sate Religion.

Princess Cathrine of Portugal

Married King Charles II mostly to keep peace in England.

After the death of King James II the thrown went to his daughter names

Mary II, who is Protestant.

Who excuted King Charles I

Oliver Cromwell, Military leader also controlled Parliament.

Charles I

Opposed Puritans. Married a Catholic.

Who wo the English Civil War?

Parliamentarians, also known as the Roundheads.

Charles I reactivated Parliament and made him sign what doucument?

Petition of Right

What three political institutions contibuted to the evolution of Britian's constituional goverment?

Political Parties:Tories and Whigs. Cabinet Sysytem: Group of Parlialment leaders led by Prince George I. Primeminster leads the Cabinet

What did Puritans want?

Reforms in Church for England.

What was king Charles I reaction to Parliaments 19 propostions?

Refused new laws and sent his military to arrest the Parliament at the House of Commons.

He was the head of the goverment and church during his reign, James I also did what?

Refused to act on puritans requests, later forced puritans to leave England after helping scholars translate the Bible to english. Known as King James Bible.

James II was?

Roman Catholic Parliament passed the Exclusion Bill in 1679

What was the result of the English Civil war?

Roundheads won, General Cromwell of Calviers executed King Charles I.


Roundheads. South and East of England. Puritans merchants townspeople more urban. House of Commons.

Act of Settlement

Stated the Roman Catholic could not inherit the English throne.

Marry II married William III of Netherlands, together they led what?

The Glorious Revolution meaning wihtout war.

What was Cromwells tittle after the civil war?

The Lord Protector.

Catholis were denied what?

The right to vote and sit in the Westminster Parliament for over a centruy. Monarch forbidden to be a Catholic or to marry a Catholic, a prohobition still in force.

What was the compromise of Tories and Whigs?

Tories agreed to defeat Exclusion Bill if the Whigs accepted the Principle of Habeas Corpus.

Indivual Rights

Trial by Jail, limit on bail, rights to appeal, finally no crule punishment.


Wanted James II off of throne.


Wanted to keep the heredity line.

King James II would not accept creating to political parties named

Whigs and Tories.


also know as royalist. were armed horsemen royalist supporter to King Charles I during English Civil War

How did British society remain divided?

an Oligarchy goverment. highest nobles seated ing "House of Lords." Wealthy High Class, brought up frams and took over common lands. A strong Middle Class, could improve social standing by marrying up, also had talented inventors and entrepreneurs.

Charles I forced Parliament back in after vanishment for 11 yrs when?

for money and support.

Charles I tried to control Scotland and by doing so he

forced Calvinst Chruch of Scotland to accept Chruch of Englands prayer book.

What were the restrictions of Charles II when he was set on the throne?

he did not have absolute athrotity the religious athority, practiced church of England. but his actual faith was Roman Catholic.

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