History Exam 4- Lesson 23

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Which of the following are consequences of the Black Death?

Decrease in population, decrease in trade, and use of death as a thee in artwork

What other parts of the world were affeced by the bubonic plague?

Egypt, China, Europe, Middle East, the Mongols

Which of the following areas were affected by the Black Death/

Egypt, China, and the Middle East

How did the bubonic plague spread from China to Europe?

First in southwestern China, then part of the Mongol Empire. From there it spread across Central Asia by way of Mongol armies and merchant caravans, arriving in the ports of the Black Se. From there Genoese ships traveling from the Crimea in southern Russia brought the plaque to Messina, from which it spread across Sicily and into Italy. From Italy it traveled in all directions.

What were the results of the Black Death?

In short term the economic effects of the plaque were severe because the death of many peasants disrupted food production. But in the long term the dramatic decline in population eased pressure on the land, and wages per capita wealth rose for those who survived. The psychological consequences of the plague were profound. Some people sought release in wild living, while others turned to the severest forms of ascetism and frenzied religious fervor.

Bubonic Plague

In this type of plague, the bacteria move into the lymph nodes in the armpits, neck, or groin, which causes them to swell, resulting in the classic sign of the plague, the bubo. Buboes are accompanied by a high fever, delirium, and bleeding under the skin, resulting in dark splotches. These splotches may be the origin of the term "Black Death." For between 30 and 70 percent of those who catch the plague, death follows between two and four days later.


Medieval author who wrote "The Decameron". He gave two possible reasons for why the plague had come: it was either because of the influence of the celestial bodies, or a punishment from God. He also recognized that Europe was not the source of the original outbreak. Hs description of the plague was almost certainly wrong and could have brought anxiety to the people.

What was the casue of the Black Death? How did the people react ot it?

Most people believed that the Black Death was caused by poisons or by "corrupted air" that carried the diseases from place to place. They sought to keep poisons from entering the body by smelling or ingesting strong-smelling herbs, and they tried to remove the poisons through bloodletting. They also prayed and di penance. Anxiety and fears about the plague caused people to loo for scapegoats, and they found them in the Jews, who believed they had poisoned the wells of Christian communities and thereby infected the drinking water. This led to the murder of thousands of Jews across Europe. The plague is caused by a bacteria known as Yersinia pestis. Plague is a disease of small rodents like prairie dogs, the black rat, and marmots. It can infect humans, gerbils, squirrels, camels, chickens, pigs, dogs, and cats. The plague is an extremely virulent disease, so the bacteria needs a host that can reproduce quickly in order for it to be successful as an organism. It is carried by the rat flea from rat to rat, and it can be carried by thirty-one species of rats. When the rat dies, the flea moves to a new host. It prefers rats, but if no rats are around, then it will move to humans. The flea ingests blood with the bacteria in it, which can be transferred to its host by biting.

Saint Roch

Most popular plague saint. He was a new saint who died of the plague while tending other plague victims. He's always portrayed pointing to the bubo on his thigh and with a dog because, according to legend, a dog brought him bread to keep him alive.

Which of the following were reactions to the Black Death in Europe?

Questioning of the power o the church, dtrengthening of devotion to the church, and qaurantines for ships in harbors

How were the first world system economy and the Black Death related?

The Black Death brought about the decline of the first world system economy

What si the plgaue, and what causes it? What were the major plague outbreaks in history?

The disease normally afflicts rats. Fleas living on the infected rats drink their blood and pass the bacteria that cause the plague on to the next rat they bite. Usually the disease is limited to rats and other rodents, but at certain points in history the fleas have jumped from their rodent hosts to humans and other animals. The first major plague outbreak was the plague of Justinian in 542-542. The second was the bubonic plague. The third was the epidemic that started in China in the 1860's and spread through steamships and railways to the rest of the world.

Black Death

The plague that first struck Europe in 1347, killing perhaps one-third of the population.


Wandering bands of men who traveled from town to town putting on plays that represented the sins they and committed, like perjury, usery, adultery, and murder. Then they stripped to the waist and whipped themselves with knotted cords. They did this both as penance for their won sins and to warn others to repent as well.

What did Boccaccio think caused the plague?

punishment from God

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